In order to protect the quality of the environment and human health, freshwater assets are tremendously important in various ways. To ensure the freshwater resources in the Chittagong region of Bangladesh, we have studied the water quality parameters of Kaptai and Foys Lake. This research has done based on the essential surface water standard parameters such as pH, temperature, DO, BOD, COD, TDS, TSS, TS, EC, hardness, turbidity, salinity, total alkalinity, total acidity, SO42-, PO43-, NO3--N, NO2-, CO2, and most of the heavy and toxic metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Co, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, and Zn) of two lakes namely Foys (Chittagong) and Kaptai (Rangamati) Lakes in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The statistical approaches to sampling were utilized for collecting samples. The samples were assembled from ten different locations of each lake. Samples were conserved using a satisfactory preservation procedure. Water samples from the surface-water assets were collected from various locations, and tide conditions and at various seasons for continual monitoring during the hydrological years 2014-2015. The results showed that Kaptai Lake and Foys Lake all physicochemical parameters are within the permissible limit of WHO guidelines. The results also supplied data to view, and quantify the enemy of the impact of climate alter on freshwater resources of this region. The outcomes further showed data for water quality of surface-water resources of the greater Chittagong zone to match national and international quality for drinking, agricultural, manufacture, and livestock requirements. A strategic water quality management plan has been proposed.
Lakes and surface water bodies are considered as one of the planets most significant freshwater assets and provide innumerable interests. Lakes are inert surface water bodies, receive and storages rain fall water. Increased anthropogenic pursuit in and around the water bodies destroy the aquatic ecosystems and eventually the physico-chemical properties of water (Upadhyay et al., 2010). The Research is to assess the quality and quantity of the earth assets of the nation, and to provide information that will aid resource managers and policy makers at national, regional and local levels in producing sound decisions. Water quality refers to the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water (Diersing, 2009; Lasat, 2002). Chemical assessment of water quality status and trends is a significant part of this study. One of the greatest challenges faced by water assets scientists is acquiring easy information that will guide the use, and shelter of the nations water resources (WHO, 2004). That challenge is being represented by national, divisional, inter-district and local water resource agencies, and by large academic institutions (Hirsch, 2007). These institutions are collecting water standard data for a host of purposes that include compliance with authorizes and water supply standards; development of remediation plans for desire contamination problem; operational decisions on industrial, wastewater, or waste water supply facilities; and study on factors that affect water quality. An additional require for standard quality information is to provide a basis on which regional, and native level policy resolve can be based (Ahmed et al., 2018). Foys Lake is one of the major significant man-made lakes in Chittagong, Bangladesh that was built by building a dam over the stream that decline from the slopes in the northern region of Chittagong in 1924. Intelligent decisions must be based on stable information (Hirsch, 2007). Because Bangladesh is fortunate enough having extensive and huge water resources scattered all over the country in the form of small pond, beels (natural depression), lakes, canals, small and large rivers and estuaries covering an area of about 4.34 million hectares. In Bengali, Bangladesh is called as ‘nodimatrik desh. This is indeed literally true because rivers gave birth to this land.
Bangladesh is located in the low-lying Ganges-Brahmaputra River Delta, one of the greatest deltas in the world, is crisscrossed by different rivers, their tributaries and distributaries. Straddling the Tropic of Cancer prevalence, Bangladeshi environment is tropical with a mild winter from month of October to March, a dry, humid summer from the month of March to June. A hot and humid monsoon season lasts from the month of June to October, and distributes most of the countrys rainfall. The hydroponic creating media allows sufficient root distribution of plants, and maintains homogeneous state of growing media, which is restricted in the pot plant experiments (Hossain et al., 2019; Salt et al., 1995). Now a critical need exists for accurate facts and rationale concept to provide approach for organizing our affairs. Pollution from human and industrial sources is the main water quality problem in the river systems near urban areas of Dhaka (WHO, 1991). However, any comprehensive assessment of Chittagong divisions surface water quality parameters has yet to be completed. Some trace metals such as Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, etc., at catalytic numbers as metalloenzymes and as cofactors of enzymes, are necessary to living organisms for their usual physiological activities. But the high concentration of Cu has been associates with liver damage, and Zn may create harmful nutrient interactions with Cu (Majagi et al., 2008).
Chittagong is generally called the business capital of Bangladesh. The challenges posed by climate alter, and growing economic improvement requires that the quantity and quality of water assets in Bangladesh be regulated by sustainable development policies. Without such an idea, Bangladesh will continue to face vital challenges to gain economic growth to help the growing population confined in a densely-populated land with reducing water resources (Ahmed and Haque, 2010). At present, Kaptai Lake assists poor-scale fisheries, which is enrich in fish species diversity, and contributing approximately 8980 metric ton freshwater fish annually (FRSS, 2012). The main objectives of the study is to know the present status of physico-chemical parameters of water of the 2 selected lakes in Chittagong, to assess their interrelationship and to compare the present results with results obtained previously in the lakes of Chittagong as well as other lakes in home and abroad.
