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Original Article | Open Access | Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 4(2), 41-50 | doi: 10.34104/ejmhs.022.041050

The Impacts of Face Mask on Elderly People in Dhaka City

Md. Omar Sharif Ahmmed Chowdhury* Mail Img ,
Sudipto Kumar Ratul Mail Img ,
Mahmuda Rashid Oishi Mail Img ,
Nusrat Jahan Mim Mail Img ,
Farjana Akter Rimi Mail Img ,
H M Ibrahim Mail Img


In this Explanation, we discuss influence of face masks on older people in Dhaka city. In this research were 222 respondents and ages of the participants are 60 plus age. This study established among 100% respondents were 16.7% Businessman, 20. 7% job holder, 22.1% retired person, 24.3% house wife and other occupation were 16.2%. For finding other problems of respondents were 9% has respiratory disease, 36% were hypertension, 5% were low blood pressure, and 16.2% had diabetics. In this research, we discover that physiologic effects with possible to control disease (e.g. Covid-19, air pollution, droplet infection disease, etc.) during wearing masks for prolonged periods of time, including special considerations, such as mask wearing among those who engage in job, another service, activity of daily living, exercise and concerns for individuals with pre-existing chronic diseases (e.g. Breathing difficulties, Irritability, Dizziness). This research here 28% face some problems, including 8.6% breathing difficulties, 4.0% irritability, 5.9% dizziness, 4.5% nausea or vomiting, and 5% other problems during wearing face masks. In hygienic people, a mask didnt seem to reason any detrimental physiological changes, and the probably life-protecting advantages of using face masks appear to outweigh the presented problems. 


Face mask are a simple barrier to help prevent our respiratory droplets from reaching others. 9 During the pandemic important in preventing respiratory infection face masks play important role is thought to be beca-use it can prevent the transmission of pathogens. (Kw-an et al., 2021) Surgical or medical masks are recom-mended by international and national institutions on purpose prevention the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19 (CDC guideline, 2020). Bangladesh and some countries, these are supported by govern-ment regulations. In some places in Asia (e.g., the Republic of Korea and Hong Kong), masks are univer-sally worn by the public (Bressington et al., 2020).

Governments to advocate face mask use for the general public under certain conditions only, such as in areas with known or suspected community transmission, set-tings where public distance cant be maintain, and among people with any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, the WHO advised on June 5, 2020. It appeared that wear-ing masks has produced additional benefits, including the reduction in other viral diseases, like as influenza. (WHO guideline, 2020) Known from physiology, oxy-gen supply and ventilation are controlled by feedback loops. Rising pressure of arterial carbon dioxide and a fall in oxygen pressure both are lead to an increase in minute ventilation, which controlled by respiratory rate and tidal volume (Ward et al., 2013). In the feedback loop, almost topical pulmonary drive represents hyper-capnia, also with a rises in heart rate corresponds hypoxemia. Wearing face mask is related with both hypercapnia and hypoxemia (Kurtz et al., 2019). On 21 August 2020, the limited messages about the wear of face masks, especially for older peoples, were em-phasized in the advice issued by the Geriatric society of UN (UNGS) & WHO (WHO guideline, 2020). This rules show that, without mask are harmful effect in the pandemic stated that older aged sixty years and above should wear masks. Authors advise that, a risk-based accession for old aged  60 years of age and  it comes to using masks when over should be treated as adults (Greenhalgh et al., 2020). Although these observations pertained to different populations, they were anti-cipated to be similar in older populations. Preventive behaviors caused by of causes involve health beliefs play a key role in preventing older people from cont-racting COVID-19 (Leung et al., 2020) anyhow; this is scarcity of understanding of how health beliefs were attached by face mask wearing behavior. Previous studies have also shown that health beliefs predict depressive symptoms in older people with diabetes (Sifat Uz Zaman et al., 2021; Korytny et al., 2021). 

Lately, some Organization and Old home has mani-fested solicitude to health providers and public media that face mask may detrimental to senior citizen. The negative news of face mask and its impact have been increases (Smart et al., 2020). Masks are a simple bar-rier to help prevent respiratory droplets from reaching others. Studies show that masks reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth (Hof-fman et al., 2020). Wearing masks of society ought to ascertain, and not exchange other prohibitive mea-sures, like physical distance maintaining, during illness not to go outward, communicate to mobile phone & internet if possible, behavior with respiratory com-plaisance, maintain sensible hygiene.

