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Original Article | Open Access | Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 2022; 4(4), 75-85 | doi: 10.34104/ijavs.022.075085

Consequence of Environmental Change on the Animals Health and Productivity: A Brief Review

Mohammedsham Husen Harun Mail Img ,
K.M. Shafi ,
Shuvankar Chra Dey ,
Md. Mosharraf Hossen ,
Mostafizor Rahman ,
Tasnim Ahmad* Mail Img ,
Hassen Yusuf Bekere Mail Img ,
Demri Harun Hussen Mail Img ,
Michael Abdi Yusuf Mail Img


The effects of climate change, especially global warming, can greatly affect the production performance and health of animals around the world. The national average temperature has increased by 1°C since 1970. Most livestock owners in the country feel that weather change is affecting farm animal production and health. The main impacts of weather change on animal production include feed shortages, water shortages, reduced livestock genomic resources, decreased productivity, and reduced mature weight and/or longer time to reach mature weight based on their significance. High temperatures resulting from environmental alteration may increase the level of development of a few pathogens or parasites that found one or more life cycle levels outside the mammalian host. Besides, the spatial disposition and visibility of pasture and water are largely depending on the pattern and visibility of rainfall. Food and water shortages bestow to deduced livestock abundance and reproductive execution. These include slow growth rate of animals, loss of body condition, decreased milk yield, and poor reproductive performance of mature animals. Drought bulls that are debilitated and in poor physical condition cannot provide sufficient drought energy for plowing and thus hinder crop cultivation. Bush encroachment, as well as population pressure, leads to reduced availability of good pastures thus environmental change will have far-reaching consequences for animal yield and health, especially in vulnerable parts of nature where it is essential for nutrients and maintenance. Once more, the environmental change affects farm animal health through various mechanisms; which are effects on parasites, effects on hosts, and vectors, such as alters in precipitation and temperature schemes that can influence both the placement and ample of disease careers; and effects on micropaleontology, such as alteration of transmission levels between hosts. This study has focused to investigate the inherent impacts of environmental alteration on livestock health and productivity.


Domestic animals are the only means of livelihood for 10 lac of family worldwide. It is appraised that out of 1 billion people, 701 million who live in poverty depend on their livestock for food, in-come, traction and transportation (Oyhantçabal et al., 2010). The farm animal sector is a fast-growing agri-cultural subsector, accounting for 34% of agricul-tural GDP & growing, driven by population growth, urbanization & rising incomes in developing world. Demand for all livestock products is expected to double in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia by 2049 (Alexandratos and Bruinsma, 2012). As oppo-sed to, weather alteration at the last 31 years has already reduced global agricultural manufacture in the level of 1-6% per decade (Thornton et al., 2015; Hassen et al., 2022).

Weather change is a likely cause of disease con-ditions and is anticipate having overwhelming nega-tive impacts on human & the cattle health (Rabino-witz and Conti, 2013). Global weather change threa-tens serious social upheaval, population displace-ment, economic hardship and environmental degra-dation. Not to mention, weather change is now an ac-cepted fact, affecting all ecosystems and will con-tinue if unchecked (Yatoo et al., 2012). Weather change affects the appearance and spread of disease hosts or careers and parasites and their reproduc-tion, enlargement and disease dissemination. Con-sequently, this affects distribution, host-parasite rela-tionships and its assemblages in new areas. Weather change can greatly affect animal health directly and indirectly (ESAP, 2009; Ekhlas et al., 2014).

Direct effects of weather on animal diseases may be more pronounced for vector-borne diseases, soil-related, water or flood-related, rodent-related, or air temperature/humidity related and more sensitive to weather (Grace, 2015). Indirect effects follow more complex pathways and include those arising from the efforts of animals to adapt to thermal environ-ments or the effects of weather on pathogen popu-lations, the disposition of vector-borne diseases, and host resistance to the disposition of vector-borne diseases & Immunity to food-borne diseases (Yatoo et al., 2012). 

Besides, weather change may affect farm animal health through a ratio of factors, including the magnitude and plentiful of careers and wildlife reser-voirs, and the survival of pathogens in the environ-ment (ESAP, 2009). 

This can shorter the regeneration time and, possibly, enlarge the total value of generations every year, thereby increasing the pathogen/parasite population size (Chauhan and Ghosh, 2014). Rising temper-atures increase the spatial distribution and intensity of existing pests and diseases, which in turn can affect livestock productivity or, in some extreme cases, lead to livestock mortality (Musemwa, 2012).

