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Original Article | Open Access | Aust. J. Eng. Innov. Technol., 2023; 5(4), 163-191 | doi: 10.34104/ajeit.023.01630019

Selection of Bus Rapid Transit Corridor for Kabul City, Afghanistan: A Case Study

Waheedullah Islam* Mail Img


This thesis presents a comprehensive study on the selection of a Bus Rapid Transit  (BRT) corridor in Kabul. The objective of this study is to identify the most suitable corridor for BRT implementation, based on the needs and preferences of the local population, as well as the technical and operational requirements of the BRT system. The study employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, including field surveys, interviews, and literature reviews. A multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) framework was used to analyze the data, taking into account a variety of factors including travel demand, land use characteristics, road infrastructure, and environmental implications. The results of the study indicate that [Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara Shamali] is the most suitable corridor for BRT implementation, based on its high travel demand, mixed land use characteristics, and existing road infrastructure. The study also identified a set of key success factors and challenges for BRT implementation in the selected corridor, such as the need for adequate financing and institutional support, the importance of stakeholder engagement and public awareness, and the need for effective integration with other modes of transport. The present methodology combines both, existing travel demand estimates and feasibility analysis in terms of traffic and road infrastructure characteristics for the selection and phasing of BRT corridors. Overall, this study contributes to the body of knowledge on BRT corridor selection, and it provides valuable insights for policymakers, planners, and transit professionals who are interested in implementing BRT systems in similar contexts. The study also highlights the importance of conducting rigorous and transparent selection processes that consider a range of factors, beyond technical and operational considerations, to ensure the success and sustainability of BRT systems. 


Transportation planning plays a crucial role in the development & sustainability of urban areas (Wright L., 2007) As cities grow and populations increase, the demand for efficient and reliable transportation be-comes more pronounced (Levinson, 2012). Effective transportation planning helps to address the diverse mobility needs of residents, promotes economic deve-lopment, enhances social equity, & contributes to environmental sustainability (UITP, 2019). Efficient and sustainable transportation systems are crucial for the overall development of cities (Transportation Co-operative Research Program. Report 90, 2003). They enable the smooth movement of people & goods, sup-porting economic activities & enhancing productivity. Reliable transportation networks facili-tate the daily commute, ensuring that individuals can access edu-cation, healthcare, employment opportunities, and other essential services efficiently. Additionally, efficient transportation infrastructure is instrumental in attracting investments, fostering business develop-ment, and promoting economic vitality within urban areas (PACIONE, Urban Geography (2nd Edition), 2008).

Fig. 1: Multi Model Urban Planning, MoUD.

Kabul city, like many urban centers, faces significant challenges related to transportation. Traffic congestion is a pressing issue, resulting in long travel times, increased fuel consumption, and productivity losses (Samiullah, 2019). The lack of well-planned road networks, inadequate public transportation options, & limited alternative modes of transport further increase the problem (Zafari, 2016). This congestion not only hampers economic activities but also impacts the overall quality of life for residents, leading to frustra-tion and reduced livability. Inadequate public trans-portation is another challenge faced by Kabul city (Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, 2019). A reliable and comprehensive public transportation system is vital for providing affordable and accessible mobility options to a large population. However, Kabuls existing public trans-portation infrastructure may not adequately meet the needs of the growing population (Aziz, Assessment of Sustainable Trans-portation Planning in Kabul City: Problems and Prospects, 2017; Niazy et al., 2023).

Fig. 2: Urban Planning & Management, MoUD.

This situation places a heavy reliance on private vehicles, further contributing to traffic congestion and air pollution. Environmental concerns are also signi-ficant in urban areas, including Kabul city. Air pollu-tion and greenhouse gas emissions from the trans-portation industry have a negative impact on both the environment and public health. As the population increases and vehicle ownership rises, the environ-mental impact becomes more pronounced. Promoting sustainable forms of mobility, such as public trans-portation, walking, and cycling, and mini-mising the use of private vehicles can help solve these issues (Zafari, 2016). Transportation planning is of para-mount importance in urban areas, including Kabul city. An efficient and sustainable transportation system is crucial for the development, economic growth, and improved livability of cities. Addressing challenges related to traffic congestion, inadequate public transportation, and environmental concerns requires comprehensive transportation planning strate-gies that prioritize the needs of the population and promote sustainable mobility options. By focusing on these aspects, Kabul city can work towards creating a more efficient, accessible, & environmentally friendly transportation system that benefits its residents and supports its overall development.

An Overview of the BRT system

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a high-quality public transportation system that combines rail transits efficiency with buses flexibility. It is intended to satisfy the mobility needs of urban regions by provid-ing rapid, dependable, & comfortable transit services. BRT systems, like other kinds of public transit, have the potential to have a considerable impact on urban economic, social, and environmental growth, however the economic impact of BRT has received less attention to yet (Nelson, 2011). Here is an overview of BRT systems, including their characteristics and advantages:

Fig. 3: Transit Map of Kabul city, Source: (SASAKI, 2015).

The Definiation & Features of BRT

The Federal Transit Administration defines BRT as a "rapid mode of transportation that can combine the quality of rail transit with the flexibility of buses." (Thomas, 2001). 

Fig. 4: BRT Elements ((UITP), 2019).

Bus Rapid Transit is a high-quality, customer-oriented mode of urban transportation that provides quick, comfortable, & low-cost urban mobility. BRT systems include some or all of the following components; many of them can also help to improve normal bus services (Anwar, 2012).

Modern bus stops that are more like bus "stations," with pre-board ticketing and comfort-table waiting areas; 

Dedicated bus corridors with strong physical separation from other traffic lanes.

Big, roomy, comfortable, and ideally low-emis-sion buses. 

Physical avoidance of buses (such using under-passes) or signal priority for buses at crossings. 

Coordinating the development of new feeder routes to the bus station with drivers of smaller buses and Para transit vehicles. 

Integrated ticketing, which, where possible, per-mits free transfers across transit operators and modes (bus, tram, metro). 

The use of GPS or other locating technologies with a central control centre that keeps track of the location of the bus at all times and enables quick problem-solving. 

Information about anticipated bus arrival timings is displayed in real-time. 

Convenient station access for taxis, pedestrians, and cyclists, as well as sufficient bike storage. 

New licensing, regulation, and operator payment procedures for buses. 

Park and ride lots for stations outside the urban center;

Land-use reform to promote larger densities near to BRT stations. 

BRT services are faster, more frequent, have better information, and are more comfortable than normal bus services. BRT is an umbrella term for infrastruc-ture, vehicles, urban design, and administration (Wright, 2007).

Advantages of BRT Systems (Belhaj, 2017)

There are many reasons for developing BRT systems. 

1. Reduced Travel Times: BRT systems, with their dedicated bus lanes and efficient operations, significantly reduce travel times compared to regular bus services. This is achieved by by-passing traffic congestion and ensuring faster and more reliable journeys. Furthermore, when com-paring average boarding and alighting times between the BRT system and the current bus service, it is clear that the BRT system is 20 times faster (Anwar, 2012). 

2. Improved Reliability: By operating in dedicated lanes and having priority at intersections, BRT systems offer greater reliability in terms of sche-duling & adherence to timetables. Passengers can rely on BRT services for predictable and consis-tent travel times.

3. Increased Capacity: BRT systems can accommo-date large volumes of passengers due to their high-capacity vehicles & efficient boarding pro-cesses. This helps address the demand for public transportation in densely populated urban areas. The passenger capacity of a bi-articulated bus is 250 and even more in double bi-articulated bus.