Literature Review

August 2020, this year to propulsion a study in Eng-land to discover the COVID-19 disease that place had been abundant debate in the media on whether wearing facemask should be stop the pathogens expansion. They working in two ways, its not an simple issue to searched and numerous factors are engaged like drop-let size, transmissions of mosquito spray and the pathogen load, alongside the earmarked peculiarity of any mask. The process use in that study ware measured to alter in correlative during using facemask, com-parison to no using mask, in several scene, assumptive based that the pathogen is airborne the smaller the rise in dampness the low the spreads of the pathogens. Res-earch outcomes show that wearing of facemask, omit few ordinary home-make ones, importantly decreases the dampness spreading. Scarano et al. (2020) con-ducts a study in Italy towards discover Individual res-piratory protective devices and face masks play a central role in decreasing the spread infection of corona virus disease (COVID-19). Aim of this investi-gation to compare temperature on facial skin and the temperature increase when using medical surgical masks and N95 respirators. Total 20 subjects were inc-luded and when evaluation, all subjects was invited to use a surgical mask or respirator for 1 h. Next morning at the same time same duration the subjects wearing a N95 mask for 1 h under same methods. The facial war-mth evaluation to measure of result to the moisture, heat, skin redness, breathing dysfunction, and irrit-ability was recorded. A distinction in temperature stream and perioral region heat was recorded among the N95 and surgical mask. Finding of the research suggested the results that N95 mask was capable to bring about aggravates temperature on facial skin, lar-ger irritability and smaller wearing adhesion to sur-gical facemasks when compared. September 2020, this year to propulsion a study in United States to discover, the physical effect of wearing facemasks for longest periodical time, with particular considerations, like using facemask, who connected with exercise, daily active-ties and thought the personals with preceding chronic diseases. Among the hygienic peoples, using a face-mask did not show any negative physical changes and the feasible convenience of using masks appear to outperform the recorded irritabilities (e.g. dizziness). Whatever, there successive to be discussion on using facemask in the America, whereas using a facemask appears to have tiny physical discomforts.  When there are smaller physical effects on using a facemask, the centric record indicates that has perhaps consequent psychological effects of using facemask on the ele-mentally psychological demand of ability, freedom, and pertinence. That psychological influences be able overcomes to the dispute connected with covering facemasks in the COVID-19 situation of America. Then this study discusses the physical impact of wear-ing facemask, also discussed psychological impacts connected with using facemasks during COVID-19 disease. Spitzer, (2020) conducts a study in Germany towards discovers that the face masks can prevent ex-pansion of the pathogen SARS-CoV-2, in particular as this spread can occur from people with no symptoms. Though, cover the lower half of the face decrease the capability to communication, explain, Discussion, and imitative disclosure with another peoples. Become low recognizable of Positive emotions, and negative emo-tions are exacerbated. The advantages and impact of wearing masks in institutions should be importantly considered, made sure ideas about mask to both stu-dents and teachers. The institutions specific circums-tance ought to also appraise any pronouncement per-taining face mask uses. Mheidly, (2020), that year to propulsion a study in Spain to discover, COVID-19 situations the diametrical personal communication have been significantly influenced. Prohibitive measures, like physical distance maintaining and use masks are important to increase protection contrary to pathogens but increases challenges on everyday confront commu-nication. Face masks, especially, covering sounds and facial disclosure that extensive during confront com-munication. In the research, the role in communication and high-lighted how the mask can interrupted inter-personal connection. In addition, they offer coping strategies and skills that can ease communication with face masks as they navigate the current and any future pandemic. 

Research Question 

What are the impacts of facial mask in older people in Dhaka City?

Study Objectives 

General Objective - To find out the impacts of facial mask in older people in Dhaka City. 

Specific Objectives 

1) Discover the socio-demographic factors of the res-pondents. 

2) To ascertain the mask related or respiratory pro-blem of the respondents.

3) To analyze the health related problem of the res-pondents.

4) To discovers the hygiene related problems of the respondents.

