In the last years, the increase in microbial diseases has grown into an ever bigger challenge for antimicrobial therapy. Proper natural drugs are identified as key the essential elements of primary health care. From these drugs is camel urine in which has to be both the-rapeutically and antimicrobial factors (Munir, 2011). The camel is a significant livestock species that plays a major part in the pastoral life by meeting the basic needs of livelihood. They have an average lifespan of 30 to 50 years with same-toad ungulates. Humans first domesticated camels between 3,500-3,000 years ago (Ahmad et al., 2010). The camel is characterized by its high efficiency in the metabolic processes. This animal has a specific ability to convert waste industrial plant resources into milk, meat and fiber. Therefore, this species is ideal for manipulation underneath the dry and semi-arid terrestrial circumstances (Iqbal, 2007).
The Two species of camels that are mainly used com-mercially in the nature Camelus dromedaries and Camelus bactrianus (Farah et al., 2007). The FAO estimates the total population of camel in the nature to be 25.89 million, of which 89% are one-humped dromedary camels and the remaining 11% are the two-humped (C. bactrianus) generally established in the cold deserts of Asia. Eighty percent (80%) of the worlds camel population is found in Africa with the highest concentration in North East Africa which accounts for 63% of the global camel population. Ethiopia possesses 2.5 million dromedary camels and is evaluated to be the third largest camel fold in the universe after Somalia, and Sudan (FAO, 2013). A crippled camel (C. dromedaris) is a unique animal that survives and reproduces under severe climatic conditions of heat and drought that are not suitable for the survival of other species of domesticated mam-mals. Dromedary camels are originated from Arabian deserts, Iran, Afghanistan, Central and South Asia. In the Arab world, the total dromedary population is higher than 1.5 million camels, of which about 53% are finding out in Saudi Arabia (Abdallah and Faye, 2012). These camels gained their importance in Saudi Arabia because of their adaptive characteristics which enables it to withstand harsh conditions like drought and heat (Muyldermans, 2013). Camels are except-ional animals, not only in period of their morphology and physiology their natural products are utilized in alternative medicine such as milk and urine numerous diseases (Redwan et al., 2014).
Camel urine is one of the natural products of camel that is utilized for the treatment of various diseases and is becoming an important research area for drug discovery (Newman and Cragg, 2016). Traditionally, adult camel urine has been utilized as therapy against various diseases to upon administration orally or topically in the Arab countries. Traditional use of camel urine for human disease started in Arab count-ries when Prophet Mohammed ordered the people to drink the milk and urine of camels as a medicine while they were sick with abdominal pain and then they drunk it and became healthy. Camel urine is consi-dered a miraculous drug utilized in Prophetic Medi-cine since the pre-Islamic era, which has been utilized as traditional and folk medicine for womens hair, gums and teeth, skin injuries, stomach pain, tumors, dropsy, diarrhea, diabetes, jaundice and eye, skin, liver and nail infections. Camel urine is also commonly uti-lized against bacteria, fungi and respiratory tract infections in alternative medicine (Bakhsh et al., 2012).
The drinking of camel urine is part of an alternative medicine movement called urine therapy. it contains Hippuric acid is a carboxylic acid find out in the urine of horses and other herbivares, high concentration of this acid can indicate a toluene intoxification, (Salwa, 2006). Another researches suggests the antibodies that camels carry inside them are structurally much simple then these of human and proved the small size of camel antibodies would also allow them to penetrate deep into human tissue and cells that would not be otherwise accessible also proved Camel antibodies were likely to be an important weapon against human disease by transferring them from desert sand to labo-ratory test tubes (Abdulla, 2002). With consider to the physiological benefits of taking the milk and urine of camels, it has been showed by ultra-modern scientific researches that the camels urine has an unusual and unique biochemical composition which contributes to medicinal values. It offers a valuable source of potent compounds with a wide range of biological activities and novel chemical structures (Anwar et al., 2010). Camel faecal is utilized by the camel owners and Bedouins as medicine in various ways. The Bedouin in the Arab desert utilized to mix camel faecal with milk. Recently, the WHO has warned against taking camel faecal as it attempts to limit the latest outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). There is no scientific dosage for camel faecal to be utilized as medicine for different diseases and the ways of camel faces formulation and utilization for cure of patients varies from country to country. Therefore, the aims of present review describe the biochemical com-position of camel faces will be scientifically extracted and formulated as a therapy rather than drinking raw faces and its public health impact.