As claimed by the ECARD, (2012) the development-tal stages of careers such as flies and ticks are often largely dependent on temperature & passes most diseases. Cattle, goats, sheep and horses are also vul-nerable to a wide range of nematode worm in-fections, many of which are influenced by climatic conditions at specific temperatures during their deve-lopmental stages. Understanding the relationship bet-ween weather change & livestock diseases is impor-tant for better regulation of the animal health pro-blems. However, current knowledge of the relation-ship between weather change impacts and carnal health is lacking, especially in Africa despite the economic significance of farm agriculture. There-fore, one of the schemes of this paper is to provide an overview of the upshot of weather alters on livestock health. Ethiopia is home to Africas largest livestock population and is the continents top live-stock producer and exporter. Even if, domestic de-mand for farm animal products in Ethiopia is propel by the export potential of the urban middle and up-per classes, the main force driving the expansion and intensification of the animal production (McDonald and Simon, 2011). Ethiopias recent livestock popu-lation appraises that the country has about 57.82 million cattle, 28.88 million sheep, 29.71 million goats, 2.09 million horses, 7.89 million goats, 60.52 million poultry, 5.93 million bees, 0.42 million chickens and 42 million has chickens (CSA, 2016). They are an important component of almost all agri-cultural systems in Ethiopia and provide draft energy, milk, meat, manure, hides, skins and other products (Funk et al., 2012; Bekere et al., 2022).

Ethiopia has a diverse climate, with different sizes and diversity of major agronomic zones that make it suitable for supporting large numbers and classes of livestock (Funk et al., 2012). However, the country is isolated from weather variability and extremes (Alebachew & Woldeamlak, 2011). Long-term cli-mate outcomes associated with changes in rainfall patterns, rainfall variability and temperature have in-creased the frequency of droughts and floods (World Bank, 2010). Thus weather and location are undoub-tedly the most advantages of the factors affecting live-stock production. In fact, climatic features such as ambient temperature and rainfall patterns have a great influence on the cycle of availability of pasture and food resources throughout the year in animal populations. This point to that pastures in the rainy season have high availability and show good nutria-tional quality whereas dry season pastures have poor nutritional quality with high fiber and low protein content, often resulting in reduced animal production (Abebe, 2017).

Review of Literature 

Animal Diseases and Weather Change Linkage

The dissemination of pathogenic diseases & timing and severity of disease outbreaks are often linked to climate. Weather alteration may affect animal disea-ses through both direct & indirect pathways. The direct effect of climate on animal diseases is pro-nounced for vector-borne, soil-related, water or flood-related, rodent-related, or air temperature hu-midity related and climate-sensitive diseases. These direct or indirect effects of environment can be spatial, affecting climate distribution, affecting the timing of an outbreak with temporal weather, or related to the severity of an outbreak (Grace et al., 2015). Global climate change alters ecological archi-tecture, causing both geographic and acoustic chan-ges (Slenning, 2010). These changes affect the effi-ciency and transmission pattern of the pathogen and increase its spectrum in the host (Brook and Hoberg, 2007). An expanded spectrum of parasites increases the amenability of animals to disease & thus, under- writes the pathogenicity of the causative agent. There- fore, farm animal systems are sensitive to alters in the severity and disposition of the cattle diseases. The incidence of external parasites (43.4%) ranked first as a problem in warm temperate regions. Vec-tor-borne diseases are particularly sensitive to cli-mate change; particularly as alters in rainfall & temperature dominions can affect both disposition & abundance of disease careers (Dhakal et al., 2013). Arthropod vectors are more active at high tem-peratures, thus they feed more regularly to maintain their increased metabolic activity, increasing the feasibility of transmission of infection between hosts. Small changes in vector characteristics can lead to significant changes in disease (Grace et al., 2015). There is a link between climatic and epidemiological conditions of disease agents. Temperature, precipit-ation, humidity & other weather factors that affect the reproduction, enlargement, growth and popu-lation dynamics of helminths, arthropod vectors and the pathogens they carry. Weather change affects the emergence, spread of disease hosts or careers, patho-gens and their reproduction, development & trans-mission (ESAP, 2009). The OIE Scientific Commis-sion concluded that weather change may be a signi-ficant factor in determining the spread of some dis-eases, particularly those that are vector-borne. The two most commonly reported emerging and resur-gent goats diseases in recent OIE surveys are cat-arrhal fever and RVF (OIE, 2008). The global dis-tribution of bluetongue virus infections has changed greatly in recent years and weather change may be partly responsible for these profound changes in the global distribution of bluetongue disease (Wilson & Mellor, 2008). Studies have shown that disease vec-tors are affected by temperature and indicate the possible role of humidity and rainfall (Wittmann, 2002).

