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Original Article | Open Access | Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2022; 4(5), 189-198 | doi: 10.34104/ajssls.022.01890189

Mental and Emotional Well-Being Awareness: Towards a Healthy Behaviour and Expectation

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin* Mail Img ,
Giovanni Carlo L. Atendido Mail Img ,
Paul Anthony L. Tecson Mail Img


The study identifies mental and emotional well-being awareness toward healthy behavior and expectation. It focuses on challenges of awareness in mental and emotional well-being for healthy behavior and expectation that will be maintained. The research design employs a mixed method using a quantitative and qualitative approach which is appropriate for the study. Purposive sampling is also utilized in the study. This is based on a set of criteria and the selection of the sample size of the study. The study comprised ninety (90) respondents only. Results show that respondents are realizing and thinking clearly about life, especially for ups and downs challenges, show that they are feeling relaxed when behavior and expectation reached satisfaction to the fullest, show that they are emotionally aware, felt being loved by people around them, and show that they set a good example and feeling good about their personality towards other people and are stressing the love of themselves. Findings show that there is a significant correlation between mental and emotional well-being awareness towards healthy behavior and expectation as observed by the respondents. 


Mental health and emotional awareness refer to the effect and process of action and feelings. It determines psychological, mental, emotional, social, and physical well-being of individuals. It affects inner emotion esp-ecially in handling stress of their own choice. Mental and emotional health is very essential in life because this might ruin inner health and mental well-being if not taken cared-off. When mental and emotional health is being experienced, the mood, thinking, and behavior are affected. This includes the brains, genes, and bio-logical factors as to abuse, trauma, and life experien-ces. It can also be a mental problem and health issues especially when it is hereditary. Mental health refers to the process of individual experiences in relation to the utilization of diagnosed and difficulties with illness. It is a positive state that can be understood among indivi-duals. It is defined as productive capacity and contri-bution to the society that resulted in positivity. It is the mental well-being and a state that realizes to cope and provide capacity for life into normal stress. It can be fruitful and can work with productivity in contributing to the well-being of an individual person (McMillan, & Jarvis, 2022). Indeed, mental health and emotional awareness develop essential well-being. It promotes and exercises reduction of issues and well-being. It focuses on modification of associated factors and resi-lience that strengthens and promotes self-regulation in the brain process that acts on health buffer problems on mental awareness and emotional stability for a heal-thy behavior and expectation. It reduces mental health issues and well-being. It presents self-regulation and impairment that is involved in the process of mental disorder. It highlights the underlying neural system to continuously develop the strength of every individual in behavioral regulation and emotional and mental improvement. It facilitates and attributes development on emotional and mental awareness (Belcher et al., 2021). 

On the other hand, emotional awareness has to do with intelligence which is the process to understand the ability of positive or negative emotion and manage-ment, relief of stress, effective communication, and empathizing with other people in general. It helps to overcome the defuse conflict and challenges in life. The emotional intelligences and emotional awareness build and help a strong relationship to achieve and to succeed in personal goals and career in life. It connects with the intention and feelings of the decision and action that matters most. Smartest people are the most fulfilled and most successful in life. It manages stress and emotional awareness in facing challenges in an effective way. It reflects on tendency and emotion from and others aside from their own self. It is the emotional awareness as the key aspect to recognize the relevant and widely trait of mental and emotional health. It draws the reflective degree of socio-emo-tional stability and mechanism. It is a work of syn-thesis on psychology and neuroscience that under-stands the best process in the application of the general cognitive domain of emotion (Mallillin, 2020, pp. 1-11). It measures the socio-emotional and general reflectiveness of the effort in the emotional well-being. It engages on the measures of the socio-emotional signals and reflective process awareness (Smith et al., 2022). Indeed, it explores how emotional awareness depends on the predictability and harshness of social interaction on mental well-being. It provides a challen-ging environment in adaptive interpersonal interaction on emotional awareness and mental well-being. It pro-vides a process of evolutionary psychology that corres-ponds to calibrating the emotional awareness and men-tal well-being for reflective cognition and emotional support (Smith et al., 2022). 