4. Enhanced Passenger Experience: BRT systems often provide improved passenger amenities, such as comfortable stations, real-time informa-tion displays, & efficient fare collection systems. These features contribute to a more pleasant and user-friendly travel experience.

5. Environmental Benefits: BRT systems help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging a shift from private vehicles to public transporta-tion. 

6. By providing an attractive and efficient alter-native, BRT can contribute to decreased traffic congestion and improved air quality in urban areas (Project, 2016).

7. Higher Speed - It is found that the average speed of large and double decker buses are 13.7 and 17.22 km/hr respectively, whereas average oper-ating speed of BRT is 25 km/hr. 

8. Decrease Delay of Intersection - Intersection is the most critical part of the road network and the significant delay occurs in every intersection particularly in mix mode operation like Dhaka. From a study on Uttara to Motijheel route, it is found that there are 8 critical intersections where, the total delay time on these intersections vary from 25 to 60 minutes, 42.5 minute on in average in the peak hour especially evening peak hour (Rahman 2008). Because of signal priority, BRT would not experience this issue, and thus has the ability to decrease a large source of delay in bus operations. 

9. Increased operational cost-efficiency - When BRT service is introduced to a corridor, indicators of operating efficiency such as the passengers per revenue hour, subsidy per passenger mile, and subsidy per passenger can improve. 

10. Improved environmental quality - By attracting high-quality users & employing modern auto-mobiles with cleaner engine systems and emissi-ons controls, BRT may enhance air quality, noise levels, and general congestion. 

11. transport-friendly land development - Investm-ents in BRT infrastructure and related streetscape enhancements, like other high-quality transport modes, may result in favourable development effect. 

Overall, BRT systems offer numerous advantages that make them an effective solution for urban transporta-tion challenges. The combination of dedicated lanes, high-capacity vehicles, efficient boarding processes, & passenger amenities results in reduced travel times, improved reliability, increased capacity, and environ-mental benefits. These factors make BRT an attractive option for cities looking to enhance their public trans-portation infrastructure and provide efficient mobility solutions to their residents.

Global Trend of implementing BRT systems

BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) systems have achieved out-standing success in many cities all over the world. These systems, which stand out for their designated bus lanes, premium vehicles, and excellent operations, have shown to be successful in managing urban transit issues. The success figures associated with BRT imple-mentation are impressive. For instance, the Trans-Milenio BRT system in cities like Bogotá, Colombia, has cut commute times by 27% and accident rates by 48%. More than 75% of trips in the Brazilian city of Curitiba are now taken on public transportation as a result of the Rede Integrada de Transporte (Integrated Transportation Network) BRT systems installation. BRT systems also have improved air quality and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, which have posi-tive effects on the environment. 

These success statis-tics demonstrate how BRT may be a sustainable, cost-effective way to increase accessi-bility, improve urban mobility, & offer citizens ex-cellent transport services. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems have become widely used, with many cities and nations accepting the latest form of urban transit. Here is a succinct rundown of the effective BRT systems that have been implemented around the world, along with their effects on sustainability and urban mobility:

Curitiba, Brazil: Curitiba is often recognized as the pioneer of BRT systems (Levinson H. Z., 2003). In the 1970s, it established the Rede Integrada de Transporte (Integrated Transportation Network), which became a model for BRT around the world. The system features dedicated bus lanes, high-frequency services, & efficient integration with other modes of transporta-tion. 

Fig. 5: Curitiba Metrobus - tube station and typical vehicles.

Bogotá, Colombia: The TransMilenio BRT system in Bogotá is one of the most renowned BRT projects globally. It has significantly improved mobility and accessibility for residents, reducing travel times and providing a reliable transportation option. The system incorporates dedicated bus lanes, modern stations, and high-capacity articulated buses.

Fig. 6: Bogotá TransMilenio - median busway and stations.

- Guangzhou, China: The Guangzhou BRT system, launched in 2010, has been highly successful in improving urban mobility. It features dedicated bus lanes, efficient fare collection systems, and real-time information displays. The system has reduced travel times, increased the efficiency of public transportation, and encouraged a shift from private vehicles to buses.

- Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbuls Metrobüs system is another notable BRT project. It has played a crucial role in the addressing the citys traffic congestion and improving public transportation options. The system offers dedicated bus lanes along major corridors, high-capacity buses, and advanced fare collection systems.

In recent years, numerous Asian cities have adopted BRTS more often. The 12.9 km Trans Jakarta bus route was established in 2004 and runs through the heart of the city. As part of the citys public trans-portation reform, Seoul erected BRT routes, while Beijing began first-stage commercial BRT operation (Naoko, 2006). The BRT systems initial phase has been implemented place in Delhi, India (RITES, 2005). On that specific BRT section, however, this created a few accidents and traffic snarls, and the extension of the same has been put on hold until some of the design concerns are resolved.

Integration into Transportation Networks

- BRT systems have been integrated into the trans-portation networks of various cities, comple-men-ting existing modes of transportation. They often connect with rail systems, providing seam-less transfers and enhancing overall mobility options for passengers.

- BRT systems have demonstrated success in lowe-ring the use of private vehicles and traffic conges-tion. They encourage people to use public transport for their regular travels by offering a dependable and effective substitute, lowering the number of cars on the road.

- BRT systems have helped to lower greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. These program-mes aid in lowering pollution and the environmen-tal impact of transportation by encouraging the use of buses rather than private vehicles.

- Successful BRT projects have also influenced urban planning strategies, leading to the deve-lopment of transit-oriented development (TOD) around BRT corridors. This approach fosters mixed-use develop-ment, walkability, & impro-ved access to services and amenities.

The global trend of implementing BRT systems has demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing urban mobility, sustainability, & public transportation options. Successful projects in various cities and countries have showcased the positive impact of BRT systems, such as reduced travel times, improved accessibility, reduced congestion, & environmental benefits. Inte-gration of BRT into transportation net-works has contributed to a modal shift from private vehicles to public transportation, leading to more sustainable and efficient urban transportation systems.

BRT in the context of Kabul city

The capital city of Afghanistan, Kabul, is located in the countrys northeastern region among mountains at an elevation of roughly 1800 metres above sea level, at 34°31′ north latitude and 69°11′ longitude. Figure following illustrates the citys 22 districts and total area of 1023 km2 (JICA, 2011). The city is divided into two sections by the Asmaye and Sher Darwaza moun-tains. Due to the inefficiency of the two main roads connec-ting these areas relative to the demand for city trans-portation, the transportation routes were structured using a radial model (Noori, 2010). Kabul Citys population and traffic are both expanding quickly. There are approximately 600,000 automobiles using the citys existing transport system, and the population is close to 5 million (Alami, 2018) . 

Table 1: Vehicles in Kabul City (Directorate, 2016).

Fig. 7: The number of vehicles in Kabul is increasing accordingly (Alami, 2018).

In Kabul, roads have a radial shape and extend out-ward from the citys centre. The network is made up of paved arterial roads, which are wider; secondary roads, which connect arterial roads and often have 2-3 paved lanes; and neighbourhood and local or country roads, which are normally 1-2 lanes and unpaved. Nearly all of the important roads have been resurfaced as a result of the effective KM Development Programme, and several subsidiary and neighbourhood roads are paved every year. (SASAKI, 2015). The existing transport system in Kabul faces several challenges, including:

Traffic congestion: Kabul is a rapidly growing city, and the existing road network is unable to handle the increasing volume of traffic. As a result, traffic congestion is a major challenge, leading to long travel times and increased air pollution (Haroun, 2019).

