Effectiveness of Basak (Adhatoda vasica) Leaf Extract on Growth Performance and Heamato-Biochemical Profile of Sonali Chicken
This research was done to find out how supplementing with basak (Adhatoda vasica) leaf extract affected Sonali chickens growth performance and carcass qualities. 180 chickens in all were divided into four dietary experimentation groups at random, with each group taking up three replications. Dietary groups included control (T0), basak at 2 ml/L of water (T1), basak at 4 ml/L of water (T2), and basak at 6 ml/L of water (T3), respectively. A total of 63 days into the experiment, two birds from each replication were randomly chosen and slaughtered to measure the carcass characteristics. The collected data were analysed using ANOVA with SPSS version 25. Weekly live weight and feed consumption data were also gathered throughout the trial. Across the experimental groups, there was no discernible difference in initial body weight (P>0.05). The greatest value was recorded at T2 (908.10±3.03g) in comparison to the other three experimental groups, and the final live weight was substantially different among the experimental groups (P>0.05). The difference in total body weight gain across the experimental groups was statistically significant (P>0.05), with the T2 group recording the greatest result (873.48±0.720 g) when compared to the other three groups. Total feed intake varied significantly between the treatment groups. The T1 group had the best feed conversion ratio (1.827±0.03), and there were significant differences in feed conversion ratio across the experimental groups (P>0.05). The experimental groups significantly differed from one another in terms of daily live weight gain (P>0.05). There were significant differences in the weights of the carcass, breast, drumstick, thigh, and wings across the various treatment groups (P>0.05). The lipid profile was significantly different (P>0.05) among the dietary treatment groups. Net profit was found to significantly (P>0.05) differ across the experimental groups, with the T2 group achieving the greatest value (66.52 tk) and the T0 group having the least price (44.58 tk). Therefore, basak leaf extract may be supplemented with basal feeds to enhance the carcass yield, growth performance, and net profit of sonali chicken.
Poultry can significantly contribute to the agricultural sectors efforts to reduce the poverty, malnutrition, and unemployment because it is the only crop that can yield a speedy return. Due to antibiotic residues, the use of different antibiotics in poultry raising in Bangladesh poses one of the greatest concerns to poultry meat consumers. The European Union has banned the use of antibiotics in animal feed due to the possibility of the antibiotic residues in milk and meat and their adverse effects on humans (Khanna and Bhatia, 2003). This is the cause of the decline in popularity of the broilers. This situation has increased curiosity about alternative energy sources for supplying poultry with nourishment. To facilitate quick growth, the Sonali chicken is supplemented with a variety of synthetic medications and growth stimulants, but their use has resulted in several negative side effects on the health of birds as well as long-lasting properties, etc. (Bhujbal et al., 2009). Finding an alternative is necessary to reduce the growth loss. Inorganic acids, probiotics, prebiotics, botanicals, enzymes, and other non-thera-peutic options are available (Banerjee, 1998). Herbs and their constituents have been known to have varied degrees of antibacterial action since the dawn of time (Juven et al., 1994; Shahen et al., 2019).
Natural ingredients from medicinal and herbal plants have been used for centuries as feed additives for farm animals and have been demonstrated to have antibacterial, immunity-boosting, and stress-relieving effects. The chemistry of the substances, their concentration in the diet, the volume of feed consumed, and the health status of the animals all have a significant role in the aforementioned impacts. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that a number of the plant extracts and phytochemicals lessen the harmful effects of aflatoxins in a number of animal model systems. One of the readily accessible plant species, Adhatoda vasica (L.), is commonly used as a component in Ayurvedic medi-cine to treat bronchitis, asthma, and cough. Animal experiments revealed that the leaves of A. vasica had a strong hepatoprotective effect against the various chemicals that caused toxicity. In vitro degradation of aflatoxins by an aqueous extract from A. vasica leaves was demonstrated by Vijayanandraj et al. (2014), & an alkaloid was found to be the bioactive component in the A. vasica leaves. According to Brinda et al. (2013), preceding Wistar rats with a spray-dried formulation of A. vasica leaf extract (500 mg kg-1 body weight every day for seven days) prevented the hepatic dysfunction brought on by later administration of AFB1. By a variety of methods, such plants may reduce the body weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and digestibility of chickens. Before the development of conventional medicine, medicinal herbs were used for a number of centuries (Demir et al., 2005). Recently, natural antibacterial plant extracts have been discovered and proposed for use in food (Hsieh et al., 2001). These plants the phytochemical constituents, which have defined physiological effects on the human body, are what give them their medicinal significance. One of the most significant herbs, basak (Adhatoda vasica), has gained recognition on a global scale due to its extensive array of medicinal characteristics. The noncytotoxic antiviral activity of the aqueous and methanolic extracts is used. The strong antiviral properties of extracts make them useful for the viral prophylaxis (Chavan and Chowdhary, 2014).
