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Original Article | Open Access | Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 2023; 5(6), 155-163. | doi: 10.34104/ijavs.023.01550163

Efficacy of Star Gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus L.) Feed Additive on the Performance of Broilers with Serum Biochemical Profile

Tahera Yeasmin Mail Img Orcid Img ,
Md. Karimul Islam Mail Img Orcid Img ,
Md. Arafat Jaman* Mail Img Orcid Img


A study was done to find out how star gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus L.) Fruit juice affected commercial broiler live weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, carcass quality, and lipid profiles. A total of 210day-old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were divided into five dietary treatment groups. The collected data were analyzed by using ANOVA with SPSS version 25. These groups were T0 (control diet), T1 (5 ml/L in water), T2 (7 ml/L in water), T3 (9 ml/L in water), T4 (11 ml/kg in feed), T5 (13 ml/kg in feed), and T6 (15 ml/kg in feed). The T5 group consumed the most feed overall (2829.15±19.85 g), while the T0 group consumed the least feed overall (2767.25±17.55 g). At 5 weeks of age, the T5 group had the highest body weight (2193.33±15.18g), followed by the T6 group (2146.00±17.51g), T2 (2088.00±11.15g), T1 (2031.33±20.12 g), and T0 (1871.67± 13.02g), all in that order. The FCR was discovered to be lowest in T5 (1.31) and greatest in T0 (1.51), whereas the FCR of T1, T2, T3, T4, and T6 was 1.41, 1.38, 1.36, 1.35, and 1.32, respectively. The amount of star gooseberry juice has a big impact on the meats quality. However, there were alterations that were significant (P<0.05) in the carcass weight, breast meat, drumstick meat, wing, shank weight, gizzard, head, liver, lung, skin, thigh bone, and drumstick bone. Only abdominal fat (P>0.05) was not significant. However, there were significant (P<0.05) changes in total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL. According to the findings, star gooseberry juice can be utilized as a cost-efficient and effective natural feed addition at a rate of 13 ml per kilogram of feed to enhance the broiler chickens overall performance. 


The star gooseberry is a significant source of minerals, amino acids, ascorbic acid, tannins, and phenolic com-pounds. According to Indian research (Shivaji et al., 2012) 100 mg of the most popular synthetic vitamin C is equivalent to 8.75 mg of natural vitamin C complex from the star gooseberries. As feed supplements, star gooseberries have been used to increase growth, save feed costs by increasing feed efficiency, and improve immunity (Ghavate et al., 2009). As stated by Janick and Paull, (2008) a 100-gram serving of the Star Gooseberry fruit contains 91.7% water, 28 kcal, 0.7% protein, 0.52% fat, 6.4% carbohydrate, 0.6% fiber, 0.51% ash, 5 mg of calcium, 0.4 mg of iron, 23 mg of phosphorus, 8 mg of the ascorbic acid, 0.01 mg of thiamine, and 0.05 mg of riboflavin. As reported by Layek et al. (2023), biochemical parameters included the following: total soluble solid (TSS) content of 5.75 0Brix, total sugar (2.5%), reducing sugar (1.29%), non-reducing sugar (1.21%), and vitamin C content of 4.89 mg per 100 g edible pulp. Inflammation, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, cephalgia, opthalmopathy, colic, jaundice, emaciation, cardiac disorder, the intermittent fever, hepatopathy, haemorrhage, menorrhagia, and skin diseases are treated with the fruit of star goose-berry (Anjaria et al., 2002; Sharif et al., 2019). 

