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Original Article | Open Access | Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 2022; 4(4), 65-77. | doi: 10.34104/ajpab.022.065077

Performance of New Wheat Yield in Bangladeshs Three Hill Districts (Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari)

Md Ahsan Ali ,
Md Mahbubur Rahman ,
Md Mostofa Khan ,
Md Nazmul Haque ,
Rabiul Islam ,
Md Afzal Hossain* ,
Golam Faruk


An experiment was completed to examine the performance of high yield and heat tolerant wheat types under rising temperatures in hill districts of Bandarban, Rangamati Khagrachari (South Asia). During the Rabi season (November to March each year), the trial was done at 3 hill regions (districts) in Farmers field, Bangladesh throughout two crop seasons (2020-21 and 2021-22) at various locations in one upazilla in each of the 3 (three) hill region (districts). We use freshly announced high yield wheat varieties for optimal sowing and heat tolerance as an adaptation strategy in hills suffering from terminal heat stress. BARI Gom 30, BARI Gom 32, BARI Gom 33, WMRI Gom 01, and WMRI Gom 02 were the five high yielding heat tolerant wheat types. BARI Gom 33 (3.16 t/ha) has produced the highest crop output, followed by BARI Gom 30 (3.09 t/ha). WMRI Gom 02 (3.00 t/ha), BARI Gom 32 (2.97 t/ha) and lowest performance was WMRI Gom 01(2.87 t/ha) in last years. The difference in wheat crop output and biological yield was considerable, but the rest of the characteristics were unimportant. BARI Gom 33 was the yielded and adapted variety of the greatest likened to the others. WMRI Gom 01 had an insignificant benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 1.06, whereas BARI Gom 33 had the maximum BCR of 1.22 in alliance with five types tested, BARI Gom 33 was the high yielding and most adaptable.


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) contributes for 25% of global grain production and is one of the greatest mom- entous sources of carbs, proteins, fibers, and vitamins, contributing for 20% of daily calories and 25% of pro-tein consumption globally (FAO FAOSTAT, 2019). During the growing season, wheat is only the crops that is most affected by rising average temperatures (Semenov and colleagues, 2011; Teixeira et al., 2013). Wheat is only Bangladeshs most significant second cereal crops, with direct economic and food security implications. Wheat types with a high grain yield, acceptable nutrient and processing quality, and thermal tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress are desirable (Mondal et al., 2016). End-of-life temperature oppress-sion is final for food security. Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari are mountainous and coastal areas with temperatures that are consistently 1 to 50C higher than the rest of the places. Hilly higher minimum average temperatures may have reduced grain yield, causing early heading, maturity, and plant height (Ali et al, 2021). Hill Bangladeshs districts are currently attempting to establish themselves as a minor wheat growing and consuming region. The Hill Tracts make up around a tenth of the country and are made up of 75% upland (hill), 20% undulating bumpy land, and 5% valley plain area (Rahman et al., 2015). Due to a lack of spatter water essential for boro rice farming, a vast undulating rough plain and valleys lie fallow during the winter. Wheat requires less than one-fourth the extent of water than rice does, so maxi-mum of the available water provision in those places can be app-lied to grow wheat. The hill regions physical and environmental circumstances differ from those of the countrys traditional wheat-growing regions. 

Three hilly districts on Bangladeshs west coast, where the crop growing season is short and high temperatures (over 300°C) occur late in the advanced corn intro-mission filling stage. Throughout the crop season, the hilly areas of Bangladesh are warmer, with maximum temperatures ranging from 25 to 300 degrees Celsius during corn repletion filling. In locations where high temperatures are persistent, early maturity to prevent high temperature stress has been suggested as a viable crop adaptation method (Joshi et al., 2007; Mondal and colleagues, 2013). According to several studies, wheat yield performance differed depending on soil type (Rahman et al., 2013, Tang et al., 2003), air temper-atures (Rahman et al., 2005), and management circum-stances (Rahman et al., 2005; Rahman et al., 2002; Timsina and Cornor, 2001). At the hill region, there may be varietal differences in response to changes in height and environment. Wheat cultivars that provide higher yields at higher elevations, such as Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari, could be deemed adap-table in hilly region. Recently created wheat varieties have showed good tolerance to a wide range of climates and hilly terrain (WRC, BARI, 2007).

