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Review Article | Open Access | Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud.,2023; 5(1), 1-17. | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.023.01017

Educational System Theory, Concept, and Framework

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin* Mail Img


The study aims to identify the contribution of the educational system theory concept and framework of the respondents in the aspect of collaborative learning, outside learning environment, social media learning, classroom learning interaction, management learning, immersive learning with Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR), and gamification learning. The research employs quantitative design in the study to measure and quantify the educational system theory concept and framework. Likewise, random sampling utilizes the selection of the participants. It utilizes a key approach and selection point of random sampling. The study comprised sixty (60) respondents only. Results show that collaborative learning provides trends to pave options on concept and framework in teaching and learning approach access development of interaction in building interpersonal skills, outside learning environment provides trends in technology learning to keep educational process in adopting the latest trend of teaching and learning, social media learning provides technological trend in a changing world full of knowledge and challenges in teaching and learning and to utilize the trend in enhancing powerful tool in teaching and learning process of the social media atmosphere, classroom learning interaction brought new technology in teaching and learning function concept, and framework educational system, management learning analysis for student outcome and performance in the academic achievement process to develop an action plan in the teaching process for students improved performance, immersive learning with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) compels learning trends, gamification learning guarantees the trend of increased engagement, competition, and participation of students in teaching and learning techniques and strategies improve student retention and performance classroom output. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between the contribution of the educational system theory concept and framework as observed by the respondents. 


The educational system theory, concept, and frame-work are designed to improve teaching and learning processes. The theory adopted the concept and frame-work for educational lecturers to equip knowledge of learning based on needs of students as the centers of learning. It emerges from the application of interdis-ciplinary field educational intelligence instructional design and transformation for student learning. It pro-vides a prospective technology trend system and set-ting of education. It achieves deeper understanding and complex role on instructional process elements of edu-cation. It fills the gap on adaptive educational system theory concept and framework perspective. It utilizes a systematic approach in the educational system process. It indicates an added systematic educational system as to direct mediator in teaching and learning, new sub-ject category, and supplement instruction for students learning process as to theory, concept, implication and development framework (Xu & Ouyang, 2021, pp. 1-29). On the other hand, the educational theory system provides complex teaching and dominant concept lear-ning. It enacts teaching and learning practice in a simple concept activity and impact for students and teachers to generate educational system theory. It is a dynamic concept and framework in educational system theory process tool nature of teaching and learning (Strom & Viesca, 2021, pp. 209-224).

Furthermore, the educational system comprises both public and private which consist of teachers and stu-dents arrangement context. It attempts and explores to guide students as the centers of learning. It is a social and economic factor in facilitating teaching resource institutions and function processes. It analyzes cultural aspects and quality education concept systems. It dete-rmines the educational system and approach to scien-tific learning. It ensures mechanism for improved quality education and analysis. It utilizes an effective model world quality educational system. It aims to en-sure development quality educational system (Jura-baevich & Bulturbayevich, 2021, pp. 11-21). In addi-tion, the educational system innovation and transition introduces new requirement and quality system. It determines the potential platform of educational accu-mulation and formation. It utilizes scientific effective educational systems and stability potential learning and teaching. It reforms the process of sustainable deve-lopment mechanism for educational systems to ensure training and quality instrument standard system in the school organization (Cada, 2021; Viache-slavna and Anatoli-evna, 2020, pp. 85-87). 

Moreover, the concept of education theory system con-cept and framework is directed transformation know-ledge to foster character traits and skills. It includes understanding, and development rationality education process and system. It is a reflection mechanism of reality knowledge educational concept of learning. It is based on blooms taxonomy process as to various dom-ains of learning. It describes taxonomy learning in understanding academic performance as to psycho-motor, affective, and cognitive domains of learning. It includes techniques and strategies of teaching compre-hensive analysis learning, academic performance, atti-tude, and student study habits. It provides cognitive structure learning domain module and lesson function. It provides proper motivation and active attention process satisfaction of various domains of learning and teaching (Mallillin et al., 2021). Hence, the various domains of teaching learning are designed based con-cept of educational system and academic performance. It explores various active-ties knowledge and in-depth learning. It provides style techniques and teaching based concept of educational system setting (Mallillin, 2020, pp. 1-11).