Furthermore, mental well-being establishes emotional health. It is vital for emotional health necessary to healthy well-being. All individuals are emotionally healthy and in control over behaviours, feelings, and thoughts. This can cope with challenges in life. They address setbacks and perspectives where they are better into themselves and emotionally healthy leads to healthy living. This means that every individual is aware of emotional stability. This can be dealt with-both negative or positive aspects of well-being aware-ness. Emotionally healthy means facing anger, stress, and sadness with patience to maintain well-being and stability. Stress is just a decoration of life to taste the sweetness of its existence. Proper management of negative thoughts will make them physically happy and become emotionally stable. There are no stresses or issues that cannot be solved under the sun. It is just focused on how to handle the process with a full smile. It shows that skills and emotionally healthy composed proper posture and mental well-being. It increases psy-chological science and influences milestones in stand-ard of mental well-being. It emerges from the appli-cation of the domain of science in psychology. It directed the principles of established mental well-being and emotional awareness to maintain a healthy life-style. It explains the appropriate framework of mental and emotional well-being (Fabian & Pykett, 2022). On the other hand, it interrogates mental well-being psy-chologically in the existing approach model. It intro-duces psychological understanding of mental and emo-tional well-being. The collective well-being and indivi-dual well-being will be highlighted. It discusses pave-ment of mental well-being and emotional awareness efforts, promotion, and intervention (Dang & Leyden, 2021; Demiessie et al., 2021).

Moreover, the support of mental and emotional healthy behavior processes provide change on social health, emotional stability, and physical emotion. This in-cludes proper exercise for the mind and the body, eating proper food, maintaining health and behaviors, practicing hygiene, good sleep for proper maintenance, and healthy behavior. Practice meditation and mind-fulness about the emotion of an individual person focuses on individual needs and support on lifestyle as necessary realistic expectations of a person and sup-port on healthy behavior and lifestyle. It is the mental illness impairment function treatment and symptoms on the support of mental and emotional healthy be-havior. It measures limitations on impact intervention of the developed function support in mental and emotional healthy behavior. The potential challenges and innovation in assessment support of healthy behavior carries experiences and behavior methods of individual persons (Depp et al., 2022). 

In consequence, the aspect and effect of mental and emotional health is nearly on the discipline of appli-cation in clinical psychology. It is the intervention support in mental, emotional, and physical health of psychological pro-cesses. It disrupts the desired habits and development of mental and health support among the people. It measures the habit formation, principles and delivery theory in mental and health behavior of improved leverage formation. It disrupts practice and application guide for habits in real life (Harvey et al., 2022).

Research Questions

1) What makes mental and emotional well-being awareness toward a healthy behavior and expect-ation?

2) What makes a challenge on mental and emo-tional well-being awareness among the respon-dents?

3) How mental and emotional well-being aware-ness affect healthy behavior and expectation?

4) How can mental and emotional well-being awa-reness be maintained among the respondents?

5) How can healthy behavior be maintained on ex-pectation of emotional awareness and well-being? 

6) Is there a significant correlation on the mental well-being and emotional awareness toward a healthy behavior and expectation as observed by the respondents?


There is a significant correlation on mental well-being and emotional awareness toward a healthy behavior and expectation as observed by the respondents.

Research Design

The study employs a mixed method using quantitative research and qualitative research approach which is appropriate in the study. Quantitative research design refers to the premises that measures mental well-being and emotional awareness toward a healthy behavior and expectation of the participants. It is the human experiences in quantitative research that characterizes the application integration and evaluation. It features a required understanding method of analysis in the improved and practice development method in quanti-tative research (Bauer et al., 2021). On the other hand, qualitative research design is also utilized to answer challenges and how healthy behavior can be main-tained in the expectation of emotional awareness and mental well-being among the respondents. It supports practices and principles of critical integrity of qualit-ative research design, guideline, report quality, and review. It provides diverting integrity in objective and target qualitative approach. This considers the rigor, method, support and formulation of the examples on the qualitative research as compared to the present study (Levitt et al., 2021).

Sampling Techniques

Purposive sampling is employed in the study. This is utilized based on set criteria and selection of the sample size of the study. The questionnaire is sent via Google Form. This is sent to the various healthcare lecturers and clinical psychologists with the permission of the various health centers and faculties. Whoever answers the questionnaire will be part of the study. It provides an outline for the purposive sampling inten-ded in various contexts and applications. It aims to improve the approach to provide methods of research as to the reliability and validity of the study (Campbell et al., 2020).

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study are the healthcare professionals, clinical psychologists from the different universities and colleges in both private and public entities in the Commission of Higher Education, (CHED) or Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and Technical Educational Skills and Development Autho-rity, (TESDA). They are lecturers, associates, pro-fessors, and clinical instructors who will be teaching at the medical allies and psychology faculties, centers, and departments. The questionnaire is being sent through the Google Form where they can answer the survey for the data and analysis. The study comprised ninety (90) respondents only. 