Around 24% of the worlds population requires urgent assitance in increasing wheat production and guaran-teeing food security. For this, lbidem there is a great desire in Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari to prioritize the creation of innovative wheat varieties that are high yielding and adaptable. The goal of this research was to assess the accomplishment of newly released varieties under a difference of stress circum-stances for identify specific varieties for optimum conditions and high yield.


Experiment Location and Weather Condition

Table 1: Weather Condition of Bangladeshi Hills during Rabi Season (Nov-April) in 2020-21 and 2021-22.

During the rabi season an experiment was undertaken in 3 (three) hill District farmers field of Ali Kadam upazilla under Bandarban, the Rajasthali upazilla under Rangamati, and Maniksari upazilla under Khagrachari the in the years 2020-21, 2021-22. Bandarban (latitude 22.20"N, longitude 92.22"E) Rangamati (latitude 22.66"N longitude 92.18"E) Khagrachari (latitude 23.14"N, longitude 91.95"E) (November 30 to March 5th 2020-2021 and November 30 March 5th 2021-2022). In the hilly area, all meteorological data was gathered from the local District weather observation center. The data includes the monthly mean maximum, lowest air heat and inpouring. The studies took place over a two-year period in Bangladeshs less important wheat-producing areas of, Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari. In the last week of November, the seeds will be buried. Local factors dictate the shape of the plot and how it is handled. Due to natural temperature stress, (15-350c) this variety faces uphill temperature stress during the wheat growth season. Average mon-thly meteorological data from sowing to harvest are given in the hilly region of Bangladesh (Table 1). The average temperature trend has been perfectly constant over the final two years. The coldest month in the crop seasons of 2021 and 2022 was January, with a gradual increase until April. Temperatures were warmer on average in March. The coolest months for wheat grow-ing and grain filling were December, January, and February. Maximum and minimum temperatures were available for the years 2020, 2021, and March 2022. This locations typical maximum temperature was 3-100C higher than comparable wheat-growing areas around the country, from November 30 to March 5 in 2020-2021 and November 30 to March 5 in 2021-2022. The humidity ranged from 60% to 87%   out the specified time periods. In Khagrachari, we determined that the mean heat ranged from 16 to 260. Precipitation in the exam region was approximately nil in January, November 2020, whilst it was around 10mm in March, April 2021. In November and December 2021, rainfall averaged 8mm over two days during the rabi season. In the research region of Rangamati, precipitation was roughly 5mm in 4 days in the moon of December 2020, March, and April 2021. 7mm in 4 days in Nove-mber, December, and April 2022. Rangamatis coldest month was December 2021. It was merely wet in Ban-darban in December 2020. Other second season November 2021 and April 2022 was only 5mm rains in 2days. December 2021 and January 2022 was the low-est (150c) but no rains.

Experiment Soil Types

Table 2: Physical and chemical data of the first soil achieve from the player are listed in (0-15 cm).

The soils in the study field were strongly acidic (pH 4.8-5.1), with higher levels of Fe, Al, and Mn in the surface soil (0-15 cm depth), as well as a deficiency in several essential plant nutrients such as nitrogen (Total N = 0.08-0.09%), phosphorus (Olsen P = 5.5-6.5 ppm), and potassium (K = 0.17-0.21 meq/100g). The ground was high in sulfur and zinc, but the amount of access-ible boron was minimal. Table 2 shows the physical and chemical data of the ground prior to conducting the experiment. (Data gathered from local SRDA off-ices in three Bangladeshi hill districts). 

Experiment Design

During the 2020-21 and 2021-22 Rabi seasons, resear-chers used a randomized complete block design (RC-BD) with five treatments and three replications to per-form their study. Plant to plant spacing in the main field is 1 inch, and line to line spacing is 20cm. The main plot is 5m x 4m in size. All genotype lines pro-vided stable corn output under watered regular planted conditions (Hill environmental stress). This study in-cludes five recently released exalted growth and heat stress tolerant wheat cultivars.

Treatments Details 

                     T1                                              BARI Gom 30

                     T2                                              BARI Gom 32

                     T3                                              BARI Gom 33

                     T4                                             WMRI Gom 01

                     T5                                             WMRI Gom 02

Experiment Procedures

Table 3: Chemical substance of initial soil collected from surface layer (0-15 cm).