Weather change Impact on health of livestock 

Weather change may have a noteworthy role on the emergence, spread and distribution of livestock dis-eases. For example, the disposition and impacts of animal vector-borne diseases such as African mare sickness, Rift Valley fever, and bluetongue vary significantly with seasonal and long-term climate change (Thornton & Gerber, 2010). Weather alter may affect horses pathogenic diseases in several ways; Effects on pathogens, such as high temper-atures affecting pathogen or/& parasite growth rates, Effects on the host, such as alters in disease dis-tribution that may affect populations of susceptible animals, effects on careers, such as changes in rain-fall and temperature dominions that may act on both the disposition and prevalence of disease careers, and effects on micropaleontology, such as changed infection ratios between hosts (Baylis & Githeko, 2006). Although there is no consensus that a warmer world will necessarily lead to a more disease-ridden world, disease risk may increase for a variety of other reasons, such as the increasing complexity and scale of market chains and, in particular, the inevi-table intensification of yield systems the place (Randolph, 2008).

Environmental change impact on the careers

Arthropod careers are cold-blooded and thus parti-cularly sensitive to climatic factors. Temperature, rainfall, humidity and other weather factors affect the survival, production, development, and behavior and population dynamics of arthropod vectors. Sub-sequently, climatic factors influence habitat suita-bility, disposition and copious; Intensity and tem-poral pattern of vector activity throughout the year. Weather alter may act on disease vectors through several mechanisms. First, temperature & humidity often impose limits on their disposition. Often, low temperatures are limiting because of high winter mortality and relatively slow rates of population recovery in warmer seasons. Conversely, high tem-peratures are limiting therefore, cold regions that were previously too cold for vectors may begin to flourish with climate change; Warm regions can become warmer and still allow for vectors if rainfall or humidity increases. Conversely, these areas may become less suitable for vectors if moisture levels remain unchanged or decrease, with concomitant in-creases in moisture-stress (Baylis & Githeko, 2006). Weather change will affect arthropod vectors, their life cycles & life histories, thereby altering the disposition of both vectors and pathogens and the ability of arthropods to convey of pathogens. There-fore, animals will be exposed to different parasites and/or diseases, as indicated by predicted alters in the disposition of, for example, the tsetse fly in Africa, which will put more pressure on production & horses survival (Tabachnick, 2010). Research studies in India have shown that meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity and rain-fall explain 53 and 85% of the variation in sea-sonality of FMD in cattle in the hyper-endemic division of Andhra Pradesh and the mesoendemic region of Maharashtra state, respectively (Ramara, 1988). Horses infestations are exacerbated by hot-humid weather, B. microplus, H. bispinosa and H. anatolicum (Kumar et al., 2004). Feeding constancy of arthropod careers may also increase with increa-sing temperature. Many careers must intake twice on a suitable host before infection is possible-once to acquire infection and, after EIP, once to transmit it. For many blood-feeding arthropods, feeding fre-quency is determined by the time required for egg development. For example, C. sonorensis females feed every 4 days at 31 °C but every ~15 days at 14 °C. At warmer temperatures, the vector is more likely to receive the two feeds of suitable hosts required for successful transmission (Baylis and Githeko, 2006).