Sample Collection - A survey work was conducted fiscal year 2014-2016 for identifying sampling spots and the current quality conditions for a large part of Kaptai Lake and Foys Lake in greater Chittagong region. The surface water samples were collected in the boat if possible in the middle of the flow. Two to four sub samples of equal volume were collected from vertical section. The water samples were collected within 3-9 inches from the surface of the water. Surface samples from different points of greater Chittagong district were collected for this study. Samples were piled up in amber color polyethylene bottle washed by rinsing thoroughly with 8M HNO3, followed by repeated washing with distilled water. The samples were mixed well and a sample of 1.0-1.5-L was transferred for analysis in the laboratory.
Table 1: The parameters studied during the analysis and processing of water samples.
Apparatus - A Shimadzu (Kyoto, Japan) (Model-1800PC) double-beam UV/VIS spectrophotometer and a Jenway (England, UK) (Model-3010) pH meter with a union of electrodes were used for determines of the absorbance and pH, respectively. A Varian Model-AA240FS quick sequential atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) was used for studies of trace elements in water using a respective wavelength and hollow cathode lamp.
Sample Processing and Analysis - A glass thermometer was used for the measurement of temperature. pH, EC and TDS were studied at the sampling site by Hanna Combo meter, Model HI 98129. TS and TSS were studied by drying and weighing approach. Measurement of DO was done by Jenway 970 DO meter at the sampling area. BOD was studied from the differences of preliminary and 5 day, DO by DO meter. COD was estimated by titrimetric approach after 2 hours open reflux. Acidity, and dissolved carbon dioxide were studied by titrimetric approach using standard 0.02M NaOH. Total and phenolphthalein alkalinity were studied by titrimetric approach using phenolphthalein, and methyl orange as indicators.
Hardness was studied by complex metric titration approach. Dissolved hydrogen sulphide (DHS) was studied by iodimetric approach using standard iodine solution (WHO, 1991). Ammonia-N was studied by colorimetric nesslerization approach after distillation of collected samples. Total nitrate and nitrite-N was studied by colorimetric nesslerization procedure after reducing samples by Deverdas alloy (WHO, 1984). Sulphate S was studied by colorimetric barium chloride turbidimetric approach. Nitrite-N was studied by colorimetric method after formation of a reddish purple azo dye produced at pH 2.0 to 2.5 by coupling diazotized sulfanilamide with N- (1-naphthyl)- ethylene diaminedi- hydrochloride (NED hydrochloride). Nitrate-N was estimated by colorimetric method in the ultraviolet range. Iron was studied by colorimetric method using 1, 10-phenanthroline as chelating agent. Manganese was studied by colorimetric per-sulfate oxidation method. In colorimetric methods Zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and chromium were studied by the measure of metals by UV-Visible and atomic absorption spectrophotometry samples were digested according to the wet-digestion method (EWD, 2009).
In colorimetric techniques a Shimadzu, Model-1800 UV-Vis spectrophotometer was used. Zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and chromium were studied by Varian Model-AA240FS fast sequential atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). For the determination of metals by UV-visible spectrophotometry, and atomic absorption spectro-photometry samples were digested as stated by to the wet-digestion method (Flanagan et al., 2001).
The present physico-chemical study of Kaptai and Foys Lake water resources of greater Chittagong region discloses the status of water quality of these two lakes. EC (95.6-115.20 µScm-1), and TDS (47.80-57.600 mgL-1). DO was found (7.60-8.20 mgL-1). The result of physico-chemical analyzes of Kaptai and Foys Lake fresh water of the studied sites are presented in the below Tables.
Table 2: Surface water quality of Kaptai Lake at different locations.
Different water quality parameters of the Kaptai Lake studied (Table 2, 3 & 5) show that pH was found in the alkaline range (7.7-8.8) and water was found in acidity (2.8-4.60 mgL-1). Alkalinity of the Kaptai Lake (42.90-51.00 mgL-1) is mainly for carbonates and bicarbonates as phenolphthalein alkalinity was not detected in any of the samples. Water was found in turbidity as (1.00-2.5 NTU). Some parameters contributed to the changes of the groundwater geochemistry behavior discuss the effect of rising isolation of freshwater from the aquifer (Aris et al., 2007).
Total hardness was found in the range (35.00-42.00 mgL-1). Chloride (7.00-12.00 mgL-1), BOD (0.2-0.5 mgL-1), nitrite-N (2.25-6.75), and nitrate-N (0.70-1.3 mgL-1). Phosphate-P (0.010-0.052 mgL-1) and sulfate-S (1.1-3.00 mgL-1) were also found within the permissible limit. Iron (0.1-1.7 mg L-1) and
manganese (0.00-0.07mg L-1) were found within the limit. No significant variation was observed in water quality among the ten points. The F-factor was developed in a situation when the acidification was increasing and it has also been a basis for calculating critical loads of acidity, e.g. the Steady-State Water Chemistry model (Henriksen and Posch, 2001).
