Impacts of Digital Game Addiction on Social Interaction in Bangladesh
Society is formed through human interaction. Additionally, we are currently in the era of computers and technology. Physical games are losing their value in this modern age, and digital games fill the gap. As Bangladesh is a developing country, modernization touched it many years ago. So, digital game is also famous here, and community-based works areas are also seen in this country; our research area is Bangladesh as it fulfilled all the requirements. Nowadays digital games are so famous in our country. So doing this work isnt a big deal, even if we ran into some issues. The majority of the young population is addicted to this type of digital game and spends hours and hours playing it. So social and family bonding is losing its value. Social interaction is crucial for individuals; however, excessive engagement of the younger generation in virtual environments hinders their ability to effectively interact with others in society, including their own families. We cannot see the previous cultural activity in society because of digital gaming. To fulfill the purpose of the research, we had many problems. It is difficult for us to get data from 150 internet gamers. We gather data through a Google form. For our research, not only the gamers but also their family members and his/her surroundings peoples opinion matters. So, we collected the statements from their family members, their friends other society members. The survey revealed a significant increase in gaming addiction, leading to strong preoccupation that hinders communication with family members, and participation in social activities, and potentially contributes to an increase in criminal behaviour
Digital games have become an integral part of our lives in the present era of mobile phones and high-speed Internet (Wilmer et al., 2017). The gaming industry has developed much as our regular life and people are spending more time with this game. As man is a social being, he has to maintain social relations. With social interaction, man has developed himself as a social being. For many years, society has played a significant role, and these social relations create values & norms. Social interaction makes this relationship more ex-citing and more accurate. These relations show the real meaning when we interact with each other. However, now we can see that the interaction among the people, especially among the young generation, gradually be-come invisible. Digital gaming is one of the primary causes of communication gaps while social media has both positive and negative effects on social interaction, this discussion will focus solely on its negative impacts. Individual to individual social interaction is essential because it builds up relations. Relation among the social element in the heart of the society because society gives us everything. Family is the primary institution of society; we learn our first lesson from the family. From birth to death, we have many lessons from the family we have because we have a great understanding of our family members. We interact with them appropriately. When people play games for a long time, they cannot think about other things. They become so addicted that they do not care about their surrounding environment. This article shows how online gaming affects the interaction of gamers with other people, how the young generation becomes unsocial and gradually hampered the total interaction system of the society. So, this study shows how these games affect the interaction of the gamers with other people. As digital games have become increasingly popular, scientific interests in video games effects on individuals also the increased. Despite having some positives, the impact of digital games is, most of the time, negatives. The family and friends of that person also experience the effect. The gamers behavioral change gradually causes digital games, and they suffer physically and mentally. We examine that paper the negative impact of digital games on social interactions like family, friends, or individuals. The researcher examined the adverse effects, particularly in the context of social interactions. The rising popularity of digital games has led to a corresponding increase in scientific interest regarding the effects of video games. Although digital games may have some positive aspects, their overall impact is predominantly negative. The impact is also felt by the individuals family and friends. Excessive gaming leads to a disconnect bet-ween gamers and their family members (Burgess, 2020). The behaviour of gamers undergoes a gradual transformation, resulting in the physical and mental distress (Mohammad et al., 2023).
Among the various games, one of the most effective trending online games is PUBG. Todays children are fond of mobile phones or desktops, or laptops. It is not easy to keep children away from mobile phone gaming. Consequently, they would be highly susceptible to developing an addiction to the game. PUBG is a highly influential online game that has a significant impact on children. The appealing aspects of PUBG, including its features, stages, and other elements, contribute to its high level of enjoyment among children. Consequently, children experience frustration in their daily lives due to the affordability of PUBG, an online game requiring minimal internet expenses. According to Kumari, (2020) the majority of parents have a negative perception of and prohibit their children from engaging in this particular game. This is the reason why they do not allocate funds for Internet acquisition.
During that period, children engaged in dishonest practices to manipulate internet expenses. It has had a detrimental effect on their behaviour. In addition, these individuals exhibit a lack of attentiveness to parental guidance, struggle to complete daily tasks, experience a decline in their overall well-being, encounter mental and physical health challenges, demonstrate inadequate collaboration with peers and acquaintances, and exhibit a diminished sense of social awareness.
Objective of the study
The main goal of our research is to find out the impacts of digital game addiction on social interaction. For more in depth analysis, there are some objectives:
1) To ascertain the current state of digital games and the prevalence of excessive gaming among indivi-duals in specific regions.