Indeed, the educational system theory system is based on a teaching and learning framework. It characterizes and specifies a framework to observe outcome and description of educational system and interaction. It identifies a proximate learning framework of educa-tion. It organizes a plan and curriculum framework set standard outcome for learning. It defines educational framework assessment and standard content. It is a process of education that analyzes a framework toward theory system in teaching and learning (Mallillin et al., 2020).  It advances approaches for novel opportunities in the framework of education tools, techniques, and strategies in teaching and learning process (Demir, 2021, pp. 1-36).

Educational System Theory, Concept, and Frame-work Illustration and Explanation Statement of the Problem –

1. What is the contribution of educational system theory concept and framework of the respondents in the aspect of –

a) collaborative learning,

b) outside learning environment,

c) social media learning,

d) 1.4 classroom learning interaction,

e) 1.5 management learning,

f) 1.6 immersive learning with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), &   

g) 1.7 gamification learning?

2. Is there a significant relationship on the contri-bution of educational system theory concept and framework as observed by the respondents?

Fig. 1: Educational System Theory, Concept, and Framework.

Table 1: Theory Details of Concept and Framework.


There is a significant relationship on the contribution of educational system theory concept and framework as observed by the respondents.

Research Design

The research employs descriptive quantitative app-roach in the study. It describes the educational theory system concept and framework which focuses on the contribution in the organization setting of school as to collaborative learning, outside learning environment, social media learning, classroom learning interaction, management learning, immersive learning with Aug-mented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), and gamification in education. It strives knowledge, inter-vention, and theory promising. It novices expert des-criptive quantitative research design fullest. It frames teaching and learning practice, goal, and recognition as to various aspects of educational system theory. It focuses on descriptive quantitative essential feature validity and reliability of tools and instruments (Duc-kett, 2021, pp. 456-463).

Sampling Techniques

Random sampling is employed in the selection of the participants. They are chosen based on set criteria of the sampling techniques. It provides effective semantic segmentation in gathering population and size of the study. It relies on the process and steps of sampling techniques. Therefore, random sampling is the most appropriate selection of participants from various edu-cational entities and experts. It utilizes key approach and selection point of random sampling. It introduces a novel key feature of progressive sampling technique and selection adapted to the study. It increases detail of random sampling technique segment and performance (Hu et al., 2021).

Respondents of the Study

The participants of the study are the selected expert in quantitative research. They are from the various educa-tional institution entities in both private and public. They are doctors degree holders. They are knowle-dgeable in formulation of theories especially in the educational system and setting. The study comprised sixty (60) respondents only.  

Instruments Used

Table 2: Contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework collaborative learning.

Table 3: Contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework outside learning environment.

Table 4: Contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework social media learning.

Table 5: Contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework classroom learning interaction

Table 6: Contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework management learning.

Table 7: Contribution of educational system theory concept & framework immersive learning with AR and VR.

Table 8: Contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework gamification learning.


Table 9: Contribution of Educational System Theory Concept, and Framework Collaborative Learning among the Respondents.

Table 9 presents the weighted mean and the corres-ponding   interpretation   on   the  contribution  of  edu-cational system theory concept, and framework in the 

aspect of collaborative learning among the respon-dents. It shows that rank 1 is shared by the two indi-cators which are “It provides impact in collaborative learning trends to pave options on concept and frame-work in teaching and learning”, and “Collaborative learning approach accesses development of interaction in building interpersonal skills”, with a weighted mean of 4.21 or Strongly Agree which means collaborative learning is highly observed. Rank 2 is “It builds skills in collaborative learning process to improve engage-ment and understanding educational system concept and framework”, with a weighted mean of 4.12 or Agree which means collaborative learning is observed. Rank 3 is “It innovates trends in collaborative learning to stay connected in the concept and framework of the educational system and setting”, with a weighted mean of 4.00 or Agree which means collaborative learning is observed. The least in rank is shared by the two indi-cators which are “It encourages model of classroom collaborative learning tasks and activities for students learning output”, and “It features traditional teaching model to bridge the gap in collaborative learning of educational system concept and learning framework, with a weighted mean of 3.38 or Neutral which means collaborative learning is limited. The overall average weighted mean is 3.88 (SD=0.362) or Agree which means contribution of educational system theory con-cept, and framework in the aspect of collaborative learning is observed among the respondents. 