Tiwari et al. (2016) investigated the effects of the probiotic and herbal supplements on the features of commercial broiler growth and immunocompetence. In 2009, Ghavate et al. conducted an experiment to deter-mine the impact of feeding broilers various amounts of star gooseberry on their ability to the perform well. Supplementation had a considerable impact on the broilers body weight gain. Star gooseberry (Phyllan-thus acidus) juice with a high antioxidant content lowers hepatic injury, purifies chemicals, and has an anti-inflammatory action that improves carcass quality, according to (Manikandan et al., 2017; Nguyen et al., 2017; Jain et al., 2010; Leeya et al., 2010). In order to assess the nutritional impact of star gooseberry juice as a feed additive on the performance of commercial broiler chickens and its cost-benefit analysis in broiler production, the current study was established. This research is based on the following objectives

1) To investigate the effect of star gooseberry fruit extract on the productive performance and the economic broiler production

2) To evaluate the serum biochemical lipid profile after treatment with star gooseberry

3) To determine the optimal star gooseberry fruit extract dosage for improving broiler performance.


Experimental site and duration

The experiment was conducted to ascertain the effects of supplementing with star gooseberry juice on the performance and meat yield traits of broilers (Cobb 500) during the summer season from October 20 to November 25, 2021, at the poultry farm of HSTU, Dinajpur.

Experimental birds

The 210day-old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) had been purchased for the experiment through local suppliers from the Kazi Farm hatchery. 

Layout of the experiment

The chicks were randomly assigned to one of seven nutritional treatment groups (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, and T6), each of which consisted of three replications with ten birds each. The following are the treatments: T0 = Control, T1 = Control + 5ml star gooseberry juice/ litter water, T2 = Control + 7ml star gooseberry juice/ litter in drinking water, T3 = Control + 9ml star goose-berry juice/litter water, and T4 = Control + 11ml star gooseberry juice/kg feed, T5 = Control + 13ml star gooseberry juice/kg feed, and T6 = Control + 15ml star gooseberry juice/kg feed.

Collection and preparation of Star gooseberry & feed

The HSTU Botanical Garden provided the star goose-berry fruit for collection. These were cleaned with clean water after collection to remove any dirt. The fruit of the star gooseberry was then ground into   juice using a grinder machine.

Managemental practices

Housing, litter, feed (CP Feed Co. Ltd. broiler pre-starter: 1-7, broiler starter: 8-14, broiler grower: 15-35), water; Lighting, sanitization, and vaccination are all necessities provided. Adequate precautions were implemented throughout the study period. 

Fig. 1: Star Gooseberry.


1. Total gain in weight = final weight – initial weight 

2. Dressing percentage = (dressed weight ÷ body weight) x 100                        

3. Total feed consumption = total feed offered – total left-over 

4. Feed efficiency = total feed consumed / total gain in weight 

5. Mortality rate (%) = no. of dead chickens / total no. of birds as a group × 100

Hematological Analysis 

A vacutainer tube (BD vacutainer SST Gel-5 ml) was inserted via the wing vein puncture tubes to collect blood samples at random from 6 birds in each group (2 birds/replication) at the end of 5 weeks. Then they were kept at room temperature (25°C) for an hour to allow the blood to coagulate. Serum was recovered from the blood sample after centrifuging it for 15 minutes at 2000 rpm. Separated, unhaemolyzed serum samples were kept in clean, dry Eppendorf tubes and kept at -20°C in the deep freezer until needed. The serum cholesterol concentration was measured using a suitable industrial analytical kit produced by German cholesterol agent producer Randof. As directed in the manufacturers leaflet, the assay was carried out on a Merck Microlab 300 biochemistry analyzer.

Fig. 2: Star Gooseberry Juice.

Statistical analysis 

According to the Complete Randomized Design (CRD) principles, data on feed consumption, growth perfor-mance, carcass characteristics, and hematobiochemical data were examined using SPSS version 25 software and the one-way ANOVA approach. Every result was shown as the mean SEM±, and the significance was determined at P<0.05. The Duncan test was used to compare the means of the treatment groups. 


Performance of broiler of experimental birds 

In this experiment, the effects of the different dietary doses of the Star Gooseberry juice on broilers feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, live weight gain, bird mortality, the hemato-biochemical characteristics, cost effectiveness, heat stress, and carcass features were examined. The findings are presented in several tables and discussed in the sections below.