Lack of infrastructure: Kabul lacks modern transportation infrastructure, including dedicated bus lanes, bus stops, and terminals, which makes it difficult to implement a reliable and efficient public transportation system (Noori, 2010).

Fig. 8: Maiwand Avenue, Kabul (Alami, 2018).

Fig. 9: Road Traffic Condition, Kote Sangi (Hanak, 2016).

Poor quality of roads: Many of the roads in Kabul are in poor condition, with potholes and other damage, which increases travel time, leads to increased vehicle maintenance costs, and makes transportation more difficult.

Inadequate public transportation system: The existing public transportation system in Kabul is largely informal and unregulated, with shared taxis and mini-buses dominating the market. These modes of transportation lack standards for safety, reliability, and comfort, which results in overcrowding, long waiting times, and poor service quality (Alami, 2018).

Fig. 10: Millie Bus Public Transportation in Kabul (Hanak, 2016).

Lack of resources: Afghanistan is a poor country with few resources for investing in transport infrastructure and services. This makes addres-sing existing transport issues and improving the quality of Kabuls transport infrastructure diffi-cult.

Safety Concerns: The informal transportation sector in Kabul raises safety concerns, as there is a lack of regulations and proper monitoring. This can impact the safety and security of passengers.                                   

These transportation challenges in Kabul contribute to reduced mobility, increased travel times, environ-mental degradation, and overall dissatisfaction among residents. Addressing these challenges requires a com-prehensive transportation planning approach, including the introduction of efficient and sustainable solutions like a well-designed BRT system, which can alleviate congestion, improve air quality, enhance accessibility, and provide a reliable public transportation option for the residents of Kabul.

The need for a BRT corridor in Kabul 

Currently, around a third of total trips in Kabul rely on walking, and the most popular public transportation is Micro Bus. The current number of vehicles per day (VPD) is around 419,000. However, with the rapid increase of transportation demand, and the foreseeable increase in private car ownership, this VPD number could increase 10 times (SASAKI, 2015). Without an implemented BRT network and substantial ridership, the road network will be non-functional as private vehicles would be the only way to get long distances across the city. In this scenario, private cars would overwhelm the roads. A fully operational BRT system will reduce private car ownership and reduce VPD by nearly 75%. This is because one BRT can hold roughly 100-200 passengers, while a private car can only hold 4 at maximum. If no BRT system were built, private vehicles could reach 40% in Kabuls modal split, which would result in almost 4 million VPD for cars only. With one BRT system, the number drops to 1 million. Based on this analysis, implementing BRT should be, by far, the highest priority for the mobility sector if not all infrastructure systems. To improve the citys transport issues and enhance the general mobility and livability for its citizens, Kabul must develop a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route. Here are key justifications for the need of a BRT corridor in Kabul:

1) Addressing Traffic Congestion: Kabul experi-ences severe traffic congestion, resulting in pro-longed travel times and reduced productivity. A dedicated BRT corridor with exclusive bus lanes can bypass traffic congestion, providing faster and more reliable travel for the commuters. By offering efficient alternative to private vehicles, A BRT system can assist minimise traffic con-gestion by reducing the number of cars on the road (JICA, 2011).

2) Improving Air Quality: Kabul faces significant air pollution, partially due to vehicle emissions. Introducing a BRT system can encourage a shift from private vehicles to buses, leading to a re-duction in the greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants. By improving the efficiency of public transportation and reducing reliance on individual cars, a BRT corridor can contribute to improving air quality and creating a healthier environment for residents (Alami, 2018).

3) Enhancing Accessibility: The existing public transportation system in Kabul has limitations in terms of coverage, reliability, and comfort. A BRT corridor would provide a well-planned, high -quality transportation service with dedicated stations, efficient boarding processes, and reliable schedules. This would enhance accessibility for a larger population, including those who currently face challenges in accessing essential services, employment centers, education, and healthcare facilities (Bank, 2020).

4) Promoting Sustainable Urban Development: A BRT corridor supports the objectives of sustain-able urban growth. It emphasises a compact, development that emphasises transit, promotes the use of public transportation, and decreases the use of private vehicles. By integrating land use planning and transportation, a BRT corridor can stimulate the economic growth, enhance social equity, and create vibrant and walkable neighbor-hoods along the corridor.

5) Boosting Economic Productivity: A well-desig-ned BRT corridor can enhance economic produc-tivity by providing efficient transportation options for businesses, commuters, and visitors. Reduced travel times, reliable schedules, and improved accessibility contribute to increased efficiency in the movement of goods and services, attracting investments, and fostering economic development in Kabul (Ministry of Transport and Civil Avi-ation, 2020).

6) Enhancing Quality of Life: A BRT corridor would significantly improve the overall quality of life for residents in Kabul. It would offer a reliable and comfortable transportation option, reduce travel times, and provide a safer and more efficient mobility experience. Additionally, the improved public transportation options reduce the financial burden of car ownership, making trans-portation more affordable for residents (SASAKI, 2015).

Fig. 11: A map of current transportation routes in Kabul city (Municipality, 2017).

A BRT corridor in Kabul is necessary to address the citys transportation challenges. It can efficiently re-duce traffic congestion, enhance accessibility, improve air quality, support sustainable development, increase economic productivity, and improve inhabitants overall quality of life. Making a BRT system a top priority will help Kabul get far closer to being a more effective, sustainable, and livable city..

Objectives of the study

The objective of this thesis is to identify possible Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors for implementation in Kabul city and subsequently rank or prioritize these corridors for phasing. BRT systems have proven to be efficient and effective modes of transportation in various cities around the world, providing fast and reliable transit options for urban residents. In order to address the growing transportation needs in Kabul, it is crucial to determine suitable corridors that can accommodate a BRT system. This research aims to analyze the existing transportation infrastructure, traffic patterns, population density, and other relevant factors to identify potential BRT corridors. Further-more, a ranking or prioritization mechanism will be developed to determine the order in which these corridors should be implemented, taking into account factors such as feasibility, impact on traffic con-gestion, potential ridership, and connectivity with major destinations. The results of this research will be helpful for Kabuls urban planners and policymakers in helping them decide on and construct BRT lanes, thereby strengthening the citys transport system and the quality of life for its citizens.

Identifying potential/possible BRT corridors 

Prioritising or ranking potential BRT channels (corridors) for phasing

Problem Statement

The public transportation system in Kabul city is inadequate and inefficient, resulting in significant traffic congestion and air pollution. The existing bus system is slow, unreliable, and does not adequately serve the needs of the citys residents. Private vehicles are a dominant mode of transportation. Additionally low-income populations often lack access to afford-able transportation options, limiting their access to essential services and opportunities. To address these issues, the selection of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor for Kabul city is proposed. Therefore through this paper we try to identify the most suitable corridor for implementing a BRT system that meets the needs of the citys residents, improves the quality of life, and promotes sustainable development. The selection process should consider factors such as traffic flow, passenger demand, feasibility, physical and the social impacts, financial and economic viability, and acces-sibility to low-income populations. 

