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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/bjah.02302710276

The Impact of Wish-Zalmayans Activities on the Awakening of Afghan Intellectuals

Mastali Niazai ,
Sayed Habibullah Sadaat ,
Mohammad Ihsan Popalzai



In an era characterized by the formidable challenges of political engagement under the leadership of Sardar Shah Mehmood Khan, a group of determined intellectuals coalesced to form the Wish-Zalmayan Party. This collective endeavor witnessed the party's prominent members disseminating scholarly articles through the Angar Gazette, the official publication of the party under the stewardship of Faiz Mohammad Angar. This article undertakes a comprehensive exploration of various facets of Wish-Zalmayan's activities, encompassing its mission, organizational structure, membership requisites, and the provincial branches' activities. Further-more, this article underscores the enduring relevance of these historical developments. Notably, some leading figures from the Wish-Zalmayan Party went on to establish other political entities. For instance, Noor Muhammad Tarakai founded the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, ushering in significant trans-formations upon ascending to power. Additionally, several offshoot parties emerged from the same intellectual movement, actively participating in the country's political landscape and exerting influence on its political trajectory. Within this context, the article furnishes valuable insights and preliminary analyses. It highlights the role of Wish-Zalmayan in instigating the parliamentary campaign and holding government officials accountable. Their accomplishments are underscored by their pursuit of lofty objectives during exceptionally challenging circumstances, targeting reforms deemed indispensable for societal progress. Their strategy encompassed parliamentary and press campaigns, culminating in the establishment of a structured political organization that successfully galvanized the country's intellectuals to champion peaceful advocacy - a remarkable milestone in Afghanistan's political history. 

Keywords: Waish Zalmayan, Parliamentary campaign, Angar newspaper, and Woles newspaper.

Citation: Niazai M, Sadaat SH, and Popalzai MI. (2023). The impact of Wish-Zalmayan's activities on the awakening of Afghan intellectuals, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(6), 271-276. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02302710276

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November 10, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.02302710276

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