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Instructions to Authors

Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG) is an independent academic publisher with an editorial team comprising many of the world's leading academicians and researchers to provide a forum for the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge. The UniversePG publishes high-quality reviews, research articles in all areas of research and its allied disciplines provided they demonstrate new findings of relevance to the field as a whole. Authors are expected to adhere to the standard with respect to publication ethics, any cases of ethical misconduct are treated very seriously for publication.

The acceptance criteria for all articles are the quality, originality of the research work, the validity of data, reproducibility of results, and papers that demonstrate new findings of relevance to the field as a whole and its significance to our readership will be considered, and accepted for publication. UniversePG accepts submitted papers on the condition that they have been submitted only to the UniversePG journal, that they have not been published already, and are not under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere globally.

All the authors must have agreed to the submission of the final manuscript, the order of their names on the title page, and the contributions of all people involved in the research have been properly acknowledged. They also must have accorded that the corresponding writer may act on their behalf all over the editorial review and publication tasks of the article. To avoid any possible dispute during the process, changes to authorship after submission should be accompanied by signed statements of agreement from all the authors involved. However, please mark that changes in authorship are not granted after a manuscript has been received in the journal.

The authors should declare that all text, data, figures/tables, or other illustrations presented in the manuscript are completely original and wherever such material has been included, proper citation is included in the reference section and also affirm that the work does not violate any proprietary or personal rights of others. Any cases of ethical misconduct are treated very seriously. All individuals have special rights that are not to be infringed. Individual participants in studies have the right to decide what happens to the identifiable data gathered from them during the study. The manuscripts that include information about contributors and written informed accord for the publication of these must be gained from all the study participants.

Preparation of Manuscript

Manuscripts submitted for publication should meet the following criteria: validity of data, clarity, conciseness, reproducibility of results, and compliance with typescript requirements. In discussing the results, it is mandatory to set forth a sound conclusion on the novelty of the materials submitted for publication in the journal.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted online or by email in a Word file only. The authors must provide an email address as all correspondence, notifications, and comments regarding the manuscript will be through email.

Covering letter

The cover letter must contain a statement that the content is submitted only to the UniversePG journal and has not been published already, neither it is under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. All authors acknowledge that they have substantially participated in research work and in the preparation of the manuscript and do not contain any material taken from other copyright sources and wherever such material has been included, proper citation is included in the reference section without any conflict.

Article Checklist for the Final Submission -

Editorial Review and Acceptance

Manuscripts should be written in an order that is easily understandable to the professional reader and it should be clear and concise. All of the contributions will be initially assessed by the editor for their suitability. The editor reserves the right to modify typescripts to eliminate errors and repetitions and improve communication between the author and reader. An article may be accepted in its original form or subject to revision. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.  The Editor reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted article. The Editor’s decision is final for publication. The authors must provide an email address as all correspondence, notifications, and comments regarding the manuscript will be through email.

Manuscripts Accepted for publication

Galley proofs for an accepted article will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author for final corrections. The core content of an article can’t be changed during galley proofreading; only corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors. Authors are advised to check their proofs very carefully before returning since the subsequent changes are not acceptable. The proofs should be corrected and mailed to the Editorial office. Copyright on an open-access article published in UniversePG is retained by the authors. Authors also allow any third party the right to utilize the manuscript freely as long as its solidarity is sustained and its real authors, citation details, and publisher are also identified.

Publishing Rights

UniversePG allows its authors to retain publishing rights without any restrictions.