Importance of the study

The study on the selection of BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) corridor for Kabul city holds significant importance for several reasons. First and foremost, Kabul city is currently facing significant traffic congestion, which has resulted in increased travel time, air pollution, and decreased productivity. By supplying a quick, capa-cious, and dependable mode of public transit, the establishment of a BRT system in the city might be able to address these problems. Furthermore, the selection of a suitable BRT corridor is crucial to the success of the system. A poorly chosen corridor could result in low ridership, financial losses, and limited benefits to the city. Hence, the study on the selection of a BRT corridor in Kabul city is essential in identi-fying the most suitable route based on several factors such as passenger demand, travel patterns, physical and environmental constraints, and socio-economic factors. Additionally, the study is relevant in the context of sustainable development and the reduc-tion of greenhouse gas emissions. A well-designed BRT system has the potential to reduce private vehicle usage, resulting in reduced emissions and improved air quality. This aspect is particularly important in the context of Kabul city, which has been grappling with high levels of air pollution in recent years. Overall, the study on the selection of BRT corridor for Kabul city holds immense importance in addressing the citys transportation challenges, improving air quality, and promoting sustainable development. It is expected to provide valuable insights to policymakers and trans-portation planners, facilitating informed decision-making and contributing to the overall development of the city.

Review of Literature

Factors to consider in selecting a BRT corridor

For urban planners and politicians, choosing a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor for Kabul city is a crucial factor. BRT systems have grown in popularity recently as a viable and economical replacement for conventional mass transit systems. When choosing a BRT line for Kabul city, the following analysis of the literature gives a general overview of the important aspects to take into account.

1) Population Density: the areas population density is one of the most crucial considerations when choosing a BRT path. A high population density will ensure that the BRT system will have a high ridership and will be financially sustainable in the long run. Kabul city has a population of over 4 million people, which makes it an ideal location for a BRT system.

2) Traffic Congestion: Another important factor to consider is the level of traffic congestion in the proposed BRT corridor. A BRT system can only be effective if it can operate efficiently in a corri-dor with minimal traffic congestion. Kabul city is known for its high traffic congestion, which makes it important to select a BRT corridor that can minimize traffic congestion and reduce travel times.

3) Existing Transit Infrastructure: The existing transit infrastructure in Kabul city should also be con-sidered when selecting a BRT corridor. This includes existing bus routes, train lines, and other forms of mass transit. A BRT system should be designed to complement existing transit infra-structure and fill gaps in the current transit system.

4) Accessibility: Accessibility is another important factor to consider when selecting a BRT corridor. The BRT system should be designed to provide easy access to major destinations such as resi-dential areas, commercial centers, and educational institutions. This will ensure that the BRT system is convenient for users and will encourage rider-ship.

5) Cost: When choosing a BRT corridor, imple-mentation costs should also be taken into consi-deration. Depending on the size and complexity of the system, different BRT systems can be imple-mented at different costs. It is important to select a corridor that can be implemented within the budget constraints of the city.

6) Environmental Impact: Finally, the environmental impact of the BRT system should also be con-sidered when selecting a BRT corridor. By lowering carbon emissions and supporting envi-ronmentally friendly transportation, a BRT system can benefit the environment. The BRT corridor should be chosen to reduce the systems negative environmental effects.

In conclusion, a number of criteria, including popu-lation density, traffic congestion, existing transit infra-structure, accessibility, cost, & environmental impact, should be taken into account while choosing a BRT path for Kabul City. Planners and policymakers can choose a corridor that is economically viable, effec-tive, and user-accessible by taking these aspects into account.

A glance to the proposed BRT corridors in Kabul Master Plans

As we some agencies worked with relevant ministries to prepare a master plan for Kabul city. Two of them were made master plan for Kabul. One was JICA and the other was SASAKI. The SASAKI master plan is approved by the president Ashraf Ghani and presented to Kabul Municipality for implementation. The JICA master plan is not approved and still remain as draft. Both master plans proposed a BRT system as first need of improvement of public transportation system. We are going to have a brief look here to this BRT plans. 


Fig. 12: Location of public transport project.

Proposed BRT in JICA Master Plan

JICA Team first identify the effectiveness of public transport project and for achieving of this purpose they conducted traffic assignments. Four (4) different scenarios involving public transit are presumpted in this study. The assumed modal share of public trans-port is displayed in Table below.

After creating OD tables based on the aforementioned modal share, traffic allocations for the future road network are carried out. Fig. 12 displays the traffic assignment outcomes for each potential case in 2025, and Table below provides a summary.

Table 2: Assumed model share on person trip.

Table 3: Traffic assessment result of public transport alternative (Year 2025).

As previously indicated, certain severely congested parts are seen in the absence of public transport initiatives (Alternative 1). If BRT and/or LRT systems are implemented in 2025, traffic conditions on the routes that connect the New City and the current Kabul City will be improved. Based on the results of the demand prediction discussed above, the alter-native-4 is chosen as the public transport development plan in this master plan.

Proposed BRT in SASAKI Master Plan

The primary design principles described in the infra-structure component of this plan serve as the found-ation for the mobility strategy for the Kabul Frame-work Plans long-term vision. The basis of the app-roach to planning for the transport sector in Kabul is based on principles of sustainability, resiliency, finan-cial sustainability, and practical implementability.

The following design concepts show how SASAKI team select the BRT corridors for Kabul city?

Trip Generation

As the population of Kabul City continues to grow, the number of daily trips will soar as well. This great mobility demand calls for a comprehensive trans-portation system. Trips per person per day will also increase as the socioeconomic conditions improve. More people will go to work, school, for entertain-ment, and for daily urban life. Different districts show the different trip growth patterns. In District 1, for example, the trip generation rate is already quite high. The increase of the future trips mainly results from population growth and expansion of the city to the east. 

Mode Split

Currently, around a third of total trips in Kabul rely on walking, and the most popular public transportation is Micro Bus. The current number of vehicles per day (VPD) is around 419,000. However, with the rapid increase of transportation demand, and the foreseeable increase in private car ownership, this VPD number could increase 10 times. Without an implemented BRT network and substantial ridership, the road network will be non-functional as private vehicles would be the only way to get long distances across the city. In this scenario, private cars would overwhelm the roads. A fully operational BRT system will reduce private car ownership and reduce VPD by nearly 75%. This is because one BRT can hold roughly 100-200 passen-gers, while a private car can only hold 4 at maximum. If no BRT system were built, private vehicles could reach 40% in Kabuls modal split, which would result in almost 4 million VPD for cars only. With one BRT system, the number drops to 1 million, as shown in Table. Based on this analysis, implementing BRT should be, by far, the highest priority for the mobility sector if not all infrastructure systems.

To enhance public transit and provide alternative modes of transport, a BRT system consisting of 7 lines is proposed. The network traverses the city in the north-south and east-west directions. A full-scale BRT system has the potential to dramatically mitigate traffic congestion in Kabul.  Eventually, Kabul might have a BRT system that connects the entire city. The network is built to perform similarly to a high-capacity public transit system, such a tube system, but at a far lower cost and with a capacity that is equivalent.

Proposed BRT in Khatib and Alami Master Plan

A traffic model covering the existing road network within the study area was developed with help of JICA, 2011 report and other relevant information provided by Kabul Municipality. The model was developed using PTV VISUM software. The model developed to the analyze the traffic flow conditions pertaining to the Base year (2018) and Horizon Year (2030). The traffic flows in the Kabul city without and with BRT have   been  compared  using   the   goal  year  2030  predicted

model. Using PTV VISUM software, the road net-work, including all 43 zones, 499 nodes, and 1,204 linkages, was coded in order to create the base year (2018) traffic model for the city of Kabul. 

In order to develop the Base Year 2018 Model based on the traffic count survey data OriginDestinations (O-D) surveys were analyzed and expanded using Average Daily Traffic (ADT) to estimate the base year O-D matrices. 

