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Original Article | Open Access | Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 2022; 4(2), 26-38 | doi: 10.34104/ijavs.022.026038

Reflective Critical Thinking on Education and Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ferri Susanto Mail Img ,
Md. Rasel Hossain* Mail Img Orcid Img ,
Mst. Sadia Arefin ,
Md. Badiruzzaman


The purpose of this research was to find out Reflective Critical Thinking of Teaching in Class Discussion Learning in the new normal period in the midst of the Pandemic Corona Virus Disease 19 at the Science, Business, Sharia Faculty for the 2021-2022 academic year. Applying critical thinking skills is a challenge for lecturers to find effective teaching alternatives. Qualitative methods and quantitative descriptions were used because the results of the observation and interview processes in the form of percentage values, field notes, and interviews were analyzed. Observational data reveal positive behaviors, ideas, and feelings. Focus on experiences, feelings, and re-evaluation of experiences/ events/ phenomena. Making conclusions or reflective critical thinking commitments that have been carried out by students in class discussions. Perform verbal reasoning, arguments, and decision making. Open questionnaire and interview data revealed the application of Reflective Critical Thinking in class discussions. The results of the research indicated that the discussion class on teaching still lacks the application of reflective critical thinking practices. The impact of the pandemic has resulted in rigidity in learning. This research provides suggestions that Reflective Critical Thinking could be used as a teaching solution in the new normal period.


The massive spread of the Corona Virus has changed the habitual life, including the education, which has undergone major changes, which as long as it was done face-to-face, when the COVID-19 pandemic was growing rapidly, forced changing learning habits to be online. Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus spread very quickly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months. So that on March 11, 2020, WHO declared this outbreak a global pandemic. The spread of this virus has caused several countries to set policies to impose lockdowns to prevent the spread of the corona virus. In Indonesia itself, the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy was implemented to suppress the spread of this virus (Azanella L. A,  2020). So in April - May 2022. The Government pro-vides leeway for the world of education, in order to be able to do face-to-face for meetings, but still around 60% online and 40% offline, this is a new change in the education of the midst of a pandemic.Online learn-ing method is a government policy to suppress the spread of the Corona Virus. The online learning method is a government policy to suppress the spread of the Corona Virus. However, this policy certainly requires more mature readiness, especially Internet net work facilities. Online learning that requires media such as cellphones, laptops, or computers means that it certainly requires a large additional cost and feels burd ened by students and lecturers. Online learning system (on the network) is a system without face-to-face learning between lecturers and students but it is done by online using the internet network. Lecturers must ensure that teaching activities continue, even though students are at home. The solution, lecturers are re-quired to be able to design learning media as an inno vation by online. This is an accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Educational Policies in Emergencies for the Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) (Nahid, 2021). 

The learning system is carried out through a personal computer connected to an internet network connection. Lecturers can study together at once by using groups on social media such as messenger, gogglescholar pro-gram, instagram, zoom application or other learning media.Thus, lecturers can also ensure that their stud-ents are taking part in learning, even though they are in different places. A policy from the Government that moves quickly should be needed in order to be able to solve the problem of online learningwhich has many obstacles, especially on campuses that are outside the reach of the Internet, even if there is a problem with the internet signal,the government should open a free online application service by collaborating with inter-net providers in order to help smooth the online learn-ing process. It must also prepare a curriculum and online-based learning syllabus that is made holistic-ally. For universities that need technical guidance on the online implementation process and to disseminate information to students and the public, they can use social media as a tool to provide information about the procedures for implementing online learning that based on their roles and duties. Some lecturers on campus admit that online learning is not as effective as conve-ntional learning activities (face to face), because some materials must be explained directly and more fully. 