2) This paper aims to demonstrate the gradual reduc-tion of social interaction and isolation from the social environment and real life caused by digital games.
Bangladesh is a developing country, and community-based and social works have been famous in this country for many years. Some social values and morals exist in this country. However, nowadays, we see the difference then and now. Because the people are more technology-oriented, but they waste their time on gaming or other unnecessary works, which have no value. As the internet has easy access to everyone, younger generation is so much addicted to these digital video games. For this reason, they waste much time gaming and have no time for other cultural and other social works. This defines a problem that the younger generation avoids social work and sometimes ignores their family members. They avoid all the necessary programs to build up their mental health. They forget to respect their senior; sometimes, they are so aggressive that the society or community faces many problems. They do not talk to the people who are essential to them. So, our research is beneficial and exciting because we tried to find out why they are ignoring the people and the factors of not making interaction, which is essential for people. These are essential data that help the people to understand the situation very well (Parvez et al., 2019).
The current article is based on a qualitative and quantitative research approach that utilizes the correlational survey design to study the impacts of digital game addiction on social interaction. Mix method is used here. The study shows the case studies of the Mymensingh and Rangpur Division. We use both primary and secondary sources are being used to collect data. An online survey by google forms with related questionnaires. Some statements are also collected from the people who are around the gamers because they know them well. Like we collect data from the family of the gamers. A person spends most of his time in the house so their family knows them well. Moreover, to collect secondary data, we have to search on the internet, social media, newspapers, journals, previous research works, etc. As the sample is treated online and offline, some conversations were made through online platforms. This also helped to determine the way for approaching the ultimate study Samples. Online based data was collected from 150 candidates and offline data was collected from 50 can-didates. So total data was collected from 200 can-didates. This data was collected from Bangladesh. This group size is large enough to provide adequate data for a reliable study conclusion and will also be financially viable for research completion. Some statements were also collected from the field survey.
The researcher considered only a limited set of functional needs & prevention/harm reduction factors in this study. When collecting data, sometimes, the researcher faced the problem that the gamers do not want to share their thoughts because they think the games can be banned if they share the opposing side. So, the researcher had to spend much time confessing them, and sometimes we failed. This research covers only one country, so the papers show the findings from one country; it would be better if the researcher could include more countries.
In the context of Bangladesh, this article shows how the addition of digital games impacts social interaction. Digital age or digitalization probably brings blessings to the people in this modern age. However, the universal truth is that everything has two sides Positive and negative. There is hardly found something which contains positive aspects. Consequently, the digital age brings negative aspects and many positive revolutionary changes. As this article is based on the impact of digital games, we have to focus broadly on the negative and slightly positive impacts of digital games in our social interaction. Todays young generation is indeed so much fond of digital games. Nevertheless, the core reasons are somehow still unknown. So, this research paper also focuses on finding out some core reasons children are so addicted to digital games. The majority of individuals who are addicted to gaming are young students attending school or college. While some individuals possess awareness of their negative habits, others remain unaware of the detrimental impact that addiction has on their lives. Currently, there is available data pertaining to children as well. Children also engage in this type of gaming on their parents smart devices, which is considered detrimental. Early exposure to this phenomenon has an impact on their cognitive development. In order to complete this paper, it is necessary to consult both guardians and gamers to investigate the root cause, its effects, and the extent of its impact. The world is changing every day, as it is technology-based, but so much technology is hampering their brains and emotions (Walden University, 2021). They become emotionless and become harmful to their people. The most irritating and unpleasant situation is when children are not listening to their parents. No parents in the world allow their children to play games unnecessarily by destroying their valuable time and hampering their studies. It also reduces social and familiar interaction.
Fig. 1: Percentage of respondents age
The players cannot interact with their people because they lost their emotional value for the over tendency of gaming, and it is not suitable for their health either; they are addicted to drugs and occurred many crimes. Some become murderers. In the survey, we see that most of them play killing or fighting types of games, which has a bad reaction in their minds and brains. They engage in constant internal conflict, which is unsuitable for them. Humans are inherently inclined to imitate and ultimately face mortality, leading them to emulate individuals who acquire knowledge through hands-on experiences. Engaging in various types of games can lead to the acquisition of virtual knowledge that may have negative consequences for society, family dynamics, and the behaviour of gamers. These negative impacts include a decline in social capital, values, interpersonal interaction, moral education, and ethical considerations. Which is the base of our lives; our societys "Interaction" lost its value because of this kind of digital gaming. If this continues, society will lose its values and ethics. Because the younger will run the world in the future, but it is a matter of sorrow they become addicted to these things. This paper broadly focuses on the impacts of digital games on our social interaction, though less emphasizing finding solutions.
