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Original Article | Open Access | Br. J. Arts Humanit., 2023; 5(3), 131-141 | doi: 10.34104/bjah.02301310141

Management of Educational System and Practice: A Guide to Academic Transformation

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin* Mail Img ,
Reynaldo G. Caranguian


The paper investigates to seek answers on the extent of management in the educational system and practice for a guide in the academic transformation of the respondents especially on its contribution to the educational system. A mixed method of research is utilized in the study which focuses on Focused Group Discussion. Likewise, purposive and quota sampling techniques are employed in gathering the sample size and population of the study. The study comprised fifty (50) respondents only. Results show that extent of management of the educational system and practice as a guide for academic transformation explores and influences the mechanism of the context leadership transformation, shows that educational equity collaborates essentially on the equity issues and potentials, shows that educational motivation morale and improvement measures the quality of the improved motivation and knowledge in the educational system, show that student experiences establish mutual trust atmosphere, and encourages the interest of subordinates in school organization benefits, show that strengthening school culture reveals and focuses on leadership perspective in educational organization and strength through a school program and identity, and show that innovation skills in management leadership provide strategic requirement fulfillment of educational system and process which aligned to the mission and vision of school towards innovation and transformation of knowledge. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between the extent of management in the educational system and practice as a guide in the academic transformation as observed by the respondents. 


Management of educational system and practice to-ward academic transformation is concerned in the organization process. It is the process of planning, leading, organizing, directing the school activities to accomplish the objectives of the school system and organization. It helps in familiarization of faculties in matters of effective educational management. It is capable of making leaders efficient in teaching ad-justment for individual students, emotional needs, and cognitive process of teaching. It examines educational setting in teaching and learning intervention especially in the implementation of student performance, learning activities, direct instruction, learning reflection, and student interest as guides in academic transformation. It explores the contribution of adaptable theory of teaching as to resourcefulness, effectiveness, effici-ency, honesty, creativity, adaptability, enthusiasm, and talent. It encourages transparent communication as part of the educational system and practice management in reflecting and understanding the concept of academic transformation (Mallillin, 2022, pp. 99-121). Hence, leadership plays a vital role in creating the success and condition of educational level and system training. School leaders are effective links in the management system and attainment success of school organization. 

The educational management system and practice has to do with the competency level of educational leaders in the school organization. This explores professional competency in the management system and setting of school practice. This can innovate technical teaching of the young minds in molding and shaping knowledge of students. It explores and examines the skills of edu-cational leaders and faculties and manages perform-ance and skills of faculties, and administrators to equip with challenges in the educational system according to the trends of the school setting and system (Mallillin, & Mallillin, 2019; Mallillin, 2023). 

On the other hand, educational transformation prevails in the educational model school system and changes from good, better, and best. It distinguishes renovation and reform of educational management system and practice in the academic transformation. It maintains the substance of the learning process and traditional teaching organizational structure. Educational transfor-mation identifies contribution of system theory and professional development approach especially on skills in dealing with faculties and staff. It deals on the theory of quality education as to reflection theory skills, effectiveness of theory skills, implementation of theory skills, observed model theory skills, standard requirement theory skills, and acquiring knowledge theory skills. It shows how to develop knowledge in educational transformation and model for academic excellence and performance management system and practice. It contributes to understanding the knowledge and instruction process because the goal of transfor-mative education is changing the system for good, better, and best. The focus is the student as the center of learning in the current normal of teaching (Mallillin, & Laurel, 2022). This identifies favorable outcome performance of faculties and satisfaction based on edu-cational transformation model. The performance is being recognized in terms of interest in teaching, bene-fits, salaries, wages, promotion, career development, teaching and learning process. Relationship with supe-riors, and relationship with colleagues. Educational transformation explores job performance and job satis-faction of employees in teaching profession. This is the motivation given for the efforts to be rewarded that can boost faculty morale to the fullest in the educational system and organization. It highlights work commit-ment, challenges, and concept development sustainabi-lity (Mallillin, 2021).