Instruments Used

Mental Well-Being and Emotional Awareness of the Respondents


What makes a mental well-being and emotional awareness toward a healthy behavior and expectation?

Table 1: Mental Well-Being and Emotional Awareness of the Respondents.


4.20-5.00=All the Time


2.60-3.39=Some of the Time


1.00-1.79=None of the Time

Table 1 presents the weighted mean and the corres-ponding interpretation on Mental and Emotional Well-Being Awareness of the Respondents. It is gleaned in the table that rank 1 is shared by the two indicators which are “Ive been expecting that my behavior and feeling is useful in all facets of life”, and “Ive had enough energy and emotion to spare with other people, with a weighted mean of 4.32 or All the Time which means mental and emotional well-being is very satisfied. Rank 2 is “Ive been emotionally aware that I felt being loved with another individual person around me”, with a weighted mean of 4.26 or All the Time which means mental and emotional well-being is very satisfied. Rank 3 is also shared by the two indicators which are “Ive been a good example and feeling good about my personality as a whole towards other people, stressing the love of myself”, and “Ive been feeling satisfied and confident for my behavior and expect-ation”, with a weighted mean of 4.19 or Often which means mental and emotional well-being is satisfied. The least in rank is “Ive been acknowledged and interested in all aspects of life and with other peoples feelings”, with a weighted mean of 3.38 or some of the Time which means mental and emotional well-being is moderately satisfied. The overall average weighted mean is 4.011 (SD=0.260) or Often which means Mental Well-Being and Emotional Awareness of the Respondent is satisfied among them. 

On the test of significant correlation on the mental and emotional well-being awareness toward a heal-thy behavior and expectation as observed by the respondents.

Table 2: Test of Significant Correlation on Mental and Emotional Well-Being Awareness of the Respondents.

Table 2 presents the test of significant correlation on mental and emotional well-being awareness of the res-pondents. It reveals in the table that when the variables are tested, it shows that the computed z value is 74.6254 which is higher than the critical z value of ± 1.96 which resulted in the decision of rejection, two tailed tests with 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, it reveals that there is a significant correlation on the mental and emotional well-being awareness toward a healthy behavior and expectation as observed by the respondents.

Thematic Analysis

Presented in this section is the thematic analysis on the mental and emotional well-being awareness towards a healthy behavior and expectation among the respon-dents. This is analyzed using the Focus Group Discus-sion among the selected clinical psychologists, pro-fessors, and lecturers of health care providers among private and public entities, colleges, and universities. The answer is categorized according to the answers of the participants. It categorizes as follows: 4.20-5.00 = All the Time, 3.40-4.19=Often, 2.60-3.39= some of the Time, 1.80-2.57=rarely, 1.00-1.79=none of the Time. In addition, text verbatim is included in the analysis for proper transcription of the data analysis.

Table 3: Theme and Core Ideas of Mental and Emotional Well-Being Awareness towards a Healthy Behavior and Expectation among the Respondents.

Often, mental and psychological well-being is essential among individuals, especially in the aspect of the person. It assesses subjective measures of mental and psychological well-being in the hedonic and eudaim-onic aspect of life. It examines precision and measure-ment analysis in emotional preparedness on health and behavior of an individual person. It responds to the capacity of mental well-being to optimize healthy behavior (Marmara et al., 2022). The respondents emphasize that 

“Ive been feeling either pessimistic (negative) or optimistic (positive) about the future well-being” (T1, P31 &P4)

“Ive been realizing and thinking clearly towards life especially for ups and downs challenges” (T1, P48 & P7)

“Ive been enjoying and making up things through my own mind and knowledge about things” (T1, P41 & P10)

“Ive been attached to certain things and interested in discovering new things and ideas” (T1, P38 & P6)

Behavior and Expectation

Often, behavior and expectation in healthy awareness engages in the social aspect of individuals. It navigates the reputation and benefits of prosocial behavior that generously reaps on associated behavior and expecta-tions. The direct connection on behavior and good deeds will be what is expected. The prosocial is always castigated based on behavior and expectation for what is needed. It identifies influences of factors on expect-ation and behavior of an individual person (Berman & Silver, 2022). The respondents stress that

“Ive been expecting that my behavior and feeling is useful in all facets of life” (T2, P41 & P2)

“Ive been relaxing when my behavior and expectations have reached my satisfaction to the fullest” (T2, P45 & P9)