Table 10: Contribution of Educational System Theory Concept, and Framework outside Learning Environment among the Respondents.

Table 10 presents the weighted mean and the corre-sponding interpretation on the contribution of educa-tional system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of outside learning environment among the res-pondents. As noted in the table, rank 1 is “Provides trend in technology learning to keep educational pro-cess in adopting the latest trend of teaching and learning”, with a weighted mean of 4.20 or Strongly Agree which means outside learning environment is highly observed. Rank 2 is shared by the two indic-ators which are “It helps students to learn at their own time and pace depending on the learning modality”, and “It adopts flexible learning benefits of both teachers and students even outside the learning envi-ronment”, with a weighted mean of 4.00 or Agree which means outside learning environment is obser-ved. Rank 3 is “It designs responsive educational con-tent for the module of students anywhere and any-time”, with a weighted mean of 3.89 or Agree which means outside learning environment is observed. The least in rank is “It delivers a convenient method of learning expectation in an educational setting concept and framework”, and “It embeds features and learning experience enhancement in the educational system concept and framework”, with a weighted mean of 3.39 or Neutral which means outside learning environ-ment is limited. The overall average weighted mean is 3.79 (SD=0.314) or Agree which means contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of outside learning environment is obser-ved among the respondents.

Table 11: Contribution of Educational System Theory Concept, and Framework Social Media Learning Among the Respondents. 

Table 11 presents the weighted mean and the corre-sponding interpretation on the contribution of edu-cational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of social media learning among the respondents. As gleaned in the table, rank 1 is shared by the two indicators which are “It is a technological trend in a changing world full of knowledge and challenge in teaching and learning”, and “It utilizes trend in enhan-cing powerful tool in teaching and learning process of the social media atmosphere”, with a weighted mean of 4.23 or Strongly Agree which means social media learning is highly observed. Rank 2 is “It allows social media learning models to increase engagement in teaching concept and framework process improved learning experiences”, with a weighted mean of 3.91 or Agree which means social media learning is observed. Rank 3 is “It institutes educational concepts and frame-work in utilizing social media communication tools for students and teachers interaction”, with a weighted mean of 3.63 or Agree which means social media learning is observed. The least in rank is shared by the two indicators which are “It provides various platforms of social media teaching and learning educational concept and framework process”, and “It features social media learning, opinion, sharing knowledge, materials, projects, and assignments”, with a weighted mean of 3.37 or Neutral which means social media learning is limited. The overall average weighted mean is 3.76 (SD=0.369) or Agree which means contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of social media learning is observed among the respondents. 

Table 12: Contribution of Educational System Theory Concept, and Framework Classroom Learning Interaction among the Respondents.

Table 12 presents the weighted mean and the corre-sponding interpretation on the contribution of educa-tional system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of classroom learning interaction among the respondents. As observed in the table, rank 1 is “Class-room learning interaction brought new technology in teaching and learning function concept, and framework educational system”, with a weighted mean of 4.21 or Strongly Agree which means classroom learning inter-action is highly observed. 

Rank 2 is shared by the two indicators which are “Classroom learning interaction is based on motivation process implementation for student guidance in tea-ching and learning”, and “It creates engagement and interaction priority in the school system setting con-cept and framework”, with a weighted mean of 4.01 or Agree which means class-room learning interaction is observed. Rank 3 is “It brings classroom learning in-teraction lively based on trends of techno-logy tea-ching and learning”, with a weighted mean of 3.77 or Agree which means class-room learning inter-action is observed. 