Additionally, the extracts have been shown to exhibit antifungal and hepatoprotective properties (Pandit et al., 2004; Ramachandran & Sankaranarayanan, 2013). In addition to being used as an insect repellent, it can also be used as an insecticide (Haifa and Ali, 2016; Saxena et al., 1986). The powder of basak is highly recommended by the Al-Shaibani et al. (2008) for the management of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep. Determining the impact of basak (Adhatoda vasica) leaf extract on the lipid profile, hematological, and production efficiency of Sonali chicken is the purpose of the current study.
Objectives of the study
1) To investigate how basak leaf extracts affects the performance and carcass characteristics of sonali chickens.
2) To ascertain the impact of basak leaf extract on the lipid profile of sonali chicken.
3) To determine optimal basak leaf extract dosage for improving sonali chicken performance.
Experimental site and duration
The experiment was conducted to ascertain the effects of supplementing with basak leaf juice on the performance and meat yield traits of Sonali chicks (classic). The duration of the experiment was from June 20 to August 25, 2022, at the poultry farm of Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur.
Experimental birds
180-day-old Sonali chicks (Classic) had been purchased for the experiment through local suppliers from the Kazi Farm hatchery.
Layout of the experiment
The chicks were randomly assigned to one of 4 nutritional treatment groups (T0, T1, T2, and T3) each of which consisted of three replications with 15 birds each. The following are the treatments: T0 = Control, T1 = Control + 2 ml basak leaf extract/litre water, T2 = Control + 4 ml basak leaf extract/litre in the drinking water, T3 = Control + 6 ml basak leaf extract/liter water.
Collection & preparation of Star gooseberry & feed
The HSTU Botanical Garden provided the basak leaf for collection. These were cleaned with clean water after collection to remove any dirt. Thick, smooth, big, spotless leaves was gathered, and correct extraction methods were used. The fruit of the basak leaf was then ground into extract using a grinder machine.
Managemental Practices
Fig. 2: Basak Leaf Extract.
Housing, litter, and feed (CP Feed Co. Ltd.) Sonali pre-starter: 1-7 days; Sonali starter: 8-21 days; Sonali grower: 22-63 days; water, lighting, sanitization, and vaccination were all necessities provided. Adequate precautions were implemented throughout the study period.
1) Total gain in weight = final weight- initial weight
2) Dressing percentage = (dressed weight ÷ body weight) x 100
3) Total feed consumption = total feed offered – total
4) left-over
5) Feed efficiency = total feed consumed / total gain in weight
6) Mortality rate (%) = no. of dead chickens / total no. of birds as a group × 100
Hematological Analysis
At the end of 5 weeks, a vacutainer tube (BD vacutainer SST Gel-5 ml) was placed via the wing vein puncture tubes to collect blood samples at random from 6 birds in each group (2 birds/replication). The blood was then allowed to coagulate for one hour at room temperature (25°C). After centrifuging the blood sample for 15 minutes at 2000 rpm, the serum was extracted. Separated, unhaemolyzed serum samples were stored in clean, dry Eppendorf tubes in the deep freezer at -20°C until needed. The serum cholesterol concentration was the determined using an industrial analytical kit manufactured by German cholesterol agent manufacturer Randof. The assay was performed on a Merck as recommended in the manufacturers brochure. The assay was performed using a Merck Microlab 300 biochemistry analyzer in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Statistical analysis
Using the SPSS version 25 software and the one-way ANOVA technique, data on feed consumption, growth performance, carcass features, and hemato-biochemi-cal data were evaluated using the Complete Randomized Design (CRD) principles. Every result was presented as the mean SEM, with significance assessed at P<0.05. The Duncan test was used to compare the treatment groups means.
This study was carried out to assess how well organic basak affected the production performance of Sonali chickens in terms of the weekly body weight gain, final live weight gain, feed intake, feed efficiency, and carcass characteristics. During the experiment, there was no death of bird.
Live weight
Table 1: Effect of the dietary supplementation of Basak on live weight (g) in different treatment groups of the Sonali birds.
The average body weight of the birds did not substantially differ between the treatment groups at the beginning of the trial. At 7, 14, and 21 days of age, the live weight of the birds did not significantly (P > 0.05) differ between the treatment groups. In the treatment groups, the live weight was substantially different at ages 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56 (P< 0.05). Additionally, there were significant differences in final live weight (63 days of age) across the dietary groups (P< 0.05). The birds basak-supplemented feed revealed that group T2 (908.10±3.03) had the highest body weight and group T0 (792.74±0.029), the lowest body weight. Among the birds, T1 had (893.81±1.49), while T3 had (854.03±8.75) (Table 1).
Live Weight Gain
Table 2: Effect of dietary supplementation of Basak on live weight gain (g) in different treatment groups of the Sonali birds.