Notably, the educational transformation practice of the school system can guide academic practitioners to the fullest. It empowers the learners resiliency, attitude, values, skills, and knowledge. It prepares adaptable contribution for the uncertain future of every indivi-dual learner and sustainable development well-being. It increases the school system for more ambiguous learning to foster institutionalized disruption of inequi-ties in education. It prevents uncertainties and comp-lication effort for a better transformation management system to be measured in the school practice. It pro-vides uncertainties on consequences to a persuasive educational setting in making analysis for school sys-tem management transformation and framework. It advances school organization in the educational system to persuade uncertainty and formation. It establishes technical educational transformation school system practice on the impact and concept development to manifest various context level systems in school organ-ization. It mitigates and interrelates strategy to be fost-ered on educational transformation and improvement services (Yurkofsky, 2022, pp. 399-410). Also, leader-ship uplifts and manages school organization to the fullest. It provides wide impact and implication trans-formation and management system, practice, and para-digm. It advances standard appropriate effective know-ledge management of educational transformation nece-ssary for the society and demand of the school system and setting. Transformational educational system man-agement implication practice is associated with the requirement role and identification of opportunity to improve student. It establishes and improves the edu-cational management school system as a guide in the academic transformation development, and organiza-tion (Shahbal et al., 2022, pp. 1452-1460). Indeed, the aims and goals of transformative education anticipate the understanding process of learners and the change process, managing uncertainty, empathy, diversity app-reciation, value change, and critical thinking. The objectives are the identity learning ideas & transforma-tion in the educational system. It sustains and incurpo-rates the focus and development of education system in various school institutions. It focuses on student deve-lopment as to well-being, critical thinking, and respect. It explores sustainable development in academic trans-formation in analyzing detail content of the lesson. It reflects transformative education in various ways in teaching method, content, objectives, & goals, (Malli-llin, 2020, pp. 1-11). It reflects on transformative edu-cation in teaching based on the needs of students as the centers of learning. It redefines urgent academic transformation management of the educational system practice to generate experiences, references, & mean-ing of the vision of the school institution (Jeronen et al., 2021). Yet, aims & goals of transformative educa-tion serve as the transition in sustainable development. It acknowledges various gaps, issues, management sys-tem, & practice as academic transformation guide in school organization. This includes proper implementa-tion of education among students success of academic transformation (Weiland et al., 2021, pp. 90-95).

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the extent in management of the educa-tional system and practice for a guide in academic transformation of the respondents?

2. What makes management of the educational sys-tem and practice that can contribute to a guide for academic transformation among the respondents?

3. Is there a significant relationship on the extent of management in educational system & practice as a guide in academic transformation of respondents? 


There is a significant relationship on the extent man-agement in the educational system and practice as a guide in the academic transformation as observed by the respondents.

Research Design 

Mixed method of research is utilized in the study which focuses on Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Quantitative research is used to measure the extent in management of educational systems and practice as a guide in academic transformation of the respondents & qualitative research is used to analyze the management of educational systems and practice that can contribute to a guide for academic transformation among the res-pondents. It introduces a concept on assessment of management system transformation and phenomenon purposes (Akerblad et al., 2021, pp.152-170).

Respondents of the Study  

The respondents of the study are the selected educat-ional leaders in various educational institutions like the Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and Technical Educational Skills Development Authority (TESDA). They are dir-ectors, assistant directors, managers, assistant man-agers, deans, principals, coordinators, head, and adm-inistrators. They are currently connected or working in various educational institutions. The study comprised fifty (50) respondents only. 

Sampling Techniques

The research utilized purposive and quota sampling techniques. Purposive sampling is subjective sampling in identifying the sample size in the study for the set criteria on selected educational leadership and man-agement practice for transformation in the school orga-nization. It is a selective based criteria defined in selec-ting sample size, and judgmental identity of the rese-archers. It is a non-probability sampling where the research used judgment in selecting members to be a part of the study. The survey sampling requires met-hods and prior knowledge of eligible platforms in the study. Purposive sampling accesses the subset of the participants in the particular profile. It provides pur-posive sampling in antecedent and analysis leadership (Berndt, 2020, pp. 224-226).


1) What is the extent in the management of edu-cational system and practice for a guide in aca-demic transformation of the respondents?

Table 1 presents the weighted mean and the corres-ponding interpretation on the extent of management of educational systems and practices as a guide for aca-demic transformation of the respondents. It shows that rank 1 is shared by the two indicators which are “It explores and influences mechanism leadership context of transformation”, and “It establishes mutual trust atmosphere.

Table 1: Extent in the Management of Educational System and Practice as Guide for Academic Transformation of the Respondents.