Limitation of Findings 

There were some limitation and barriers during con-ducting the study project. They are as mention below: 

o Number of question was selected. 

o Sample size is small but chosen purposively.


Plan of the Research 

This is an Experimental study. 

Study Area 

The project was organized at Mirpur, Dhanmondi, Kolabagan, Kollanpur, Mohammedpur, New Market, Uttara in Dhaka city. 

Target Respondent  

Respondent in the research project is people, whose ages are 60+ (above 60) agreeing to give information of their own accord. The study population will consist of both Male and Female in Dhaka city. 

Study Period  

1st May 2021 to 10th November 2021. 

Sample Size

222 subjects selected by maintenance of exclusion and inclusion criteria. 

Inclusion criteria 

a) Subjects who are above 60 years old. 

b) Both sexes are involved. 

c) Subject who all are using face mask. 

d) Subject, of those stay in Dhaka city.  

e) Who are willing to give consent and participate? 

Exclusion Criteria 

1) Subjects, those are not stay in Dhaka city.

2) Subject who are under 60 years old. 

3) Subject of, those are not willing to give consent and participate. 

Sampling Technique

Purposive random sampling technique was applied. 

Data collection tools  

A structured questionnaire were promotes to the res-earch purpose, then an orientation were organized in collectors with field test and finally collection the data by going door to door of aged people on that ques-tionnaire. The project was organized at Mirpur, Dhan-mondi, Kolabagan Kollanpur, Mohammedpur, New Market, Uttara area in Dhaka city we take their per-mission and gather data from them. The current studies we found that effect of mask in various levels of senior citizen.

Data Management & Analysis Plan  

The respondents were organized of data after colle-ction. After collection data was entered into the com-puter in a data base software package. SPSS 23.0 version use for narrative statistics for example fre-quency, ordination, mean and percentage. All scores and percentages were computed and presented in tabular form, charts and graphs as appropriate. Chi-square test and P-value will help further it was ana-lyzed. Finally, interpreted data was discovered study findings.

Quality Control & Quality Assurance  

This preliminary study has a numeral limitation. The experimental study was risk for the respondents. The population size was comparatively small due to finan-cial constraints in this study period and thus the result is not being generalized. 

Ethical consideration 

The motive and goals toward with its benefits, risks and procedure was explained in the research to the res-pondents in easily the respondents in easily. Infor-mation was accepted from every respondents by use perceive native language. The researcher first intro-duced himself with respondents. Then the researchers will give them the assurance this facts of the resp-onders will be usage just for the research purpose. The researchers tell them that their name will be hidden secret. All kind of privacy is confirmed and any rese-ctions from the respondent are first priority. They also told this information will only use for benefit of Phy-siotherapy profession and the improve health with decrease hazard.


The Following Table 1 explained about the ratio of sex of respondent in Dhaka city. Here among the 222 respondents in this place. In this place the ratio is 44.1% and 55.9% male female respectively. 

Table 1: Distribution of respondents by Gender.

The Table 2 explained the ordination in respondents by age in year. Here we have seen that most respon-dents in Dhaka city are 60-69 years in 71%, 23% are 70-79 years and above 80 years were 6% respondents. In addition 13.5% respondents were primary level, 25.2% SSC level, 12.6% HSC level, 33.8% graduate level, 9.5% masters level and 5.4% respondents were no education level (Table 3). Table 4 explained the delivers of respondents by occupation in Dhaka city in my study. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city there were 16.7% businessman, 20.7% were job holder, 22.1% were retired person, 24.3% were house wife and other occupation were 16.2%.

Table 3: Distribution of respondents by educational level.

Table 4: Distribution of respondents by Occupation.

The following Fig. 1 explained the ordination of resp-ondents by use face mask regularly in the Dhaka city (year) of these research. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 79.7% regularly, 20.3% were some-times use mask but hasnt any respondent of our find-ing who didnt use face mask. The following Fig. 2 explained the delivers of respondents how many times wash hand regularly. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 16% wash hand below the 5 times and 84% wash hand above 5 times.