“Ive been feeling satisfied and confident about my behavior and expectations” (T2, P39 & P5)

Emotional Awareness

Often, emotional awareness is exposed in inhibitory learning that established and elicited individual stimuli and awareness. Emotional and psychological aware-ness is focused on attention and emotion. It engages and facilitates exposure to therapeutic outcomes. It utilizes mindful emotion and strategies to avoid exp-osure in distress, experiential avoidance, symptoms in overall mindfulness and anxiety disorder. It explores the effect of emotional awareness in distress response to exposure and exercises in various monitoring and repeated assessment. It identifies skills and treatment of effective emotional awareness of a person (Curreri et al., 2022). The respondents say that

“Ive had enough energy and emotion to spare in dealing with other people” (T3, P33 & P7)

“Ive been emotionally aware that I felt loved around me by the people” (T3, P39 & P9)

“Ive been aware of my feelings and emotions cheerfully as expected” (T3, P51 & P6)

Feelings towards people

Often, it is stressed that feelings towards individual people depend on human behavior. Individual person prefers a favor and habit that underlies the inner mood of a person. This depends also on the notion and behavior of individual feelings toward other people. This reveals the perceived behavior of an individual person. It matches habit strength and predicting beha-vior. It explains accuracy of people and behavior toward each other (Mazar, & Wood, 2022). The res-pondents observe that 

“Ive been acknowledged and feeling interested in all aspects with other people” (T4, P30 & P12)

“Ive been patiently dealing with issues, challenges and problems with positivity as well” (T4, P48 & P3)

“Ive been a good example about my personality as a whole towards other people, stressing the love of myself” (T4, P49 & P1)

“Ive been flexible, goal oriented, feeling close, and adoptive to other people” (T2, P38 & P4)


