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Original Article | Open Access | Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(2), 51-60 | doi: 10.34104/bjah.023051060

Covid-19 and its Impact on Indigenous Peoples: An Ethnographic Study on Garo community at Tangail District

Imrul Kabir* Mail Img ,
Most. Ummay Hani Kulsum ,
Sumaya Tahsin Hamida Mail Img ,
Md. Bipul Reja ,
Md. Al Mamun Sarker


People around the world have been affected in some way by the coronavirus pandemic. Garo people have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, which has had a high impact on their daily lives. The present study was an attempt to explore the impact of covid-19 pandemic in the Garo Community at Madhupur Upazila in Tangail District. Attaining broad objective of the study has also focused on some relevant objectives such as, gathering information about the socio-demographic condition of the Garo people,  knowing the psycho-social problem faced by the affected person, observing the psychological conditions of the respondents, knowing the economic condition and gaining broad base knowledge about their lifestyle during Covid time and post-Covid time, to incorporate the recommendation and suggestion to improve their lifestyle and socioeconomic condition in post-Covid time. Our main research approach is Qualitative research and we used the Ethnographic method for collecting information we also used the case study method by using purposive sampling taking five in-depth interviews on the basis of our study objectives. The research shows the actual picture of the Garo community during Covid time. The research found that the Garos have faced great trouble during the worldwide pandemic situation. Most of the Garos are farmers and day laborers, during the lockdown, they lose their work; farmers didnt buy fertilizer and pesticides so their production decreased and they faced an economic crisis, during lockdown they lose their communication system and social isolation which creates loneliness and psychological problem. Due to government instruction, they maintain social isolation and could not perform religious programs, marriage, and other cultural programs limited within the family. They live in a remote place, with no hospital or healthcare facility available there, they suffered a lot of health problems, and Covid positive people did not get enough healthcare support so the death rate was so high. 


The Garo (Mandi) Adivasi, is a distinguished matriar-chal community of Bangladesh living under challenges to practise their traditional life. Although the popula-tion of bangladesh is not as other country of the world, socio-cultural differences exist among the people living here for various reasons. On religious basis, 85% of the population is Muslim, 15% is Hindu, Bud-dhist and Christian community. Bangladesh is a coun-try of cultural and ethnic diversity, with over 54 indi-genous communities, along with the majority of Bengali population. According to the census of 2011, the countrys indigenous population is approximately 1,586,141, which represents 1.8% of the total popula-tion of the country. 

However, indigenous peoples claim that their popu-lation is over three million. Indigenous peoples, with their distinct languages, traditions, cultures, values, and customs, contribute significantly to the rich cul-tural heritage, ecology, and sustainable development of Bangladesh. But indigenous people are deprived of basic rights and civil services provided by the govern-ment mentioned in the constitution. As a result, they are regarded as the very poor, illiterate and backward populations of the country. They are exploited, depri-ved and survived as marginalized people due to the indifferences of the state and mismanagement of poli-tics. The indigenous people are gradually disappe-aring because of the deprivation and neglect of socio-economic status, political context, globalization and market economy of Bangladesh. Accor-ding to the data of several research and reports, this community is con-sidered as the “Marginalized population.” Among them the Garo is one of the largest indigenous com-munities of Bangladesh. They lives in the north-eastern parts of the country especially, in Gazipur, Mymen-singh, Netrokona, Tangail, Sheerpur, Jamalpur and some in Sylhet districts close to the Indian border. There are almost 2,60,000 Garos in Bangladesh, many more Garos live in Meghaloya in Indian side but gaps exist between the government official figures and private estimates (Census Report: 2011). A sample survey of 1979, conducted in Bangladesh found that 20% of Garos do not possess any land, 30% have only a homestead, 30% worked as hired labourers and 20% cultivate mortgaged land (UNDP; SDNP; 2008, P-21). We know most of the indeginious peoples are living in remote areas. In those areas the indigenious people have been living for the long periods of times. Here, the communication system, infrustructure system, helalth facilities and education, other modern equip-ments are not avilable in those areas. On the others hand majority of indeginius peoples have been dep ending on agricultural production in the ancient times but in covid time in our country most of the place was locked down and no communication and trans porta-tions system was not opened in that times. So, mago-rity of indeginious peoples like Garo people did not  sell their productive product and they faced hugh eco-nomics problems in covid time. Majority of the Garos peoples are depend on the traditional traetment sys-tems that they are practing long period of times to cure from diseases. In hilly areas there is absence of modern health facilities and also absence of govt of non govt hospital in those areas. So, in Covid time the Garos people were face lots of problems that impact on phy-sically, mentally, economically and socially of Garos peoples. From an analytical perspective, the investi-gation intended to find out  impact of covid 19 in in-diginious people specially on Garos community  and also to recommend some strategies to overcome those challenges from their community in Jalchhatra village under Arankhola union at Madhupur Upazila of Tangail district. Our investigation is helpful to know about the impact of Covid 19 on indigenous people especially on Garo community (Rahman, 2021). 