The least in rank is shared by the two indicators which are “It allows interaction to take place in classroom learning through video, audio, and augmented teaching and learning”, and “It discusses classroom activities to complete teaching and learning process involvement and interaction”, with a weighted mean of 3.36 or Neutral which means classroom learning interaction is limited. The overall average weighted mean is 3.74 (SD=0.342) or Agree which means contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of classroom learning interaction is obser-ved among the respondents.

Table 13: Contribution of Educational System Theory Concept, and Framework Management Learning among the Respondents.

Table 13 presents the weighted mean and the corres-ponding interpretation on the contribution of educa-tional system theory concept, and framework in the 

aspect of management learning among the respon-dents. As glanced in the table, it shows that rank 1 is shared by the two indicators which are “It analyzes teaching and learning student outcome and perfor-mance in the academic achievement process”, and “It develops an action plan for management learning teaching process for student improved performance”, with a weighted mean of 4.20 or Strongly Agree which means management learning is highly observed. Rank 2 is “Management learning is necessary in the educa-tional system concept and framework convenient in teaching and learning”, with a weighted mean of 4.07 or Agree which means management learning is obser-ved. Rank 3 is shared by the two indicators which are “It evaluates results of formative and summative ass-essment established in management learning concept and framework”, and “It measures appropriate man-agement learning in monitoring activities of student teaching process”, with a weighted mean of 4.00 or Agree which means management learning is observed. The least in rank is “It measures student academic per-formance and engagement analysis in the classroom management learning process”, with a weighted mean of 3.34 or Neutral which means management learning is limited. The overall average weighted mean is 3.88 (SD=0.360) or Agree which means contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of management learning is observed among the respondents.

Table 14: Contribution of Educational System Theory Concept, and Framework Immersive Learning with AR and VR among the Respondents.

Table 14 presents the weighted mean and the corres-ponding interpretation on the contribution of educa-tional system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of immersive learning with AR and VR among the respondents. As acknowledge in the table, rank 1 is shared by the two indicators which are “It compels learning trend for augmented reality and virtual reality in teaching and learning experience concept and framework in the educational system”, and “It explores better teaching and learning techniques and strategies in technical dimension learning process”, with a weighted mean of 4.23 or Strongly Agree which means immersive learning with AR & VR is highly observed. Rank 2 is “It explores teaching and learning student academic performance utilization in the educational system concept and framework process”, with a weigh-ted mean of 4.00 or Agree which means immersive learning with AR & VR is observed. Rank 3 is “It introduces Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) classroom learning experience and edu-cational system in a tremendous change process”, with a weighted mean of 3.71 or Agree which means im-mersive learning with AR & VR is observed. The least in rank is shared by the two indicators which are “Learning becomes traditional in an immersive method where augmented reality and virtual reality enhance device teaching and learning”, and “It increases to explain and to utilize complex concept and framework of augmented reality, and virtual reality in immersive learning”, with a weighted mean of 3.37 or Neutral which means immersive learning with AR & VR is limited. The overall average weighted mean is 3.77 (SD=0.376) or Agree which means contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of immersive learning with AR and VR is observed among the respondents.  

Table 15: Contribution of Educational System Theory Concept, and Framework Gamification Learning among the Respondents.

Table 15 presents the weighted mean and the corre-sponding interpretation on the contribution of educa-tional system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of gamification learning among the respondents. As noted in the table, rank 1 is shared by the two indicators which  are “It guarantees trend of increased engagement, competition, and participation of student in teaching and learning”, and “Gamification tech-niques and strategies improve students retention and performance classroom output”, with a weighted mean of 4.20 or Strongly Agree which means gamification learning is highly observed. Rank 2 is “Gamification learning utilizes various techniques in teaching and learning to improve student academic performance”, with a weighted mean of 3.81 or Agree which means gamification learning is observed. Rank 3 is “It in-creases engagement, interactive classroom environ-ment, and boosts student academic performance and innovation learning model”, with a weighted mean of 3.64 or Agree which means gamification learning is observed. The least in rank is “Gamification incentives in teaching and learning improved learning and prac-tice of student process concept and framework school setting and system”, with a weighted mean of 3.38 or Neutral which means gamification learning is limited. The overall average weighted mean is 3.75 (SD= 0.332) or Agree which means contribution of educa-tional system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of gamification learning is observed among the respondents.

