Dairy production plays a vital role in the livestock sector and the national economy, with an increase in domestic product (Azage et al., 2013). This sector is basis of livelihoods for a vast and widely held propor-tion of the rural population in relation to consumption, income generation, and employment. Furthermore, Milk and milk products are an important source of food and contributors to dietary energy requirements, protein, minerals, and vitamins of high quality parti-cularly in vegetarian diets for human (Górska et al., 2019). Ethiopia is known for the leading live-stock numbers in Africa (Metaferia et al., 2011). Out of 70 million, the female cattle consist about 56% and the remaining 44 percent are male cattle. Dairy cows are estimated to be around 7.56 million and milking cows are about 15.04 million heads (CSA, 2020).
Although for the large dairy cattle population, milk production per cow per day is very low in Ethiopia which has great importance for human consumption. Inefficient nutritional and management practices, the low genetic potential of indigenous cows, high disease and parasitic incidence, poor access to extension and credit services, inadequate information to improve ani-mal performance, lack of feed availability and poor nutrition during the dry season, and a lack of high-quality feed supplementation are all factors contri-buting to low productivity (Zegeye, 2003; Asaminew and Eyasu, 2009; Aynalem et al., 2011; Yilma et al., 2011; Getahun, 2012; Belay et al., 2013; Abdi, 2022). Milk provided for humans is predicted to rise over time with the increasing world population thought global and a greater income (Martono et al., 2016; Hayle et al., 2020; Eshetu et al., 2019).
The changes in nutritional ingredients for animals generally and for dairy cattle, in particular, are there-fore directed at enhancing the milk productivity of an individual with increased availability and higher nut-rient use efficiency of energy, protein, and other essen-tial nutrients (Tripathi, 2014). High energy comple-ments like fat and oils are mixed into animal diets, while protein sources of better amino acid composition that are extracted at higher levels for milk synthesis are used in dairy cow feed (Multari et al., 2015; Miri et al., 2013). Technologically producing feed which hydroponic feed are high improvement of digestibility and degradability of the nutrients in the feeds, which could increase milk productivity (Abdi, 2022). Energy supplementation is used in milking cows to increase milk production per cow, stocking rate and milk yields per unit of land, improve forage use with a higher stocking rate, maintain length of lactation, and milk protein content (Kellaway and Porta, 1993).
Supplementations are adding a xylanase-cellulase en-zyme solution to a dairy cows total mixed rations based on alfalfa hay and silage reported a possible rise in milk productivity (Lewis et al., 1999). Others also stated that the practice of bovine Somatotropin, thrice daily milking, and long day photoperiod can increase milk yield (Rigout et al., 2002; Dohoo et al., 2003). Improved circulating glucose may have supported increased lactose synthesis and therefore milk yield because lactose is the osmotic regulator for the mam-mary glands uptake of water (Rigout et al., 2002). Milk production efficiency could be interpreted as one kilogram of milk yield from one kilogram of dry mat-ter consumption by an animal, where the optimal values range from 1.4 to 1.8 milk production efficiency was increased. Milk production efficiency values could optimize dry matter intake through feed supplements that can improve the digestion and ab-sorption of nutrients (Rigout et al., 2002). This could be asso-ciated with the building blocks formulation of feed supplement as a basis of tannins, saponin, coconut cake, minerals, urea, and molasses that can help maxi-mize the production of microbial protein in the rumen so that the use of more efficient roughage and nutrient supply to the hosts intestinal utilize increases, parti-cularly in the fermentation process and digestion of nutrients. Exogenous feed enzymes help to enhance fiber digestion in the rumen, which might lead to enhanced feed exchange efficiency (Gammada, 2020; Holtshausen et al., 2011).
Some feed supplements contain combinations of ma-terials such as non-protein nitrogen slow-release, legu-mes, molasses, minerals, and vitamins. Tannins might protect amino acids as protein by passing through rumen absorption at exact amounts (Ismael, 2019). Rumen microbes used a cheap basis of protein fodder that could be used constantly all time by the rumen microbes and were corresponding with the energy ex-penses of the ruminant. Fiber use in the rumen would be former effective and would provide nutrients to the intestine. Raw materials, vitamins, and syrup, also in-crease the productivity of milking cows because they are utilized by rumen microbes for assisting in the method of highly digestibility and fermentation form-ations (Abrar et al., 2020).