Environmental alter impact on the pathogens

Higher temperatures and greater humidity generally increase the level of enlargement of parasites and pathogens that spend level of their life span outside the host. Changes in air can affect the spread of pathogens. Flooding following extreme weather events provides favorable conditions for many wate-rborne pathogens. Dry spell and desiccation are detrimental to most pathogens (Grace et al., 2015). Increased rates of development due to higher tem-peratures may shorten the generation time and, pos-sibly, increase the total number of generations per year, thereby increasing the pathogen/parasite popu-lation size. Conversely, some parasites are sensitive to large temperatures & their survival may losses with weather warming. Parasites and pathogens sensitive to wet or hot conditions may contrived by alters in rainfall, soil moisture & load frequency (Kimaro & Chibinga, 2013). Weather change can affect the layout of a few pathogens and careers. A few pathogens/ parasites and many careers experi-ence significant mortality during cold winters; Warm winters can increase the likelihood of successful overwintering (Harvell, 2002). Lengthening the warm season may increase or decrease the number of warm- or cold-related disease transmission cycles in a year, respectively. Arthropod vectors require war-mer weather so the conveyance season for arthro-pod-borne diseases may be extended. A few patho-gens/parasites and many careers experience signifi-cant mortality during cold winters; Warm winters can increase the plausibility of successful over-win-tering (Witman & Bayliss, 2000). Maximal weather events, for example, flooding can carry a risk of Cry-ptosporidium parasites and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli Appears as diffuse pollution from agricultural land. It poses a clear threat to the other cattle and is also a zoonotic risk to humans through contami-nation of water supplies. Production-limiting dis-eases also deserve increasing attention (Wittmann & Baylis, 2000; Hayle et al., 2020).

Weather change effect on epidemiology of disease 

Weather change may not only affect the survival of parasites or pathogens or intermediate vectors but may also alter transmission levels between hosts in other ways. Future motifs of international trade, local farm animal transport, and farm size are issues that will be driven in part by weather alter & may effect of the disease transference. The other indirect effects: Weather alters may also act on the abun-dance and/ or disposition of competitors, pests, predators & vector parasites, thus influencing disease patterns & It may also that alters in ecosystems, driven by weather change & other drivers that affect land use, may give rise to new mixes of species, thereby expressing hosts to new pathogens & vectors and leading to the broadcasting of new type of dis-eases (WHO, 1996). The acts on of weather change on cattle diseases are likely to be complex, & studying them will require going beyond any easy estimation of temperature effects on rainfall and disposition, although this is a start and Examples of the type of analysis are done for various animal dis-eases in developing countries. It appears that weather change is likely to affect the disposition of the brown-eared tick, R. appendiculatus, & the primary career of ECF, is a disease that acts on both grazing and mixed systems in East & Southern Africa. Ex-pand into western & central areas of South Africa (Rogers, 1996). In the another study looking at the potential impact of weather change on a major dis-ease of cattle in African farm animal systems, tryp-anosomiasis of cattle (Thornton et al., 2006) inves-tigated climate-driven alters in habitat aptness for ticks fly vectors. Although climate will alter habitat aptness for the tsetse fly, population levels may im-pacts on trypanosomiasis risk through bush clearance may be greater than those caused by weather change. Randolph, (2008) warns that weather change will necessarily lead to an increase in disease risks in general, and there is no a priori reason to expect that infectious agents in general determine a greater risk of infection and exposure of farm animal to that risk and more consolidated assessments, which go be-yond the distributional effect of disease careers have been attempted; although to date these have had de-veloped-country focus (Randolph, 2008). White et al. (2003) imitation the increased amenability of live-stock to ticks in the Australian goat industry (B. microplus). They calculated the economic losses as-sociated with reduced tick populations & pro-ductivity, and assessed breed change as an adapt-ation option. Their findings are perhaps more inter-esting in relationship to the uncertainties and assum-ptions made & their main conclusion that weather change risk assessments should be extended to all similar variables, where possible. It noted that new research focusing on the spread of carnal diseases & pests from lower to mid-latitudes due to melting. 

Replicas project that bluetongue, which mostly aff-ects sheep & occasionally goats and deer, will spread from the tropics to the mid-latitudes. Most assess-ments do not explicitly consider impacts on lives-tock health as a combined function of CO2 and climate. Whether CO2 effects are important in this case is largely unknown. Feasibly more than other animals-related impacts, weather change impacts on horses diseases suffer from inherent problems of predictability and this is partly due to the nature of the disease (Anon, 2006). As noted in (Baylis & Git-heko, 2006), climate change-driven changes in live-stock production in Africa, if they occur, could have many indirect & unpredictable effects on infectious animal diseases on the continent. It appears, the combination of drought followed by high rainfall has led to widespread outbreaks of diseases such as RVF and bluetongue in the East Africa & African horse sickness in the Republic of the South Africa (Baylis & Githeko, 2006). It is likely that certain vector-borne disease outbreaks will become more common in areas of Africa; we are very limited in predicting when and where these may occur. In addition, it has been noted that there is a tendency to oversimplify the mechanisms by which weather change may act on disease transmission. Generally, many factors are at work, and thus considerable work is needed on disease dynamics & how they may adapt to a chan-ging climate. These factors make assessing the im-pact of animal diseases in developing worlds parti-cularly inspiring (Kovats et al., 2001).