Table 16 presents the test of significant relationship on the contribution of educational system theory concept and framework as observed by the respondents. 

Table 16: Test of Significant Relationship on the Contribution of Educational System Theory Concept and Framework as Observed by the Respondents. 

It shows that when the variables are tested, it shows that all z computed values are higher than the z critical value of ±1.96 at 0.05 level of significance; two tailed tests resulted in significance of the relationship and rejection of hypothesis. Therefore, it is safe to say that there is a significant relationship on the contribution of educational system theory concept and framework as observed by the respondents.


The contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of collaborative learning among the respondents show to provide an impact and trend to pave option on concept and framework in teaching and learning where collaborative learning approach accesses development interaction in building interpersonal skills. It analyzes learning utilization de-pends on learning pedagogy implementation and readi-ness to transition process (Mallillin et al., 2020). It processes the outcome of learning approach and colla-borative effect of building knowledge, issues, gaps, challenges, cognitive load, and behavioral pattern of learning and teaching (Zheng et al., 2022, pp. 109-125). Hence, it builds skills in collaborative process learning to improve engagement and understanding educational system concepts and framework on educa-tional paradigm, innovation and knowledge application of teaching learning improvement of student skills (Satriani, 2022, pp. 93-102). Indeed, it innovates trends in collaborative learning to stay connected in the con-cept and framework of school system. It continuously increases the teaching of the educational system and setting collaboratively especially on the analysis of learning process. It evaluates the function of colla-borative learning concept and framework. It identifies patterns and trend of educational system theory object-tively for students as the centers of teach (Gomez et al., 2022). Similarly, it encourages a model of class-room collaborative learning tasks and activities for students learning output and to feature a traditional teaching model in collaborative process of learning concepts and framework in education. It engages and resembles collaborative learning performance and opp-ortunity for learning development and potential creati-vity of students (de Bruin, 2022, pp. 1039-1058). Fur-thermore, the contribution of educational system theory concept and framework in the aspect of the out-side learning environment among the respondents provides trend in technology learning to keep educa-tional process in adopting the latest trend of teaching and learning integration knowledge and enhancement process for students (Mallillin et al., 2020). It intro-duces devices and tools in education utilization of creative resources. It transforms potential for positive learning atmosphere. It examines challenges and bene-fits of teaching and learning. It influences utilization of student motivation, collaboration, and communication (Dias & Victor, 2022, pp. 26-34). Yet, it helps students to learn at their own time and pace depending on learning modality, and to adopt flexible learning bene-fits in learning environment. It provides better techno-logy for teaching and learning quality education to create competitiveness in the educational system and setting trends as to perceive benefits of students, adop-tion, and intention in teaching and learning enhance-ment (Dubey & Sahu, 2021). Indeed, an outside lear-ning environment designs responsive educational con-tent modules for students anywhere and anytime. It develops privilege for teachers in facilitating effective practice in learning and teaching professionally. It improves pedagogical content and program as to appli-cation of skills, knowledge, reflection, and practical learning activity (Bragg et al., 2021). Lastly, an out-side learning environment delivers a convenient method of learning expectation in an educational set-ting concept and framework, and embeds features and learning experiences. It explores delivery learning per-spective for student academic achievement based on grounded theory of learning (Traynor et al., 2022). 