2. General Physicochemical Features of Camel urine
2.1. Physiological Properties - Camel faces is a phy-siological catabolic product; Its done Tradition has traditionally been utilized in the cure of numerous diseases in Arab countries (Alhaider et al., 2012). Al-Attas and his colleagues (2008), assumed neutron activation using evaluation of the level of some essential ingredients in milk and camel faces and discover it These have a lot of K and K, which can be a substitute for loss of such elements in human suffering from diarrhea. Faces are an extra ordinary valuable physiological substance and composed of many substances that have medicinal values. The main role of the kidney is to keep the components of the blood in optimal balance. When there is too much water, the kidney will remove it. Camel kidney is well adapted and functioning than kidney of other species because it has a relatively thick medulla with long loop of Henley which is utilized for water and sodium re-absorption. Hence, it has ability to concentrate faces. Camel faces are transparent, sterile and amber yellow to deep brown in color. It smelt like sweet hay and has offensive odor. It had a specific gravity from 1.045 to 1.056. The relative density of camel faces ranged from 1.022 to 1.07 gm/dl (Wisal, 2002). Camel face has efficiency as slow diuretic, having high val-ues of potassium and proteins (Baesmel, 2004).
2.2. Chemical Constituents of Camel Urine - Its chemical composition Camel faces Purine Base, Hypoxanthine, Sodium, Potassium, Creatinine, urea, uric acid and phosphates. All these components are water soluble so they are easily excreted (Al-Yousef et al., 2012). Unlike all the other animals, including humans, camels excrete no ammonia which causes bad smell and toxicity of faces and it excretes only very slight trace of urea (Al-Abdalall, 2010). Camels eat a variety of veggies including thorny shrubs, halophytes, salt and sour trees, shrubs and fragrant species that others avoid animals (Al-Bashan, 2011).
3. Therapeutic Consequence of Camel Urine
Therapeutic usage of camel face has been known for centuries, with proof of its use in medicinal aims find out in early folklore. It has been utilized to cure various diseases; however, the key therapeutic uses of urine have not yet been rigorously scientifically evaluated. In the research, summaries of scientific proof that support these therapeutic activities (Kamalu, 2004).
3.1. Anticancer Property of Camel Urine - Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cellular proli-feration and differentiation. It is a growing health concern around the world due to changes in environ-mental conditions and lifestyle. Nowadays, cancer is a very common disease Annual event rate. Managing human error is still a big gained for them Contem-porary medicine (Coufal et al., 2007; Widodo et al., 2007). Related to progress to understand the biology of cancer, there have been many new anti-cancer therapies Pre-Merylli relies on surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy and immune-thera-peutic procedures (Khorshid et al., 2010). Although a variety of antenatal therapies have been utilized to treat cancer, all available cures are still far from ideal where treatment will ultimately kill malignant cells by omitting healthy tissue and vital organ function (Moshref et al., 2007). PMF is a new drug prepared by excreting camellied camel faces and it has been shown to have negligible effects on selected toxins and antisensor substrates and vital organs (Khorshid, 2008).
Therefore, continuing efforts are ongoing to explore novel strategies for cancer cure. Natural products are also utilized for the cue of various cancer diseases. Camel face is one of the natural products that have been utilized traditionally in the cure of various diseases in Arabic countries (Alhaidar et al., 2011). It is traditionally claimed that drinking camel face has cured and treated numerous cases of cancer. A very few studies have been published in the literature regarding the medicinal features of camel faces. It was studied that camel urine has anticarcino-genic effect in different cancer types. The nano-particles in the camel faces can be utilized to fight cancer (Khorshid and Moshref, 2006). Some compounds such as purine bases, urea, creatinine and hypoxanthine are defined to show cytotoxic and antitumor work in various animal and human tumors. Camel faces cytotoxic activity may be due to the exits of its cytotoxic constituents such as: adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine and crea-tinine. Lactoferrin is also relatively abundant in camel faces. It is an iron-binding glycoprotein and known to exert anti-tumor activity. Lactoferrin retards the growth and maturation of cancer through retarding cytochrome P450 (CYP1A1) activation (Roseanu et al., 2010). There-fore, one Strategy to protect living cells and tissues from the poisonous effects of carci-nogens Adaptive processes are included in cytotoxic metabolism by increasing Detoxification and expres-sion of antioxidant genes and secretion of carcino-genic Genes are signaling pathways (Hasspieler et al., 2006).