The study focuses on the socio-economic and demo-graphic conditions of the Garo community. It also focuses on their working activities in Covid 19 times and effect the activities of at present after Covid 19 and existing problems faced by Garo community in Covid times and recommendations to solve their problems as well as to preserve their identity.

Statement of the Problem

The  Garo  is  one  of  the  marginalised  ethnic  mino-rity  groups  in  Bangladesh, originally  migrated  from Tibet (Bal & Ellen, 1999).  They  have  been  living  in different  areas  of  Bangladesh  for  few  centuries  with  mainstream  Bengali  community.  Based  on an  ethonographic  study,  the  present  paper  argues  that  although Garos  livelihood patterns are variation from the native peoples because the absence of moderniz-ation, urbanization and communication, education, madical facilities are not previlage here. The main research question is to investigate impact covid 19  and  also to anlyze the causes of impact on the basis of their life patterns, health, education, income, social aspects. 

Over the last centuries, Garos are facing a huge chall-enges in their normal life. There are a number of pro-blems existing in Garo community such as communi-cation and transportation problem, inadequate educa-tion institutions, deficiency of employment and most severely land problem. So, the study aims to investi-gate and analyse deeply the problem of Garo com-munity faced by during the  covid 19. But many other things are also included into this investigation like the economics condition during the Covid times and socail, psychological, health, educational problems faced in covid time and also analysis support from govt and non-govt organization to cope with  those problems.

Objectives of the study 

The main objective of this research is to know the Impact on Covid19 in indigenous people specially on Garo community, including some other specific object-tives which are as follows:

1) To know the socio-economic and demographic condition of the Garo community;

2) To reveal their daily activities in Covid time;

3) To explore existing problem faced by Garo com-munity in pre and post Covid time;

4) To find out the causes of existing problem faced by Garo community in pre and post Covid time;

5) To incorporate their suggestion and recommend-dations for minimizing their problems.


Methodology refers to the theory of the research and the reasons for the way the research has been designed. Methodology explains the research question and why the question is important. It explains the starting point of the research, the directions of the research and the possible implications of the research when it is com-pleted. Methodology explains the literature the resear-cher is using, the language and terminology, the other theories and explanations being used, the methods and the types of analysis that will be used to interpret the collection data and information. 

Location of the Study

There are many ethnic communities dispersedly living in Mymensingh division. They are the Garo and the Hajong. The Garois of majority of them, most of the Garos live in Sherpur, Jamalpur, Tangail, Mymen-singh, Gazipur. We conducted our field work in the Garo village named Jalcchatra under the Arankhola union, Madhupur upazila in Tangail district. 