Body weight, feed intake and the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)

Table 1 provides information on average body weight at the end of five weeks, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The results of the experiment showed that although there was the no significant difference in initial body weight (g/broiler) between the food groups, there was a significant difference in final body weight (g/broiler) and body weight gain (P<0.05). The 5th week of age saw the highest feed intake in the T5 group and the lowest in the T0 group, whereas the fifth week saw the highest FCR in the T0 group and the lowest in the T5 group, according to Table 1. The findings of the present studys feed intake were similar to those of (Begum et al., 2019; Ghavate et al., 2009; Patel et al., 2016; Tiwari et al., 2016; Yadav et al., 2014). The results of the present study, however, disagreed with those of (Sanjyal and Sapcota, 2011; Patil et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2013; Gaikwad et al., 2016) who found that broiler chickens in the control group consumed more feed than those in the star gooseberry-treated group. The fact that the gooseberry is known to act as a stomachic (Bhandari et al., 2012) and a nice appetiser (Patel et al., 2016) could account for the increase in feed intake in the Star Gooseberry-fed group. In comparison to the control group, the broiler chickens feed conversion ratio gradually increased as a result of the addition of star gooseberry juice to the base diet, indicating efficient feed use by lowering stress. Ghavate et al. (2009), Patil et al. (2012), Shivaji, (2012), Kumar et al. (2013), Gaikwad et al. (2016), and Mandal et al. (2017) in broiler chicks came to the similar conclusions. The T5 group had the highest body weight (2193.33±15.81). Similar results were also attained by (Patel et al., 2016; Tiwari et al., 2016; Ghavate et al., 2009; Begum et al., 2019; Shivaji, 2012; Ghavate, 2009). The ascorbic acid, gallic acid, and tannic acid found in E. officinalis may have anabolic and antioxidant effects that explain the increased body weights seen in the star gooseberry-supplemented groups (Mcdowell, 1989). Due to the addition of star gooseberry juice to the base meal, the feed conversion ratio of the broiler chickens steadily increased in the comparison to the control group, indicating efficient feed use by lowering stress. In broiler chicks, similar findings were reached by (Patil et al., 2012; Shivaji, 2012; Kumar et al., 2013; Gaik-wad et al., 2016; Mandal et al., 2017).

Table 1: Body weight, feed intake and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR).

Values are Mean±SEM, abcd means within a row with-out common superscripts differ significantly; NS-non significant; statistically significant difference are the expressed as *(P<0.05). 

Where, T0 = Control, T1 = Control + 5ml star goose-berry juice / litter water, T2 = Control + 7ml star goose-berry juice / litter in drinking water, T3 = Control + 9ml star gooseberry juice /litter water, & T4 = Control + 11ml star gooseberry juice /kg feed, T5= Control +13ml star gooseberry juice /kg feed & T6= Control +15ml star gooseberry juice /kg feed.

Effect of star gooseberry carcass quality of Broiler 

The tabulated results show that star gooseberry juice levels significantly influenced the qualities of the meat. However, there were changes in carcass weight, breast meat, drumstick meat, wings, shank weight, gizzard, head, liver, lung, skin, thigh bone, and drumstick bone that were significant (P<0.05). Only abdominal fat was nonsignificant (P>0.05). Our findings demonstrated that supplementing with Star Gooseberry juice at a dose of the 13 ml considerably (P<0.05) increased dressing percentage. The results were in contradiction to the findings of Mukhtar et al. (2012), who noticed no significant differences between all the treatments regarding carcass dressing percentages in response to the dietary citrus feed. Also, the results of substituting sweet orange fruit peel with maize up to 20% level had no negative impact on the growth traits and carcass quality in the broilers (Agu et al., 2010; Abbasi et al., 2015). Similar findings were documented in rabbits (Hon et al., 2009; Manikandan et al., 2017; Nguyen et al., 2017; Jain et al., 2010; Leeya et al., 2010) reported that star gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus) juice with a high antioxidant level reduces hepatic injury, purifies compounds, and has an anti-inflammatory effect that increases carcass quality.