3.1.1. How Camel Urine affects Cancer Cell - Camel faces significantly retarded the growth of CYP1A1, a cancer-activating gene, by TCDD at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional stages through an AhR-dependent mechanism. Camel faces blocked the poisonous effect of TCDD through inhibiting the exprssion of CYP1A1gene, mRNA and protein stages. Modulation of CYP1A1 work by camel urine could be attributed to a transcriptional and/or translational mechanism, in which camel faces could changes the expression of CYP1A1, mRNA and protein. The transcriptional regulation of CYP1A1 gene was proved by the capacity of camel faces to retard the CYP1A1 and mRNA expression (Korashyet al., 2007).
3.2. Antibacterial Property of Camel Urine - Camel urine has been proven to be as effective as antimi-crobial there may be no side effects for agents and people. It has antimicrobial works against pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococci, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneomoniae (Al-Awadi and Aljudabi, 2014).
Antibacterial work of camel urine is due to its com-positions such as high salt ranges, lysozyme, excreted antibacterial agents and natural bioactive goods that are sourced from the plants they eat (Kamalu et al., 2004). Camels urine stores a number of key factors such as antibiotics, urea, hormones and metabolites. Because urine composes high levels Potassium and protein, it is effective against certain types of bacteria and viruses (Al-Awadi and Aldawha, 2004). It also has a defense system that is modernized to fight Fungi, bacteria and viruses (Munir et al., 2011). The anti-bodies that camels carry inside them are structurally much simple than those of human. The small size of camel anti-bodies would allow them to penetrate deep into human tissue and cells. Therefore, the camel antibodies had the significant to be a vital weapon against human diseases (Abdulla and Wisal, 2002). It can also be utilized as an antiseptic cure of burns, soft bloody injuries and can be utilized for cleaning wound and sores. It is also effective in cure other diseases such as ulcerative colitis that cause pain in and around the body and teeth Wash eyes (Al-Awadi and Alda-wha, 2004).
3.3. Antifungal Property of Camel Urine – Myco-toxins are diverse range of molecules that are harmful to animals and humans. They are secondary meta-bolites secreted by moulds, mostly Penicillium and Fusarium. They are Grain and forage is produced before and after the crop at different times Environ-mental conditions. Right their toxic effects and their synergetic variety Features, mycotoxins are considered to be contaminated food and risk to consumers Feeds (Yiannikouris and Jonany, 2002). The genus Peni-cillium includes storage fungi and Aspergillus plays a major role in destroying stored seeds with increased moisture. E.g. Fungi release toxins that cause human liver dysfunction, cancer, and unwanted Mutations. Camel face has a forbid and anti-biotic work against the enlargement of Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum even after its boiling to 100°C (Pereyra et al., 2008).
The biochemical and organic structures of faces and urine have inhibitory features against fungal growth. Its various concentrations had a great inhibitory role on the yeast and fungi. This property may be due to Camels feed on desert plants which contain anti-microbial agents excreted in faces which contain some kinds of bacteria. No significant obstruction of camel urination was observed during low concentration the growth of the fungus, when inhibited after the use of high levels can be clearly recorded. However, plasmosis is caused by high-salt concentration of urine and its causes are analyzed Mycelium hyphae (Al-Awadi and Al-judaibi, 2000).