Methods of Data Collection 

All research has some aim that is why the researcher takes different level of scientific method. Present study is an outcome of short field work that we conducted to Jalcchatra village under Tangail district. In social sci-ence ethnography is very unique because it takes in depth-interview, observation, participation, case study etc. Participatory observation and case study were our basic techniques and also did intensive field work. We used other methods, however at first; we built rapport and used method to collect data. Now we are explain-ing here how we used the method. In order to do the research perfectly, at first, we have to build rapport with the villagers. There were different types of people in the village. So, we arrived and raised many question among them. The villager suspected that we came from a university. For this reason, at the very begin-ning we declared our aim and introduced our self to them. Then gradually we introduced with all villagers Thus, we could build rapport with the farmers, day laborers, female young girls and children. Then we selected six people by using purposeful sampling for taking case. To collect the actual data, we started case study and in-depth interview with selected six res-pondents.

We observed closely the Garo people of their daily life activities. Rapport building up and observation are very important for qualitative research. Actually, participatory observation and case study were our basic method and we could use this method for building rapport. 

Sources of Data 

An organized and well-developed checklist has been used in this study which includes the important indi-cator related to the study. This help the research work to be conducted in a more methodical and systematic way. To know about the impact on covid 19 on Garo community. We also used genealogical method. We have collected data from primary and secondary sou-rces. Primary source is the basic source of the study. The secondary sources are collected from several rele-vant articles, journals, thesis, and others documents.

Analysis of data 

The analysis of qualitative data was completed through several steps such as transcribing the data, interpreting documents and photographs, describing records, verba-tim and the thematic analysis of data. All those steps have been well followed in the study to analyze the primary data which was collected from respondents and field report form case study and participant obser-vations.

Validity and Reliability 

Validity of the study explains that the study is true and valid. The honesty and truthfulness both from the research and the respondents ensure the validity of the study (Creswell, 2014). The authenticity of the colle-cted data is indicated by the validity of the study. The findings of the study have revealed the real life based on understanding the livelihood patterns of Garo. Reliability of the study refers to the consistency and dependency of the researcher. Both the researcher and respondents need to understand the importance of the study and feel reliable for the information they share.


Qualitative study means descriptive study where researcher has focused the elaborate idea from the respondents and not using any numerical data. As our study we have used the interview method in our research. It is qualitative research. So, I described the data that we collected on the field in our field work area by using some of term that are related our research objectives. Those terms are:

1) Poor demographic conditions indicate poor socio-economic structure

2) Lack of health, communications facilities make them backwards community

3) Poor education conditions focus on less aware-ness about present world

4) Confined themselves in household at Covid time make their life be difficult

5) No opportunity to perform normal life as usually they do in normal activity

6) Need GO and NGOs support in for developing their conditions

7) Income generating program and different types of instruments for developing their life after Covid

8) No opportunity to perform cultural and social program in Covid time

9) Social isolation creating a lots of psychological problem and mental problem in Covid time

10) No administration support in covid times has creates a lot of problems

11) Women are more vulnerable and assumed by husband in Covid time.

Poor demographic conditions indicate poor socio-economic structure

Following international institutions and activities now-adays, many states have begun to protect indigenous peoples rights and interests, but in this respect, Bangladesh is still far behind. While talking about the Governments attitude towards the indigenous people in Asia, including Bangladesh, Benedict Kingsbury (1998) mentioned the attitudes of Governments in Asia to the application to their state of the concept of ‘indi-genous people which differ considerably, but strong opposition has been China, India, Bangladesh, Myan-mar and for the most part of Indonesia (Islam & Rafiqul, 2008). In Bangladesh the estimated total population is 15 million of them 98 % of the people are Bengali and predominantly Bengali speaking people. There are 2.5 million indigenous people of 50 different ethnic groups although in different sources the number of indigenous groups differs from between 29 to 65. All these groups mostly have different cul-tures and languages. The Government of Bangla-desh does not treat these groups as ‘indigenous people but rather as ethnic minorities. The socio - economic con-dition of Garo community indicated that are very poor. Their socio, economic and educational statuses are not as standard that needed to normal life. They have ear-ned very few moneys that are not suitable to bearing their family life. For economic problem they have not fullfil their basic needs.

My respondent “A” mentioned that “My husband stays at home he has no interest to work for that causes I am working as a day labor in my area and I earned per month 5000 taka that is not sufficient as my family expenditure”. 