In three mountainous environments in Bangladesh, high yielding heat tolerant wheat varieties were tasted. Locations, planting and harvest dates, and plots are all caught into calculated. Management practices were founded on national yield trial procedures that were followed at each individual plot. In Bangladesh, wheat is typically planted in November/1st week December and harvested in March/early April. The ones that is most relevant to the grounds that have been invest-igated. Optimum is a productive, irrigated environment in which wheat grows at a regular temperature. The five cultivated were completed for prepare the ground. For final land preparation in primary years, add 4kg/ decimal lime to the soil before 7 days. Manure and fertilizers were applied prior to land cultivation at the recommended dose of 230 kg/ha Urea, 150 kg/ha TSP, 120 kg/ha MoP, 130 kg/ha Sulphur, 10 kg/ha Zink, and 8 kg/ha Boron. Before the area was cultivated, the others chemical fertilizer was combined and dispersed on the land 120kg/ha seed rate on November 30, 2020, and the one date in 2022, seed was planted. By the crop plants season, three irrigations were provided at the (CRI stage) crown root initiation, tillering, and corn filling stages. Two-thirds urea and the whole amount of all fertilizers were treated as a basal, and one-third urea was applied as a top dress at the CRI (crown root initiation) stage. In the research field and laboratory, however, the center five rows were harvested (1m2) for growth and output contributing features were filed from five plants from each plot. Weeding, mulching, and plant thinning management were done as demand-ed in the soil ph inter-cultural operations. The crop sea-sons data was recorded. on the crop, participants gave data on plant population (PP), heading days (HD), anthesis (AN), plant height (HD), Spike/ m2, spike let/spike, days to maturity (MD), 1000 grain weight, grain yield (GY), and biological yields (BY). The amount of days from the date of sowing/first irrigation until 50% of the flag leaf spikes had formed was app-lied condition HD. The appearance of MD in the ped-uncles of 52% of the spikes indicated senescence. Plots were collected at maturity on March 5th to deter-mine GY. For appraisement of the least significant differ-ence (LSD) at a 5% level of importance, all para-meters were examined using statistic-10 software. We evaluated a great figure of all data in three hill locat-ions.


Plant populations

Table 4: Yield and Yield Subscription Parameters of Bandarban (Ali Kadam) During 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Continued Table 4: Yield and Yield Subscription Parameters of Bandarban (Ali Kadam) During 2020-21 and 2021-22).

Environment has different effects on plant outgrowth and improvement depending on the plant species. In a growing climate change scenario, air temperatures above the optimum range for many species are more likely to exceed the optimum range. (Prasad et al., 2001) found the same thing (Prasad et al., 2002). Few plants died in the study field after 10 to 14 days for sluggish climatic conditions. BARI Gom 33 has not discovered any dead plants in the plats in this con-dition. The high number of plant population was 189 in the treatment t3 BARI Gom 33 in 2020-21 years and 179 in 2021-22 years, among Bandarban conforming to the study (Table 4, 5 and 6). The treatment t1 BARI Gom 30 had the second highest quantity of plant population (143) in 2020-21 and (150) in 2021-22 in Khagrachari. Treatment t4WMRI Gom 01 (130) had the abominable quantity in 2020-21 and (115) in 2021-22 in Khagrachari. In two years, BARI Gom 32 (136) and (128) were discovered. WMRI Gom 02 was in 139 and 146 in Khagrachari. No meaningful distinction in plant population was audited among different hill loc-ation.  Plants have several mechanisms for adapting to heat stress. The 3 (three) leading strategies that allow plants to live and thrive in high-temperature environ-ments are avoidance, escape, and tolerance. Heat tole-rance is described as a plants ability to survive, grow, and generate an economic crop under temperature impact position (Ali et al, 2022; Padam et al., 2020)

Table 5: Yield and Yield Contributing Parameters of Rangamati (Rajasthali) During 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Continued Table 5: Yield and Yield contributing Parameters of Rangamati (Rajasthali) During 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Days to heading

In general, temperatures in Bangladeshs highland districts are hot (22-350c) in the central of the day from February to April. Days till the emergence/heading of the ear peep are a developmental stage by what means the head, spike, or ear emerges from its enclosing sheath. Ear emergence or heading refers to the alter-ation from partial to full appearance (Acevedo et al., 2002). According to Tewolde et al. (2006), earlier hea-ding is serviceable under high temperature stress because over verdant leaves are preserved during anthesis, resulting in a lesser yield drop. High temp-erature also shortened the time of each developmental phase in wheat, to in conformity with Spink et al. (1993). BARI Gom 33 is a day or two later than the other kinds in the trial, regardless of location. After one day, BARI Gom has 30 variants in three areas. 

