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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/bjah.02201940199

Status of the Life Style of Child Laborers: A Statistical Analysis

Md. Abdur Mukit Joorder



Bangladesh is a major problem country. Like all third world countries, this country is plagued with problems. The main reason for all these problems is overpopulation. Due to this, all levels of society have to face this problem. Setting back the infrastructure of society and weakening people and people's lives. Due to the increase in population, people are facing problems with food, clothing, and shelter everywhere. Today, with the birth of a child, the pressure of the economy, the full family with children, and the dream of building a life do not become true. So, they are forced or forced to join various workers and stand in the nation in danger. The main goal of our research is to draw the attention of socially conscious people to get rid of this danger. Unfortunately, many people do not know what child labor is and What are the problem and solutions? Through my research, the life style of child laborers can be highlighted and information about children can be made known. 

Keywords: Children, Statistical analysis, Labor, Overpopulation, Conscious people, and Life style.

Citation: Joorder MAM. (2022). Status of the life style of child laborers: a statistical analysis, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 4(6), 194-199. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02201940199


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December 21, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.02201940199

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