Indicators WM I R

1. It emerges from school culture and strengthens the modern situation in school organization. 4.12 A 5.5

2. It collaborates essentially on the equity issues, potentials, and proactive ways to engage from various challenges in educational equity. 4.00 A 8.5

3. It encourages school organization and advantage for utilization of position in the major component of education morale and improvement. 3.70 A 12.5

4. It addresses procedures and policy issues for the resources, allocation, and student engagement. 3.64 A 14

5. It explores and influences the mechanism of transformational leadership context. 4.22 SA 1.5

6. It analyses the method and effect of motivation and morale improvement in the educational system process. 3.84 A 11

7. It explores career, advocacy, and policy in pursuing equity of education. 3.96 A 10

8. Innovation fills the gap for management change to produce quality education in school organization. 4.10 A 7

9. It establishes a mutual trust atmosphere, and encourages interest among subordinates of school organization benefits. 4.22 SA 1.5

10. It provides detail underlying success and component of innovation school organization and transformation. 3.44 A 17

11. It drives individual global culture for rebranding images of school organization. 3.50 A 15.5

12. It predicts relationship on social and emotional positivity of transformational leadership competency from teachers, students, and environment process school organization. 3.36 MA 19.5

13. It provides educational equity status performance of individual school organization. 3.40 A 18

14. It is a strategic requirement to fulfill the educational system and process aligned to the mission, and vision of school toward innovation and transformation of knowledge. 3.36 MA 19.5

15. It models strength and value identity for students and school organization. 3.70 A 12.5

16. It analyzes structure and effect on competency of transformational leadership among them. 4.12 A 5.5

17. It motivates school leadership and commitment to a critical role among educators or teachers academic performance and sustainable improvement. 4.20 SA 3.5

18. It focuses on leadership perspective in school organization and strength through school program and identity. 4.00 A 8.5

19. It examines innovation transformation, and good practice of school organization resulting in illustrative generalization. 3.50 A 15.5

20. It measures quality, improved motivation and knowledge in the educational system. 4.20 SA 3.5

Average Weighted Mean 3.83 A

Standard Deviation 0.313

Encourages interest subordinates of school organi-zation benefits”, with a weighted mean of 4.22 or Strongly Agree which means that management of educational system practice is highly observed. Rank 2 is also shared by the two indicators which are “It motivates school leadership and commitment in the critical role among educators or teachers academic per-formance and sustainable improvement”, and “It mea-sures quality improved motivation and knowledge”, with a weighted mean of 4.20 or Strongly Agree which means that system practice is highly observed. Rank 3 is also shared by the two indicators which are “It emerges school culture and strengthens modern situa-tion in the school organization”, and “It analyzes struc-ture and effect on competency of transformational leadership among them”, with a weighted mean of 4.12 or Agree which means that management of educational system practice is observed. The least in rank is shared by the two indicators which are “It predicts relation-ship on social and emotional  positivity of transfor-mational leadership competency from teachers, stud-ents, and environment process school organization”, and “It is a strategic requirement fulfillment of educa-tional system and process aligned to the mission, and vision of school toward innovation and transformation of knowledge”, with a weighted mean of 3.36 or Moderately Agree which means that management of educational system practice is limited. The overall average weighted mean is 3.83 (SD=0.313) or Agree which means the extent of management of the edu-cational system and practice as a guide for academic transformation is observed among the respondents.

2) On the test of the significant relationship on the extent of management in educational system and practice as a guide in academic transformation of the respondents

Table 2: Test of Significant Relationship on the Extent of Management in Educational System and Practice as a Guide in Academic Transformation as Observed by the Respondents.

Test of Variables z computed value comparison z critical value Decision

Extent of Management in Educational System and Practice as a Guide in Academic Transformation as Observed by the  Respondents





Two-tailed test at 0.05 level of significance

Table 2 presents the test of significant relationship on the extent of management in the educational system and practice as a guide in the academic transformation of the respondents. It shows that the z computed value is higher than the z critical value of ±1.96 which is significant and resulted in rejection of the hypothesis. Therefore, it is safe to say that there is a significant relationship on the extent of management in the edu-cational system and practice as a guide in the academic transformation as observed by the respondents.

3) What makes the management of the educational system and practice that can contribute to a guide for academic transformation among the respondents?

Table 3: Thematic analysis on Core Ideas on Management of Educational System and Practice to Academic Transformation.

