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Original Article | Open Access | Br. J. Arts Humanit., 2022, 4(3), 63-71 | doi: 10.34104/bjah.022063071

Information Requirements for Farmers and Search Behavior: A Case Study at Manda Upazila, Naogaon

Md. Rubel Hossain* Mail Img ,
Md. Dulal Uddin Mail Img ,
Shalehar Khatun Mail Img ,
Md. Rashed Nizami Mail Img ,
Md. Rajaul Karim Mail Img ,
Md. Emon Sheikh Mail Img


In recent scenarios, information is badly necessary for daily life. Information is essential in every part of the daily job. Information can be obtained or retrieved from a variety of places. This article focuses on the information needs of farmer groups in rural areas. This research paper fulfills the basic required information of rural farmers. This study was conducted using the questionnaire approach, and it revealed that practically all farmers are aware of agricultural facts, as this paper demonstrates. This paper also demonstrates that a greater number of sources use to inform the farmers mainly human assistance. But there have some limitations to reaching information, general to all search groups, were lacking authenticity and timeliness. The findings show that tailoring agricultural information delivery to farmers diverse information search patterns is an important consideration for extension programs. 


Truly speaking, the current time is called inform-ation age. For changing our society definitely infor-mation plays a vital role. According to Kemp “infor-mation has been defined as the fifth need of man ranking after air, water, food and shelter”. Even in his day-to-day existence, everyone is keeping an eye out for information about everything (Nitin, 2012). Information needs assessments can be used by pro-gram designers to construct interventions that target users with specific information needs. Information requirements can be categorized using the "agri-cultural cycle" (Mittal et al., 2010) or the “agricul-tural value chain” (de Silva and Ratnadiwakara, 2008; Hossain et al., 2019; Ali and Kumar, 2011). 

Both methods operate through the various stages of decision-making that a farmer must go through during a cropping season: input procurement, pro-duction planning, growing, harvesting, packaging as well as storing, transporting, and selling. Aside from production-related information, there are prospects for off-farm income generating and changes in regul-ations have ramifications that necessitate new infor-mation (Van den Ban, 1998), in addition to data on management of natural resources that is together sustainable and long-term (Swanson, 2008). A farmer may indicate a significant information need based on his or her wants and interests during an information needs calculation, but this approach will not disclose unfelt or ignored needs (Carter and Batte, 1993). Nonetheless, the significance of conducting an infor-mation needs assessment and engaging directly with information users should not be underestimated. Far-mers may share experiences and best practices linked to their farm business in a two-way process, incur-porating their knowledge base as well (De Silva and Ratnadiwakara, 2008). An assessment of information needs should serve as a starting point for building programs, allowing for the creation of contextually relevant content (Chapman and Slaymaker, 2002; Gereziher & Shiferaw, 2020; Roman & Colle, 2003). 

The researchs goal is to discover the rural farmers information needs in the Manda upazila of Naogaon district, as well as some methods and means by which the information may be transmitted to pro-mote the empowerment of the remote farming com-munity through knowledge and economics.

Statement of Problem

Despite the fact that rural farmers have an active role in manufacturing of food, processing, and selling, economic and societal restrictions have limited their expertise of science and technology. Rural farmers have greater agriculture information access than ur-ban farmers, but they face numerous challenges in obtaining information to meet their demands. Agri-cultural extension activities frequently connect with rural farmers when they visit rural regions to discuss improved technology or access to additional inputs. In a study of farmers in rural areas, in information needs, it found that rural farmers have inadequate access to information need. Rural farmers face inad-equate money for cultivating food production which is the main problem in rural farmers (Okwu and Umoru, 2009). The above situation with regard to rural farmers agricultural information needs and their access to information needs that even more res-earch. The following questions are this researchs main emphasis: what are the present information ess-entials of rural farmers in Naogaons Manda Upa-zila? Which sources do they prefer most in seeking information? What are their information seeking attitudes?  