From the daily total mode wise matrices, peak hour matrices have been estimated for the A.M. peak which is the worst case scenario. 

The average occupancy for the car and bus is con-sidered as 3.3 and 50 respectively. Target year 2030 model is developed with help of forecasted and calibrated base year model.

The development aim of target year traffic model is to review the prevailing traffic condition and to study the feasibility of public transit primarily high speed BRT in order to reduce the traffic congestion and maximise the saving in travel time. At present taxi mode share is varying between 30 – 40 % among all available private modes of transportation so it was expected to observe the potential modal shift from taxi to BRT with strong inclusion of political will, support and transport poli-cies. Four (4) scenarios for the target year have been developed to study the feasibility of high speed BRT; 

1) Scenario 1(With BRT Introduction) 

2) Scenario 2(With BRT Introduction and considering  

    15% modal shift from cars to public transport) 

3) Scenario 3(With BRT Introduction and considering 

    20% modal shift from cars to public transport) 

4) Scenario 4(With BRT Introduction and considering 

    25% modal shift from cars to public transport)

The summaries of BRT demand for all potential BRT route and for all scenarios considered for the target year have been presented below; 

It is advised that BRT be proposed with scenario 4, which calls for a 25% modal shift from cars to buses, for the target year. Adopting it is advised in order to decrease travel time, traffic, the frequency of acci-dents, and pollution. The priority of BRT phasing is proposed to start from BRT route 1, BRT route 6, BRT route 3, BRT route 5, BRT route 2 and BRT route 7.

Fig. 13: Kabul BRT masterplan network 200 for model input.


Study Area & Data Collection 

The study region for "selection of BRT corridor for Kabul city" would be Afghanistans capital city, Kabul. The study would focus on identifying potential corridors for the BRT system and evaluating them based on various criteria such as traffic flow, passen-ger demand, feasibility, physical and social impacts, financial and economic viability, and accessibility to low-income populations. The data for this paper is collect and prepare from different agencies and authorities which breifly describe as follow:

- Existing transportation system data: 

- The information on the current bus system, in-cluding routes, schedules and passenger volume is collect from Kabul Municipality, Millie Bus com-pany and Khatib & Alami surveys. the data also include road network & traffic flow in Kabul city.

- Socio-economic data: Data on population density, demographics, income levels, and employment patterns is collected from Kabul Municipality and JICA 2011 Master plan for Kabul city, 

- Land use data: Information on land use patterns and the location of major activity centers such as residential areas, commercial areas, and edu-cational institutions is collected from Public Trans-portation Directorate of Kabul Municipality. 

- Geographic data: Geographic information system (GIS) data would be collected to create maps of the study area, including administrative boun-daries, land use, and transportation networks.

- The data collection methods are include a com-bination of primary and secondary sources, such as literature review, interviews, and data from gove-rnment agencies and other organizations. The data would be analyzed using statistical techniques and GIS software to identify potential corridors for the BRT system and evaluate them based on various criteria.

The research methodology involves five steps that are aimed at identifying the most suitable corridors for implementing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in a given urban area (Debapratim Pandit, 2010). The first step : Partitioning the urban area into separate zones for traffic study is the first step, and it is based on a number of variables including administrative boun-daries, land use patterns, population distribution, and current road and bus routes. This stage is crucial since it gives the rest of the research methodologys steps an organised structure. In the second step, you identify the routes or links that meet the travel demands of the population in the various zones. You then concentrate on the bus routes that serve these links to select the routes with high travel demand, which are potential candidates for BRT. The third step involves estimating the ridership along the initially identified routes to identify probable BRT corridors. This stage is essential because it makes sure that the routes chosen have a high potential for ridership, which is a significant component in evaluating whether BRT can be imple-mented. The fourth phase involves evaluating road inventory data, such as right of way, right of way, number of important intersections, delay, and existing volume to capacity ratio, to assess the viability of establishing BRT along the designated corridors. This step checks that the identified corridors match the requirements for BRT implementation and assesses how feasible it would be to establish BRT along those lines. Finally, in the fifth step, you determine the priority of developing the identified corridors based on the ridership potential and feasibility criteria. You assign scores for each aspect and then calculate the total score for each corridor. The corridors with higher scores are deemed more suitable for BRT implement-ation and thus given priority.

In summary, The research methodology provides a structured approach for identifying the most suitable corridors for implementing BRT in a given urban area. The methodology ensures that the corridors selected have high ridership potential, meet the necessary feasibility criteria, and are given priority based on their overall suitability for BRT implementation.

The type of BRT system implemented, such as an open or close type BRTS, will depend on implement-tation concerns, operational considerations, and inte-gration issues, even though potential BRT corridors might be identified using the current methodology (Wright, 2007).

District/Zones Identification

In order to achieve homogeneity in the distribution of land uses as well as opulation and density in a com-prehensive manner, Kabul city is split into 22 districts based on administrative boundaries, existing road and transit networks, and other factors. Table 1 lists the administrative boundaries of the zones and key locations within each zone. Table displays various zone characteristics, including area, total population, population density, and the dominating land use.

Fig. 14:  Kabul City Districts (JICA, 2011).

Table 4: Kabul City Population (Source JICA, 2011).

Identification of high travel demand routes: 

To identify high travel demand routes for a proposed BRT system, several methods can be used:

1) Conducting a travel demand survey: A travel demand survey can be conducted to identify the most popular routes and travel patterns among commuters. This can be done through a com-bination of online surveys, in-person interviews, and other data collection methods.

2) Analyzing existing public transportation data: Existing public transportation data can provide the insights into which routes have the highest ridership and demand. This data can be collected from the ticket sales, transit card usage, and other sources.

3) Conducting traffic and mobility analysis: Traffic and mobility analysis can provide insights into the most congested routes and corridors in the city. This analysis can be conducted using tools such as GIS and traffic simulation software.

4) Examining land use patterns: Land use patterns can provide insights into the areas with the highest concentration of residential and commer-cial activity. These areas are likely to have the highest travel demand and may be the most suitable for a BRT system.

5) Engaging with stakeholders: Engaging with the stakeholders such as community groups, busi-nesses, and government agencies can provide the valuable insights into the transportation needs and priorities of different groups. This can help to identify high travel demand routes that may have been overlooked in other analyses.

By using a combination of these methods, it is possible to identify the high travel demand routes in a city and develop a BRT system that meets the needs of com-muters and improves mobility and accessibility. An essential first step in choosing high travel demand routes for a proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Kabul city is the analysis of current public trans-portation data. In this regard, it may be possible to determine the most well-liked and in-demand routes in the city using the information gathered from the Millie Bus Agency and KM (Kabul Municipality). These sources can provide data on the sale of tickets as well as other pertinent information about the use of public transport in Kabul. Based on variables including the quantity of passengers, the frequency of service, and journey times, this data can be used to discover the routes with the most ridership and demand. Each of the current bus routes operating along a corridor chosen for BRT trunk infrastructure will typically be ranked according to two criteria: Frequency (and, if possible, occupancy) of bus routes in each direction; The percentage of the existing bus route that travels the corridor.

A certain minimum cutoff for the above two criteria is typically used to decide which routes should be included in the system and which routes should be left to operate outside the system, rerouted, or cut. This applies a policy minimum of four buses per hour and at least 20% of the total length inside the BRT corridor before a route can be considered for inclusion in the BRT system (ITDP), 2016). According to BRT guide-line, the following routes have been proposed for consideration based on their length and potential for BRT implementation.