Majority of Garo people are involved in agricultural work and their main occupation is farmer. They have no any opportunities to join others occupation because in that area people have not got any support to join others occupation. 

My respondent “B” said that “I am working as a farmer and I have no opportunities to join others occupations”.

Lack of the health, communications facilities makes them backwards community

Health and communication facilities are most import-ant criteria for any of community development. But, it is matter of sorrow that the communication and health facilities in Garo areas are not developed as compare to need based. There is no modern hospital in Garo areas and peoples do not get modern treatment for curing their disease. Basically, majority of Garo follow traditional treatment method for curing their diseases. We saw that there is no numerous hospital in our res-earch area and we also saw that majority of peoples goes to kabiraz or oja for curing their disease. We also astonished to see that majority of Garos now practicing traditional healing practice for curing disease. The communication facilities of my research area are not overall development. Majority of road pass into the hill and muddy. Peoples cannot go easily in town area at any emergency needs. 

My one of respondent “A” mentioned that “the health and communication facilities in my areas in not good. In our area there is no modern equipment related hospital where we are going to get service for curing disease. We have no idea about many diseases and how we cure from disease.” 

“My others respondent “B” allusion that “we are bearing unbearable life because there is no number of hospital and communication facilities in our areas. In Covid time my one of relative have died because of treatment”

Dont about the present world.”

Analysis Lack of health, communications facilities make them backwards community

The health and communication facilities in Garos area are not developed. In modern time, there is no modern equipment related hospital are not existing in research area. People are suffering a lot of problem for the lack of communication and health facilities.

Poor education conditions focus on less awareness about present world

Education is very in every person life. Without educa-tion no one gain higher position in their career. Bang-ladesh is developing country and most of the people live below the poverty. Education problem has become a global problem in our country. Education creates awareness among the people. It is the very important to any one life. Its what helps us adapt and grow. Napo-leon Bonaparte said that, "Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized, educated nation", today to know the present world education must be needed. To development any nation and create awareness education facilities should be ensuring.

Respondent A said that, “She had three sons and two daughters. All of her sons and daughters are higher educated. And her son is a UNO of Jamalpur Sadar Upazilla. Her family is aware and has a lot of knowledge about present world.”

But respondent B said that, “Her no one child was educated. They live a poverty line. There is no opportunity to better standard there live because all of the children are uneducated. They are not aware of their right.”

Respondent C said that, “Her son was a rickshaw polar. He was class 3 passed; as a result he did not get a higher job in job sector. They are very poor. His income is not sufficient to regulate their live; he is the only earning member in their family. They are unaware about their health and their right.”

Respondent D also said that, “In their family on one educated. All of them doing in agriculture work. They dont allow their children going to school as a result they are dont about the present world.”

Analysis Poor education conditions focus on less awareness about present world  

To better ones life education must be needed. An un-educated population is in great burden in any nation. Literacy rate in Bangladesh is now 74.66 percent, according to the preliminary report of "Population and Housing Census 2022". But in study area the edu-cational status is very low and people are not aware to education. There are no numerous educational insti-tutes here that is main barrier to improve educational condition among the peoples. 

Confined themselves in household at Covid time make their life be different 

There are so many deaths in the country of Corona. The procession has a great impact on the lives of individuals and society, they live in hardship. Days are spent starving and panicked

Respondent A said that, “He has two sons one daughter one son uno he was abroad. She and her husband were at home. At the time of Corona, when his son who came from abroad got Corona, they did not fear and followed the exemplary health rules of the government and various NGOs.”

Respondent B said that, “He had two sons out of which one son worked in dyeing and the other son did agricultural work. Dyeing work was not good but his younger son had a lot of problems in selling the agricultural produce because of the restrictions.”

Respondent c said that, “He had one son and one daughter, the son worked in agriculture and his daughter read and listened. As their agricultural produce could not be sold during the Corona period, it was ruined and their days were spent in hardship.”