According to online teaching experience, this system is only effective for giving course assignments, but not for course explanations. Suarno, (2009) stated that education is an important thing for individuals, society and a nation. In fact, many countries make regulations or laws regarding education. Because the good educat-ion system will be able to produce human resources who have high competitiveness. In addition, these gra-duates will become leaders and successors of the nation, so that education in a nation can develop, and the nation will continue to develop science and tech-nology for the progress of the nation and state in the future. For this reason, the government can develop critical thinking skills in the world of education so that it can bring potential benefits to the quality of life of the nation and country. Today, It is a powerful tool to prepare students for the workplace, especially because it is closely related to important skills such as analysis and evaluation. In higher education, critical thinking is highly desired, even considered as a top priority. (Dji-wandono and Wuryani, 2009) stated that students in higher education are required to think critically, train-ing is needed for students to apply their critical think-ing. Egege and Kutieleh, (2004) found that Asian stu-dents tend to lack a critical attitude and awareness of the principles of critical thinking. (Fisher & Scriven, 1997) Critical thinking is a mental or intellectual pro-cess related to skills in making understanding or con-cepts, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluat-ing. Critical thinking needs to be developed to analyze arguments and generate insights and develop cohesive and logical reasoning patterns. Liliasari (2003) in criti-cal thinking students should be able to ask questions, compare, argue and present what they learned during class learning. According to the survey in 2021-2022, in general 88.5% of students at the science, business, sharia faculty still think that mastering materials and concepts are more important than developing thinking skills. Thinking is an activity done by the brain in processing information obtained from the five human senses. Someone thinks to form concepts, reason, think critically, make decisions, think creatively, and solve problems (Rahman et al., 2021; Islam et al., 2021). 

The kinds of thinking, one of them is reflective prac-tice. Aaccording to King and Kitchener, (1994) invol-ves understanding and encouraging intellectual growth and critical thinking in adolescents and adults. This model is based on the theory of (Dewey, 1964) about the concepts of reflective thinking and epistemological problems resulting from efforts to solve structured problems. Reflective practice is meaningful thinking, which it is based on reason and purpose. By doing reflection, the students could develop thinking skills by connecting the knowledge that obtained with previous understanding to solve new problems. The reflective practice does not depend on students knowledge alone, but how they  use the knowledge and  they al-ready should solve their problems that they face. If students cando that so that they can achieve their goals, then they did a reflective thinking process. That is, basically reflective thinking is the ability of students to choose the knowledge that they already have and are stored in their memory to solve any problems they face to achieve their goals. This phenomenon, the authors are interested in writing research on". Reflective Cri-tical Thinking on Teaching English during the Covid-19 pandemic (Hasan et al., 2021; Symum et al., 2021).

Theoretical framework

Critical thinking is something that must develop continuously and focus on what is believed and done reflectively. Ennis, Robert H (1962) stated that Focuse on deciding what to believe or exclude, critical thin-king tools are reflective tape thinking processes that focus on deciding what to believe to do. These means that in a critical thinking tool it is directed solely at formulas that meet certain criteria to be done. Critical thinking tool is an ability and disposition to critically evaluate a belief, what assumptions underlie it and the basis of the view of life in which these assumptions are located (Paul, 1993). Critical thinking as thinking that facilitates decisions because it is based on real, self-correcting and substantive criteria in context (Lipman, 1995) Critical thinking is a reflective, reasoned way of thinking that focuses on what decisions are made or believed. It  is a process to apply, relate, create, or evaluate the information collected actively and skillfully (Abraham, 2004) stated that Critical thinking is a meaningful process to direct oneself for making a decision. This process provides a variety of reasons for consideration in determining appropriate evidence, context, conceptualization, methods and criteria (American Philosophical Association, 1990). Halpern, (1998) made the taxonomy of critical thinking skills, namely: verbal reasoning, argument analysis, thinking skills, decision making skills, and problem solving skills. Individual characteristics that support a person to think critically as quoted by Duldt-Battey, BW. (1997) among others are truth-seeking, open-minded-ness, analytical, systematic, self-confident, curiosity, and maturity.  (McPeck, 1990) put forward the opinion that critical thinking or focus. It is for a particular discipline upon which it relies on thorough knowledge and comprehending of the content anddiscipline epistemology; critical thinking is a way of providing argument for the assessment of important component of the ministrys dispositional domain; Jane Roland Martin emphasizes on the study of character related to critical thinking shows that Motivation could be shaped in a moral perspective, especially certain values. The definitions above show that critical thinking is a human being which is a normative concept. 