The Most important of these reviews was to combine different feed supplementation for milking cows to improve milk fabrication and productivity with signi-ficant feeding practice necessities. Other feed supple-ments which having amino acids and even seaweed feed have good nutritional value for ruminants, espe-cially for milking cows to the improvement milk in order to increase their productivity during dry seasons (Syarwani, 2008; Hutjens, 2005). Micro minerals sup-plements like as cobalt, selenium, and zinc are maxi-mize the activity of rumen microorganisms and im-prove the digestibility of feed (Uhi, 2005). Cons-equently, based on the diverse literature more deli-berations of relevant information about supplementary feeding for a dairy cow is imperative to maximizing milk production. Therefore, the aim of these reviews was to understand the effect of feed supplementation on cow milk productivity and quality in Ethiopia.
Define and concept of supplementary feed for dairy cattle
Supplementary feed is any stuff supplementary to the total feed of the animal to raise the nutritional value of the feed and to raise the level of a sole nutrient or compound nutrient. During dry seasons, there is usually adequate low-quality fodder, which milking cows did not use effectively. Supplemental feeding tries to make appropriate use of this fodder by giving individual nutrients that lack pasture that allows animals to be kept on a budget while choices are made. The potential of supplements to provide more glucose, protein, minerals, and other nutrients to milking cows is well known (Moran, 2005). These supplementary feeds includes; protein supplements (legumes, oilseed, meat meal, fish meal), mineral supplements (salt (sodium), limestone (calcium), bone meal (calcium and phosphorus), vitamin supplements (natural and syn-thetic), and energy supplement which consist fat and carbohydrate feed those the high amount of energy and low roughage level and high digestibility with high protein content (kayo, 2019). Additionally, supp-lemental feeding is only an option when compound feeding is available. Survival feeding should be per-formed if paddock feed availability is limited. Sur-vival feeding means feeding the animals with the minimum amount of food they need to survive (Paterson, 2007). Dietary supplements are a semi-con-centrated source of one or more nutrients used to improve the nutritional value of feeds that rise milk productivity in milking cows.
Effect of supplementation on production perfor-mances of milking cows with grassing
Supplementary feeding of grazing cows decreases pasture dry matters intake while increases total dry matters intake. The value of the replacement rate indicates a decrease in pasture dry matter consum-ption. In early lactation, milk output of high-producing grazing dairy cows increases linearly when concen-trate intake increases from 1.8 to ten kilograms per day, with a milk response of one kilogram per day, whereas milk response is lower in late lactation (Bargo et al. (2003). Cows allocate more nutrients to milk production early in lactation, so milk response to supple- mentation may be higher than later in lactation, when more nutrients are diverted to body weight. As milk output improves, as does milk fat and protein yield, as concentrate supplementation increases, although milk fat percentage declines. 8.7 kilograms of maize supple-mentation for grazing milk cows (Stojanovic, 2014)
Supplementing dairy cow feed for milk production in Ethiopia
The main goal of a dairy cow feeding routine based on feed supplements is to maximize milk productions by addressing the cows nutrient requirements (Bach and Cabrera, 2017). The dietary necessities of milking cows are mostly determined by the total of milk produced, which is in turn determined by the stage of lactation. Pregnancy and maintenance are two more factors that influence nutritional requirements dairy cows (Haile, 2020; Kebede, 2009).
The total upkeep required is mostly determined by the cows weight, ambient temperature, and activity. Be-cause milk production follows a curve (lactation curve), the sum of nutrients needed will vary de-pending on where on the curve you are (King et al., 2006). During the dry time, the goal of feeding nutrition is to promote the fast-growing fetus, energy storage, and mammary gland regeneration (Lukuyu, 2012).
Furthermore, when compared to altered types of un-supplemented meals, feed supplements can improve milk produce by 20.88 percent and 8.07 percent, respectively. The consequence of 4% fat-adjusted milk return was equivalent to the result of 0% fat-adjusted milk yield (Martono et al., 2016). Complemented dairy cows produce a suggestively higher milk yield than those fed on natural grassland alone (Kebede, 2009).
In additions to this crossbred cows fed urea treated teff straw and wheat straw, respectively and provided with supplemented diet had significantly higher milk pro-duct than for non-supplemented animals of cross bred cows (Mesfin et al., 2009; Getu, 2008). Feed supple-mentation of milking cow milk output in various areas varies according to management practices. The fol-lowing Fig. 1 depicts a variation of feeding supple-ments on crossbred in various parts of Ethiopia, as well as their milk output.
