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Original Article | Open Access | | doi: 10.34104/cjbis.020.045053

A Review on Corporate Environmental Reporting (CER): An Emerging Issue in the Corporate World

Md. Jamsedul Islam ,
Sanjoy Kumar Roy ,
Masum Miah ,
Sumon Kumar Das



Corporate environmental reporting has been treated as a vital issue in today’s corporate world. The current scenario and prospect give an indication that it is going to capture a long-lasting position in the bundle of general-purpose financial statements. The main reason is that the stakeholders prove a sharp interest in such disclosures. To sustain in today’s corporate world, every organization has to come forward to protect the environment and it is treated as one of the vital social responsibilities. It is assumed that corporations are the main force to create an environmental crisis so as to pay for this (cost-benefit trade-off). But we know reporting is guided by some standards guidelines and measurements and for this, we do not have any standards designed for such disclosure. Hence, such reporting is still considered voluntary and has no specific format and design. As it is voluntary disclosure, it often leads to some non-disclosure and mandatory disclosures which in turn leads to minimal disclosures. As it is a question of life and sustainability, environmental disclosure should have considered both types of disclosures; hence, this paper will try to evaluate the conceptual discussion on environmental reporting. 

Keywords: Environment, Environmental costs, Corporate environmental report, and Environmental reporting.

Citation: Islam MJ, Roy SK, Miah M, and Das SK. (2020). A review on corporate environmental reporting (CER): an emerging issue in the corporate world, Can. J. Bus. Inf. Stud., 2(3), 45-53. https://doi.org/10.34104/cjbis.020.045053


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May 21, 2020

Article DOI: 10.34104/cjbis.020.045053

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