No opportunity to perform normal life as usually they do in normal activity

Conduct technical training to develop them as skilled human resources. Providing various agricultural pro-ducts and training Garo women in various handicrafts so that they are financially well off. Helping them with various agricultural inputs and agricultural improve-ment techniques. Garos can be developed as a working class of the country if their work is resourced and initiatives are taken in various ways then the country will develop.

Respond A said that, “They are not given any kind of government assistance. If they are helped by government and various organizations such as tenancy and various initiatives. Then there will be changes in life.”

Respond B said that, “All those women are spending idle time sitting at home. Their family and society will be prosperous if they manage their Tension.”

Respond C said that, “If different products and improved agricultural practices can be intro-duced. Then new opportunities will be created in their agricultural field.”

Need go and NGOs support in for developing their conditions

Garos are suffering from various problems like health food water education etc. They are unaware of various social issues such as child marriage. Water problems and unsanitary conditions make life difficult. If go and various NGOs come forward, their society will be saved from these bad situations. They will be aware of their rights. Among them is the biggest problem. The local Bengali dominant group wants to occupy their lands. If go and various NGOs come forward against this, then they will be saved from extinction from society.

Respondent A said that, “They have lost their homes and the local Bengalis have occupied them and harassed them or not.”

Respondent B said that. “They suffer from vari-ous social problems such as water sanitation education etc. In addition to this, if various go and NGOs help them by giving those loans in such a situation that they are in moral diffi-culties, then they would be morally and socially prosperous.”

Respondent C said that, “During various natu-ral calamities they do not get any government help before and after the calamity. During and after this natural disaster, their electricity con-nection was shut off.”

Income generating program and different types of instruments for developing their life after Covid 

Garos are generally looked down upon by Bengalis in various ways. They are looked down upon in various activities and opportunities in the society. Depriving them of their right to action. Depriving them of various fair rights. They want to live like normal Bengalis. They are not a separate group. Bengalis want to live as a nation.

Respondent A said that, “They dont get various privileges of the government. They are deprived of the same privileges that a normal Bengali gets.”

Respondent B said that, “If they are given the same opportunities as others, they can contri-bute to the development of the society.”

Respondent C said that, “We are given the opportunity according to the work, and then we can play a role in the development of our coun-try and society. In this, the family, society and country will improve.”

No opportunity to perform cultural and social Pro-gram in Covid time

In covid time there was no opportunity to perform Cultural and social program. Also included Religious Program. The Covid-19 pandemic had a sudden and substantial impact on the cultural programs Cultural activities are sports or activities which contribute to or enhance the history on social development, apprecia-tion of members of the public. Some cultural programs are celebrating the festival, Charity events, Sports events, visiting national park, Join the heritage tours and Dance and music competition and soon. Some social activities are food assistance, housing subscrip-tion health insurance and on. During Covid time no one can perform those activities because of main-taining social distance.

Respondent A said that, “In covid time she was totally isolated and she cant perform any cultural and social program.”

Respondent B explain in Sorrows, “During covid time be cancellation of worship Services, they cant go to churches, for this he was upset.”

Respondent C said that, “She cant perform any cultural program during covid period, she cant celebrate any festival, any sport events and any dance competitions.”

Respondent D mentioned that, “In covid time there was no chance to perform cultural and social activities with physically. For this she enjoying the online content.”

Respondent E expressed that, “During covid time she was very depressed, because she cant per-form any cultural, social and religi6our activities. Many churches, synagogues, mosques and temples have offered worship through live stream.”

Social isolation creating a lot of psychological pro-blem and mental problem in Covid time

In covid time, there is a high cost associated with the essential quarantine and social distancing intervention for covid-19, especially in older adults who have exp-erienced an acute, severe sense of social isolation and loneliness with potentially serious mental and physical health consequences. Social isolation or loneliness is associated with various psychological and mental rep-ressions, including elevated systolic blood pressure and increased risk for heart disease.

Respondent A stated that- “In covid time they were stay in home. Detached from one another. In this situation they suffer from various psycho-logical and mental problems.”