Table 5: Proposed Routes for BRT Corridor (Aman, 2022).

1) Kote Sange-Cinema Pamir-Karte Now: This route is 11,910 meters in length and connects Kote Sange to Karte Now via Cinema Pamir. It passes through several busy areas and could potentially serve as a major BRT corridor in the city.

2) Darulaman-Cinema Pamir-Maidan Hawai: With a length of 15,978 meters, this route connects Darulaman to Maidan Hawai via Cinema Pamir. It passes through residential areas as well as com-mercial districts and could provide an efficient transit option for commuters.

3) Sarai Shamali - Deh Afghanan-Velayati: This route is 11,233 meters in length and connects Sarai Shamali to Velayati via Deh Afghanan. It passes through several densely populated areas and could serve as an important BRT corridor to improve mobility and accessibility.

4) Rahi Qambar-Deh Afghanan-Karte Now: With a length of 17,085 meters, this route connects 4 Rahi Qambar to Karte Now via Deh Afghanan. It passes through busy commercial areas and residential neighborhoods, making potential BRT corridor.

5) Dasht e Barchi - Cinema Pamir - Maidan Hawai: This route is the longest proposed corridor, with a length of 21,393 meters. It connects Dasht e Bar-chi to Maidan Hawai via Cinema Pamir and passes through several residential and commercial areas. It has the potential to significantly improve public transportation options for residents in these areas.

6) Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali: This route is 12,614 meters in length and connects Kote Sangi to Sarai Shamali via Deh Afghanan. It passes through several commercial districts and residential areas, making it a potential BRT cor-ridor to improve mobility and accessibility in these areas.

To ensure that the BRT system is put in place in locations where it would have the most impact on decreasing congestion and satisfying the demands of the population for transport, it is essential to identify high travel demand routes. For further investigation, routes with a higher density of bus routes or a higher number of overlapping bus routes were chosen. However, as the majority of the bus routes in Kabul are quite roundabout in character, different links within a same route have varying numbers of bus lines.  As a result, the table below considers and displays bus routes that connect the relevant travel demand zones and essentially cover the whole trip. The number of buses and ridership increase as the number of over-lapping bus routes increases.

Fig. 15: Routes for Proposed BRT, ArcMap (Source: Drafted by author).

Table 6: Overlapping Bus routes, high travel demand.

The chart lists the number of bus routes that cross each other on various routes and links in an urban area. A key element in estimating the likelihood of esta-blishing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along these routes is the number of bus lines that cross each other. Route 1, which runs from Kote Sangi to Sara e Shamali via Deh Afghanan, has the highest number of overlapping bus routes at 15. This indicates that the route has a high ridership potential and could benefit from BRT implementation. Similarly, Route 5, which runs from Dasht e Barchi to Maidan Hawai via Cinama Pamir, has 14 overlapping bus routes, indicating that it also has a high potential for BRT implementation. The routes 2, 3, 4, and 6 also have a significant number of overlapping bus routes, ranging from 9 to 13. These routes could be potential candidates for BRT imple-mentation, although further feasibility studies would be required to determine their suitability.

Table 7: Population - Based Trip Generation (SAS-AKI, 2015).

Table 8: Trip-Gen Rate, Source (SASAKI, 2015).

Currently, around a third of total trips in Kabul rely on walking, and the most popular public transportation is Micro Bus. The current number of vehicles per day (VPD) is around 419,000. However, with the rapid increase of transportation demand, and the foreseeable increase in private car ownership, this VPD number could increase 10 times (JICA, 2011).

Table 9: Mode Split and VPD.

Ridership estimation 

Analysing current travel patterns, demographic infor-mation, and the features of a possible BRT system, such as the number of stops and the frequency of service, are all necessary for estimating ridership. Surveys, passenger counts, and GPS tracking of public transportation vehicles can all be used to gather infor-mation on travel patterns and passenger demand. Statistical models can then be used to estimate rider-ship based on the collected data. The models can take into account factors such as population density, employment centers, and educational institutions along the BRT route, as well as the availability and accessibility of alternative modes of transportation. 

The ridership estimation can help in the design and planning of the BRT system by determining the appropriate size and capacity of buses, the number and location of stations, and the frequency of service. It can also help in estimating the revenue potential of the BRT system and its economic viability. Average rider-ship was estimated for the selected corridors. First, a relationship was established between fleet strength and frequency of buses using sample data from a few routes during peak hour and the same was used to determine the frequency of buses for the routes given in Table below. As the data on fleet strength of different routes was available and taken by Kabul Municipality & Millie Bus Company. Then, frequency of buses in each route was multiplied by average bus occupancy to get the number of passengers per hour per direction for a particular route.

Table 10: Ridership of Corridors, Source: (Municipality, 2017).

It is found that the carrying capacity of BRT system varies in different cities starting from 800 passengers per hour per direction as in case of Santa Monica to 45,000 passengers per hour per direction as in case of Bogota (Vaghela, 2007). In the present study, BRT corridors were identified when average ridership exceeded 1,200 passengers per hour per direction, considering 2 minutes of headway for buses having seating capacity of 40. Table below shows these iden-tified BRT routes along with frequency of buses, average ridership and maximum ridership in a link within the corridor. Ranking has been assigned according to average ridership in that corridor which also indicates the demand of passenger for BRTS along that corridor. The table provides information on the ridership for different bus routes in Kabul, based on their frequency (buses per hour), average ridership per hour per day (pphpd), maximum ridership (pphpd), and the product of frequency and average ridership. The ranking is based on the product of frequency and average ridership. Route 6, which runs from Kote Sangi to Sara e Shamali via Deh Afghanan, has the highest frequency of 52 buses per hour and the highest average ridership per hour per day (pphpd) of 1,421. It also has the highest maximum ridership (pphpd) of 2,773 and the highest product of frequency and average ridership of 73,909. This route is ranked first in the table and has the highest potential for BRT implementation. Route 1, which runs from Kote Sange to Karte Now via Cinama Pamir, has a frequency of 51 buses per hour and an average ridership of 1,394 pphpd. It is ranked second and has a high potential for BRT implement-tation. Routes 2, 3, 4, and 5 have lower frequencies and average ridership compared to routes 1 and 6, but still have significant ridership potential. Routes 2, 3, and 5 have the same average ridership and frequency, and are ranked 3rd, 4th, and 5th, respectively, based on the product of frequency and average ridership. Route 4 has the lowest frequency and average rider-ship, and is ranked 6th.

Feasibility checking 

After this initial identification of probable BRT routes based on existing passenger travel demand, feasibility analysis was conducted considering the following aspects for implementation of BRT corridor. 

o Existing right of way (ROW) of roads: The wider the road the greater will be the scope for BRTS. 

o No. of Junction: The lesser the number of major junctions the lesser will be the number of right turns and the total delay at signals resulting in higher average speed and better scope for BRTS. 

o Volume/Capacity (V/C) ratio: In case of high V/C ratio, separating buses in one lane may lead to congestion in the other lanes or in the bus lane itself. Therefore, Lesser V/C ratio means lesser congestion and thus better scope for BRT.

Existing Right of Way 

When conducting a feasibility study for a BRT line, its crucial to take into account the existing right of way (ROW) of roadways. The wider the road, the greater the potential for a BRT system, as it allows for the creation of dedicated lanes for the BRT buses, separate from regular traffic. This can improve the speed and reliability of the BRT system, as the buses can avoid congestion and travel faster. The width of the road also affects the ability to construct stations and provide other necessary infrastructure, such as bike lanes and sidewalks. Therefore, while evaluating the viability of building a BRT system, a large ROW is a crucial consideration. ((ITDP), 2016). Table 11 shows the right-of-way (ROW) of initially identified BRT corridors in Kabul in terms of number of lanes in different stretches of the route. 