Themes Frequency of Response Core Ideas

A. Educational equity Agree procedure and policy

issues and potentials

equity in education

status of school

B. Educational motivation morale and improvement Agree school leadership and commitment

improved motivation and knowledge

school organization and advantage

method and effect of motivation

C. Student experiences Agree transformational leadership context

effect on competency

social and emotional  positivity

school organization benefits

D. Strengthening school culture Agree school culture and strengthen

image of school organization

value identity of student

leadership perspective

E. Innovation skills in management Agree produce quality education

innovation transformation

educational system and process

components of innovation

Educational Equity

Educational equity highlights guidelines and policy on equity of education that focuses on the learners and background. It conceptualizes advantages and disad-vantages of practice in management of education to be addressed. It widens the position of educational system and practice as to academic transition and guideline. It identifies and reflects context as to marginalize prac-tice for educational equity (Patfield et al., 2022, pp. 23-41). The participant says that: 

“It addresses procedures and policy issues for the resources, allocation, and student engagement” (T1, P17 & P9).

“It collaborates essentially on the equity issues, potentials, and proactive ways to engage from various challenges in educational equity” (T1, P25 & P17).

“It explores career, advocacy, and policy in pur-suing equity in education” (T1, P14 & P5).

“It provides educational equity status on per-formance of individual school organization” (T1, P20 & P14).

Educational Motivation Morale and Improvement

Educational motivation, morale, and improvement pro-duce a holistic intelligent decision making process & practice to better guide students in academic transfor-mation. It interprets transferring, and learning know-ledge to be cultivated. It values educational institutions and school culture of behavioral formation, ideas, thoughts, perception, attitude, and norms (Karsono et al., 2022, pp. 6832-6841). The participants say that:

“It motivates school leadership and commit-ment in a critical role among educators or tea-chers academic performance and sustainable improvement” (T2, P14 & P9).

“It measures quality improved motivation and knowledge in the educational system” (T2, P19 & P 10).

“It encourages school organization and advan-tage utilization of position in the major com-ponent of education morale and improvement” (T2, P16 & P 13).

“It analyses the method and effect of motivation and morale improvement in the educational system and process” (T2, P10 & P11).

Student Experiences

Student experiences in academic transformation as to management and practice to determine learning satis-faction associated with self-efficacy. It expresses to improve and explore needs for learning technology and self-efficacy management to enhance knowledge and experiences among students as the centers of learning (Aldhahi et al., 2022, pp. 1323-1340). The participants say that:

“It explores and influences mechanism of the transformational leadership context” T3, P17 & P 10.

“It analyzes the structure and effect on compe-tency of the transformational leadership among them” T3, P23 & P15.

“It predicts relationships on social and emo-tional positivity of transformational leadership competency from teachers, students, and the environment process of the school organization” T3, P20 & P13. 

“It establishes a mutual trust atmosphere, and encourages interest among the subordinates of school organization benefits” T3, P29 & P19.

Strengthening School Culture

Strengthening school culture has an influenced in the practice as a guide to academic transformation that could motivate student learning process as well as the faculties. It indicates realization of character education strength and planning to carry and equip competency. It develops the function of a dignified educational system as to responsible professional faculty, demo-cratic, independent, creative, and capability (Dasmana et al., 2022, pp. 361-377). The participants say that: 

“It emerges from school culture and streng-thens the modern situation in the educational organization” (T4, P25 & P18). 

“It drives individual global culture for rebr-anding images of school organization” (T4, P20 & P12).

“It models the strength and value identity for student and school organization” (T4, P29 & P17).

“It reveals and focuses leadership pers-pective in school organization and strength through school pro-gram and identity” (T4, P30 & P15).

Innovation Skills in Management Leadership

Innovation skills in management leadership are nece-ssary practice to academic transformation of students. It explores impact and imposition of the change on emotional reaction and organizational climate. It influences factors and innovation behavior of social cognitive perspective in adopting management leader-ship on educational system. It contributes to manage-rial thinking ability of creative leadership style in an organizational system, process, and climate (Ye et al., 2022, pp. 1092-1114). The participants say that:

“Innovation fills the gap for the management change to produce quality education in school organization”. T5, P20 & P13

“It examines innovation transformation and good practices in school organization resulting in illustrative generalization”T5, P23 & P15.

“It is a strategic requirement to fulfill the educational system and process aligned to the mission, and vision of school toward inno-vation and transformation of knowledge” T5, P35 & P8.

“It provides details of the underlying success and component of innovation in school organ-ization and transformation” T5, P15 & P11. 