Table 3: Surface water quality of Kaptai Lake at different locations.
Different water quality parameters of the Foys Lake studied (Table 4 & 6) show that pH was found in the alkaline range (7.5-8.0) and water was found in acidity (8.00-14.00 mgL-1). EC (66-72.80 µScm-1), and TDS (33.00-72.80 mgL-1). DO was found (7.70-8.10 mgL-1). Across literature there are strong discrepancies regarding species specific sensitivity towards copper. For example, experiments with Daphnia magna claim 48-h EC50 of 7.7-430 μg Cu/l and 48-h LC50 of 5-86 μg Cu/l (Kramer et al., 2004).
Alkalinity of the Foys Lake (20.80-25.19 mgL-1) is mainly for carbonates and bicarbonates as phenolphthalein alkalinity was not detected in any of the samples. Water was found in turbidity as (5.00-7.00 NTU). Total hardness was found in the range (30.00-32.50 mgL-1). Chloride (4.00-8.00 mgL-1),
BOD (0.2-1.7 mgL-1), nitrite-N (2.25-4.05), and nitrate-N (0.50 - 0.9 mgL-1). Phosphate-P (0.01 - 0.51 mgL-1) and sulfate-S (3.0 - 8.00 mgL-1) were also found within the permissible limit. Iron (0.16-0.32 mg L-1) and manganese (0.00-0.74 mgL-1) were found within the limit.
Table 4: Surface water quality of Foys lake at different locations.
No significant variation was observed in water quality among the ten points. Similar result was observed (Kabir and Naser, 2011) where they reported alkaline water in Chand bill Baor Oxbow Lake, Bangladesh and also described alkaline nature of Maheshara Lake water in Gorakhpur, India (Shukla et al., 2013).
Table 5: Comparative study of water quality parameters of the Kaptai Lake.
Table 6: Comparative study of water quality parameters of the Foys Lake.
From this research work it is clear that in every parameter of effluents, the value is much higher than acceptable limit which is so much frightening for us. So, the properly untreated waste water mainly heavy metals are deposited in our bodies through food cycle and we have to face kidney diseases, lever diseases and even cancer. Different water quality parameters of the Kaptai Lake studied (Table 2, 3 & 5) show that pH was found in the alkaline range (7.7-8.8), and water was found in acidity (2.8-4.60 mgL-1). EC (95.6-115.20 µScm-1), and TDS (47.80-57.600 mgL-1). DO was found (7.60-8.20 mgL-1), and Alkalinity of the Kaptai Lake (42.90-51.00 mgL-1) is mainly for carbonates and bicarbonates as phenolphthalein alkalinity was not detected in any of the samples. Water was found in turbidity as (1.00-2.5 NTU). Total hardness was found in the range (35.00-42.00 mgL-1). Chloride (7.00-12.00 mgL-1), BOD (0.2-0.5 mgL-1), nitrite-N (2.25-6.75) and nitrate-N (0.70-1.3 mgL-1). Phosphate-P (0.010-0.052 mgL-1) and sulfate-S (1.1-3.00 mgL-1) were also found within the permissible limit. Iron (0.1-1.7 mg L-1) and manganese (0.00-0.07mg L-1) were found within the limit. Different water quality parameters of the Foys Lake studied (Table 4 & 6) show that pH was found in the alkaline range (7.5-8.0) and water was found in acidity (8.00 - 14.00 mgL-1). EC (66-72.80 µScm-1) and TDS (33.00- 72.80 mgL-1). DO was found (7.70-8.10 mgL-1). Alkalinity of the Foys Lake (20.80-25.19 mgL-1) is mainly for carbonates and bicarbonates as phenolphthalein alkalinity was not detected in any of the samples. Water was found in turbidity as (5.00-7.00 NTU). Total hardness was found in the range (30.00-32.50 mgL-1). Chloride (4.00 - 8.00 mgL-1), BOD (0.2-1.7 mgL-1), nitrite-N (2.25-4.05) and nitrate-N (0.50 - 0.9 mgL-1). Phosphate-P (0.01 - 0.51 mgL-1) and sulfate-S (3.0 - 8.00 mgL-1) were also found within the permissible limit. Iron (0.16-0.32 mg L-1) and manganese (0.00-0.74 mgL-1) were found within the limit. So, formal and informal approaches of education might be adopted through regional media, seminars, celebrations, workshops, walks, and student competitions to aware the people regarding the activity of environment degradation. Then our environment, our eco system will free from pollution.
Many thanks to the co-authors supported with proper assistance and help for data analysis to conduct successful research work.
The authors announced no prospective conflicts of the interest with respect to the present research work.
Dr. Abduleziz Jemal Hamido, Deputy Managing Editor (Health Sciences), Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), Haramaya, Ethiopia.
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Rubel M, Chowdhury DA, Ahmed MJU, and Uddin MH. (2019). Physico-chemical characterization of kaptai lake and foys lake water quality parameters in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 1(6), 49-58.