Fig. 2: Location of the participants in the survey.
As we are social beings, we have to live in society. As a result, we have to maintain social rules, regulations provided by the family, society, or country. Have to follow all given directions and maintain the ethics, etiquette, and manner. However, digital games and their effects are significantly behind in terms of adhering to the social codes and ethics mentioned above.It is necessary to be mindful of this matter. This research paper examines the impact of excessive the digital gaming, whether online or offline, on the daily interactions.
Fig. 3: Percentage of time the gamers spend.
Respondents Demographic Profile
Here is the profile of the online based participants though the researcher also collected data from their parents, neighbors and friends.
Fig. 4: Percentage of the games that the gamers prefer.
There were 150 participants, and 89% were between 21 and 25. After the majority, 5% of them were aged 16-20. As our research participants are from Bangladesh, usually we see the young generation addicted to gaming, and this data also shows that most respondents are from age 21-25. Age is a significant factor in the sense that at the age of 15-25, a person builds his mind, he/she learns many things. If one addicted in this kind of online gaming in this age, this has a bad effect on his/her mindset or career. As our participants gave their opinion through google form. Participants were from different districts of Bangladesh.
What Time the Gamers Spend
The participants spent on gaming, but we did not know how much. So, there was a question about the time. This is essential in this research paper because it shows their mental condition and addiction level and how much time they spend on gaming.
PUBG and Free Fire are notorious for being the source of numerous issues. Excessive engagement with these games has been observed to desensitize the younger generation. Many countries are trying to ban PUBG. However, the game is so addictive that the gamers find an alternative way by using VPN to play this game.
A big issue is that the digital game addicted players always think in mind about their games and we find it in our survey. So, when a person always keeps in mind these kind of destroying gaming things they cant make good interaction with people.
Fig. 5: Impacts on the gamers.
The addicted players become emotionless, so crime is occurred by them. They become so much harmful to the society and to their family too. They cant build relation with other people so they live in their own world. Their world is different. They live in their dream, some become drug addicted.
Social Morals & Values
Who plays these kinds of games they lost their social morals and values. So, they became particular part of the society. The findings indicate a detrimental effect on social interactions.
Physical Impacts
When the players always busy with their gaming device. They dont physically work and its bad for physical health. So, gradually they become lazy and dont want to meet with people and dont want to talk much with people.
This research study is an important step in online game addiction related to social interactions. There is many gaming disorder noticed. The findings indicate a detrimental effect on social interactions. Internet game fixation is the most effect on young people. These young people are mostly male, and few female people are addicted. Many parents and neighbors are also statement to opposing sides. Internet game fixation is a gaming disorder now. This game addiction is a hidden virus of society. Many parents are anxiety their childrens gaming addiction. Children or the young generation are destroying their health. This online game is played on a computer, smartphone device. However, longtime used its causes to health disorders. Many children have been using electronic devices for a long time, and as a result, their behaviour is gradually changing, indicating addiction. They are attitude and others working activities are abnormal day by day. They are continuously sick physically and psychologically. This game-addicted young people cannot introduce themselves in society. They are always separate from neighbors and family members. They do not participate in the social-cultural program. Because many families have an introverted family structure, the developing gaming addiction in young people can produce a progressive decline in social and family engagement, an increase in family difficulties, and a deterioration in family bonds. These issues impact the mental well-being of children, leading to feelings of depression and loneliness. Consequently, individuals develop a dependency on internet-based gaming. It is advisable for families to exercise supervision over online gaming activities in a controlled and educational manner. This game addiction by psychological counseling and guidance experts is safe from this disorder. Parents should communicate with their children. Online game addiction, more effective work should be carried out by social and family interactions increased.
Author would like to thank his friends Sayeda Tahsin, Habiba Sultana, Sabrina Munmun, Johirul Islam Ram-jan, Ziaur Rahman Imtiaj for helping to collect data.
There is no conflict of interest from the authors end.
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Rahman M., and Unzum MT. (2023). Impacts of digital game addiction on social interaction in Bangladesh. Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 2023; 5(5), 95-103.