Need of the study

Naogaon is a district which socio-economic chara-cteristic depends on agriculture. Many people of this area produce agriculture production for living. In order to carry out their daily farming tasks, the rural farmers community requires numerous forms of information. Farmers contributions to agricultural production over the years progress have been ack-nowledged, and it is required to make proper infor-mation available to them in order to improve their productivity. However, the districts rural sections lack adequate information and service centers. Far-mers in rural areas lack access to the at the app-ropriate time with the correct knowledge, which results in a delayed progress of the rural farmer com-munity in terms of agricultural development that is long-term. In the Naogaon district, an information support system for the rural farmers community is a requirement for long-term agricultural development. Rural development can play a significant part in national development in a district like Naogaon, which has an agro-based rural economy. As a result, for the development of rural areas, quick and Information is easily accessible is critical (Ashfaqur and  Moyazzem, 2013) because of the present agri-cultural information systems failure, and the lack of a rural information center/ village knowledge center in the villages of Naogaon, it is critical to consider the diverse information demands of farmers who live in remote places in order to meet the information requirements of villages and farmers to help them better their situation the rural communitys socio-economic, cultural, and overall prosperity in way to construct information or knowledge centers


The studys main goal is to determine agricultural information requirements of farmers in rural loca-tions of Naogaon, as well as the socio-economic as-pects that sway their information access. The Speci-fic objectives of the study are:

a) To learn more about the farmers are looking for several forms of information. 

b) Finding the informational resources that far-mers prefer

c) To ascertain the information seeking attitude of farmers.


The farmers of Manda Upazila in Naogaon district, has been determined here as the studys population. A total of 38 respondents were selected from all the farmers of Manda upazila which was taken care of as the studys sample size. For primary data collection, a structured questionnaire with several items was cre-ated and utilized as instruction. Age, marital status, educational level, types of information sought, sou-rces of information consulted, information seeking attitudes, and other socioeconomic factors of farmers were considered for the objective of the study. 

The data was gathered from the respondents via a questionnaire. The analyzed data is using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts and percentages. 

Literature Review

Babu et al. (2011) conducted a study on “Farmers Information Needs and Search Behaviors”. In this study, Farmers knowledge requirements and search behavior, and even the factors that can affect both search behavior and willingness to pay for infor-mation, were investigated in two districts in South India. Diseases and pests control, pesticide and ferti-lizer administration, seed variety, and seed treatment have all been highlighted as significant information needs for rice. For the low search group, rice pro-duction procedures and Credit information was more important. Poor dependability and timeliness were important barriers Diseases and pests ropes. The fin-dings demonstrate that customizing agricultural info-rmation delivery to farmers various information sea-rch patterns is critical for extension programs to consider. Naveed et al. (2012) have jointly condu-cted a study on “Information looking for by Pakis-tani farmers: A review of published research” For getting agricultural information, Pakistani farmers have faith in heavily on interpersonal interactions with neighbors, acquaintances, relatives, associate or advanced farmers according to the findings of these research. The usage of print and electronic media, as well as expected, there were fewer agricultural exte-nsion agents than expected due to a lack of infor-mation sources. The findings point to the necessary for a Infrastructure for information based on need for Pakistani farmers Nitin Bhagach and Bachhav, (2012) has conducted a case study on “Information Rural Farmers Needs: A Study from Maharashtra, India: A Survey”. The information demands of the farmer community in rural areas are depicted in this study. According to the findings of the poll, 71 (40.58 percent) farmers demand information on a daily basis for various agricultural chores. Farmers primary sources of information are also discovered to be their colleagues or fellow farmers, followed by news-papers and government institutions Kashem et al. (2010) have conducted a research on “the comp-lementary roles of information and communication technology in Bangladesh agriculture” The agricul-ture industry accounts for around 20.60 percent of the countrys total GDP, according to this research. 

However, the majority of Bangladeshi farmers still lack modern agricultural understanding. They have depicted the current state of ICT in agriculture in order for future consumers of agricultural infor-mation (policymakers, other activists include rese- archers, professors, and students) to collaborate. This research presents a database approach that can be used to effectively supply agricultural information in digitally separated geographic areas via Services that are based on your location. The proposed system will aid the government in providing services and access to appropriate digital content to Farmers arent the only ones that are active in this sector; researchers and others are as well.

Data Analysis and Findings

The collected data were analyzed, classified, and tabulated. The questionnaire based on a set of ques-tions was implied to collect data. In this section, the investigation has been completed only those ques-tions which are essential to conduct the objectives of the study. The study has been shown in different angles through both Tables.

Personal Information 

Table 1: Respondents by sex. 

The above Table 1 depicts 38 responded returned their questionnaire out of 38 questionnaires delivered with a response rate of 100%.

Table 2: Respondents by age.