Critical Thinking

These included recognize assumptions, evaluate argu-ments, and draw conclusions. Paul and Elder, (2008) stated that the socratic method has been demonstrated for ages as the most powerful teaching method for enhancing critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is really important for classroom, discussion class, and especially for daily life (Ornstein et al., 2011), but teaching and evaluation of criticalthinking in the current collegiate environment and curricula are insufficient. Gupta (2005) stated thateach year the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking (NCECT) (2017) meets to discusscritical thinking. NCECT states that critical thinking is defined by an intellectually disciplined process ofactively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthe-sizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from,or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, rea-soning, or communication, as a guide to belief and-action.  Mason,  (2007) stated thatcritical thinking can be divided into the  three core skills are -

1) Curiosity is the desire to learn more information and seek evidence as well as being open to new ideas. Curious people are never content with their current understanding of the world, but are driven to raise questions and pursue the answers. The better you understand a particular topic, the better you will realize how much more there is to learn.

2) Skepticism involves being questioning about new information you have and not blindly believing everything that people tell you. It means you always demand evidence and dont simply accept what others tell you. At the same time, skepticism must also be focused inward!You should be just as skeptical of your own beliefs and instincts as you are of others.

Humility is a way of admitting that your opinions and ideas are wrong when faced with compelling new evidenceThis is closely connected to curiosity if youre arrogant and think you know everything already, then you have no reason not to understand. But a humble person always recognizes the limitations and gaps in their knowledge. This makes them more receptive to information, better listeners and learners. Hayes and Devitt, (2008) indicated that in early learners, critical thinking strategies are not extensively developed or practiced during primary and secondary education. 

Therefore, lecturers are obliged to help students de-velop the thinking skills needed to integrate the complex nuances of modern society. Dewey, (1910) stated that critical thinking in terms of reflective thinking, which is an uneasiness in accepting the status quo and that critical thinking is both an emotional and intellectual component. Students must, therefore, be taught to examine, poke, question, and reflect on what they have learned. Scepticism, questioning, and re-flection are essential. Dewey also stated that schools should have an intimate relationship with the com-munity it serves. Hager and Kaye, (2006) also stated that being an effective critical thinker makes a major contribution to being an effective teacher. In the Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level X, four crucial abilities are tested. Based on research on effective learning abilities, it shows that there are four important abilities: (1) inductive thinking; (2) assessing the credibility of the observation report; (3) deductive thinking; and (4) identification of assumptions.

The characteristics of critical thinking

Mason, M. (2007) stated that the aspect critical thin-king those pressed by some staff from local institutes its industrial activity among others -

1) Skill of reasoning critical of the increased ten-dency (as the ability to assess the relative good enough reason for detaining right ) .

2) disposition as an in the sense of critical attitude (are skeptical of it, tendency to ask questions seeking answers for the purpose of dropping) and commitment for being critical, or orientation moral blemish so as a criticall thinking .

3) Knowledge substantial certain content essen-tially and perfectly morally good from the thin-king criticalls concepts or a discipline particular discipline where is then capable of being thought critical of the increased tendency.

Good thinking skills are considered to be essential in contemporary higher education curriculum (Pithers and Soden, 2000). National government policy as well as employers are demanding that higher education enables graduates to think ‘smarter than was the case in the past. As a consequence, in virtually every aca-demic discipline, good thinking are adopted as an educational goal. Glen, (1995). Sataed that there is almost universal agreement that one of the defining characteristics of high education are some programmes of studies worthy of the name of it should offer students significant opportunities to develop critical thinking and creativity (Barnett et al., 1987). 