Composite different feed to maximize dairy cow productivity
Animal feeding practices in Ethiopia generally rely on local grassland and crop leftovers (Hassen, et al., 2010). Crop wastes, including teff, barley, wheat, oats, and cereal straws Stovers from sorghum, corn and haulms from pulse crops such as peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and vetch, are valuable feed supplies (Keb-ede, 2009). However, seasonality feed supply, and a un-availability of green grass is one of the principal reasons for animal nutrition deterioration (Kebede, 2009; Hassen et al., 2010). They are poor in minerals and have low crude protein, digestibility, and consu-mption (Kebede, 2009). Rumen efficiency, rumen micro-fauna, and milk cow performance all suffer as an outcome of the reduced nutritional load. Lactating cows, for example, are unable to meet their nutritional requirements, i.e., they lose heaviness and body con-dition during lactation due to high nutrient demand for milk production. If fed well, 20-25% more milk could be produced from the same livestock (Herrero et al., 2016).
Feed complement would be balanced in terms of quantity and quality of concentrate amounts, protein, mineral, and vitamin content intended for a well and useful cow. Napier grass, Boma Rhodes, Lucerne, des-modium, and sweet potato vines are examples of fodder. Desmodium and Napier grass are best inter-cropped, gathered, and provide for dairy with each other. Based on specific productivity, a milking cow would supplement 3 kg of concentrates (dairy meal) every day after calving. Increase the milking cow rations to an appropriate level to challenge the dairy product more. When the quantity of helpful bacteria grows, the sum of microbial protein produced also in-creases. This, when combined with higher net energy, result in improved milk yields and production. After milking, the cow would be supplement dairy food to keep her standing until the teat canal shuts. This helps to prevent mastitis and teat infection. To maximize milk output, farmers should add yeast to their dairy cows diets. The addition of yeast to a dairy cows diet improves feed digestion, intake, and whole perform-ance and production. Yeast extracts boost the extent and action of rumen microbial, resulting in a faster rate of gastrointestinal fermentation & a higher net energy output (Lukuyu et al., 2012).
Types of Fodder complements for milking cow
The milk productions outcome from different authors show that early milk yield after supplementation plays a positive role in sustaining and improving milk pro-duction after the initial feeds supplementation. When compared to initial milk production, milking cow without complementary feed exhibited a lower milk yield of 0.70 kg/day. Furthermore, some report show that increased milk production necessitates from dairy cow by the use of high crude protein diets supp-lementations (Law, 2009; Martono et al., 2016). The value of feedstuff consumed has an effect on milk output as well. The potential of supplements to provide more calories, protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins to milking cows is classified. Concentrates, stored fod-der, fodder crops, and by-products are all examples (Dalley, 1997). Energy consumptions are more effect on milk output than protein (Mekuriaw et al., 2020). Supplements designed with rich protein sources such as coconut meal and non-protein nitrogen (NPN), as well as the energy sources cassava and molasses, have a greater effect on milk output than controls.
Feed complement would be balanced in terms of quantity and quality of concentrate amounts, protein, mineral, and vitamin content intended for a well and useful cow. Napier grass, Boma Rhodes, Lucerne, des-modium, and sweet potato vines are examples of fod-der. Desmodium and Napier grass are best inter-crop-ped, gathered, and provide for dairy with each other. Based on specific productivity, a milking cow would supplement 3 kg of concentrates (dairy meal) every day after calving. Increase the milking cow rations to an appropriate level to challenge the dairy product more. When the quantity of helpful bacteria grows, the sum of microbial protein produced also increases. This, when combined with higher net energy, result in improved milk yields and production. After milking, the cow would be supplemented with dairy food to keep her standing until the teat canal shuts. This helps to prevent mastitis and teat infection. To maximize milk output, farmers should add yeast to their dairy cows diets. The addition of yeast to a dairy cows diet improves feed digestion, intake, and whole perfor-mance and production. Yeast extracts boost the extent and action of rumen microbial, resulting in a faster rate of gastrointestinal fermentation and a higher net energy output (Lukuyu et al., 2012). Types of Fodder complements for milking cow-The milk productions outcome from different authors shows that early milk yield after supplementation plays a positive role in sustaining and improving milk production after the initial feeds supplementation. When compared to initial milk production, milking cow without comple-mentary feed exhibited a lower milk yield of 0.70 kg/ day. Furthermore, some reports show that increased milk production necessitates dairy cows the use of high crude protein diets supplementations (Law, 2009; Martono et al., 2016).