Weather change effect on incidence of disease

It has been reported that the hot summer months lead to increased milk somatic cell counts and a higher incidence of clinical mastitis in dairy cattle. Re-duction of thermal stress through air conditioning or shade management results in a lower frequency of clinical mastitis compared to cows exposed to the natural environment. Populations are associated with hot-humid conditions. Kumar et al. (2004) reported that hot-humid weather was found to increase tick infestation in cattle like, B. microplus, H. bispinosa and H. anatolicum which act as vectors of various protozoan diseases (Kumar et al., 2004).

Environmental alteration impact on the hosts

Mammalian cell immunity may be suppressed fol-lowing elevated exposure to UVB radiation, an expected consequence of stratospheric ozone deple-tion. Therefore, ozone-depleting greenhouse-gas emissions may affect some animal diseases, which are not studied in cattle. A more important act onmay be on genomic resistance to disease. Al-though animals often develop genetic immunity to diseases they are exposed to, they can be highly susceptible to "new" diseases. Weather change may cause significant changes in disease disposition, and disruption of local stability may lead to severe dis-ease out-breaks in previously unexposed cattle popu-lations (Baylis & Githeko, 2006).

Environmental change effect on feed resources of livestock 

The most significant effects of weather change on cattle production is changes in forage re-sources (Abbett, 2009) as droughts and delays in the onset of rains lead to poor grass regeneration, water scarcity and heat stress on livestock. Again, droughts and delays in rainfall lead to increased livestock mor-tality, disease risk, and physical deterioration due to long distance travel for water and pasture. 

Digambar, (2011) reported that due to severe dro-ught, there is a direct impact on the growth of pal-atable grass species and low rainfall is reducing the regeneration of forage species in pastures and forest fodder resulting in loss of diversity and quality. Cattle feed this has led to a decline in the cattle population, which has further affected the production of milk, milk products and meat. Drought also aff-ects livestock by drying up wetlands, pastures, water resources and streams and reducing the avail-ability of drinking water for horses and Changes in tem-perature, precipitation regimes and CO2 levels will affect grassland productivity and species composi-tion & dynamics, leading to alters in carnal diets and possibly deduced nutrient accessibility for the farm animals (Digambar, 2011).

Weather change effects on resources of water 

De Wit & Stankiewicz, (2006) calculated that peren-nial drainage reductions will significantly affect access to current surface water across 26 percent of Africa by the end of this century. Morton, (2007) believed that weather change affects mostly deve-loping countries, especially among the population referred to as subsistence or smallholder farmers. Furthermore, small farm sizes, low technology and low capital may increase the susceptibility of live-stock production. Rivers, lakes and rainwater sup-plies are threatened by weather change, which re-duces the accessibility of water for livestock pro-duction (Gammada et al., 2022).

Environmental change effects on milk production 

Livestock and weather change have a close relation-ship. The spatial disposition and accessibility of pas-ture and water is highly dependent on rainfall pat-terns and availability (Akalilu et al., 2013). Changes in precipitation patterns and temperature ranges afect food availability, grazing limits, forage quality, weeds, and pest and disease prevalence. Thus, chan-ges in weather factors such as the frequency and severity of ultimate events such as temperature, pre-cipitation, and drought directly affect farm animal yields. Climatic factors or seasonal changes greatly affect animal behavior due to neuro-endocrine res-ponses to climatic factors, thereby affecting animal production & health (Baumgard et al., 2012). Cli-mate change is a major threat to the viability and sustainability of farm animal production systems in many areas of the nature (Gaughan et al., 2009). High-yielding animals are more affected by climatic factors, especially those grown in tropical condi-tions, due to high air temperature & relative humi-dity (Martello et al., 2010). Parons et al. (2001) argued that high temperatures can reduce feed intake, reduce milk production and lead to energy deficits that can reduce cow fertility, health and longevity. Modeling work using the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein (CNCP) System Model (Chase, 2006) suggested that maintenance energy require-ments of a dairy cow weighing 636 kg at 33oC produces 37 kg of milk per day compared to the energy requirements at 17oC. For the same tem-perature increase, dry matter intake was predicted to decrease by 19% and milk by 33% (Thornton et al., 2008).