Table 2 shows the experimental birds weekly live weight gain. The body weight gain during the experiments first to third weeks was not significant, but 4 to 9 weeks were the statistically significant (P< 0.05). In comparison to the control group T0 (766.91±1.55), the basak-supplemented group T2 (873.48±0.72) demonstrated the highest final live weight gain. The control group demonstrated the lowest final live weight gain.
Table 3: Effect of the dietary supplementation of Basak on Feed intake (g) in different treatment groups of the Sonali birds.
In a recent study with broilers, (Kannan et al., 2017) suggested that feed intake and body weight gain were not significantly affected by dietary supplementation with basak. The most recent study found Saran et al. (2019) that basak had the greatest effect on the body weight due to the ability of the Justicia adhatoda leaf extracts to combat 1, 1-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl, hydroxyl, and the nitrous oxide free radicals. According to the latest report, the Chowdhury et al. (2020) demonstrated that basak had the significant impact on the serum lipid profile, which was dramatically reduced in each treatment group. Body weights, total serum protein, LDH, and relative liver and adipose tissue weights all the significantly returned to baseline levels, with the combined extract producing the lowest athe-rogenic index. The combined treatment dramatically increased the antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content and dramatically enhanced membrane stability, but had no discernible impact on the prevention of the protein denaturation.
Feed Intake
Table 4: Effect of dietary supplementation of Basak on Feed conversion ratio (FCR) in different treatment groups of Sonali birds.
Table 3 shows the impact of Basak on the Sonali birds feed consumption. It was noted that there were no significant differences in feed intake between the treatment groups at 1 to 5 weeks (P>0.05). Between the dietary treatment groups, there were significant differences in feed intake from 6 to 9 weeks (P< 0.05). The highest feed intake T2 (1680.54±7.791) and lowest feed intake T0 (1591.73± 6.163) were observed. The author noted that adding basak juice to Sonali feed led to a noticeable increase in feed conversion ratio when compared to the control group. Due to the minimal side effects of herbal items, basak supplementation had no negative effects on Sonalis feed intake. A recent study by (Shruti Shukla et al., 2017; Kapgate et al., 2018) showed that basak had the greatest potential to reduce the amount of Listeria monocytogenes in chicken meat, which can affect feed consumption.
Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)
Table 5: Effect of dietary supplementation of Basak on carcass characteristics in different treatment groups of Sonali birds.
The Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of the experimental birds is shown in Table 4. 1st to 3rd week, the FCR in various treatment groups was not significant (P > 0.05). Age groups receiving treatment were shown to significantly (P<0.05) differed from the 4th to the 9th weeks. At 1-63 days of age, the diet treatment group T1 had the lowest FCR (1.827±0.034), and the diet treat-ment group T0 had the greatest FCR (1.990± 0.012). According to the table, the Basak-supplemented group (T1) displayed the highest results but had a lower FCR, while the control diet-supplemented group (T0) displayed a greater FCR. Basak-supplemented group T3 had (1.942±0.008), while Basak-supplemented group T2 had (1.847±0.156). Basak was shown to have the largest impact on phytochemical screening & anti-oxidant activity, thus improving FCR, according to a recent study by Khan et al. (2019) and Iqbal Chowdhury et al. (2020).
Effect of dietary supplementation of Basak on the carcass characteristics of sonali birds
Table 6: Effect of dietary supplementation of Basak on Lipid profile in different treatment groups of Sonali birds.
The effect of Basak on live weight and carcass weight shown in Table 5. It showed that live weight (g) and carcass weight (g) significantly (P<0.05) differed among the dietary treatment groups. The highest live weight was found in treatment group T2 (873.48± 0.720) followed by T1 (869.29±0.814), T3 (829.68± .488), and T0 (766.91±1.558). T2 (607.70±0.208) group had significantly (P<0.05) higher the carcass weight compared to T0 (492.73±0.785) whereas T1, T3 had (590.30±0.51) and (530.90±0.818) respectively. Breast weight differed significantly (P<0.05) among the dietary treatment groups shown in Table 5. The highest breast meat weight was found in T2 (133.30±0.057) and the lowest in T0 was (98.53±0.145) where as T1 (124.60±0.057) and T3 (117.73±0.120). The Thigh meat weight and drumstick weight was also significantly (P<0.05) differed among the dietary treatment group presented in Table 5. The highest drumstick + thigh meat weight was in T2 (226.36±0.240) and the lowest in control group T0 (187.33±0.14) whereas T1 (217.56±0. 176) and T3 (203.06±0.375). The T2 group had the highest thigh meat weight (146.30±0.23) and the T0 control group had the lowest (123.50±0.173), compared to T1 (137.36±0.290) and T3 (130.56±3.43). In comparison to T1 (81.133±1.13) and T3 (72.63± 0.63), the T2 group had the highest drumstick meat weight (92.033±0.97) while the T0 control group had the lowest (66.50±0.757). Table 5 demonstrated that there was no difference in weight between the various treatment groups for Sonalis liver, heart, and gizzard weight. Wings weight varied across the T1 (59.53±0.34), T3 (55.60±0.40), and T2 (63.53±0.59) groups, with the T2 group having the highest weight and the T0 group having the lowest (52.36±1.46). Table 5 showed that there is no effect of basak leaf
Table 7: Effect of dietary supplementation of Basak on cost analysis in different treatment groups of sonali birds.