The extent system and practice to educational man-agement as guide for academic transformation explores and influences mechanism of transformational leader-ship context, establishes mutual trust atmosphere, and encourages interest subordinates of school organiz-ation benefits. This includes motivation of school leadership and commitment in critical role among edu-cators on sustainable improvement. It measures quality improved motivation and knowledge. This is includes teaching techniques and strategies in the academic per-formance of student and domain of learning. It is designated typically on students as centers of learning that could provide better system and practice in academic transformation such as enhancing the learn-ing practices, experiences in teaching, and interest school system. It designs learning process for various activities to participate and explore knowledge in in-depth activities and educational management academic transformation of students. It provides facilities for student perspective approach to learning. It explores educational system and practice as guide in academic transformation for good, better, and best (Mallillin et al., 2021). On the other hand, it shows to emerge school culture and strengthens modern situation in the school organization. This includes analysis of structure and effect on competency of transformational leader-ship among them. It also predicts relationship on social and emotional positivity of transformational leadership competency from teachers, students, and environment process school organization. This includes strategic requirement fulfillment of educational system and process aligned to the mission, and vision of school toward innovation and transformation of knowledge. It defines teaching work and application of profession of being a faculty that involves and features management of educational system and practice as guide to aca-demic transformation of students (Mallillin, 2021). Accordingly, educational equity collaborates essen-tially on the issues, potentials, and proactive ways to engage from various challenges in educational equity. It provides equity status of education on the perfor-mance of individual school organization. Implication of better quality education contributed to commitment toward the system and practice. This can guide to a better academic transformation. It ensures the quest of the system and practice for sustainable development. It enlightens the rationale of modernity educational sys-tem and practice management. It describes educational equity focusing on individual needs for students as the centers of learning in connection with management of educational systems and practice. It provides motiva-tion to assess resources for educational fairness, equity, and inclusion. It promotes educational equity that explains management educational system, facili-ties, and resources. It addresses policy for educational equity, creative arts, and development of education to provide academic transformation and system and prac-tice (Takyi, 2021, pp. 157-182). Furthermore, educa-tional equity addresses procedures and policy issues for the resources, allocation and student engagement. This includes exploration of career, advocacy, and policy in pursuing equity education. It is an app-roach and improved system for educational policy guideline for academic transformation on management. It is pro-misingly hailed to achieve equity in education. Hence, educational management systems and practice can better guide the academic transformation of learners. It promotes integration of educational equity and novel approaches (Bush-Mecenas, 2022, pp. 461-499).

Moreover, educational motivation morale and impro-vement in management practice guides academic trans-formation measurement for quality education improve-ment motivation. It encourages school organization and advantage utilization of position in major com-ponent of education morale and improvement. It incre-ases adoption of various educational institution to improve quality education. It enhances management and student knowledge for academic transformation. It develops an impact in technology of education that progresses mediated learning for academic transfor-mation in different educational institution and imple-mentation. It provides impact on accessibility and con-tent system in relation to critical thinking enhancement of student academic transformation self-efficacy and determination. Hence, educational motivation, morale, and improvement knowledge resources in academic transformation enhances learning experiences on pot-ential engagement to improve academic transformation through practice (Prifti, 2022, pp. 111-125). Moreover, it motivates school leadership commitment to a critical role among educators or teachers academic perfor-mance and sustainable improvement. It analyses the effect of motivation morale improvement and process. It influences integration of knowledge, professional teaching through management educational system and practice for a guide to academic transformation of students as the centers of learning. It focuses on beliefs and learning enhancement of students depending on the policies being implemented on academic trans-formation and objective practice. It deals with the ass-essment of knowledge and implementation manage-ment of educational system and practice (Mallillin et al., 2020). Similarly, student experiences on manage-ment practice in the system as a basis for guidance in academic transformation since it establishes a mutual trust atmosphere, and encourages interest of subor-dinate school organization. It analyzes structure and effect on competency transformational leadership among them. It brought different issues and challenges for educational management system and practice impact to academic transformation. It explores adjust-ted learning modality based on needs of learners being implemented in the educational system and practice experience. It employs the concept of student experi-ences to academic transformation equipped with curri-culum design for better educational system and prac-tice. It exhibits and expands knowledge, awareness, practice, and competency. It engages in academic con-dition and activities. It tends to provide teaching strate-gies and methods of learning. It provides ultimate goals for academic transformation practice and system in the educational management process (Gu & Huang, 2022). Nevertheless, it predicts relationships on social and emotional positivity of transformational leadership competency from teachers, students, and environment process school organization. It explores and influences mechanism transformational leadership context. It faci-litates learning extent of ensuring quality education as a guide in academic transformation management in educational system practice and implementation. It transitions learning effect and experiences in various higher education institutions. It provides better inter-vention on educational management practice and sys-tem (Keane et al., 2022). Certainly, strengthening school culture in management of educational system & practice as guide to academic transformation reveals and focuses on leadership perspective in school organ-ization and strength through school program and iden-tity. It models strength and value identity for student and school organization. It identifies factors of impro-ved retention level of students as the centers of lear-ning. It provides impact on key factors in streng-thening school culture management and practice system of education. It influences educational organiz-ation on school culture and reputation. It provides quality teaching for better guide to academic transfor-mation model for student. It undertakes the strength and activities of school and students. It influences techniques, methods, and strategies to maintain strong school culture development and implementation of the organizational system and practice in educational man-agement. It highlights the perceived influence of qua-lity education for students (Al Hassani, & Wilkins, 2022). Nevertheless, it emerges school culture and strengthens modern situation in school organization. It drives individual global culture for rebranding images of school organization. It develops the basis of healthy and quality education as implemented on the school culture system in addressing the needs and response of management educational system and practice. This will lead to better academic guide among students. It considers school culture and evolution for contem-porary process in educational management system and practice. It examines strength of school culture and evolution. It innovates the path for a revitalized school adaptation. It improves opportunity strength of school culture in management of educational system and practice. It emphasizes sustainable education policy & development (Vamos, & McDermott, 2021, pp. 670-676).