Reflective Practices

Reflective practice is a learning technique that requires a conscious effort to think about events and able to develop critical thinking.  It is illustrated as the process how to get a lesson through reflecting personal experi-ence. (Meanwhile & Bolton, 2010) stated that   reflec-tive practice   as   the   process   of   paying   critical at-tention to the practical values and theories which inform everyday actions, by examining practice of re-flection. Finlay, (2008) satated that Reflective practice is learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice. This research behind reflective practice, discuss the benefits and explore some practical examples. Throughout the unit, It  encourage you to think about how you can include reflective practice in your own classroom. Reflective practice is a process in which a person learns to eva-luate and improve himself in order to develop and progress further.There are many people who engage in reflective practice without doing so.Students are more likely to be back to their memories and analyze what went well and what didnt or what could be changed. Many students also reason that mainly why they tend to avoid intentional reflection on experiences because they tend to avoid evaluation or think too much about the negative side of the learning.In addition, many students do overthinking, this can also complicate reflection. However, for students, it is important to be able to engage in reflective practice, especially because it can help to be better and more facilitate in the learning process. Moon, (1999) offers a simplified explanation of what reflection is: It is a basic mental process with either a purpose, an outcome, or both, applied in situations in which material is unstructured or uncertain and where there is no obvious solution. Kemmis, (1985) who argues that “We are inclined to think of reflection as something quiet and personal. 

My argument here is that reflection is action-oriented, social and political. Its ‘product is praxis (informed, committed action), the most eloquent and socially significant form of human action.” There are many different opinions and options on what it is or how it should be done, but all of them try to prove the point that reflective practise should be at least considered as an option to help for improving. Reflective practice is an image that states the relationship between reflection and practice. Teachingand learning practice, this will only happen if students have the disposition to be reflective. (Perkins et al., 1993) stated that disposi-tional theory of thought for help frame the need for quality reflective dispositions. A reflective practitioner needs to have  a tendency, or feeling, to be reflective about their practice; sensitivity or awareness of per-sonal convictions, and on occasions or occasions when reflection is required; and the ability or knowing how to follow up reflection to develop future practice Re-flective practice (from teaching and learning) can then lead to the reframe of private theories that assimilate public theories and possibilities for future action. The underlying premise of reflective practice is that every reflection requires thinking that leads to be an action that depends on the outcome of the thought occurring.  Mewborn, (1999) suggests that action (practice) and reflection can be seen as a bridge across the gulf between educational theory and practice (p.317). Mewborn (1999) also highlight is an importance of individual reflection (introspective) and collective reflection so that probing and probing can encourage the reflective.

The benefits of reflective practice

Experience is one source of consideration for doing reflective in a teaching process. Schon (2015 ) stated thatreflective teaching practice is a continuous process and involves the learner thoughtfully considering ones own experience in applying knowledge to practice while being taughtby professionals.This is in line with the thinking of  Bartlett, (1990) which states that, "showing that being a reflective teacher involves moving beyond the primary concern with instructional techniques and "how”questions and asking "what" and "why" questions which consider managerial instruction and techniques notas an end itsself, but as part of a broader educational goal. Basically the process of reflection in teaching will certainly produce variesies of complex activities which are new ways to practice teaching or develop teaching skills. Reflective teaching is important in helping lecturers identify, develop, and strengthen what were implemented during the learning, so that it can periodically improve abilities and correct deficiencies. Ghaye, (2011: 1) suggests some of the benefits of reflective teaching include -

1) Reflective practice is a way of understanding the relationship between what we do and how we can increase our effectiveness. For example, re-flective practice can help us understand the importance of high-quality work, providing ideas, and voting in work. By reflection, new insights and under-standing can help us improve our actions.

2) Reflective practices also help us to understand the links between feeling, thinkingand doing. How feel affects and, how think. This affects what we actually do.

3) Reflection is often described as ‘structured or organized thinking. So whatmight you think about? Maybe about your feelings, because your work isinfluenced by emotions (e.g., how you feel and how you are working withyour feeling). Your work is also guided by what you are thin-king & the context inwhich you are practicing.

4) You can understand your practice by looking backwards, but work needs to bedone forwards. Looking back on your experiences and learning from them isimportant, but reflecting in the past can be limited by what we can rememberand  what happened. These arealso important to reflect on here and reflect not only on what happened or what we would like to do, buton what is happening now.

5) The power and potential of reflection is used to help identify, develop and strengthen what we can do. Contemplating the strengths we have but we need to first analyze the problematic aspects based on the situation/experience.We need to look at some aspects of success from our own experience. This can help us get rid of any negative feelings we may have associated with reflection.