Respondent B explained in sorrow- “In covid time, she was very depressed and couldnt con-centrate on her daily activities.”

Respondent C said that- “She faced different mental problems during covid time, such as Anxiety, depression, eating disorder, paranoia and so on”

Respondent D mentioned that- “In covid time, she cannot communicate with her relatives phy-sically, in this situation she has suffered from various psychological problems such as – disso-ciation and dissociative disorders, obsessive com-pulsive disorder”

Respondent E expressed that, “In covid time she was isolated from her family relatives and neig-hbor. For this, she was very depressed and suf-fering from different mental disorders- such as Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, psychosis, schizo-phrenia and other psychotic disorders.”

No Administrative supports in Covid time has crea-ted lots of problems

The Garo Community is of the marginalized com-munity in Bangladesh. Covid 19 has a great impact on this community. As already isolated from the world, they became more isolated during Corona. People of this community become very helpless due to lack of sufficient work specially in covid time. They had to go through financial crisis as they could not sell their agricultural products on time. 

Respondent A stated that, “We also had days without any food, the whole family had to go without food. I heard about government food donation but we did not get any help.”

The Garo community is very dependent on nature. They are very superstitious. They followed their con-ventional treatment during Corona. Many people in this community still do not believe about the corona virus.

Respondent B said, “We were lagging behind in getting corona treatment and vaccination where people in our community were reluctant to get corona treatment.”

There was a considerable lack of administration to en-sure corona vaccination. Education sector is the worst affected during Corona. Many children dropped out as school was closed.

Respondent C mentioned that, “Even though study programs are conducted on internet and TV, our children could not participate in these classes as they did not have smartphones or televisions. As a result, many children dropped out of school.”

Garo community mostly depends on agriculture. They cultivate puddy, pine apple, lemon, bananas etc.

According to respondent D said, “It became very difficult for us to survive. Crops are wasted in the field due to failure to sell them on time. But we could not get the help of the administration to sell the crops.”

Women were more vulnerable and assumed by hus-band in covid time

Women are more vulnerable group in every com-munity. But in Garo community women are respected. Women have to work hard all day long in the field. Women are much assiduous than men. During Covid 19, the women of Garo community had to go many difficulties. As the family income was less, there were quarrels and disputes in the family.

Respondent A mentioned that, “My husband used to have quarrels with me as the family income decreased. My husband often abused me physically and mentally.”

Respondent B said, “Thinking about the future of the girls, I merry of my 2 daughters during Covid 19,”


In this research, most of the people age is about 40-55 and some of them belong to 44-46. It is also found that most of them are unemployed and depend on subsis-tence farming work to bear their life expenses. Also, most of the people are engaged in farming and some of them are day laborer, businessman and job holders and others are engaged in different occupations. Data shows that a large number of respondents belong to lower and middle class family. In this study, it is found that large amounts of the people in Garo community are very helpless. They did not get any facility from the government in Covid 19 situation. In their community many of the people are unaware about nutrition as a result they suffer from various disease. Their main problem the owner of the land. The land which they lived this land is not yet registries by their name.  However, normally they are facing very much problem in this situation. It is a clear observation that economic condition has a great impact on Garo com-munity according to most of the respondents. Majority of the respondents do not have any saving. Ensure self-determination rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh in the spirit of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It is also found that most of the people are uneducated. In order to maintain the continuity of school during the lockdown, the govern-ment took the initiative to broadcast classes through a public television channel (Sangsad TV). The class contents were also uploaded on YouTube to help con-tinue the curriculum amid the closure. However, due to the existing digital divide, many children and youth living in remote areas of the Garo community are deprived of accessing remote learning initiatives of the government. This is also the same for poor indigenous children in the plain land. They are unknown about their right. In covid 19 situation they have to remain home they did not continue their daily earning work for this their income was very low. Loss of livelihood and income. 

