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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/bjah.0230990106

A Brief Discussion on the Significance of Material Mediation to Mixed Media Painting

Wang Xi ,
Du HaiTao ,
Nor Azlin Hamidon



In contemporary society, material artworks have been widely used in art and established as a new form of artistic language. The creative use of media materials has greatly expanded people's visual space. The materialization of artists' aesthetic concepts means that media materials are involved in the process of painting practice through different ways of expression, promoting the independence and connotation of painting language, and strengthening it, so that the creation of mixed media has obtained a very strong living space in today's era. In the process of artistic creation, material materials are branded with themes and need to serve artistic ideas. They not only play the role of media of artworks but also have certain artistic characteristics. Materials will show different effects in different works and the use of different artists, reflecting the artist's visual perception of the objective world and also conducive to stimulating the work's deeper meaning. This paper studies the influence of media on the creative process of painting works by changing the creative thinking mode, emotional expression, and visual perception mode of mixed media painting, and tries to summarize the meaning of material media in mixed media painting. 

Keywords: Mixed media, Materials, Mediation, Visual art, Media painting, and Visual perception.

Citation: Xi W, Tao DH, and Hamidon NA. (2023). A brief discussion on the significance of material mediation to mixed media painting, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(2), 99-106. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.0230990106


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April 12, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.0230990106

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