This article delves into the critical realm of nursing care for disabled children, with a specific focus on the management of recovery and the quality of care. It underscores the scope and significance of this multifaceted topic, emphasizing the unique care requirements of disabled children, including those with physical, intellectual, sensory, and emotional disabilities. Challenges in pediatric nursing care are examined, encompassing issues such as resource limitations, workforce shortages, communication barriers, and complex legal and ethical considerations. Promising trends and solutions on the horizon, including technological advancements, interdisciplinary care models, and family-centered approaches, are explored.
Keywords: Nursing care, Disabled children, Pediatric nursing, Quality of care, and Management of recovery.
Citation: Heydari M., and Hadiloo N. (2023). Management of recovery and quality of nursing care for disabled children, including challenges and solutions, Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 5(6), 224-236. https://doi.org/10.34104/ejmhs.023.02240236