Mental and emotional stress, social well-being, psy-chological, and emotional. It affects people to act, feel, or think. It determines how to handle healthy choices, mental and emotional well-being, and healthy behavior related to stress. Mental and emotional healths por-tray interchanges ability and poor health. It shows that respondents are realizing and thinking clearly towards life especially for ups and downs challenges in life. This includes the feeling of being pessimistic (nega-tive) or optimistic (negative) about the future well-being. It emphasizes on mental and emotional health classic views that require self-perception and accuracy. It measures the realistic situation of being optimistic or pessimistic mental or emotional well-being. It shows that counteracting emotion and mental decision errors are associated based on beliefs. Eventually, optimistic dominates expected feeling while pessimistic even-tually dooms on expected depression that may be avoi-ded in rational outcome and expectation (De Meza, & Dawson, 2021). Additionally, the optimism hopes and glances to the predominant concept. It is the cognitive theory that maintains expectancies and positive goal attainment (Mallillin & Laurel, 2022). It distinguishes the approach for sustenance of the future in a sub-stantial nature. It provides fundamental and perceived prediction that represents well-being and health out-come dispositional optimistic hopes in mental and emotional well-being and healthy behavior (Krafft et al., 2021). Hence, mental and emotional well-being show that respondents are able to enjoy and make up things through mind and knowledge about things, and are attached to certain things and interested in dis-covering new ideas regarding mental and emotional well-being and healthy behavior. It investigates the urgency of the health crisis, mental and emotional well-being. It provides a meaningful life, psychology-cal flexibility, and well-being. It mitigates the psy-chological flexibility on mental and emotional prepare-dness of well-being awareness (Arslan & Allen, 2022). Moreover, it assesses the effectiveness of in-creasing mental health and well-being. It highlights mental illness and risk development. It provides techniques for detection of mental and emotional health problems and well-being in a prognostication and negative state of psychological mental well-being. It provides useful modernized mental and support well-being monitoring and assessment (Rahman et al., 2022). Furthermore, behavior and expectation show that respondents are feeling relaxed to the fullest who means they are in control of the behavior principles and values in life. This is necessary in maintaining healthy behavior in society. It stresses that factors on process of behavior and expectation predict and lead the model for healthy living despite mental well-being issues. It addresses expectation and characteristics, violation, situation, and personality on behavior and expectation. It chan-ges expectation and direction in support and acco-mmodation that occurs to behavior and expectation (Pinquart et al., 2021). Likewise, it shows that res-pondents are expecting behavior and feeling useful in all facets of life. It touches behavior and expectation on explanation and object of the perceived feelings. The object behavior and expectation phenomenon is an overwhelming feeling. The behavior and expectation effect is emphasized and style. The object behavior and characteristics and expectation among people provides a touch and effect application of human be-havior and expectation in a perceived feelings and emotion (Okada et al., 2022). In addition, it shows that respondents are feeling satisfied and confident about behavior and expectation. This means people have full satisfaction on expected behavior principles and values of life. It provides a series of understanding and ex-perimentation based on belief and abilities on beha-viour. It is substantially and systematically on behavior expectation and feedback on asymmetry relative to conservatism (Möbius et al., 2022). Consequently, emotional awareness shows that respondents felt being loved with people around them which means emo-tional awareness refers to attention, clarity, and emotions. This is associated with coping mechanisms, emotional regulation, and psychopathology. It is a cognitive target in emotional and mental awareness of behavior as expected. Emotional awareness is com-pared to therapeutic settings in daily life. It examines repetitive thinking on emotional and mental awareness and facets as to reflection, worry, and rumination. It measures repetitive experiences regarding negative thinking, coping, regulation, and emotional effort. It is associated with active coping and positive association. It is the clarity and emotion awareness in active coping emotional level of attention with reflection and per-sonal mental awareness (Eckland and Berenbaum, 2021). In addition, it shows that respondents have enough energy and emotion to spare in dealing with other people. It enables us to fight the effect of a situ-ation where there is a need for sustainability of pro-found transformation in society. The behavior context, emotional and mental awareness need to change in structure and profound point and trans-formation. It discusses the aims of related emotion that is sustain-able transformation, emotional, mental, and promo-tional awareness (Ojala, 2022). Hence, it also shows that respondents are aware of feelings and emotions cheerfully as expected. Emotional psychology aware-ness conceptualizes the ability to describe the emo-tional feelings of other people. It provides a pattern in emotional psychology awareness of development and cognitive theory. This has been emphasized on cogni-tive measure and performance on emotional and mental awareness of every individual person. This includes systematic and mental health adaptation refinement on emotional psychology awareness of people. It creates a comprehensive background that evolved in the theory and background of the process in emotional psychology awareness scale (Lane & Smith, 2021). Lastly, the feelings toward people show that respondents must set a good example about their personality as a whole, stressing the love of them-selves, and patiently dealing with issues and chal-lenges with positivity as well. This means that people have different traits and personalities. Setting a good example will help other people to recognize inner beauty. There are people who are friends in time of need. When you need them most they can turn their back and assume to be their friends. Friends are willing to listen and under-stand the situation even in a difficult moment. Individual person can be identified as emotionally stable, extraversion, honesty, openness, humble, conscien-tiousness, and agreeable. Hence, people who are worse in traits and characteristics must be encouraged to change for good, better, and best. In contrast, typical worst traits are those people who are stabilized in life (Sun et al., 2022). In addition, feel-ings towards other people show that respondents are acknowledged as to flexibility, goal oriented, feeling close, and adoptive. It frequently repeats behavior automatically for those who have lots of experiences in the past. It is attributed to the association and habits of response and behavior with other people. It responds to the views and opposing behavior depending on the target of individual people. It is a challengeon an independent goal and habit in health and social psy-chology. It features activation of rapid memory of feelings with people for change in pursuit of the goal (Wood et al., 2022). 


Mental well-being shows that respondents are realizing and thinking clearly toward life especially for ups and downs challenges where they are feeling either pessi-mistic (negative) or optimistic (positive) about their future and well-being. It also shows that they enjoy and make up things through their mind and knowledge, and are attached to certain things and interested in discovering new ideas. Hence, behavior and expect-ation show that they are feeling relaxed to the fullest and are feeling useful in all facets of life. In addition, it shows feelings of satisfaction and confidence about behavior and expectation. Yet, emotional awareness shows that they feel loved with people around them where they have enough energy and emotion to spare as expected. Further, feelings toward people show to set a good example and feel good about their persona-lity toward other people and are stressing the love of themselveswheretheyarepatientlydealingwith issues, challenges, and problems with positivity as well. It also shows that they acknowledge and feel interested in all aspects of life and with other people who are flexible, goal oriented, feeling close, and adoptive.


The researchers wish to extend their appreciation for the people behind the success of this research. Thanks for the support.


The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


September 7, 2022


October 12, 2022


October 22, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/ajssls.022.01890189

Corresponding author

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin*

PhD, Institute of Education, Under-graduate Studies, Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines.

Cite this article

Mallillin LLD, Atendido GCL, and Tecson PAL. (2022). Mental and emotional well-being awareness: towards a healthy behaviour and expectation, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 4(5), 189-198. 

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