Table 6: Yield and Yield Contributing Parameters of Khagracha (Maniksari) During 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Continued Table 6: Yield and Output Contributing Parameters of Khagrachari (Maniksari) During 2020-21 and 2021-22).

They have some adaptive power in the hill, which they can use to their advantage. In 3(three) hill region (districts), WMRI Gom 01, BARI Gom 32, and WMRI Gom 02 are the same days (56 days) (Table 4, 5 and 6). To prevent terminal exalted heat stress (25-35°C), hilly environment-adapted cultivars had lengthy head-ing periods followed by short periods and high rates of grain filling, as executed in the field. In hilly stress circumstances, BAR Gom 33, BARI Gom 32, and WMRI Gom 02 outperformed the other cultivars.

Days to anthesis/flowering 

Anthesis, or blossoming, is the key developmental stage when yellow anthers are clearly seen on spikes (Acevedo et al. 2002). High temperatures are most harmful when blooms are first seen, according to growth chamber and greenhouse research, and sen-sitivity lasts for 10-15 days (Foolad, 2005). In this study, BARI Gom 33 (62 days) took longer to attain anthesis in plots than the other kinds, but WMRI Gom 01 took less time (60 days). Due to temperature im-pact, all of the types had a shorter time to complete anthesis. BARI Gom 30, BARI Gom 32, WMRI Gom 02 takes same days (61 days) in 3 (three) hill region (districts) of Bangladesh. WMRI 01 required 17.03% less time (reduction 17.03%) to reach anthesis than BARI Gom 33 (reduction 10.35%). A study by Nahar et al. (2010) is compared, which used wheat cultivars.

Plants height

Under continuous heat growth conditions, plant height was severely lowered for all wheat genotypes, with varied degrees of reduction. Plant height fluctuated under terminal heat due to phenotypic and combination influences of growth circumstances. Heat stress may have delayed plant development and photosynthetic period in a sowing scenario, resulting in a reduction in plant height. Wheat genotypes differed substantially in their yielding on plant height (Mattas et al., 2011; Mohammad et al., 2011; Ford and Throne, 2001). Plant height differences induced by different genotypes may be linked to genotype genetic conditions. The plant height of BARI Gom 33 was (97 cm) in two years with all hill district which was satisfied. The lowest plants were Plant height of WMRI Gom 01 (94cm) in 3 (three) hill region (districts). BARI Gom 30, BARI Gom 32 and WMRI Gom 02 was (95 cm) in both years subsequently. The plants height of wheat varieties was not statistically significant by the hilly exalted heat in normal growing of all hill districts. Finding from experiment BARI Gom 33 was deve-loped to the highest plants height in both seasons.


The highest spike/m2 (191) was gotten in treatment T3 of BARI Gom 33 in two years of the experiment in Bandarban, Khagrachari and Rangamati and (186) Bandarban, Khagrachari (181) in Rangamati in 2021-22. (Sections 04, 05, and 06 of the table) Therapy T1 BARI Gom 30 (179) in all hill location, t5 (150) in all hill locations, and t2 (171) in 2020-21 and Ban (160), Kha (179), and (151) Ran in 2021-22. Treatment t1 BARI Gom 30 (179) in 2020-21 with all regions and (169) Ban, (180) Kha and (163) Ran. t5 (150) in 2020-21 with all hill location and (147) Ban, (169) Kha, (146) Ran) in 2021-2022 years treatment t2 (171)all exam field in 2020-21 and (150) Ban, (179) Kha and (151) Ran) in 2021-22 In years treatment t4 of WMRI Gom 01 had the insignificant spikes per m2 (148) in 2020-21 with all location and (145) Ban, (154) Ran and (154) Kha in 2021-22. The studys findings sup-pose that the higher frequency of spikes is for excep-tional adaptation in three hilly districts. We discovered that the cultivar BARI Gom 33 produces an excellent yield when subjected to hilly stress. Grain yield is heavily influenced by the amount of spikes/m2. The amount of grains spiked/m2 is disc ermined by the day-time of the spike, which is definite by ones genetic makeup. Environmental factors that existed at the time of the growth increment in the amount of grains. Gene-tic differences were most likely to blame for variances in the number of spikes per m2 between cultivars and varietals (Islam, 1995). According to OToole and Stockle, (1991) vulnerability to high temperatures in-creases as vegetative development and tillering con-tinue towards the end of the GSI (Emergence to double ridges) stage. High temperature sensitivity reveals itself during this phase as a retrenchment in GS1 length, as well as a retrenchment in leaf area and growth (Shpiler and Blum, 1986). High temperatures reduce the overall amount of leaves and spike-bearing tillers during this time (Midmore et al., 1984).

