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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/bjah.023043050

Women’s Exploitation in the Feudal Society: A Case Study of “My Feudal Lord” By Tehmina Durrani

Noor Akbar



The paper casts light on women’s subjugation in feudalistic society. It shows that society has weaved certain institutions like patriarchy, feudalism, tribalism, religion, politics, traditions, etc., which make males much more privileged, and authoritative, and give them a notion to consider themselves distinctive from females in every aspect of life. The study focusing on “My Feudal Lord” by Tehmina Durrani shows that women are used as tools; they are left in the destruction by the time when they are of no sexual satisfaction anymore to the lustful feudalists. The research article highlights that on the one hand, males have become stubborn to torture women. On the other hand, society has turned its face on them and totally sides with the oppressors. Each and every institution has freed males to do whatever is possible to quench their lust, but females are bounded to certain codes and rituals that do not let them even speak or think freely. Females lack very basic rights like motherhood, property owning, decision making, and worst of all having no decisive or thinking right.  The research has been conducted under the framework of “Sexual Politics” by Kate Millet. The qualitative paradigm has been adapted under the method of “Texual Analysis” by Catherine Belsey to analyse the text. 

Keywords: Women’s subjugation, Patriarchy, Feudalism, Oppression, Marriage, and Religion.

Citation: Akbar N. (2023). Women’s exploitation in the feudal society: a case study of “My Feudal Lord” by Tehmina Durrani, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 5(2), 43-50. https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.023043050


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March 4, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/bjah.023043050

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