The value of feedstuff consumed has an effect on milk output as well. The potential of supplements to provide more calories, protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins to milking cows is classified. Concentrates, stored fod-der, fodder crops, and by-products are all examples (Dalley, 1997). Energy consumptions are more effect on milk output than protein (Mekuriaw et al., 2020). Supplements designed with rich protein sources such as coconut meal and non-protein nitrogen (NPN), as well as the energy sources cassava and molasses, have a greater effect on milk output than controls. Energy supplements-Starch and sugar-rich fodders, like as grain and by-product feeds, are used as energy sup-plements. Energy intake, such as concentrated feed, is a dual-purpose system, as reduced energy intake of low-feed dairy cows is the main cause of low milk yield to improve milk yield. It should be considered essential on any farm. Additionally supplementing concentrated feed is the high energy feed that con-tributes to minimizing the undesirable energy level and has a significant influence on later lactation perfor-mance. Therefore, early lactating cows are usually given large level of concentrate to raise milk pro-duction and maintain physical condition, thereby improving the economic feasibility and effectiveness of early lactating cows (Bargo et al., 2003; Senbeta and Taffa, 2019). For this reason, early lactating cows are usually fed a high concentration of concentrated feed to maximize the nutritional density of the feed. However, high concentrate diets when consumed for short periods might result in ruminal acidosis and other metabolic disturbances. But twice daily feeding of concentrates is a known practice in many com-mercial operations (Macleod et al., 2004). Energy sup-plements have traditionally been made from cereal grains such as wheat, rye, wheat, oats, corn, and others. For grazing cattle on tropical grasslands, mola-sses is a common energy source. Agri industrial bypro-ducts supplements with rough age-based diets, parti-cularly in the dairy cattle production practice for milk outcome. Blending with high-energy blends or other concentrates is determined by the quality and pro-duction level of the base fiber. Agni-Industrial by-products can be used by blending two or more ingre-dients to make a concentrate at home, or by using a single gradient. These are of special value when feed-ing cattle primarily in urban or suburban dairy cattle production practice, or in situations where animal per-formance is relatively likely and high nutritional requirements are required (Schlecht et al., 2019). These by-products are more in energy and/or protein have lit-tle roughage content, high digestibility, & high energy levels compared to other feeds (Tonamo, 2016). Most grains are low in calcium and can be important when feeding huge levels of grain early in lactation, where milk fever is a highly problem. The return of milk to supplementary feeding varies greatly where these Responses depend on lactation, supply quality, pasture quality, pasture substitution, and sto-rage density (Castle and Gil, 1983). Fat supplements Fat is a con-centrated form of energy containing up to 35 MJ/kg Dry Matters. Some farmers cook fats and tallow in grain-based concentrates. Milks response to fat supp-lements is on the imperative of three liters of milk, with every one pound of fat increasing the fat test by 0.3%. Since the limited ability of animals to digest fat in the lower gastrointestinal tract, there is an upper limit to the usage of bypass fat. When using bypass fat, the total dietary fat should not exceed 7%.
Fat comes from the following sources: one over three (plant source, Vegetable oil, and one Bypass fat). The addition of fat to a dairy cows feed generally increases milk yield (when feed energy is limited) and increases milk protein yield, but milk protein concentration usually decreases by little percent. The metabolic pro-cesses that contribute to this reduction in milk protein concentration have received considerable attention, but the mechanism may still be unknown (Schingoethe, 1996; Wu and Huber, 1994). Rumen-protected fat supplements have a positive effect on milk production when concentrates are added at a level of less than 4-kilogram dry matter/day milk yields smaller than thirty kilograms per day (King et al., 1990). Farmers in in-dustrialized countries often give fat supplements to provide extra energy, but some fats are specially treated to bypass rumen digestion. The amount of fat in the lumen can cover fiber in the feed and reduce fiber digestion if you eat too much. It was fed to high-yielding cows above 30 Liter per day early in lactation (Moran, 2005).