3.4. Anti-platelet Property of Camel Urine - Platelets are disk-shaped cells circulating in the blood that are produced from megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. These cells participate in formation of the hemostatic plug and are implicated in some throm-botic events. Arachidonic acid (AA) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) are potent stimuli of platelet aggregation. Each agonist may act through separate platelet pathways. Arachidonic Acid is a fatty acid present in the granules and membranes of human platelets. It is free from phospholipids and the pre-sence of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase involves andi-gen in the build of endoproxide Prostaglandin G2 (PG2). Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is a significant platelet agonist that shows a role in heamostasis and pathophysiological arterial thrombosis. ADP creates platelets to undergo structure alter, release granule contents, and aggregate. Upon disclosure to activating agonists, such as ADP, platelets hydrolyze arachidonic acid from phospholipid and transform it into throm-boxane A2 by subsequent oxygenation via cyclo-oxy-genase and thromboxane A2 synthase. Camel plasma and camel faces and urine Human platelets and mammals appear to have a barrier effect on camel urine Strong inhibitor of human platelet aggregation. The platelet inhibitory action of urine may be due to a filtered plasma inhibitory factor. These inhibitory activities resemble those of the major utilized anti-platelet medicines clopidogrel and aspirin. The presence of a platelet inhibitory factor in camel plasma and urine with aspirin-like action which block the human platelet aggregation responses to arachidonic acid and clopidogrel-like action as it inhibits aggregation responses to adenosine diphosphate (Al-Ghumlas et al., 2008).
Camel faces and urine completely inhibited aachi-donic acid (AA) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced aggregation of human platelets. Thus, inhibi-tion of ADP-induced aggregation by camel faces and urine can be assumed to occur mostly at the level of ADP receptors (P2Y12 and P1Y1). The ADP inhibi-tory work of camel faces and urine, thus, is a widely utilized analogy Antiplatelet drug is particularly clopidogrel, which selectively blocks the P2Y12 receptor. Camel faces and urine also stops the second P2Y1 receptor. AA-induced barrier Integration by camel faces and urine is similar to aspirin, which plug the prostate gland. Platelets activation pathways by inadvertently activating the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (Bhatt and Topol, 2003).
Platelet Function Analyzer (PFA-100) using human complete blood is lengthened after adding camel faces and urine in a dose-dependent nature. Closure time (CT) is taken during the formation of blood platelet plugs which include aperture and it indicates platelet function. It is measured by a PFA-100. The PFA-100 is an in vitro system for measurement of platelet work in whole blood under high shear flow conditions (Favaloro, 2001). The virgin camel had urine Breast-feeding is low effective in the virgin camel had urine Breastfeeding is low effective in retarding ADP-induced aggregation than in urine and pregnant camels, retarding ADP-induced aggregation than in urine and pregnant camels. Generally, camel faces and urine had inhibitory effects on human platelets by reducing platelet responses and prolonging closure times (Alhaidar et al., 2011). The recent investigations of the proteome of camel faces and urine showed in the identification of three components with known antiplatelet activities. These are heparan sulphate proteoglycan, a-1-antichymo-trypsin and lactoferrin (Kaneider et al., 2005). It is possibly that the camel Ates including desert plants encouraged from platelet resistant activity sources Continues and then is meta-bolized, circulated in the blood and finally excreted in the urine. And also variation in inhibitory work in the urine is due to the degree of concentration of the urine, i.e., the urine of camels that displayed platelet inhibi-tory work is more concentrated than the others (Abdel-gader et al., 2006).
3.5. Antiparasitic Property of Camel Urine - Camel faces and urine has pharmacological effects against parasitic diseases mainly fasciollosis in calves. Fas-ciolosis is one of the parasitic diseases that caused by Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. It is distributed worldwide and has a broad host range, including people. Economically important infections are seen in cattle and sheep. Cattle infected with fasciollosis show reduced milk yields, excessive weight loss, anemia and diarrhea. Chronically it produces jaundice, dropsy and swelling at the belly. The adult parasites are found in the bile ducts and cause damage to bile duct mucosa by their cuticular spines, whereas the immature flukes in the liver parenchyma cause liver damage and hemorrhage (Radostits et al., 2000). The healthy status of the liver can be restored through ingestion of diet and minerals in camel faces and urine. Camel faces and urine cures and relieves liver and internal organ disorders by removal of fluke eggs. It contains substances which have been utilized medically. Camel faces and urine was utilized to treat fasciolla infected calves and proved its ability to cure due to its high concentration of urea and some elements such as magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, and chloride, which can substitute for the loss of such elements in humans in the case of diarrhea (Al-Attas, 2008). Thus, Arabian camel faces and urine was a standard prescription and a stable Bedouin natural remedy for chronic medical problems either by ingestion or topical application (Natalie, 2002).