The Table 2 shows the result: Age ranges of the res-pondents have been classified into following six pre-defined category in which it is visible that majority percent respondents (31.57%) under survey belongs to the age group of 36-40. By the Table it is clear that there are few researchers aged belongs to 21-25 (in percentage 7.89%). Highest the number of people that responded (31.57%) consists of the age range of 36-40.

The Table 3 shows the result: Here, the highest per-centage (86.84%) of individuals is married followed by single (13.15%), and there is no widowed & sepa-rated person.

Table 3: Marital status by respondents.

The details of the result shows in the following Table 4. Here, Maximum numbers of respondents (39.47%) have Primary school education background which is followed by Secondary school (36.84%). While a good number of respondents are illiterate (13.15%) and have secondary school education back-ground (10.52%). Important to notice that among the respondents there is no graduate and post graduate education background.  

Table 5: Main Profession by respondents.

The Table 5 shows the result: Important to notice that they have idea about education but they have no higher education background. Here, maximum num-ber of persons income source is agriculture (100%). They are not involved in service, teaching, business, day-labor, and jobless.

Majority of the respondents main occupation is Agriculture Every respondent have exact sector of agriculture (39.47%) respondents have cultivation, (15.78%) respondents have Animal Husbandry, (7.89%) respondents have Tree farming, (7.89%) - have Dairy farming, (5.26%) respondents have Hor-ticulture, (13.15%) respondents have Fishing (5.26%), respondents have Poultry farming and (5.26%), resp-ondents have Mixed farming (Table 6).

Table 6: Exact sector of agriculture by respondents.

Table 7: Other sector of occupation beside main one by the respondents.

The following Table 7 shows the details result: Besi-des the core occupation some respondents (63.16%) have involve some other sector of agriculture 18.42% respondents have involved in Animal husb-andry beside main occupation. 26.31% respondents have involved in Tree farming. 15.78% respondents have involved in Fishing 2.63% respondents have involved in Poultry farming. 

Information-seeking Behaviors

Table 8: Information need by the respondents.

The Table 8 shows the result: Respondents were asked if they had needed any assistance any infor-mation or not. All of the respondents (100%) gave answer “yes”.

Here is the details result: Those who possess ans-wered to the previous question “yes” are asked again to specify the information seeking frequency. In fact out of 38 respondents, theyre all having answered that they need information regarding their profess-sion. For their convenience they were given three options viz. ‘Always, ‘Sometimes, and ‘Seldom 44.73% respondents have felt information need ‘always while 55.26% respondents indicated that they need information ‘sometimes. And no one has given answer to information seeking frequency as ‘seldom (Table 9).

Table 9: Information seeking frequency.

This Table 10 shows the details result. Every farmer involves agricultural work. So he/she is looking for information for the agriculture.

Table 10: More interesting topic to search by the respondents.

Here, 84.21% respondents involve crops production. 13.15% respondents involve horticulture 34.21% respondents involve Fish farming 5.26% respondents involve Poultry farming 55.26% respondents involve Animal husbandry 28.94% respondents involve Tree farming.

Table 11: Types of Information and usage frequency searched by respondents.

The majority of those who responded have given answer ‘always, ‘sometimes, ‘rarely. But they not gave answer about ‘never. This situation can com-prehended by the Table 11 63.15% respondents got farming method related information always while 34.21% got it sometimes and 2.63% got this infor-mation rarely. About field preparation 34.21% res-pondents got information always, 63.15% respon-dents got sometime, 2.63% respondents got rarely. About harvesting respondents got information 13. 15% always, 76.31% sometime 10.52% rarely. About Disease Management respondents got information 81.57% always, 18.42% sometime. About Integrated Pest management respondents got information 81. 57% always, 42.10% sometime 42.10%. About Pro-duction Cost respondents got information maximum 68.42% sometime. About Irrigation Management respondents got information maximum 68.42%. About Seed Verities/Qualities respondents got in-formation maximum 55.26%.

Table 12: Sources of Information and its usage frequency, rating of reliability and satisfaction mentioned by Respondents.

*The numeric figure in cell indicates number of the respondents and percentage is mentioned within parenthesis.