6) Rreflection can be triggered by many things, one of which is a question. It is important to know the  difference between deficit-based questions (for example, what is wrong) & strength-based ques-tions (for example, what went well?). The latter can be called thepositive question. Strength-based reflective practice harnesses the power of positive questioning. Sparrow, T and Jo Maddock, (2006) stated that the benefit of reflective includes -

a) Reflective exercises create confident lecturers. They develop our ability to understand how our students learn and how best to teach them. Reflecting on the teaching, we can identify some of the learning barriers that students have and then we can re-teach some content that is not accessible to students and enable them to overcome some obstacles. Being ref-lective will ensure that we have a wider range of skills when we can find new ways to teach. This will increase our confidence in class. When we have found the best way to convey knowledge about a subject by doing reflection. We will develop the ability to solve problems especially in class. Through questions and changing the way we deliver lessons, and find new solutions and become more flexible . This allows us to take the time to assess and app-reciate our own teaching. Reflective exercises also help create student self-confidence.  As a result of reflection, They are challenged when you use new methods in class. From reflection, you should encourage students to take on new challenges in learning, develop a secure and confident knowledge base.

b) Reflective practice makes sure you are res-ponsible for yourself and your students.

c) Reflecting on your teaching will help you understand how students learn best. This allows us to take responsibility for their progress. An assessment of strengths and weaknesses in self-teaching will develop an awareness of the factors that control and pre-vent learning. The process of reflection will also help us to understand ourselves and the way we teach. By asking ourselves questions and self-assessment, we will understand what our strengths are and which areas may need development. Reflection aims to understand how we have helped others to achieve and what this looks like in a practical learning environment. By asking students thoughts and feelings about learning, take an active role in the learning cycle. Providing feedback will be able to create students who are self-aware and responsible. Once students begin to take an active role in the learning cycle, they become more aware of different learning styles and tasks. They become more aware of how they learn, developing the key skills and strategies to become lifelong learners.

d) Reflective practice encourages engagement reflective helps you challenge your own practice as you will justify decisions and rationalise choices you have made.

Techniques of Reflective Practices

Lewis Thomas dan Elaine B. Johnson.  (2014) stated that the process of using reflective learning systems in a classroom. The following ways -

1) Study Journal

2) Learning journals, students asked to keep a weekly journal where they record and com-ment on their experiences in the class. It takes  five minutes for students to write the journal and at the end of the lesson the journal is collected to the lecturers for comment.

3) Learning Partners (groups or collaboration)

4) Learning partners are useful for discussing ideas raised, exploring their own interests, exchanging ideas to give comments for each other. Collaboration is a grouping that occurs between living things that we knew. Colla-boration or joint  is a group process in which members support and relies on each other to achieve consensus. The classroom is an excellent place to build group (team) abilities, which you need. Collaboration can eliminate mental barriers due to limited experience and a narrow perspective so it will be more likely to find strenghts and weaknesses, learn to respect others, listen with an open mind, and build cooperative agreements. By working in small groups, you will be able to overcome various forms of obstacles, act independently and with full responsibility, rely on the talents or thoughts of each group member, trust others, express opinions and make decisions. Co-operation is an activity in groups to work on or complete a task together, in this collaboration usually occurs interaction between group members and has the same goal that can be achieved together. From some of the theories above, it can be concluded that cooperation is the desire to work together with other people as a whole and be part of a group in solving problem.

5) Learning Contracts

6) The using of contract learning in reflection learning has three stages

7) Before compiling an initial draft to be sub-mitted to students, it must focus on their ex-periences, their learning needs and how  learn well.

In dialogue with students, this conception of learn is discussed and a revised contract is produced. Before submitting their final learning outcomes, students asked in a contract to review their learning and how they can convey it to others. Self Assessment Sche-dule. The self-assessment schedule is used as a means of enabling students to bring together their various learning in a class, to reflect on their achievements and examine their implications for further learning. The researcher used Learning Partners (groups or cola-boration) techniques to Building Students Critical Thinking in Class Discussion Through Reflective Practice.