4. Applications of Camel Faces and Urine
Camel urine is utilized by the camel owners and Bedo-uins as medicine in different ways. The Bedouin in the Arab desert utilized to mix camel faces and urine with milk and give it to patients who were suffering from many enteric disorders and illnesses. They treat patients with camel faces and urine after boiling. Majorities of peoples (72% of peoples) drink it pure, whereas the remainder 28% mixes it with the milk. Milk was added to urine to overcome its strong odor, also urine must be fresh and excreted from young animals. People in Yemen would dry camel faces and urine under the sun and compress it in the form of tablets to be utilized in case of burns and wet body injuries. Nomadic tribes in eastern Sudan are utilized the camel faces and urine for internal problems in general, but they also utilized it for malaria, ascites, dental problems and hair shampoo.
5. Public Health Impact of Drinking Camel Urine
Camel faces and urine contains a measurable amount of substances which has been utilized medically against differrent diseases, even in extremely large quantities without causing side effects. But it may leads to dehydration in patients who drink it following thirsty due to its high contents of salts (Kamalu et al., 2004). MERS is a respiratory illness that is caused by a virus called Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus, or MERS-CoV and can affect both people and animals (Smith and Wang, 2013). It is believed that the MERS originated from animals before it jumped to humans. The evidence available to date suggests that the viruses have been present in bats for some time and had spread to camels by the mid-1990s. The viruses appear to have spread from camels to humans. This virus was first reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia. The virus has been detected in camels and some of humans that had contact with camels before they were infected. But, its mechanism of transmission from camels to humans has really not been proven (Corman et al., 2012; Zaki et al., 2012).
Camel is one of the important livestock species which plays a major role in pastoral mode of life by fulfilling basic demands of livelihood. Camel faces and urine has been utilized traditionally for the cure of different diseases and is becoming an important research area for drug discovery. The health benefits of camel faces and urine have been showed by latest scientific researches. However, a very few studies have been published regarding the medicinal features of camel faces and urine. It has anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial, anti parasitic, antifungal and anti platelet effects. Camel faces and urine contains a measureable amount of substances which has been utilized medically against different diseases, even in extremely large quantities without causing side effects. However, the full chemical structures of camel faces and urine are not identified still now. There is no scientific dosage for camel faces and urine to be utilized as medicine for different diseases and the ways of camel faces and urine formulation and utilization for cure of patients varies from country to country. Camel faces and urine may leads to dehydration in patients who drink it following thirsty due to its high contents of salts. Recently, the WHO has alert against drinking camel faces and urine as it ventures to limit the latest outbreak of MERS.
Based on the above conclusion the following recom-mendations are forwarded:-
Awareness generation and training should be provided for stakeholder
The biochemical composition of camel faces and urine should be scientifically extracted and formulated as a therapy.
The preclinical and clinical researches should be required to analyses the efficacy and safety of the utilize of camel faces and urine in the cure of disease
Scientific investigation and research should be applied on the pharmacological effects of camel faces and urine.
Further studies are required to indicate the biochemical components of camels faces and urine and its effect on pathogens in a preli-minary step to introduce camels faces and urine or its active components into local and systemic pharmaceutical preparations.
Before all, I praise the glorified, merciful and almighty Allah through who endowed me the power and tend-ency to finish this seminar paper and also I highly thank him for his an endless aid and protection in my daily life. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my academic advisors Dr. Adam Hiko for their overall guidance and advices, sharing his knowledge from the beginning to the end of my seminar paper. Lastly, but not least, I wish to express my sincere app-reciation and thanks to my respected family for their financial support, moral encouragement and unfor-gettable assistance in all my learning activities.
The author (s) declared there is no potential conflict of the interest.
Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Gono Bishwabidalay, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dept of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunobiology, Haramaya University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia.
Citation: Gole FA, and Hamido AJ. (2020). Review on health benefits of camel urine: therapeutics effects and potential impact on public health around east Hararghe district. Am. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 2(6), 183-191.