A question was posed to the participants to identify the sources of data they used from where they got information whenever they feel the need of infor-mation. They were given four basic sources of infor-mation i.e. Haman assistance sources of information, Organization oriented sources of data, Technology Oriented sources of data and Print media sources of data. Within these broader sources of data they were given some other sources of data. They were asked to indicate the usage frequency of sources of data, their reliable rating and satisfaction rate. They were given four options in the case frequency of infor-mation viz. always, sometimes, rarely, never. The options for reliable ratings were for them are, reli-able, moderate, less reliable and unreliable. Again the options for satisfaction ratings were, fully satis-fied, partially satisfied, less satisfied and unsatisfied 73.68% respondents always got information from others farmers 60.52% respondents under survey treated this source of information is quite reliable and 81.57% respondents are fully satisfied with this sources of data 28.94% respondents got information from field workers always and 44.73% information was reliable and 44.73% respondents were fully satisfied 97.36% respondents sometime got infor-mation from agriculture office. 73.68% respondents think that information is reliable and 71.05% respon-dents are partially satisfied 36.82% respondents rarely got information from mobile agriculture ser-vice. 7.89% respondents were less reliable and 7. 89% respondents were less satisfied 81.57% respon-dents sometime got information from Newspaper 68.42% respondents were moderate and 78.94% respondents were partially satisfied (Table 12).

Table 13: Most important information sources reckoned by respondents.

Out of four sector most of the respondents dependent on human assistance. Other sectors are also impor-tant as sources of data reckoned by respondents. Four sectors are shown above the Table 13 94.3% respondents under survey think that human assis-tance as sources of data most effective. 

While 63.15% respondents think organization orien-ted sources of information effective 73.68% respon-dents think that print media is the effective sources of data 84.21% respondents think that organization oriented sources of information is also effective. 

Table 14: Attitudes of respondents towards information.

This Table 14 shows most of the respondents give answer ‘strongly agree, ‘agree about information attitude. Some people give answer ‘somewhat agree. This analysis can be understood from the following Table 31.57% respondents reported that they have strongly agreed regarding searching for a lot of information while 68.42% respondents are agrees in searching for a lot of information 50% respondents agree out of the 38 respondents compare information from difference sources 57.89% respondents strong agree difficult to find right information 44.73% resp-ondents were strongly agree and 55.26% respondents were agree helpful to other who search information.

Major Findings 

The main findings of the study are:

1) 100% respondents had information needs.

2) 100% respondents needed information about agriculture.

3) 55.26% respondents needed information some-time.

4) Highest number of respondents 31.57% be-longs to the age range of 36-40

5) 84.21% respondents seeking information about crops production.

6) 73.68% respondents always got information from other farmer. 

7) 94.3% respondents under survey think that human assistance as sources of information most effective.

8) 57.89% farmers have no idea about Internet / website.


The responder uses information on purchasing agri-cultural land, variety of seeds, pesticides, fertilizer, equipment, weather, harvest, credit, facilities, post-harvest, food technology, and market information preservation technologies, according to the studys findings. Information support is also necessary for farmers in rural areas to carry out a variety of act-ivities. As previously stated, the majority of rural farmers lack access to the majority of needed agri-cultural information. As a result, the use of an ICT-based agricultural information support system is critical for the benefit of the rural farmer community.

The following recommendations may be considered by the policy planners -

1) Construction of agricultural club.

2) To set up Govt. fund and donation for the farmer.

3) To establish of agricultural library and re-source center in remote area. 

4) Arrangement of workshop on agricultural in-formation literacy. 

5) Developing regional farmers community. 

6) Adaption Technology is gating Agricultural information.

7) Mass media should regularly disseminate information to farmers community.

8) To increase necessary information on pro-duction technology that involves cultivating, fertilizing, pest control, weeding and harves-ting.


The researcher specially thanks to Md. Uzzal Hossain, Assistant Professor, Department of Infor-mation Science and Library Management, University of Naogaon for his special guidelines with his appre-ciated time, co-ordination and always for men-toring. This would not complete without his help like as reading of draft as many times. 


The researcher has stated unequivocally that there are no potential conflicts of interest in the investi-gation,   data collecting, data analysis, or writing and publishing of his current work.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


March 29, 2022


April 30, 2022


May 6, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.022063071

Corresponding author

Md. Rubel Hossain*

Department of Library and Information Science, Khwaja Yunus Ali University, Sirajgonj, Bangladesh

Cite this article

Hossain MR, Uddin MD, Khatun S, Nizami MR, Karim MR, and Sheikh ME. (2022). Information requirements for farmers and search behavior: a case study at Manda upazila, Naogaon, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 4(3), 63-71.

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