Moreover, the contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of social media learning among the respondents shows that technological trend in a changing world full of know-ledge and challenge in teaching and learning”, and “It utilizes trend in enhancing powerful tool in teaching and learning process for the social media atmosphere (Mallillin and Casoco-Mendoza, 2020). It examines techniques and strategies for technical lesson and critical thinking. It focuses on social media learn-ing as to communication skills, interpersonal skills, and cognitive skills of learning. It focuses on the trend of social media and technology of learning in edu-cational setting and system (Brečka et al., 2022). In addition, it allows social media learning models to increase engagement in teaching concepts and frame-work process improved learning experiences. It identi-fies and contemplates social media analysis in a com-prehensive challenge of learning. It develops a learning system and essential behavior of social media learning. It classifies social media models of learning features (Aldhyani et al., 2022). Nonetheless, it institutes educational concepts and framework in utilizing social media communication tools and interaction to verify digital learning through social media networks in reco-gnizing educational possibility of learning knowledge. It utilizes social media education for a technical approach and learning teaching process in a flexible manner (Alhumaid, 2020, pp. 466-476). Hence, social media learning provides various platforms in educa-tional concept and framework process, and to feature social media learning, opinion, sharing knowledge, materials, projects, and assignments. It plays and arg-ues about social media platforms system and setting norms. It increases the platform for social media learn-ing necessary for the concept of teaching (Carrigan & Jordan, 2022, pp. 354-372). Notably, the  contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of classroom learning interaction among the respondents shows that it brought new technology in teaching and learning function concept, and frame-work which focuses on learning teaching intervention in adapting model and theory of teaching (Mallillin, 2022, pp. 99-121). It synthesizes classroom learning features and trends in terms of high tech integration of teaching. This includes various theories of classroom teaching and learning. It overwhelms teachers pers-pective course design, guide, and implementation. It highlights classroom learning interaction model and preparedness for teaching and learning (Jiang et al., 2022, pp. 1218-1249). Certainly, classroom learning interaction is based on motivation process imple-mentation for student guidance in teaching and lear-ning. It creates engagement and interaction priority school system setting concept and framework. It increases student attitude and self-efficacy classroom teaching techniques and strategies. It contributes to self-efficacy in classroom learning and positive attitude vital for professional teaching and learning development (Gomez et al., 2022, pp. 896-907). Nevertheless, it brings classroom learning interaction lively based on the trend of technology teaching and learning. It requires learning management system development, class-room learning as to interactive learning environment, technology of learning, in-tegration of learning, and implementation of learning activity (Prahani et al., 2022). In addition, it allows interaction to take place in class-room learning through video, audio, and augmented teaching and learning. It discusses classroom activities to complete teaching and learning process involvement and interaction. It motivates and explains adoption of learning in self-determination theory in the classroom setting. It engages support techniques in teaching and learning engagement and relatedness (Chiu, 2022). Indeed, the contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of management learning among the respondents shows to analyze teaching and learning for student outcome and performance in the academic achievement process, and develops an action plan for management learning teaching process for student improved performance. It adopts the hybrid model of learning management in becoming a daily routine of teaching. It increases demand impact and transformation of management learning to equip with quality education and academic performance (Robert & Pelletier, 2022, pp. 1-10). On the other hand, mana-gement learning is necessary in the educational system concept and framework convenient in teaching and learning. It explores adapted teaching instruction utilized by the lecturers based on the needs of students as the centers of learning. It uses various instructional approaches and digital technology to facilitate lear-ning, and assesses learning (Moor-house & Wong, 2022, pp. 51-70). Nevertheless, it evaluates results of formative and summative assessment established in management learning concept and framework. It measures appropriate management learning in moni-toring activities of the student teaching process this includes measures of student academic performance and engagement analysis in the classroom management learning process. It identifies factors of school teacher and emotions. It influences performance and student outcome in teaching and learning management. It explores student academic performance, possible mechanisms and achievement. It measures classroom management learning engagement for teaching and self-efficacy. It assesses students achievement through management learning. It mediates self-efficacy for teaching positive impact work performance and eng-agement (Wang, 2022). Similarly, the contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of immersive learning with AR and VR among the respondents shows to compel better teach-ing and learning techniques and strategies in the technical dimension learning process. It also explores teaching and learning academic performance utiliz-ation in the educational system concept and framework process. It integrates leadership and frame-work school intended for immersive learning for augmented and virtual reality. It transforms immersive learning lever-age for leadership teaching and learning. It integrates the effect of teaching and learning self-efficacy toward student academic achievement and performance. Im-mersive learning impact provides positive teaching and learning for students (Li & Liu, 2022, pp. 661-678). 