Table 2: Effect of Star Gooseberry on meat yield parameters of broiler chicken.

Values are Mean±SEM, abcd means within a row with-out common superscripts differ significantly; NS-non significant; the statistically significant difference are expressed as *(P<0.05). 

Impact of Star Gooseberry Serum biochemical properties in broiler

The influence of Star Gooseberry on broilers lipid profiles is seen in Table 3. However, there were changes that were significant (P<0.05) in total choles-terol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL. The treatment group T0 had the greatest level of cholesterol (mg/dl), and the treatment group T6 had the lowest level, both significantly (P<0.05). The dietary treatment groups HDL (mg/dl) levels were substantially higher (P <0.05) in treatment group T6 and lower (P <0.05) in treatment group T0. The dietary treatment groups LDL (mg/dl) levels were substantially higher (P<0.05) in treatment group T0 and lower (P<0.05) in treatment group T6. Triglycerides (mg/dl) were non-significantly (P<0.05) highest in treatment group T0 and lowest in treatment group T6, respectively, in the dietary therapy group. The experiments Star Gooseberry supplement group had higher HDL mg/dl blood levels. Blood LDL levels were considerably lowered with star gooseberry. These findings were in line with those of Nobakht (2013), who discovered that dried citrus pulp can reduce blood cholesterol and bad cholesterol called LDL (Hong et al., 2012) (Table 3). Abbasi et al. (2015) reported reduced blood cholesterol, LDL, and triglyceride in broilers in response to dietary treatment with star gooseberry and hypothesized that vitamin C and other elements found in the pulp of citrus fruits may be to blame for the altered blood metabolites. The findings of this study and those of (Dalal et al., 2018; Alzawqari et al., 2015) which revealed that increasing amounts of natural supplementation led to a decrease in blood cholesterol & that star gooseberry supple-mentation produced the best outcomes, are the likely related.

Cost-effectiveness of broiler production

Star Gooseberry Juices effect on the broilers profit margin was evident from the amount that was emp-loyed in the diet.

Table 3: Serum biochemical properties in broiler.

Values are Mean±SEM, abcd means within a row with-out common superscripts differ significantly; NS-non significant; the statistically significant difference are expressed as *(P<0.05). 

The most recent research supports Zafar and Fatimas, (2018) statement that chickens consume more organic mineral sources than the inorganic ones. Due to their increased the bioavailability and effectiveness, they are expected to reduce feed costs by reducing dose rates without negatively compromising performance. Abdal-lah et al. (2009) contend that an organic mineral diet benefits the economy. By swap-ping organic minerals for the inorganic ones, it was discovered that this increased bird performance and the immunological responses of chicks.

Table 4: Economics of broiler production kept different treatment groups from day old chick to 35 days of age.


The experiments findings showed that using star gooseberry juice as a feed supplement improved the feed intake, average body weight gain, feed conver-sion ratio, and yielded better gross profits in the production of commercial broilers. Feeding broiler chickens with star gooseberry at a rate of 13 ml per kg of feed produced the highest production results in terms of body weight gain and feed conversion ratio among the various treatment groups, which in turn generated financial gains. As a result, the consump-tion of star gooseberry juice may have significant effects on commercial broiler production.


The authors thankfully acknowledge HSTU, Dinajpur, for providing the facilities to conduct the research and the Institute of Research and Training (IRT), HSTU, for funding.


The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. 

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Article Info:

Academic Editor 

Dr. Phelipe Magalhães Duarte, Professor, Department of Veterinary, Faculty of Biological and Health Sciences, University of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil.


November 12, 2023


December 6, 2023


December 15, 2023

Article DOI: 10.34104/ijavs.023.01550163

Coresponding author

Md. Arafat Jaman*

Dept. of Medicine Surgery & Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary & Animal Science; Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Yeasmin T, Islam MK, and Jaman MA. (2023). Efficacy of star gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus L.) feed additive on the performance of broilers with serum biochemical profile. Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 5(6), 155-163. 


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