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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/ajpab.020.08014

Determination of Optimum Survivability Factors of Highly Pathogenic Vibrio cholerae 01 Serogroup-Specific Bacteriophage JSF4ϕ

Mohammod Johirul Islam ,
Titash Chra Sarker ,
Ruksana Akter Jebin ,
Farjana Yasmin ,
Mousumi Khatun ,
Md. Ashraful Islam ,
Sadia Binte Ramzan ,
Fahim Alam Nobel ,
Sharmin Akter ,
Monira Islam ,
Mohammad Mehedi Hasan ,
Mst. Mahmuda Khatun ,
Shahnaz Yesmin ,
Saima Sabrina ,
Marina Khatun ,
Abdullah Al Mamun ,
Md. Khairul Islam ,
Mohammad Asaduzzaman ,
Keshob Chra Das ,
Mohammed Badrul Amin ,
Mohammad Khaja Mafij Uddin



Cholera is severe watery diarrhea caused by pathogenic V. cholerae 01 or 0139 serogroups. In each year, 2.9 million people are affected by cholera worldwide and 95000 deaths occur from the disease annually. In Bangladesh, around 100000 people are affected by this disease and approximately 4500 deaths occur each year. In this study, a novel V. cholerae 01 serogroup-specific bacteriophage JSF4ϕ was used. This phage was able to lyse both the clinical and environmental pathogenic V. cholerae 01 serogroup strains and one of our previous studies demonstrated that the seasonal outbreaks of cholera caused by V. cholerae 01 serogroup strains in Bangladesh are mostly regulated by this bacteriophage. In this current study, we determined the optimum survivability factors of JSF4ϕ bacteriophages. This study showed that the temperature 2500C, pH 7, and normal saline are the optimal survivability factors for JSF4ϕ bacteriophages because, at these conditions, we have got the maximum number of plaque-forming units (PFU/mL) of these bacteriophages. This study also showed that the JSF4ϕ bacteriophages can survive at a wide range of temperature, pH, and salinity. So, the study presented here may have an impact on the controlling of cholera epidemics caused by environmental and clinical pathogenic V. cholerae 01 serogroup strains if we can use JSF4ϕ bacteriophages as a biocontrol agent. This study may also have profound implications for future studies of JSF4ϕ bacteriophages as a good food additive or in phage therapy for its efficient lysing capacity against the pathogenic V. cholerae 01 serogroup strains.

Keywords: Cholera, Diarrhea, Vibrio cholerae, Optimum survivability, Pathogenic, and Bacteriophages.

Citation: Islam MJ, Sarker TC, Jebin RA, Yasmin F, Khatun M, Islam MA, Ramzan SB, Nobel FA, Akter S, Islam M, Hasan MM, Khatun MM, Yesmin S, Sabrina S, Khatun M, Mamun AA, Islam MK, Asaduzzaman M, Das KC, Amin MB, and Uddin MKM. (2020). Determination of optimum survivability factors of highly pathogenic Vibrio cholerae 01 serogroup specific bacteriophage JSF4ϕ. Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 2(2), 8-14. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajpab.020.08014


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March 26, 2020

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajpab.020.08014

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