On the other hand, it shows how to introduce Aug-mented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in the classroom learning experience and educational system in a tremendous change process. Like-wise, it shows that learning becomes traditional in an immersive method where augmented reality and virtual reality enhance the device of teaching and learning, and increases to explain and utilize the complex concept and framework of augmented reality, and virtual reality in immersive learning. It improves immersive technology safety and crucial process in teaching and learning through increased training, skills develop-ment, engagement and motivation. It identifies and performs immersive application of teaching and learn-ing techniques. It aims to enhance the learning process, concept, and framework (Fracaro et al., 2022). Lastly, the contribution of educational system theory concept, and framework in the aspect of gamification learning among the respondents shows to guarantee a trend of increased engagement, competition, and participation of students in teaching and learning. It also shows that gamification techniques and strategies improve stud-ents retention and performance classroom output. This includes gamification learning utilizing various techni-ques to improve student academic performance. It pro-vides attention to the trend gamification learning pro-cess for students to enjoy teaching and learning. It benefits massive utilization, gamification learning in-teraction, motivation, and social effects of learning. It highlights the benefits of gamification learning to achi-eve better academic performance. It supports the learn-ing process of student rewards, feedback, and challen-ges (Saleem et al., 2022, pp. 139-159). 

However, it shows to increase engagement, interactive classroom environment, and boosts motivation of student academic performance and innovation learning model. It also shows that gamification incentives in teaching and learning improved practice of student process concept and framework school setting and system. It scrutinizes utilization of gamification lear-ning in establishing theory basis in education. It provides valid and complete information for the edu-cational stage through the gamification approach of learning. It improves student learning to facilitate edu-cational process and learning transition (Lampropoulos et al., 2022).


It shows that collaborative learning provides trend to pave options on concept and framework in teaching and learning approach access development interaction in building interpersonal skills where it builds skills in collaborative learning processes to improve engage-ment and understanding educational system concept and framework. This includes an innovative trend in collaborative learning to stay connected in the concept and framework of the educational system and setting. It shows that an outside learning environment provides a trend in technology learning to keep the educational process in adopting the latest trend of teaching and learning where it helps students to learn at their own time and pace depending on the learning modality to adopt flexible learning benefits for teachers and stu-dents. This includes designing responsive educational content modules for students anywhere and any-time. It shows that social media learning provides a techno-logical trend in a changing world full of know-ledge and challenges in enhancing the powerful tool learning process of the social media atmosphere where it allows learning models to increase engagement in teaching concept and framework process improved learning experiences. This includes educational concepts and framework in utilizing social media communication tools for students and teachers interaction. It shows that classroom learning interaction brought new technology function concept and framework edu-cational system where classroom learning interaction is based on motivation process implementation for stu-dent guidance to create engagement and interaction priority in school system setting concept and frame-work. This includes bringing classroom learning inter-action lively based on the trend of technology of teaching and learning. It shows that management learn-ing analyzes teaching and learning for student outcome and performance in the academic achievement process to develop an action plan in the teaching process for student improved performance where management learning is necessary and convenient in teaching and learning. This includes evaluating the result of form-ative and summative assessment established in man-agement learning concept and framework and to mea-sure appropriate management learning in monitoring activity of student teaching process. It shows that imm-ersive learning with AR and VR compels learning trend teaching experience concept and framework in the educational system and to explore better teaching and learning techniques and strategies in technical dimension of learning process where it explores teach-ing and learning for student academic performance utilization in the educational system concept and framework process. This includes introducing Aug-mented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) class-room learning experience and educational system tre-mensdous change process. It shows that gamification learning guarantees the trend of increased engagement, competition, and participation of student techniques and strategies to improve student retention and perfor-mance classroom output where learning utilizes vari-ous techniques to explore student academic perfor-mance. This includes increasing engagement, inter-active classroom environment, and boosts motivation of student academic performance and innovation learn-ing model.


The researcher wishes to acknowledge the people behind the success of this paper. Their contribution in this research is highly appreciated.


 The author declares no conflict of interest. 

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


December 2, 2022


January 15, 2023


January 21, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.023.01017

Corresponding author

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin*

Institute of Education (IE)-Undergraduate Studies Department, Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines.

Cite this article

Mallillin LLD. (2023). Educational system theory, concept, and framework, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 5(1), 1-17. 

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