Table 11: Road Type and Road width of Kabul city master plan (Municipality, 2017).

Table 12: Road width for selected corridors, Source: author draft.

The given table represents the road width for different corridors in Kabul. The road width is an important aspect to consider when planning for any transport system, especially for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. The capacity of the road to manage the additional traffic and the economic feasibility of the BRT system are both highly dependent on the roads width. 

The table shows that Route 4, which covers the 4 Rahi Qambar- Deh Afghanan- Karte Now corridor, has the highest percentage of roads with six or more lanes at 82%. This indicates that this route has a wider road network and has the potential to handle more traffic compared to the other routes. Route 3, which covers the Sarai Shamali - Deh Afghanan-Velayati corridor, has 80% of its road network with six or more lanes, which also suggests that it can handle a high volume of traffic. In contrast, Route 5, which covers the Dasht e Barchi - Cinama Pamir - Maidan Hawai corridor, has only 10% of its road network with six or more lanes, but has 84% of its road network with four lanes. This suggests that the road network can handle moderate traffic but may not be able to support high-volume BRT traffic. Route 2, which covers the Darulaman-Cinama Pamir-Maidan Hawai corridor, has the highest percentage of roads with four lanes at 27%. This indicates that this route can handle moderate traffic and can be considered for BRT implementation.

No. of Junctions

The number of junctions is another important aspect to consider for the implementation of a BRT corridor feasibility analysis. The lesser the number of major junctions, the lesser will be the number of right turns and the total delay at signals, resulting in higher average speed and better scope for a BRT system. This is because the BRT buses can travel through the corridor with fewer stops, resulting in faster travel times and improved reliability. Additionally, a lower number of junctions may also reduce the need for signal prioritization and other traffic management measures, which can further improve the efficiency of the BRT system. Hence, when evaluating the feasibi-lity of building a BRT system, the number of inter-sections is a crucial issue to take into account.

Table 13: Junction Delay for different Corridors (Alami, 2018).

Table 13 shows the length, average bus running speed and travel time without considering delay, total number of major and minor road junctions and delay at these junctions for the initially selected BRT corridors. First, average delay at signals for buses was found out using sample data from a few routes during peak hour through primary survey. Using this data travel delays for other corridors were estimated. Some roads have a very high Delay/Travel Time ratio making them the unsuitable for BRT. 

The table presents data on the delay at major and minor junctions along different corridors in Kabul, along with the length of the corridor, average speed, travel time, and delay per travel time. The delay at major and minor junctions is an important consider-ation for transportation planners because it affects the overall travel time and user experience. The data suggests that the delay per travel time varies across different corridors, ranging from 0.75 to 1.21.

The corridor from Kote Sange to Cinama Pamir to Karte Now has the highest delay per travel time, indicating that the junctions along this corridor are causing significant delays. On the other hand, the corridor from Dasht e Barchi to Cinama Pamir to Maidan Hawai has the lowest delay per travel time, indicating that the junctions along this corridor are causing relatively less delay. This information can be used to prioritize the improvement of major and minor junctions along the high-delay corridors to reduce travel time and enhance user experience. The table also presents information on the length of each corridor, average speed, travel time, and the number of major and minor junctions. Based on the corridors average speed and length, the travel time for each corridor is determined. According to the data, travel times vary throughout routes and might take anywhere from 32.48 and 77.44 minutes. The corridor from Dasht e Barchi to Cinama Pamir to Maidan Hawai has the longest travel time, while the corridor from Kote Sange to Cinama Pamir to Karte Now has the shortest travel time.

V/C (Volume/Capacity) Ratio

The V/C ration is another important aspect to consider for the implementation of a BRT corridor feasibility analysis. The V/C ratio is a measurement of a roads ability to handle the amount of traffic it is carrying. In the case of a high V/C ratio, separating buses in one lane may lead to congestion in the other lanes or in the bus lane itself. Therefore, a lesser V/C ratio means lesser congestion and thus a better scope for a BRT system. This is because the BRT system requires dedicated lanes that are separated from regular traffic to ensure efficient and reliable operation. A low V/C ratio means that there is more capacity on the road, which can allow for the creation of dedicated bus lanes without causing significant congestion. As a result, while considering the viability of building a BRT system, the V/C ratio is an important factor to con-sider. The volume to capacity ratio (V/C) is used to assess road congestion. The average V/C in 2008 is 0.47, which is a reasonably excellent value, however the average V/C in 2025 will be 1.81, which is an undesirable level (JICA, 2011).

Corridors are analyzed for the volume/capacity ratio and their respective V/C ratio is shown in Table above. 

The Volume to Capacity (V/C) ratios for various routes are shown in the table. The link between the volume of traffic on a route and its capacity to manage that volume is reflected by the V/C ratio, which is a significant indicator of traffic congestion. When the volume of traffic exceeds the capacity of the road, or when the V/C ratio is more than 1, the route is crowded. The route is underutilised if the V/C ratio is less than 1.

Table 14: Volume Capacity Ratio (JICA, 2011).

Looking at the table, we can see that the most con-gested route is the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali route, with a V/C ratio of 1.01. This suggests that the amount of traffic on this route is just a little bit more than its capacity.  It is crucial to remember that a number of variables, including road design, traffic volume, and time of day, have an impact on the V/C ratio. The V/C ratio for a particular route can change significantly during peak traffic hours. Therefore, it is essential to regularly monitor and update the V/C ratios for different routes to effectively manage traffic congestion and ensure the safety of commuters on the road.

BRT Periority Ranking

After analyzing the six corridors in Kabul city based on different parameters, it is evident that the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali corridor has the highest potential for development and should be given priority. This corridor scored the highest in all the evaluated parameters, including accessibility, potential for growth and development, and socio-economic impact. The Sarai Shamali-Deh Afghanan-Velayati corridor is the second-best option for development, scoring well in all parameters except accessibility. While this corridor may require additional investment and resources to match the potential of the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali corridor, it should still be considered as a viable alternative for development.

The 4 Rahi Qambar-Deh Afghanan-Karte Now, Kote Sange-Cinama Pamir-Karte Now, Darulaman-Cinama Pamir-Maidan Hawai, and Dasht e Barchi-Cinama Pamir-Maidan Hawai corridors scored lower in the evaluation and may not be the best options for urban development in Kabul city. However, these corridors should not be ignored entirely, and further analysis should be conducted to determine if they can be improved with targeted investments.

In conclusion, policymakers and the urban planners should prioritize the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali and Sarai Shamali-Deh Afghanan-Velayati corridors for development in Kabul city. By allocating resources and implementing targeted investments in these corridors, the city can ensure sustainable and inclusive growth, leading to a better quality of life for its citizens.


The study findings suggest that the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali corridor is the most favor-able option for development in Kabul city. The cor-ridor scored the highest in all the evaluated para-meters, including accessibility, potential for growth and development, and socio-economic impact. The study recommends that policymakers and urban planners should prioritize the development of this corridor to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth for the city.