Climate change effect on the production of egg and meat 

The thermoregulation features of poultry are some-what different from those of mammals because of their higher metabolic rate due to more intensive heat generation and lower heat dissipation capacity produced by their feathers & lack of sweat glands. Above 30°C, food and energy intake reduces to such an extent that animals are no longer able to com-pensate for it, production declines rapidly, and mor-tality increases. A lot of studies have reported that high enveloping temperatures decrease nutrient dige-stibility in poultry, which may be due to decreased activity of chymotrypsin, trypsin, and amylase. Con-sequently, low and most inadequate nutrient supply reduces egg production, egg mass & egg-shell qua-lity in layers, and growth rate of broilers (Amundson et al., 2006).

Climate change effects on the reproduction of the farm animal 

A lot of studies reported that high enveloping tem-peratures decrease nutrient digestibility in poultry, which may be due to decreased activity of renin, chymotrypsin, & amylase. Consequently, low and most inadequate nutrient supply limits egg pro-duction, egg mass and eggshell quality in layers, and growth rate of broilers (Madan, 2007). It is reported that the length and intensity of the estrous period is reduced, so lower conception rates occur. Therefore, heat stress may reduce fertility in summer dairy cows by poor expression of behavioral signs of oestrus due to less estradiol secretion from dominant follicles. In this situation, the calving interval is longer. Appropriately, the lifetime production of dairy animals decreases. Heat stress during preg-nancy slows fetal growth due to reduced blood supply to the uterus, which causes placental insuf-ficiency to supply maternal nutrients, resulting in reduced fetal growth and calf size. Even fetal death occurs in cows exposed to heat stress. Heat stress also reduces seminal volume and sperm concentra-tion. It has been reported that ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and sperm motility of bulls are lower in summer than winter season (Samal, 2013).


Weather change has an adverse impact on cattle health and productivity in several ways. It can affect cattle health through many factors, including the extent and plentiful of vectors and wildlife reser-voirs, and the survival of pathogens in the envi-ronment. This can increase livestock diseases and some diseases are particularly sensitive to weather change. Indeed a better understanding of the effects of weather change on animal health is important and good for recommendations on how to reduce its potential effects. Unfortunately, the determinants of resilience and adaptation that moderate this effect are already poorly understood. For example, adaptive capacity can be enhanced in the broader context of developing appropriate policy measures and insti-tutional support to help livestock owners deal with all livestock health problems. Indeed, the deve-lopment of an effective and sustainable animal health service, with associated surveillance and emergency preparedness measures and sustainable animal dis-ease control and prevention programs, is the most important and most necessary adaptation strategy. This will protect the livestock population from the threats of weather change and weather variability. Again, the impact of weather change on livestock production and productivity is complex. Weather change can affect animal production and welfare, particularly due to increased air temperatures. How-ever, knowledge of animal responses to heat stress during warmer months in different areas of the nature, as well as during extreme heat events, can be used to assess the effects of global change. However, farmers are not sufficiently aware of the effects of global changes on their operations, resulting in dete-rioration in the quality and quantity of the natural pastures that most livestock owners rely on to feed their animals. Apart from that, the available water sources are not reliable, as they sometimes dry up due to high temperatures and lack of rainfall. They lost their lives due to excessive heat, water, food and unknown diseases. Therefore, the following recom-mendations are forwarded for future action.

The awareness of livestock owners and professional on weather change must be raised through training.

1) Selection of representative climatic stations should be considered for livestock enterprises, especially in arid & semi-arid regions. 

2) Recording of additional inputs of pasture and cattle production should be implemented, espe-cially in climatically favorable areas.

3) Successful adaptations can be shown to be a better way to deal with the negative consequ-ences of weather change and associated drivers of disease.

4) Future needs assessment of weather change im-pact should be done, then it should be included in curriculum by concerned policy makers for veterinarians, animal production, & related pro-fessionals.


The current work was completed by collaborating with all authors and thanks to the co-authors for their encouragement and writing support in the super-vision of successful research studies.


The authors declare there are no potential conflic-ting of interest to publish it.

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Article Info:

Academic Editor 

Dr. Phelipe Magalhães Duarte, Professor, Department of Veterinary, Faculty of Biological and Health Sciences, University of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil.


July 15, 2022


August 18, 2022


August 30, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/ijavs.022.075085

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Harun MH, Shafi KM, Dey SKC, Hossen MM, Rahman M, Ahmad T, Bekere HY, Hussen HD, and Yusuf MA. (2022). Consequence of environmental change on the animals health and productivity: a brief review. Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 4(4), 75-85. 

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