Table 7: Economic analysis of high yield heat tolerant wheat varieties in 3 (three) hill regions (districts) (Ban-darban, Rangamati and Khagrachari) during Rabi season in 2020-21 and 2021-22 (average).

Spike Let/Spike

The amount of spikelets/spike is an significant ele-ment in grain output. The extent of the spike and genetic make-up, for environmental elements present during the growth stage, all influence the amount of spikelets/spikes. The amount of spikelets/spikes has an influence on wheat grain output, and it varies depending on growing conditions. Maximum spikelet (16) was observed with the treatment t3 BARI Gom 33 in both years, according to data in (Table 4, 5 and 6). 

The treatment t1 BARI Gom 30 (14) in two years with 3 hills. Ensured by the treatment t2 BARI Gom 32 (14) in 2021-22 and (12) in 2021-22 years. These two geno-types may have a full time of good growth, develop-ment and a more favorable heat temperature than other genotypes, according to research (Ali et al., 1882). The treatment t4 WMRI Gom 01 (13) in 2020-21 year and (12) in 2021-22 year resulted in a lower number of spikelets/spikes in all varieties (Table 4, 5 and 6). It could be for the heat making it difficult for it to grow and develop. Both years of the experiment, the second spikelet (14) was discovered in treatment t1, t2. In the treatment t5 WMRI Gom 02, the third spikelets/spike found was treatment t5 (13) in 2020-21 and (12) in 2021-22. Distinction amount of spikelets/spikes bet-ween cultivars and varietals were most likely for gene-tic differences (Islam, 2004).

Days to Maturity

High temperature decreased the physiological swelling and output contribution in wheat cultivars. Physio-logical maturity needs maximum duration to complete her life. Physiological maturity always means the time periods when get yellow color of standard leaf and spike (Hanft and Wych, 1982). From the study we found highest physiological maturity of the cultivars was treatment t3 BARI Gom 33 (92) in 2020-21 and (91) in 2021-22 years (Table 4, 5 and 6) pursued by the treatment t1 BARI Gom 30 was (89) days in 2020-21 and (88) days in 2021-22 years. Third position was treatment t2 BARI Gom 32 (87) days in 2020-21 and (86) days in 2021-2022 years. Fourth condition was the treatment t5 WMRI Gom 02 (86) days and (82) days in 2021-22 years. The last physiological maturity was treatment t4 WMRI Gom 01 (82) days and (80) days in double years of hill (Table 4, 5 and 6). 

Stress shortens a crops maturation period. In wheat, Asana and Williams, (1965) discovered that for 10 C raise in heat during the grain-filling phase, the daytime of grain-filling decreased by around 3-days, regardless of cultivar. According to (Owen, 1971) and (Saini and Aspinal, 1982), temperatures above 30°C during floret formation cause 70% sterility, which leads to fewer grains spike. The large wheat output could be to blame for the spikelet increase. Due to inherent differences between the cultivars, the days to physiological of wheat cultivars also revealed a large range (Shahzad et al., 2007). 

High temperatures expedite the development, shorten the length, and lower the life rhythm of cultivars from implantation to harvest, according to Fischer (1990).

1000 grain weight

In our current study we have found treatment t3 BARI Gom 33 produce highest 1000 kernel weight (48g)in 2020-21with all location and (47g) Bandarban, (44g) Rangamati and (45g) Khagrachari in 2021-22 year. The lowest 1000 grain weight found the treatment t4 WMRI Gom 01(40g) all location in 2020-21 and (39g) Bandarban (35g) Rangamati (35g) Khagrachari (Table 4, 5 and 6). First it may be favorable for BARI Gom 33 and other side unfavorable for WMRI Gom 01. BARI Gom 33 consumes high temperature particularly in kernel filling stage but other varieties was less? The last periods the head was extremely lofty at the kernel filling stage which finally alleviated yield and shorten of every improvement phage. Second highest 1000 kernel yield was BARI Gom 30 (42g) in two years with all location. (41g) Bandarban, (39g) Rangamati and (41g) Khagrachari in two years, follow by BARI Gom 32 (41g) all position in 2020-21 and (40) Ban-darban, (35g) Rangamati, (36g) Khagrachari in double years. Fourth 1000 kernel yield was (41g) in 2020-21of all position and (40g) Bandarban, (38g) Ranga-mati and (38) Khagrachari in 2021-22 years. Accor-ding to Sofied et al. (1977), a favorable temperature associated with a full corn filling duration resulted in exalted grain weight. 