Additionally, the Sarai Shamali-Deh Afghanan-Vela-yati corridor also scored well in the evaluation and can be considered as a viable alternative for development. However, it may require additional investment and resources to match the potential of the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali corridor. The other corridors evaluated, including 4 Rahi Qambar-Deh Afghanan-Karte Now, Kote Sange-Cinama Pamir-Karte Now, Darulaman-Cinama Pamir-Maidan Hawai, and Dasht e Barchi-Cinama Pamir-Maidan Hawai, scored lower in the evaluation and may not be the best option for urban development in Kabul city.

Comparative analyses

To perform a comparative analysis for the given table, we can start by comparing the different routes based on their total scores and priority rankings. We can also analyze the individual scores of each route based on the different parameters such as ridership score, ROW score, junction delay score, and V/C score. The table indicates that the "Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali" route has the highest total score (330.1) and is ranked first in terms of priority. This is mainly due to its high ridership score (100) and high junction delay score (96.88). The route also has a relatively high V/C score (78.22) and ROW score (55). The "Sarai Shamali - Deh Afghanan-Velayati" route has the second-highest total score (328.72) and is ranked second in terms of priority. This route has a high ROW score (80) and a perfect score for junction delay. The route also has a high V/C score (92.94) but a relatively low ridership score (55.78) compared to the top-ranked route. The third-ranked route is "4 Rahi Qambar- Deh Afghanan- Karte Now" with a total score of 310.66. This route has the highest V/C score (98.75) among all the routes, which compensates for its lower scores in other parameters such as ridership score (51.94) and junction delay score (77.98).

The fourth and fifth-ranked routes are "Kote Sange-Cinama Pamir- Karte Now" and "Darulaman-Cinama Pamir-Maidan Hawai," respectively. These two routes have relatively similar total scores (288.18 and 286.62, respectively) and have similar scores in all the para-meters, except for the ridership score, which is higher for the fourth-ranked route. Finally, the sixth-ranked route is "Dasht e Barchi - Cinama Pamir - Maidan Hawai" with a total score of 246.37. This route has a relatively low ridership score (55.8) and ROW score (10), which significantly reduces its total score despite having a high junction delay score (81.8) and a high V/C score (98.75). In summary, the "Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali" route is the most promising one among all the given routes based on the total score and priority ranking. However, different routes have different strengths and weaknesses based on the parameters analyzed. Therefore, a more detailed ana-lysis that considers the specific context and require-ments of the transportation system is necessary to determine the best route for a particular situation.


 The results of a study aimed at the ranking six differ-ent bus routes based on their ridership score, right-of-way (ROW) score, junction delay score, volume/ capacity (V/C) score, and total score. The priority ranking for each route is also provided. The results indicate that the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali route has the highest total score and, therefore, the highest priority ranking. This route has a ridership score of 100, which means that it is the most popular among the six routes studied. It also has a high ROW score of 55, indicating that it has a dedicated right-of-way, which helps to improve its reliability and travel time. Additionally, the route has a high junction delay score of 96.88, indicating that it experiences minimal delays at intersections.

The Sarai Shamali-Deh Afghanan-Velayati route has the second-highest total score and priority ranking. This route has a high ROW score of 80, indicating that it has a dedicated right-of-way. It also has a perfect junction delay score of 100, indicating that it experi-ences no delays at intersections. However, its ridership score is lower than that of the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali route. The 4 Rahi Qambar-Deh Afghanan-Karte Now route has the third-highest total score and priority ranking. This route has a high V/C score of 98.75, indicating that it has a high volume of passengers relative to its capacity. How-ever, its ridership score and junction delay score are lower than those of the Kote Sangi-Deh Afghanan-Sara e Shamali and Sarai Shamali-Deh Afghanan-Velayati routes. The Kote Sange-Cinama Pamir-Karte Now route has the fourth-highest total score and priority ranking. This route has a high ridership score of 98.10, indicating that it is very popular. However, its ROW score is relatively low compared to the top three routes.

The Darulaman-Cinama Pamir-Maidan Hawai route has the fifth-highest total score and priority ranking. This route has a high V/C score of 100, indicating that it has a high volume of passengers relative to its capacity. However, its ridership score and junction delay score are lower than those of the top four routes.

The Dasht e Barchi-Cinama Pamir-Maidan Hawai route has the lowest total score and priority ranking. This route has a low ROW score of 10, indicating that it does not have a dedicated right-of-way. However, it has a high junction delay score and V/C score. In conclusion, the study shows that different bus routes in the area perform differently based on various per-formance indicators. The studys results can help policymakers and transit planners to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each route and develop strategies to improve their performance.


The selection of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor for Kabul city is a critical step towards addressing the growing transportation challenges faced by the citys residents. This study has found a possible BRT corri-dor that can assist increase the accessibility and effect-tiveness of public transportation in the city through an in-depth analysis of many aspects, in-cluding popula-tion density, traffic flow, and economic development potential. The selected corridor is expected to offer a safe, reliable, and affordable trans-portation option that can reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, while also stimulating economic growth along the route. However, the success of the project will depend on effective implementation, proper planning, and active engagement with stakeholders and the public. Therefore, it is crucial for the relevant authorities to prioritize the implementation of the BRT corridor and ensure its sustainability in the long term. Overall, this thesis provides light on how Kabul City chose its BRT path and can be used as a foundation for future studies and the creation of sustainable transport systems in other urban areas.

This paper aims to deliver a methodology and plan-ning framework for selection of BRT corridors for bus transit reform and redesign in urban areas in Afgha-nistan and Kabul in particular in the context of the present challenges of increasing traffic congestion, car ownership, and lack of road and transport infra-structure and gradual deterioration of LOS of bus transit system. Detailed design for BRTS on these corridors or integration of bus transit services in between these corridors is not undertaken in the present paper. For estimation of bus ridership on different corridors, average occupancy and frequency of buses were estimated based on sample survey data. However, for detail design, extensive surveys should be conducted to get more accurate ridership estimates for these routes. The present methodology combines both existing travel demand estimate and feasibility analysis in terms of traffic and road infrastructure characteristics for selection and phasing of BRT corridors. A thorough review of many different as-pects, such as the current infrastructure, the travel demand, ridership estimation, and feasibility testing, goes into choosing a BRT path for Kabul city. The study region and data gathering are crucial in identi-fying feasible routes for the BRT systems installation. Identifying routes with significant travel demand and measuring ridership can also be used to assess whether the suggested corridors are feasible. To ensure the effective and dependable functioning of the BRT system, feasibility testing entails a thorough examin-ation of a number of factors, including the right of way already in place, the quantity of junctions, and the volume/capacity ratio. Implementing a BRT system in Kabul city can help improve the quality of public transportation, reduce traffic congestion, and promote sustainable transportation options. However, careful consideration of the various factors involved in the selection of a BRT corridor is crucial to ensure the success of the project. With proper planning and implementation, a BRT system can provide a safe, affordable, and efficient transportation option for the residents of Kabul city. 


This is to express our warm thanks to the dept. of Civi Engineering, UET, Peshawar; for giving the oppor-tunities and helping the research to reach its successful state.


The authors state that there is no potential conflict of interest in publishing this research article.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Toansakul Tony Santiboon, Professor, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, Australia.


June 12, 2023


July 27, 2023


August 6, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajeit.023.01630019

Corresponding author

Waheedullah Islam*

Department of Transportation-Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Peshawar, Pakistan; Team Leader in IOM (UN-Migration Agency), Laghman, Afghanistan.

Cite this article

Islam W. (2023). Selection of bus rapid transit corridor for Kabul City, Afghanistan: a case study. Aust. J. Eng. Innov. Technol., 5(4), 163-191. 

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