The following Fig. 3 explained the ordination in respondents by how many times sanitize hand daily. Among 222 respondents were 82.4% were sanitizing

hand below 7 times and 17.6% were sanitizing hand above 7 times. The following Fig. 4 explained the deli-vers of respondents by Respiratory disease. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 9% has respiratory disease.

Fig. 1: Distribution of respondents by Use face mask regularly.

Fig. 2: Distribution of respondents by how many times washing hand regularly.

Fig. 3: Ordination of respondents by how many times sanitize hand daily.

Fig. 4: Distribution of respondents by Respiratory disease.

The following Fig. 5 explained the ordination in resp-ondents by Blood pressure. Among 222 respondents 59% were normal blood pressure, 36% were high blood pressure and 5% were low blood pressure. The following Fig. 6 explained the delivers of respondents by Diabetics. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 16.2% having diabetics and 83.8% havent dia-betics. 

Fig. 5: Ordination of respondents by Blood pressure.

Fig. 6: Distribution of respondents by Diabetics.

Fig. 7: Ordination of respondents by how many time face mask use daily.

From the above Fig. 7 explained the ordination in resp-ondents by how many time wear mask daily. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 52.3% use face mask below 7 hours and 47.7% use face mask above 7 hours. 

Fig. 8: Distribution of respondents by facing problem during wearing face mask.

From the above Fig. 8 explained the delivers of resp-ondents by facing any problem during wearing face mask in this research. Among 222 respondents in Dha-ka city were 28% facing problem and 72% havent any problem. From the following Fig. 9 explained the ordi-nation in respondents by facing various problems when wearing face mask. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 8.6% breathing difficulties, 4.0% irritability, 5.9% dizziness, 4.5% nausea or vomiting and 5% oth-ers problems. 

Fig. 9: Respondents ordinate by if yes, which problem.

Fig. 10: Distribution of respondents by how much times stay this problem.

The above Fig. 10 explained the delivers of respon-dents by how much time stays this problem. 222 res-pondents in old home area were 28% facing various problems and sometimes stay these problems. Among them 66.7% were just open out face mask, 20.6% when relax without mask and 12.7% other times. The following Fig. 11 explained the ordination in respon-dents by suffer Covid-19 disease during using face mask in this finding. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 4% suffer Covid-19 disease. 

Fig. 11: Respondents ordinate by suffer Covid-19 disease during using face mask.

The following Fig. 12 explained the delivers of resp-ondents by suffer environmental pollution disease dur-ing using face mask. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 3.6% suffer pollution disease. 

Fig. 12: Distribution of respondents by suffers environmental pollution disease during using face mask.

Fig. 13: Respondents ordinate by suffer any droplet infection during using face mask.

The following Fig. 13 explained the ordination in respondents by suffer any droplet infectious disease during using face mask in this study. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 11.3% suffer droplet infectious disease. From the following Fig. 14 expl-ained the ordination in respondents by has any idea about Covid-19 in this paper. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 100% have idea about Covid-19. From the following Fig. 15 explained the delivers of respondents by knows advantage and uses of face mask. In this study among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 100% knowing about advantage and mask uses.

Fig. 14: Distribution of respondents by has any idea about Covid-19.

Fig. 15: Respondents ordinate by know about advantage and uses of mask.

Fig. 16: Distribution of respondents by follows any preventive strategy.

From the above Fig. 16 explained the distribution of respondents by follow any preventive strategy on our study. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 100% respondents follow preventive strategy.  


This investigation of data were gather to search the factors which are related to impact of face mask among older peoples in Dhaka city, that is a small part in Bangladesh. This is necessary to observe present situ-ation and find out the effect of face mask of aged population in Dhaka city. Objective in the research are discover the current Socio-demographic status, res-ponsible factors, Health problem related factor, eco-nomical condition, information, education and comm.-unication related factor etc. This current paper a lot of information was presented. Here, the total 222 part-icipants, in their male and female total 98 and 124 in Dhaka city. Older peoples age group sequentially 71% were 60 to 69 years old, 23% were 70 to 79 years old. And above 80 years only 6% were peoples in these papers. Their education status, we discover that 13.5% were primary level, 25.2% were SSC level, 12.6% were HSC level, 33.8% were graduate level, 9.5% were masters level and 5.4% were no education. 

Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city there were 16.7% Businessman, 20. 7% job holder, 22.1% retired person, 24.3% house wife and other occupation were 16.2%. Among 222 respondents in these investigation to use face mask regularly were 79.7% and sometimes use 20.3% but hasnt any respondent in this research who didnt use face mask. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 16% below the 5 times and 84% above 5 times wash hand regularly. Respondents reside in the Dhaka city were 82.4% were sanitizing hand below 7 times and 17.6% were sanitizing hand above 7 times. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 9% has respiratory disease. Among 222 respondents 59% were normal blood pressure, 36% were high blood pre-ssure and 5% were low blood pressure. Besides in this field 16.2% having diabetics and 83.8% havent diabetics. In case of distribution of respondents by how many time wearing mask daily. Among 222 res-pondents in Dhaka city were 52.3% use face mask below 7 hours and 47.7% use face mask above 7 hours. These studies the ordination in respondents by facing any problem during wearing face mask in this paper. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 28% facing some problems, including 8.6% breathing diffi-culties, 4.0% irritability, 5.9% dizziness, 4.5% nausea or vomiting and 5% others problems.  Among 222 res-pondents in Dhaka city were 28% facing various pro-blems and sometimes stay these problems. Among them 66.7% were just open out face mask, 20.6% when relax without mask and 12.7% other times. The investigation found that suffer any disease during using face mask. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 4% suffer Covid-19 disease, 3.6% suffer air pollution disease and 11.3% suffer droplet infectious disease. This research discovers that, the respondents have any idea about Covid-19 disease. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 100% have idea about Covid-19. Besides in this field were 100% knows advantage and uses of face mask in these study. In-vestigator discovers the respondents follow any pre-ventive strategy on our study. Among 222 respondents in Dhaka city were 100% respondents follow preven-tive strategy.  


Face masks, has deliberated a first move to obstruct and contain the disease expansion. Impact of face mask in elderly people in Dhaka city we wished to make proposal. We selected our study area at Mirpur, Dhanmondi, Kolabagan, Kollanpur, Mohammedpur, New Market, Uttara in Dhaka city. It was fully for the research purpose. So we made proposal, made ques-tionnaire, data collection directly from participants, checking, entering into computer by using SPSS 23 software, analysis and prepared result. We have find-ing age, educational level, occupation and various disease patterns. Finally overall this study it perhaps expressed that elderly people in Dhaka are suffered in some complication like breathing difficulty, dizziness, irritability, nausea vomiting etc. It is useful because face mask help to obstruct transmission droplet infec-tions. To lead healthier and comfortable life for the aged people is following: 

1) Provision for use compulsory use face mask in this pandemic. 

2) Increase of health awareness of infection to elderly people.

3) Elderly people must learn about importance and uses of face mask.

4) Increase provision of health awareness.

5) Regular maintain some physically activity or exercise for increase their physiological capabi-lity, e.g. walking, swimming, going to mosque and gymnasium (Chowdhury et al., 2021) 

Simple masks are primarily used to prevent trans-mission by holding back droplets. This is useful when the recommended minimum distance of 1.5 m is not feasible. The masks provide self-protection for its wea-rer and this is only when they are used properly.


Also thanks to the respondents for graciously ace-pting to inclusiveness in this study. We would like to pay our deep respect and gratitude to our family members for invaluable suggestions and affectionate encourage-ment at all stages in these research.


Researcher can represent our-self, our workplace and our country. We also want positional promotion with professional background. No potential conflicts to publish it.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor

Dr. Phelipe Magalhães Duarte, Professor, Department of Veterinary, Faculty of Biological and Health Sciences, University of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil.


January 28, 2022


March 3, 2022


March 9, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/ejmhs.022.041050

Corresponding author

Md. Omar Sharif Ahmmed Chowdhury*

Physiotherapist & Deputy Assistant Director, Administration Department, Environment, Health & Safety Section, Walton Group, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Sudipto Kumar Ratul

Department of Physiotherapy, Gono Bishwabidyalay, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Chowdhury MOSA, Ratul SK, Oishi MR, Mim NJ, Rimi FA, and Ibrahim MH. (2022). The impacts of face mask on elderly people in Dhaka city. Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 4(2), 41-50.  

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