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Original Article | Open Access | Br. J. Arts Humanit., 2024; 6(4), 265-268 | doi: 10.34104/bjah.02402650268

A Study on Social Behavior in Using Language and Its Impacts on the Society

Mst. Farhana Samme Mail Img ,
Sohanuzzaman Tuhin Mail Img ,
Md. Shaon Akter* Mail Img Orcid Img


Any conduct by using language that either influences or is impacted by other individuals within the same species is considered social behavior. Thus, the phrase encompasses all sorts of aggressive behavior as well as all sexual and reproductive behaviors and behaviors that tend to unite people. The paper aims to explore human behavior and its impact on society and how it varies from man to man and woman to woman.  The researcher has mainly depended on textbook-based analysis to explore the effect of dominant language. However, secondary sources have also been used to support and validate the textual analysis. Besides, for theoretical analysis various books by experts and critics, research articles, thesis, and seminar papers have also been consulted both as primary and secondary sources. The researchers found that stressors come in many different forms, both physical and psychological, and they have the power to either cause the creation of new social behaviors like bellowing or violence, or they can modify existing social behaviors in complex ways. In social interactions, people exhibit a variety of language behaviors, such as positivism, negativism, cooperation, competition, sympathy, and aggressive or defensive behaviors. The interactions that take place between the people are how these behaviors are displayed.


Language is so fundamental to the rituals and events of everyday life that its role is taken for granted. Language and Social Interaction deals with how we use language to negotiate relationships, actions and events in our daily lives. Thus, the phrase encompasses all sorts of aggressive behavior as well as all sexual and reproductive behaviors and behaviors that tend to unite people (Grant, 1963). While it is customary to characterize sexual behavior separately, violent behavior has also recently come to be recognized as a distinct social behavior. It is widely acknowledged that social behavior does not have a single neural base or unitary behavior. Instead, dis-tinct neurological and endocrine substrates underlie many elements of social behavior (Moyer, 1968). Therefore, its essential to look at social conduct from several angles. Sociolinguistics deals with the social factors like gender, class, variety of language etc. that are very popular in this study and it also focuses on the effect of language and gender on a society. Language can dominate everyone with its power which is used in different sectors for different purposes. For example, the head of a department proposes to his colleague that if he works with him (head) to edit a magazine, he will be considered as assistant editor of this magazine. Being encouraged, he starts working in full swing with the head of the department to be assistant editor which brings honor to his profession but after completing the task, the head of the department makes him an editorial assistant. Editorial assistant acts as a messenger but assistant editor acts as a member of the editorial board. Here we see that the head of the department dominates his colleague with dominance language. Nguyen Van Han states that language is one of the most powerful tools which show the supremacy. El-daly, (2011) mentioned that three major themes that dominate the language and gender research from 1973 to the end of the twentieth century. Lakoff, the pioneer of this field confirmed in his works that womens speech had some features that were different from mens speech. Wardhaugh, (2010) claims that women have tendency to use more compliments and polite forms than men. The society takes modesty as a weakness. Holmes, (2008) points out that society expects good behavior from women than men. So, right now language has become the most powerful tool for the male to express their superiority. Some critics argue that male speech has the more dominance power and superiority than female. Coates, (2007) argues that dominance approach sees women as an oppressed group and interprets linguistic differences in womens and mens speech in terms of mens dominance and womens subordination. Wardhaugh, (2021) points out that mens nature of dominance in their talk. 

Cameron, (2007) argued that although different approaches makes an effort to focus on contextual differences rather than power in order to eliminate the notion of the fact that male speech is superior to female speech, relative two-way dominance also exists in these differences. Lakoff R., (1973) claims that there is a wide range of gender differences in language use and these differences are directly related to the relative power of man and the powerlessness of woman. Individual interactions are characterized by social behavior. These can be paternal, cooperative, aggressive, mutualistic, and altruistic. Social ties emerge between strangers, family members, people of the same sex as one another, and people of different generations when people contact on a regular basis. Social systems or organizations that engage different kinds of helpers in cooperative relationships and can be based on monogamous or polygamous themes of reproduction are created by sets of consistent social interactions. In the end, family, demography, and ecological and socioeconomic conditions define the nature of any social organization.


The paper primarily depends on the secondary sources. Thus, this paper highly depends on articles, books, newspapers, magazines, journals, online portals, etc.  Qualitative data has been considered here. The researcher has mainly depended on textbook-based analysis to explore the effect of dominant language. However, secondary sources have also been used to support and validate the textual analysis. Besides, for theoretical analysis various books by experts and critics, research articles, thesis, and seminar papers have also been consulted both as primary and secondary sources. In addition to all these, the internet has also been browsed to find out the relevant information.