Protein supplement
The nutritional value of some high-protein dietary supplements is urea, cereal legumes, and animal and plant protein meals. Urea is a popular source of nitro-gen, nonetheless, it is not a protein. It has no energy value and can be 100% degradable within the rumen. It is primarily used as a substitute for the actual protein source in feed mixes and pellets. Urea is only effective when supplied in a mixture with energy bases such as grain fruits and corn silage. It is recommended that urea only be fed to animals that have a fully fun-ctioning rumen and at a maximum rate of 1 percent of complete dry matter ingestions. Grain legumes are multipurpose; they are good sources of both energy and protein. However, their protein is very degradable in the cattle stomach. Fish meal has the highest supply of un-degraded protein and a good balance of amino acids for milk production. Protein meals from plants generally have only moderate levels of un-gradable protein. The amino acids supplied in the protein of oil-seed meals do not match the requirements of lactating cows the amino acids are supplied from animal sou-rces. According to feeding research in Australia, milk outputs from protein supplements can be up to one point five liters per kilogram complement, which is significantly higher than milk responses from equal weights of cereal grains. When energy is first const-rained, the outputs are often drastically lower. In most cases, energy is the primary constraint to milk pro-duction from tropical pastures (Royal and Tseffery, 1992). Protein supplements offer equivalent milk res-ponses to an identical amount of cereal grains when energy is limited, and extra nitrogen is transformed into ammonia and expelled as urea. The protein level of the diet becomes limited for milk production as the energy supply from cereal grains increases. With very small alterations in yield, proteins supplementation can enhance milk production (Kayo et al., 2019).
Mineral supplements
In providing good dairy farmers should consider min-erals in addition to protein, energy, water, and others nutrients when feeding their cows. Minerals are essen-tial for optimal reproduction, immunity, and cows milk, even though they are only required in small amounts (Moate, 1987). Minerals are classified into two classes based on how much is required. Macro minerals are needed in greater quantities, whereas micro minerals are needed in lower quantities. The macro minerals needed include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfur. Required trace minerals include iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine, and selenium. Micro minerals are obtained by cows from the fodder intake (Yadessa, 2015). However, feed & grains do not deliver enough feed, because to meet the level of requirements mine-rals should be added to the ration. For example, a lack of selenium can lead to retained placenta. These mine-ral supplements are taken by various parts of Ethiopian dairy farmers.
The amount provided and the animal species given this mineral need further study for proper ration prescri-bing. Similarly, the report of Belay et al. (2012) stated that the majority of dairy cows were supplemented with common salt in West Shewa Zone. Additionally, in eastern Ethiopia, it is also acceptable to provide dairy cattle with minerals such as salt, which provides to animals during the rainy season (Berihu et al., 2014). Milk production was most affected by the ingestion of minerals when there were balanced sup-plements (Hall, 2019). Minerals should only be re-plenished if the deficiency is corrected. The percent-age of farmers using other mineral sources for dairy cattle feeding in the highland was higher than in the mid and lower land, which might be because of the readiness of the mineral sources in that particular area (Hall, 2019). Therefore, supplementing essential mine-rals to dairy cow feeds increases milk productivity.
Forage and fodder conservation for milking cow
Because rain-primarily based totally pasture and fod-der manufacturing is seasonal, there are instances of lots and instances of scarcity (Mugwika, 2019). It is accordingly vital to preserving the extra to be used in instances of dry season scarcity. The aim of conser-vation is to reap the most quantity of dry depend from a given vicinity and at the surest level for usage thro-ugh animals. It additionally permits for a re-increase of the forage (Mubiru et al., 2013). The important met-hods of holding fodder are through making hay or making silage and barely in fodder financial institution form (Anderson, 1981). Fodder vegetation has the prospect to be a vital complement to pastures over the summertime season and autumn. Some dairy farmers have additionally sown fodder vegetation in autumn to try and fill the iciness feed gap. Some forage vege-tation may be poisonous at sure degrees of deve-lopment.
Therefore, their grazing controls take to be mentioned with nearby dairy officials and consultants. In the pre-vious, oats have been the handiest fodder crop gen-erally grown as an iciness feed, regardless of the fact that theyre now no longer nicely tailored to grazing. Now it miles not unusual place exercise to over sow paddocks with annual ryegrasses or to sow ryegrasses as a feed crop due to the fact theyre higher tailored to grazing through cattle (Moate, 1997)
Silage supplements
Silage is a type of high-moisture fodder that is kept via fermentation in an oxygen-free environment. These are fodders that, if left to dry, would lose their quality. Grass, fodder sorghum, green oats, green maize, or Napier grass can all be used to make silage. Stages of harvesting: When Napier grass reaches a height of around one meter and has a protein level of around ten percent, it is ready to harvest. Corn and millet should be collected when the grains are in the batter phase, or when it is milky. Corn and millet grains have enough water-soluble carbohydrates at this point. When ensi-ling Napier grass, however, molasses must be added to raise the sugar level & increase silage quality (Kumar, 2019). If pasture is limited low pasture allowance corn silage supplementation to cows grazing may boost milk output; however, if pasture is available adlibitum high pasture allowance milk production may not alter or may decline (Stojanovic et al., 2014). Various types and amounts of hay supplementation reduced pasture dry matter intake, but the effect on total dry matter intake was dependent on the Substitution rate values: with a lower Substitution rate (0.33), maximum dry matter consumption enhanced, and with a higher Substitution rate (0.81-0.97), higher dry matter feeding was related (Bargo et al., 2003).