They did not take proper food at a time. In this study, we find that most of the people have good relation with their family; relatives and friends but they did not celebrate any kind of festival because of Covid 19. It very bad time for them. We also find that due to covid 19 times they did not get proper market price of their farming product. A number of facts are also res-ponsible for this condition such as they are not known about new technology. In garo community people should be educated otherwise their community deve-lopment is impossible. Governments help must be en-sured them and ensure their proper legal right. Medical facilities are very poor in their community. Garo needs special support and special care in that time because of living remote areas. They are very helpless people. In any vulnerable time, government should be provided. 

For development their community education must be need. Without education any community not to be developed. They have to introduce about new modern technology. They have to know modern agricultural system and deny the traditional agricultural system. 

Their sanitation knowledge was very low. They did not know the proper sanitation system as a result it impacts very much on their health. On the other hand, they have lack of the nutrition knowledge. They did know how to cook to proper way. Ensure timely distribution of information materials in indigenous languages, adequate food, economic support, safety kit assistance for the marginalized indigenous peoples. Ensure access to healthcare services for indigenous communities during the lockdown. They have to provide sustained, long-term economic relief for the marginalized Indi-genous Peoples of Bangladesh such as universal access to public services and universal social protection through specialized programs. 


Garos have to live with many problems which include land problems, water problems, sanitation problems, education problems etc. The nature-loving Garos have to fight constantly to sustain their existence. Apart from agriculture, fishing was their main livelihood. Earlier they used to earn their livelihood by fishing in the canals, now they have to depend on agriculture. While the Garos of the plains are engaged in various occupations. The Garos are left behind because they are looked upon differently by the people of the plains. One of their problems is the land problem which always bothers them. Without proper steps of the government to solve these problems, socio-economic development is not possible. The corona epidemic has affected them a lot. The loans taken at high interest rates during the corona period have become a major problem in their livelihood. The government and various NGOs should come forward to solve these problems.


People of Garo community had faced many problems during the covid 19. Most of the family members cant communicate with their relatives and cant buy their agriculture goods in market and they cant perform properly in their duty. Preparedness is the key to dealing with any health crisis. There are many recom-mendations which help the Garo people to solve the various their problems. Food supply needs to be made accessible to remote tribal areas such as Garo areas through government and various NGOs. They also need to formulate and implement sound plans to improve the quality of our social, economic and edu-cational infrastructure so that every of Garo people will get proper education and others facilities. For ensuring quality health facilities they need lot of modern equipment furnished hospital and E- based services so that every of Garo Peoples will get health facilities easily. We know that most of Garo people are basically de-pends on Agricultural based occupation but need to arrangement of micro credit for Garo low-income people so that they will have got opportunities to join different types of occupation. Increasing edu-cation rate among those areas need to priority and implement Small scale scholarships programs that should be provided to all Garo students to increase their interest in studies. To elimination social problems we have to priority strong social connection among the Garo communities so that they can solutions their pro-blems by using discussions each others. Most of indi-genous peoples live in remote areas in Bangladesh and those areas have not good communication and infra-structure in those areas. We everybody know that any development in any communities firstly we have to priority communication and infrastructure develop-ment otherwise our development will be vain. So, we must be creating good communication in Garo areas so that the Garo peoples will easily communicate others people. We also used SWOT approach for solu-tion the Garo community problems in their community. 


I would like to express my profound gratitude to Most. Ummay Hani Kulsum, Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University, Sumaya Tahsin Hamida, Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Begum Rokeya University, Bangladesh, Bangladesh, Md. Bipul Reja, Lecturer, Department of Social work, Gurudayal Govt. College. Kishoreganj and Dr. Md, Al mamun Sarker, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University, Bangladesh for their incessant facilition and encouragement Throughout the research.


The author and coauthors announced that there are no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research work.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


January 19, 2023


February 23, 2023


March 7, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.023051060

Corresponding author

Imrul Kabir*

Department of Social work, Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science & Technology University, Jamalpur-2012.

Cite this article

Kabir I, Kulsum MUH, Hamida ST, Reja MB, and Sarker MAM. (2023). Covid-19 and its impact on indigenous peoples: an ethnographic study on Garo community at Tangail district, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(2), 51-60. 

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