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Dr. M. Kabir Hassan


Dept. of Finance and Economics

University of New Orleans

New Orleans, LA 70148

United States

Deputy Editors-in-Chief

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Md Shah Alam, PhD


Dept. of Accounting and Information Systems

University of Rajshahi

Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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Dr. Md. Zahangir Kabir


Dept. of Management

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

Dinajpur, Bangladesh

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Dr. Sheikh Abdur Rahim


Southeast Business School

Southeast University

Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

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Dr. Md. Abu Issa Gazi

Associate Professor

Department of Management

School of E-Commerce

Jiujiang University

Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China

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Dr. Taslima Akther

Associate Professor

Department of Accounting & Information Systems

Jagannath University

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Mohammed Ziaul Hoque

Associate Professor and PhD Fellow, UiT (Norway)

Dept. of Finance

University of Chittagong

Chittagong Bangladesh

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Dr. Tanvir Abir

Associate Professor

College of Business Administration

International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Sumon Kumar Das

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Business Administration

Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali, Bangladesh

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Amine Ben Hadj Hassine

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Business Administration

Arab East Colleges

Al Qirawan, Riyadh

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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M. M Nasimuzzaman

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Management

Faculty of Business Administration

Islamic University

Kushtia, Bangladesh

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Dr. Samuel Afranie

Assistant Professor

Operations and Logistics Management

University of Lincoln

Hull Brayford Pool, LN6 7TS, UK

Associate Editors

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Dr. Tanvir Mohammad Hayder Arif


Department of Finance

Faculty of Business Administration

University of Chittagong

Chittagong, Bangladesh

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Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Mia


Dept. of Management Information Systems

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Abdul Kader Nazmul

Associate Professor

Faculty of Business Administration

American International University-Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Dr. Hala Fawzy Mohamed Eid

Associate Professor

Educational Planning and Management 

Academic and Quality Dean 

Bisha University, Saudi Arabia

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Mr. Masud Rana

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Finance & Banking

Pabna University of Science and Technology

Pabna, Bangladesh

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Md. Shakhaowat Hossin

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Finance and Banking

Begum Rokeya University

Rangpur, Bangladesh

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Dr. Md. Miraj Hossen

Associate Professor

Department of Management Studies

Faculty of Business Studies

Jagannath University

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Dr. Serena Aktar

Assistant Professor 

Department of Business Administration

Northern University, Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Dr. Muhammad Ilyas

Assistant Professor

Department of Finance

Institute of Business Studies & Leadership

Abdul Wali Khan University

Mardan Pakistan

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Md. Toriqul Islam Jony

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Management

Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Trishal, Mymensingh


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Naheem Mahtab, CPA MIPA AFA

Assistant Professor

Department of Accounting

Independent University Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Dr. Olushola Ibikunle Fashola

Lecturer, QA Higher Education

Accounting and Business on programs

Greenwich School of Management

Meridian House, Royal Hill

Greenwich, London

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Dr. Shabir Hussain Khahro

Associate Director, Teaching & Learning Center

Dept. of Engineering Management

Prince Sultan University

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Editorial Board Members

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Dr. Sumon Das


Department of Management

Faculty of Business Administration

University of Dhaka

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam


Dept. of Business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

Sylhet, Bangladesh

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Dr. Muhammad Kamruzzaman

Associate Professor and Head

Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Business Administration

Times University Bangladesh

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Dr. Jalel Euchi

Associate Professor 

College of Business and Economics (CBE) 

Qassim University 

Buraydah 52571, Saudi Arabia

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Zahed Mannan

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Bangladesh Open University

Gazipur, Bangladesh

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Md. Mosharraf Hossain

Assistant Professor

Department of Management Studies

Comilla University

Cumilla, Bangladesh

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Md. Al-Amin

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Management Information Systems

Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali, Bangladesh

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Md. Azim

Assistant Professor and Coordinator

Department of Business Administration

World University of Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Yenesew Alene

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Tourism & Hospitality Management

University of Gondar

Gondar City, Azezo Kebele 20


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Dr. Sarfraz Hussain

Assistant Professor in Commerce 

Department of Higher Education 

The Government of the Punjab 

Lahore, Pakistan