Due to exalted temperatures throughout the outgrowth stage, especially after grain filling, lower 1000 kernel weight was WMRI Gom 01(40g) and (35g) both years recorded in mountainous environments. The obser-vations of Spink et al. (2000) and Shahzad et al. (2002), who also showed a drop in 1000 kernel weight with high temperature, back up this claim. Previously, comparable outcomes have been recorded (Qamar et al., 2004; Subhan et al., 2004).

Grain yield

Heat stress, alone or in combination with drought, was established to be a frequent restriction in many temp-erate cereal crops throughout the anthesis and grain-filling stages by Guilioni et al. (2003). For example, heat stress, shortened the time of kernel filling and slowed kernel growth, resulting in up to 7% weight and density losses in spring wheat kernels. Temp-erature impact had an important force on all five kinds in our study, resulting in a significant shortening in kernel production. The pace of decline, on another way, differed between genotypes. According to Hasan (2002), each 1°C increase in average mean air heat during anthesis to maturity compared to the normal growing condition reduces grain yield by 2.6 to 5.8% in heat-tolerant genotypes and 7.2% in heat-sensitive genotypes. Our hilly experiment among the varieties BARI Gom 33 (3.16t/ha Bandarban, Rangamati and Khagrachari in 2020-21 and 3.14t/ha Bandarban, 3.15 t/ha Rangamati and 2.91t/ha Khagrachari in 2021-22) gives the highest kernel yield (Table 4, 5 and 6). The second grain yield performance was BARI Gom 30 (3.09t/ha and 3.03 t/ha Bandarban, 2.89 t/ha and 2.99 t/ha Rangamati, 2.89t/ha and 2.43 t/ha Khagrachari) in 2020-21 and 2021-2022 season. Third kernel yield was WMRI Gom 02 (2.98t/ha and 3.00 t/ha Bandarban, 2.28 t/ha and 2.95 t/ha Rangamati, 2.78 t/ha and 2.40 t/ha Khagrachari) in 2020-21 and 2021-2022 season. 

The lowest kernel yield was established in the ex-periment WMRI Gom 01 (2.70 t/ha and 2.87 t/ha Bandarban, 2.10 t/ha and 2.85 t/ha Rangamati, 2.50 t/ha and 2.34 t/ha Khagrachari) in 2020-21 and 2021-2022 season. Best performance of BARI Gom 33 in hilly region was yield and production. Followed by BARI Gom 30, WMRI Gom 02, BARI Gom 32 and WMRI Gom 01.When it came to phonological stage variation in connection to growth and yield, BARI Gom 33 was the best, followed by BARI Gom 30 and WMRI Gom 02, with the highest yield and dry matter output of all five kinds. In our study, changes in weather conditions (Table 1) were reflected in phenol-logy, crop growth, development, eventually under opti-mum hill circumstances, which is common among different crops (Martiniello and Teixeira da Silva 2011; Hossain et al., 2011; Hakim et al., 2012; Hossain et al., 2012a, 2012b). The same kinds yielded in a different order, according to Nahar et al. (2010).