Any interspecies contact can involve social behaviors, which include aggression, mating behavior, communication, allo-grooming, and parenting conduct. Stressors come in many different forms, both physical and psychological, and they have the power to either cause the creation of new social behaviors like bellowing or violence, or they can modify existing social behaviors in complex ways. Aggression is one example of a social action that can cause stress, but other social behaviors might lessen the effects of stressors. Disparities in sex as well as individual characteristics may influence how stress alters social behaviors. In behavioral neuroscience, understanding the intricate relationships between stress and social behaviors is an important field of study. It takes social activity, such as parenting and reproduction, to successfully engage with other members of ones species, find food and a partner, and fend off predators. 

Therefore, the fact that a wide variety of peptides affect social behavior is not surprising. The most researched peptides in this field have been oxytocin and vasopressin, which regulate social and reproductive behavior in a wide variety of species and are well conserved. There are numerous outstanding analyses of their function in social behavior. It is thought that oxytocin and vasopressin receptor expression outside of the hypothalamus plays a significant role in differentiating behavioral consequences between species. This expression is particular to both sex and species. A large group cage, sometimes consisting of multiple inter-connected chambers, is used to hold a group of subjects for some sort of free interaction test utilized in most investigations of mouse social behavior (Lubar et al., 1973). In a less natural variation, animals are partnered in an unfamiliar setting, frequently for many days (Latane, 1970). The behavior is videotaped in both scenarios, and it can be examined by computing particular behaviors, like time spent in contact, or by thoroughly describing the behaviors, as suggested by Grant and Mackintosh, (1963). It is also possible to record other activities, such as vocalizations (Francis, 1977) or urine marking (Brown, 1975).

Although social behavior is a part of neurological function that is not taken into account in the screening batteries that are now in use, neurotoxicants have the potential to change these aspects of behavior in humans (e.g., Anger et al., 1994; Needleman et al., 1996). Rodents may be used in laboratory testing for investigations on mating, play, or parenting behaviors, male dominance or aggression, and novel or known cagemates. Some have advocated for its inclusion (e.g., Cohn and MacPhail, 1996; Cory-Slechta et al., 2001), and some have started to utilize such measures (Alder and Zbinden, 1983; Silverman 1988; Sousa et al., 2006), decades after proposals for the use of social behavior in behavioral testing (Silverman, 1965). For instance, Silverman, (1988) found that for 13 of 20 substances, treatment effects could be detected more accurately by social, behavior than by traditional toxicity testing. 

However, a larger number of social and aggressive behaviors have been included in mouse behavioral phenotyping tests (e.g., Crawley, 2003). A disadvantage at the moment is the absence of automation or standardization, coupled with inadequate training for toxicologists performing these kinds of ethological assessments. These tests havent been applied to the research of many chemical classes because they havent been extensively adopted. In screening or regulatory contexts, very young to young adult laboratory animals are used for the majority of behavioral testing. The influence of growing older on behavior itself as well as the chemical changes in the aging organism is another possible field of study. Testing older rats may provide challenges due to neuromotor and functional senescence; however, this is a mostly studied topic. 


In social interactions, people exhibit a variety of language behaviors, such as positivism, negativism, cooperation, competition, sympathy, and aggressive or defensive behaviors. The interactions that take place between the people are how these behaviors are displayed. These can be aggressive or defensive, competitive, cooperative, empathetic, negative, or aggressive. Social relationships arise between relatives, people of the same or opposite sex, or people from different generations. Complex situations in language or social behaviors arise from some negative, aggressive, or defensive acts. Aggression and other negative social behaviors can serve as stressors and lead to societal difficulties. These types of stress-modified social actions are displayed by both men and women. Aggressive behaviors have been viewed in recent years as a type of social behavior that divides family members, people of the same or opposite sex, and people of different generations.


The researchers are grateful to those who helped them to collect data from different areas.


The M.F.S. and S.T. collected data and helped the M.S.A. as supervisor who created a concept and did everything for this paper to be published.


There is no conflict of the interest in this research.

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Article References:

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Sonjoy Bishwas, Executive, Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG), California, USA.


July 19, 2024


August 20, 2024


August 27, 2024

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.02402650268

Coresponding author

Md. Shaon Akter*
Department of English, Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib University, Jamalpur, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Samme MF, Tuhin S, and Akter MS. (2024). A study on social behavior in using language and its impacts on the society, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 6(4), 265-268. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02402650268 

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