Indeed, innovation skills in management leadership provides strategic requirement fulfillment of the educa-tional system and process aligned to the mission, and vision of school toward innovation and transformation of knowledge. It also examines innovation transfor-mation, and good practice in school organization resul-ting in illustrative generalization. It explores the effect of transformational leadership in management of edu-cational system and practice, especially on academic performance of students as centers of learners. It shows innovation skills in the management educational system engaged on initiative of a leader. It understands the innovation of educational organization system and practice. It improves the process. It defines system and practice of educational management as to faculty initiative, school level, and curriculum design as guide to academic transformation (Purwanto et al., 2021). Lastly, innovation fills the gap for management change to produce quality education in school organization. It provides details of the underlying success and com-ponent of innovation in school organization and trans-formation. It is determined to attempt inherent work-force diversity acquisition innovation skills man-agement leadership system and practice for imple-mentation of workplace climate, diversity, uniqueness, belongingness, and fairness. It contributes to better school leadership climate and innovation character-istics (Chaudhry et al., 2021). 


The extent of management educational system and practice as guide for academic transformation shows to explore and influence mechanism of transformational leadership context where it establishes mutual trust atmosphere and encourages interest subordinate of school organization benefit. It shows that educational equity collaborates essentially on equity issues, pot-entials, and proactive ways to engage from various challenges in educational equity where it provides edu-cational equity status performance of individual school organization. It shows that educational motivation morale and improvement measures quality of imp-roved motivation and knowledge in the educational system where it encourages school organization and advantage utilization of position in the major compo-nent of education morale and improvement. It shows that student experiences establishes a mutual trust atmosphere, and encourages interest among subor-dinates of school organization benefit where it ana-lyzes structure and effect on competency of trans-formational leadership among them. It shows that strengthening school culture reveals and focuses on leadership perspective school organization and stren-gth through school program and identity where it models the strength and value identity for student and school organization. It shows that innovation skills management leadership provides strategic requirement fulfillment of educational system and process aligned to the mission, and vision of school toward innovation & transformation of knowledge where it examines in-novation transformation and good practice school organization resulting in illustrative generalization. It shows that there is a significant relationship on the extent of management in the educational system and practice as a guide in the academic transformation as observed by the respondents.


The researchers wish to acknowledge people behind the success of the research work most especially to the respondents who contributed to the substance of the study. Likewise, to their love ones and most especially to their family for the whole support in the success of this research. Thank you to all of you. 


The authors declare no conflict of interest in this rese-arch. This is purposely for publication to share infor-mation in the public.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


March 22, 2023


April 25, 2023


May 4, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.02301310141

Corresponding author

Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin*

Department of Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Education, Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines.

Cite this article

Mallillin LLD., and Caranguian RG. (2023). Management of educational system and practice: a guide to academic transformation, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(3), 131-141. 
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