Biological yield

Temperatures above 26.7°C lowered the season of grain progress and dry phenomenon buildup, according to Toru and Wardlaw, (1988). Different cultivars in hill had a substantial impact on straw yield, following to the statistics. When it comes to cultivars, the highest score was achieved by BARI Gom 33 (8.45t/ha and 8.37t/ha Bandarban, 8.45 t/ha and 8.12 t/ha Rangamati, 8.15 t/ha and 8.28 t/ha Khagrachari) in 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 years. Follow BARI Gom 30 (7.98 t/ha and 7.99 t/ha Bandarban, 7.98 t/ha and 7.98 t/ha Rang-amati, 7.98 t/ha and 8.12 t/ha Khagrachari) in 2020-21 and 2021-2022 years. WMRI Gom 02 (7.89 t/ha and 7.97 t/ha Bandarban, 7.19 t/ha and 7.96 t/ha Ranga-mati, 7.95 t/ha and 7.95 t/ha Khagrachari) in 2020-21 and 2021-2022 years. The lowest biomass output was established WMRI Gom 01 (7.69 t/ha and 7.79 t/ha Bandarban, 7.09 t/ha and 7.90 t/ha Rangamati, 7.72 t/ha and 7.79 t/ha Khagrachari) in 2020-21 and 2021-2022 seasons. For hostile weather condition (high temperature) for physiological growth. On optimum sowing, WMRI Gom 01 had the lowest yield, pursued by BARI Gom 32 and WMRI Gom 02. It could be because to the exalted heat during the vegetative period (Table 4, 5 and 6). According to Kumer et al. (1994), straw yield declined as a end of an hostile con-dition (high heat) during the vegetative period; as a result, crops grew thin and produced fewer tillers, low-ering straw yield. Because of his heat tolerance, BARI Gom 33 produces the most biomass. Heat-tolerant optimal planting, according to Donaldson et al. (2001), resulted in a higher straw produce due to the increased amount of tillers. These findings concur with those of Matuz and Aziz, (1991) 

Economic Analysis

We evaluated the BCR (benefit cost ratio) by counting the average output of the last year (Bandarban, Ranga-mati and Khagrachari). t1= 2.82 (3.03+2.99+2.43), treatment t2 = 2.76 (2.97+2.90+2.40), treatment t3 = 3.07 (3.14, 3.15, and 2.91) treatment t4 = 2.70 (2.87+ 2.87+2.34) and t5 = 2.78 (3.00+2.95+2.40) treat-ments. A basic economic analysis was conducted. Fix-ed value refers to the costs of land preparation, labor, seed, fertilizer, and irrigation that were consistent across all treatments. The prices of urea, triple super phosphate (TSP), potash murate (MoP), Gypsum, Born, and zinc sulfate were all considered variable expenses. The farm gate prices of the items were gathered from farmers and local market places to com-pute gross return, net return, and benefit cost ratio (BCR). The remainders of the managements were treated in the one way. Total cost was considerate by adding fixed and variable costs (Total cost= Fixed cost + Variable cost). The gross return was calculated using the major products farm gate selling price. The BCR was determined by dividing the gross return by the total cost (gross margin). According to our economic study, the total cost of production is 50,500 taka/ha (all treatment is same). Treatment t3 out putted the highest gross return of 61,400 taka followed by treatment t1 yielding 56,400 takas (Table 7) T5, and T2, yielded the third and fourth gross returns, respectively. Treatment t4 yielded the lowest gross return of 54,000 taka. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) is calculated using the formula gross return/total value of outturn. The highest BCR (treatment=t3) is 1.22. t1 therapy follows (1.12). Treatment t4 has the lowest BCR (1.06).for outcome, we can state that BARI Gom 33 is superior to others in 3 (three) hill regions (Districts) (Bandarban, Ranga-mati and Khagrachari) of Bangladesh.


The conclusion is that hilly temperature had important dominance on kernel output and component. For the analyzed elements of high yield, BARI Gom 33 and BARI Gom 30 outperformed WMRI Gom 02, BARI Gom 32, and WMRI Gom 01 significantly. Wheat re-quires heat tolerant genes to achieve high yield and tolerance levels. For consequence, BARI Gom 33 is suggested for high yield in Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari. BARI Gom 30 came in second, WMRI Gom 02 came in third, BARI Gom 32 came in fourth, and WMRI Gom 01 came in fifth. Only under the correct temporal conditions, BARI Gom 33 is the best; followed by BARI Gom 30 in 3 (three) hill districts (Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari).


The Regional Station, Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute, Gazipur, and Caritas Bangladesh (Chattogram region) are all responsible for maintaining the experimental plants. The Chief Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute (BW-MRI), Gazipur, has also provided financial assistance.


According to the authors, they have no apparent con-flicts of interest with regard to the study.

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Article Info:

Academic editor:

Md. Ekhlas Uddin Dipu, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Gono Bishwabidalay, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


March 1, 2022


April 4, 2022


April 21, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajpab.022.065077

Corresponding author

Md Afzal Hossain*
Senior Scientific Officer,Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, BRRI, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Ali MA, Rahman MM, Khan MM, Haque MN, Islam R, Hossain MA, and Faruk G. (2022). Performance of new wheat yield in Bangladeshs three hill districts (Bandarban, Rangamati, Khagrachari). Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 2022; 4(4), 65-77. 

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