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Original Article | Open Access | Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2024; 6(2), 53-57 | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.024.053057

Lifestyle of Floating People: A Sociological Analysis

Md. Abadul Islam* Mail Img ,
Muhammed Abdul Jalil Mail Img ,
Md. Mahafuzur Rahman Mail Img


One issue facing Bangladeshs urban society is the floating population. Its what we call a social disorder. The urban floating population is underprivileged, illiterate, and socially oblivious. As a result, they are becoming floating individuals and contributing to a variety of societal issues as they lack the knowledge and competence to deal with the difficulties that society faces. One of the third worlds poorest nations is Bangladesh. This study aims to identify the lifestyle of floating people and the effect of education, social life, and health conditions. The researcher has used qualitative and quantitative data to get the results. Statistical analysis has also been used in this research. The researcher has seen my research on the total number of Pedal Sabha of Jashore Sadar police station out of a population of 1,78,272, only 107 are floating people. But the people who float are socio-economic conditions are very poor. Most of them are beggars and porters, and the laborers are Sheni. The research has shown that the causes of human migration include floods, droughts, storms, seasonal weather problems, and natural disasters.


There are differences among the urban poor (Suri, 1994). They can be split into two categories when taking Bangladesh into account: (a) slum residents and (b) the floating population. The concerns of the floa-ting population are still less thoroughly investigated in the research and policy domain. A small number of studies on urban poverty in Bangladesh have only focused on slum dwellers (e.g. Alamgir et al., 2009; Hossain et al., 2013; Khan et al., 2015; Farah et al., 2019; Amzad, 2019). Even while the term "floating population" generally conjures up ideas of unsettling people without a fixed place to live, its definition is frequently unclear (Goodkind and West, 2002). Ac-cording to some research, "homelessness," or the state of not having a fixed place to live, is synonymous with the floating condition (Dube, 2014). Furthermore, by focusing only on housing availability, a further four definitions of homelessness are assigned, which include inadequate housing, insecure housing, house-lessness, and rooflessness (Tipple and Speak, 2005). The deprivation of the floating population in numer-ous domains, including physiological, emotional, territorial, and spiritual, is ignored by these clas-sifications (Somerville, 2013). (Ghafur, 2004 & 2006) distinguished three categories of homelessness in order to draw attention to the problem of homelessness and capacity deficiency in the Bangladeshi context. The floating population in Bangladesh was examined in a number of different researches (Shoma, 2010; Ahmed et al., 2011; Biswas, 2013; Ahmad, 2015; Fatima et al., 2014; Shams et al., 2014; Islam et al., 2019) as a possible homeless community. Using the SL framework, Shoma, (2010) looked into the survival tactics of the "pavement dwellers" in Dhaka.

Floating people is one of the problems in urban society in Bangladesh. We can term it as social disorder. The floating people of urban society are poor, uneducated and unaware of society. And for this, as they do not have the ability or skill to deal with the various problems of the society, they are turning into these floating people and creating various problems of the society. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the third world. Due to its temperate climate, natural calamities such as drought, cyclone, flood etc. are frequent here seen every year. As a result, the number of floating people in the country has increased day by day. As a result, various social problems of the country have increased. Man is the last creature of Gods creation. So to solve various problems of social life strive for a person needs a permanent or fixed place of residence to live in society. And all those people who do not have this fixed abode have turned into floating people in the society today. Every man must have a fixed address; otherwise he cannot be a member of a civil society (Alam et al., 2022).

In the civilized society we speak of today, the floating man is socially denigrated. In many cases they cannot lead a normal life due to social neglect, non-cooperation. Are they also human beings or social beings? From a social point of view, they become the lowest class of their society, and it can be said that they are financially destitute. Because if they had enough money they wouldnt be floating people. What is floating? vasoman is basically a society for those who do not have a fixed address in a particular area are called vasoman. And all the people who have no fixed place to live or no fixed address are basically floating people. In the civilized society we speak of today, floating people are degraded. And in many cases they cannot lead a normal life due to social neglect and non-cooperation. We know that floating people are those who have no permanent home or residence. Floating can be said to be those who have no fixed address or residence in civil society. Those who cannot perform their normal role as a social person or as a member of society due to lack of social status are dead floaters. They are financially destitute. Because if they had enough money they wouldnt be floating people.


Research is the recognized and unique way of creating scientific knowledge. And the methods are some contrasting ways, which are ways composed of multiple methods. Rules relating to data collection it include methodology, data analysis method and methodology, research methodology. Therefore, all the rules or methods used for data analysis in social research are research methods (Imam, 1996: 239). The success of any research depends on the reliable data collected. And thats why for data collection Correct and reliable methods have to be adopted. Different methods are used according to the nature of research in different problems. I have followed the method described in the study entitled "A survey report on the life style of the floating people of Bangladesh".