extract on Lungs weight of sonali among the different treatment groups. A recent study by Hossain and Hoq, (2016) showed that basak had the greatest influence on therapeutic use & body fitness.
Lipid Profile
Table 6 shows the impact of basak on Sonalis lipid profile. Total cholesterol levels significantly (P< 0.05) varied among the treatment groups, with T0 recording higher levels (162.43±0.80) mg/dl blood and T3 recording lower levels (111.33±0.60) mg/dl blood. Triglycerides were also statistically significant (P< 0.05), with T0 having higher blood triglyceride levels (104. 53±0.17) mg/dl and T3 having lower levels (50.73± 0.81) mg/dl. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in the blood were statistically significant (P<0.05), with T2 having higher levels (48.40±0.26) mg/dl and T0 having lower levels (35.23±0.81) mg/dl. In terms of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), T0 recorded a greater value of 108.53±0.17 and T3 recorded a lower value of 68.23±0.14 mg/dl blood. This difference was statis-tically significant (P <0.05). Latest research by M.A. Islam et al. (2022) showed that basak had the greatest effect on the serum lipid profile, which was the significantly improved in each treatment group. The combined extract resulted in the lowest atherogenic index, whereas the body weights, total serum protein, LDH, and relative liver and adipose tissue weights all notably reverted to baseline levels. The combination treatment significantly improved membrane stability, antioxidant capacity, and total phenolic content but had no appreciable effect on the prevention of protein denaturation.
According to a previous study by (Abdu-Azeez et al., 2016; Bonadiman et al., 2009; Adeyemi et al., 2000; Uddin et al., 2023; Ladokun et al., 2008), we can distinguish between normal and the abnormal blood lipid profile counts, the detrimental consequences of the abnormal blood cell count, and the positive benefits of natural medicinal plants on blood health.
Cost effectiveness of production
Table 7 presents a cost-effective examination of the production performance of Sonali birds supplemented with basak. At the conclusion of the study, it was discovered that the experimental groups total production costs per bird varied non-significantly (P< 0.05). Total production cost per bird: T0(145.46±0.005), T1 (149.2±0.088), T2(151.4±0.057), and T3(151.95±0.021). Significant (P< 0.05) differences in net profit were reported across the experimental groups. Net profit per bird (Tk) data revealed that the T2 group had the largest profit (66.52±0.018), while T0 had the lowest profit (44.58±0.014), followed by T1 (65.36± 0.018) and T3 (53.01±0.012). The experimental groups showed the significantly (P>0.05) different benefits compared to the control. Benefit over control was substantially (P >0.05) different between the T1 group (20.78± 0.384), T2 group (21.94±0.218), and T3 group (8.43± 0.011) than the control group. The organic mineral diet has a good effect on the economy, claim Abdallah et al. (2009).
It was discovered that the substituting organic natural minerals for inorganic minerals improved bird performance and the chick immunological responses. The current research backs up Zafar and Fatimas, (2018) assertion that poultry is increasingly adopting organic rather than inorganic sources of natural minerals. They are supposed to lower feed costs through lower dose rates without adversely affecting performance since they are more bioavailable and effective.
In accordance with the studys findings, using basak extract as a feed supplement improves feed intake, average weekly body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio, as well as rewarding higher gross profit in the commercial Sonali production. Among the various treatment groups, feeding the Sonali chicken basak at a rate of 4 ml/L resulted in higher production perfor-mances in terms of the body weight and FCR, which generated economic returns. Thus, dietary supplementation with basak extract may have a significant impact on economic and commercial Sonali chicken output. The medicinal plants, basak, are included in diets for poultry and may be a useful method for the production of organic Sonali chicken.
The authors thank the Ministry of Science & Technology for providing the funding to conduct the research.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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Academic Editor:
Md. Ekhlas Uddin Dipu, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Gono Bishwabidalay, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Assistant Professor,Dept. of Animal Science & Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Science; Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
Sabuz SH, Roy J, Salma U, Amin MN, Habib MA, Jaman MA, and Jha JK. (2023). Effectiveness of Basak (Adhatoda vasica) leaf extract on growth performance and Yamato-biochemical profile of Sonali chicken. Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 2023; 5(6), 163-172. https://doi.org/10.34104/ajpab.023.01630172