Effect of feed supplementation on the milk quality
Supplementation of different feeds increases the con-tent in milk like as fat, protein, solid not fat, comp-lete solids, concentration and lactose (Martono et al., 2016). Chemical composition, particularly milk fat level is used as quality test. Protein and Milk fat are most important components of different varieties of most shelf stable milk products. It is therefore very significant to decide the major chemical compositions of milk by supplementing high quality feeds (Haile, 2015). Depending on the milk production performance level, the same amount of dry matter intake may not result in the same milk quality and yield. Milk pro-duction performance relates to the nutritional content of dairy cattle feed, particularly protein quality (Sus-anti and Marhaeniyanto, 2007; Martono et al., 2016). Cotton seed cakes supplemented milk fat and protein yields were much greater than other treatments without a concentrate supplement and cows fed clover and Sorghum Stover (Morrison and Pattersonhe, 2007; Broderick and Sterrenburg, 1996; Anila and Muham-mad, 2009; Matovu, 2016). All milk production cha-racteristics were affected by genotype; high value cows had the highest milk output, fat, nutrients and carbohydrate concentrations, whereas low value cows had the lowest milk fat, nutrients, and lactose concen-trations (Kennedy et al., 2003; Xue et al., 2011).
Concentrate Feeding
In Jersey breed feeding of concentrates did effect in maximize production of milk, butterfat and protein per lactation and a higher condition score. The butterfat and protein percentage of milk was not affected by the feeding of concentrates over two lactations (Meeske et al., 2006). Concentrates high in energy are feedstuffs such as grain, brans from different cereals, maize and middlings while Concentrates rich in protein include noug seed cake, cotton seed cake, brewers and Grains (Wayu et al., 2021). How much protein and energy a concentrate mixture should contain will depend on the quality of the supplement roughage and the level of production (Negash, 2018). As a rule of thumb, 1 kg good concentrate will improve milk production by 1.5 kilogram (Yator, 2018).
Open forage feeding
According to Kalac, (2010) found that milk from cows grazed or fed fresh forage, particularly from species-rich grasslands or forage legumes, has a higher ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids (FA) and a high amount of nutritionally valuable trans-fatty acids than milk from cows fed silage or hay. A grazing-based low-input feeding approach boosts the proportion of beneficial FAs (Frelich et al., 2009; Davis et al., 2020). Additionally, Multi-nutrient supplement that raises milk productions and sustains the persistence of productions extended. The high quantity of crude fibers resulted in feed decrees, however when dairy cows were fed forage feeds containing up to 17 per-cent in terms dry matter, milk quality and output improved (Suharyono et al., 2018).
Supplementing Concentrate and roughage ratio
Diet can alter the fat and milk protein content of milk. Generally, less roughage and high energy feeds will encourage higher fat content with a little increase in protein content to provide a higher protein to fat ratio (Schroeder, 2012). Milk SCC is found to be higher than those observed under low concentrate feeding. Some amino acid content may be low while others may high under prolonged feeding of concentrate. Similarly, other scholars reported that the highest concentrated diet might have an important impudence on mammary health (Xie et al., 2017). It is recom-mended to feed animals at a 40:60 concentrate to roughage ratio in order to improve the level of milk composition percentage and yield (Salamon, 2006). furthermore, the Supplementation of feed increased milk fat content contents this means fatty acids in the diet can be transferred directly into milk fat formation regulates milk yields & quality (Pramono et al., 2017).
Nutritional supplementation slightly but significantly increased the contents of casein protein, lactose, and
fat while frequent milking increased carbohydrate (lactose) and fat but not protein (Fardet and Rock, 2018; Sorensen et al., 2008). When high volumes of grain are fed, buffers added to the diet help lower the acid load produced on the rumen. The principal buffers indicated are sodium bicarbonate, magnesium oxide, or a mixture of both (Michael et al., 2001). A short summary of Feed Supplementation on dairy cattle pro-ductions and Milk Quality in above Table 1.