As a result of people floating, it first affects their families. Because when a man floats, he is separated from his family. This study showed that people aged between 20-39 years. You are floating in the middle. Among which there are more men. And the family system of our country is very patriarchal due to which the father or husband is the head of our family. And when a man floats he is no longer able to lead his family. So when you float, you are already separated from your family. And children and women are the most affected. And in the family there is a dark cloud of suffering Shadows fall, and then the family is helpless and destitute. Where no existence of their ancestors survives. Moreover, when people float, it is seen that the head of the family, in that family then he and is not staying, so that other members of that family are not able to properly arrange their food and medical care. So that various diseases are seen in that family, and some members of those families are dying prematurely due to untreated treatment. As a result, as he has become ill in the society, he is also making others ill in the society. For example, if one person has a viral eye disease / covid-19, then others do too. And thus it affects the family life.

Impact on social life

When a person floats, he is separated from his family. As a result, the condition of all those families has become such that, just as the boat cannot run without a sailor, similarly, because of the lack of a head of all those families, the families are not functioning properly." So that there they are degraded in their social status, also the people who are floating are coming to the lower level of social status. Because they are floating in different districts. have to do. So that they are never able to live permanently in one place. And the reasons why they have more influence on the society are:

1) Because of them, the social environment has been damaged.

2) Due to them, criminal activities have increased.

3) Social order is destroyed.

All in all they are in the lower position in the society. And because of their lack of quality work, they have become a burden in the society. Because society always wants successful people. There is no place for inertia here. And thus their various problems affect the society.

Effects on health

As the saying goes, "health is wealth or health is the price of all happiness" (Health is wealth or Health is the root of all happiness) If this health is not good then one cannot be happy. And if health is not good No energy is available for any work. In the present civilized society, the strictness of people is severe have to do and these floating people are not able to do any quality work due to their lack of good health. So they are deprived of their rightful rights from the society (Khanam and Ali, 2022). And man cannot maintain his health when he is floating. Because then he has to exercise hard to survive, so that his body is broken. And when people are floating, then his health is affected like this.

Impact on population

Floating people is one of the social factors that exist for population growth in a country. Because when people are floating, they stay in different districts of the country and they stay in those different districts. As a result, she indulges in a lot of excitement with the new partner, so that she gives birth too many children. And thus one person gave birth too many children. So that the population of the country has increased. And thus the population is burdened by the floating of people (Hasnat and Ahmed, 2023).

Impact on education

No nation can progress without education. That is why it is said that Shia is the backbone of the nation. The more educated the nation, the more advanced the nation. When you are a floating human being, you are deprived of the proper education system of that country. So that they are deprived from their primary stage to higher education etc. And as a result of this one educated person being deprived of education, the education rate in the country is decreasing. And thus people float As a result, education is affected.

Impact on the economy

As a result of people floating, they have become an unemployed teacher in the country. And the demand for those who have become unemployed has increa-sed. And to meet the demand of all those unemployed women is having a huge impact on the countrys economy. And most of these are emerging -

1) Employment,

2) Social Services,

3) Pressure on the national economy,

4) Disruption of proper production process,

And that is to say, due to floating people, the economy of the country is affected in two ways. Because man is not able to act on his own when he is floating. As a result, he is not able to meet his own needs properly. As a result, the economy is affected. Again, as a result of being deprived of various social services, they have fallen ill in various ways. For example, if someone has an eye disease caused by a virus, then he will get another one from that disease. And in this way then everyone more domestic money is needed for treat-ment. And thus the economy is affected. Proper production operations are disrupted due to floating people. Because due to their ignorance they dont get escheat profession so they have to work in any profession. So that production by them is not incre-ased. And thus they affect the economy. And finally, it can be said that due to these various problems, the state economy of our country is being affected. And so to say that a country floats For the people, the state has to be more financially stable, and thus the economy of the country is For the people , the state has to be more financially stable, and thus the economy of the country is affected due to the floating people.


Society is always changing. What is modern today is rotten tomorrow. The society we live in today, it is not the true form of society. Society passes through various stages through the order of change to its present state reached "A Survey Report on the Lifestyles of Floating People" is published in the study. Man” has been termed as a social disorder. It has been around since time immemorial. However At present it has emerged as a serious problem. Es-pecially the floating people in the countrys economy Made a big impression. The researcher has seen in my research the total number of Pedal Sabha of Jashore Sadar police station Out of a population of 1,78,272, only 107 are floating people. But the people who floats are socio-economic Condition is very poor. Most of them are beggars and porters, and the laborers are Sheni. My research has shown that, Causes of human migration include floods, droughts, storms, seasonal weather problems and natural disasters.


I feel grateful to Mr. Md. Shaon Akter for his valuable suggestion, support and contribution to publish this research paper.


There is no conflict of the interest in this research.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Antonio Russo, Professor, Dept. of  Moral Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy.


March 17, 2024


April 20, 2024


April 27, 2024

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.024.053057

Corresponding author

Md. Abadul Islam*

Lecturer & Head, Department of Sociology, Dr. Abdur Razzak Municipal College, Jashore, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Islam MA, Jalil MA, and Rahman MM. (2024). Lifestyle of floating people: a sociological analysis, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 6(2), 53-57. 

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