This research is qualitative and descriptive quantitative method because data were described by the percentage andit is also considered suitable for this study, with three considerations. First, by considering the function of qualitative design, namely to explore and under-stand the meaning of individuals or groups that are ascribed to social and humanitarian problems” (Cres-well, 2009). So the research explores and understands aspects about critical thinking that are reflected in the studentsdiscussion texts and how students processes contribute for critical thinking. The second con-sideration is that the data collected are useful for sol-ving students reflective critical thinkings problems. The data obtained is in the form of textual, so this design demands a more qualitative nature (Dornyei, 2007). The third consideration, the analysis carried out to provide answers to the questions posed in this research  that is interpretive which reflects the product of the researchers subjective interpretation of the data, which is based on empirical evidence captured in the data (Hatch, 2002).  Data analysis is an approach that includes a variety of techniques, and is used in dif-ferent business, science, and sociall domains (Sugi-yono, 2019). Sources of  Data Researchers have desig-ned research for 20 meetings in 4 classes, each of which was observed 5 times for each class as the main activity from  February 15 - July 23, 2022 when entering the new normal era in the midst of a pandemic on the academic force in 2021-2022 who are taking English courses are conducted randomly, namely one class of constitutional law study program with the total of 28 students, 2 classes of sharia economic law study program with a total of 46 students and 1 class of Islamic family law study program with the total of  26 students. So the total the number of students are 100. Data Collection Techniques and Instruments based on,  Observation is a method of collecting data by ob-serving or studying carefully and directly at the research location to find out what is happening or to prove the truth of a research design that is doing, an examination of the results of observations is done, by means of researchers designing an observation check-list in order toobtain valid data.The observation check-list was used to observe students activities while learning English.

Interview, according to Sugiyono, (2015:72) the inter-view isa meeting conducted by two people to exchange information or something ideas by means of questions and answers, so that they can be reduced a conclusion or meaning in a particular topic.The interview data were taken based on the results of the researchers interviews with lecturers who taught  English at the science, business, sharia faculty for the 2020/2021 academic year.

Field Note,during the observation, the researcher wrote all activities that were related to the core of the research, especially the student and lecturer activities in Learning English. Then, the field notes were analyzed as one source of reseach data.

Table 3: Field Note.

Research Procedureprovides the order of class activities, which covers the reflective practice implementation employed by students. A field notes and video recording were used to reveal the similar  activity for each meeting. In  overall,  each  activities  were based on the reflective practice framework proposed by Gibbs.
Gibbs Reflective Cycle
Gibbs Reflective Cycle was developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 to give structure to learning from ex-periences. It offers a framework for examining ex-periences, and given its cyclic nature lends itself particularly well to repeated experiences, allowing you to learn and plan from things that either went well or didnt go well.
It covers 6 stages -
a) Description of the experience
b) Feelings and thoughts about the experience
c) Evaluation of the experience, both good and bad
d) Analysis to make sense of the situation
e) Conclusion about what you learned and what did differently
f) Action plan is  how you would deal with similar situations in the future, or general changes you might find appropriate.
In analyzing the data (Metthew  et al., 1994) stated that the researcher will aplly the data analysis stages proposed by Miles and Huberman who propose three stages of data analysis, that are 1). data reduction;  2). data  display; & 3). drawing and verivying conclusion.
Data reduction
Data reduction occurs continually throughout the ana-lysis. It happenned through editing, segmenting and sumarizing the data. In the middle stages, it happenned through coding and memoing, and associating acti-vities such as finding themes, clusters, and patterns. In the later stages, it happenned through conceptualizing and explaining, since developing abstaract concepts are also the way of reducing the data.
Data Display 
Data display organize, compress and assemble inform-ation by displaying data through – graphs, charts, and diagrams.
Drawing and verifying conclusion
Reducing and displaying the data aim to help drawing conclusion. While drawing conclusions logically fol-lows reduction and displaying of data.
Processing Data Analysis


According to the Observation Checklist, Curiosity, stu-dents desire to find more information and seek evi-dence as good as being open to new ideas was only 30% critical thinking by asking something about the English material that discussed based on facts, students only accept. Students did not have a greater curiosity because English lecturers also have limitations to control one by one student who was studying. Looking for evidence and being open to new ideas is not done by students because students only listen to expla-nations given by lecturers reaching 70%, only 30% of students question information that was received in class. Questioning the evidence and not believing all the new ideas found in class are not done by students, because 70% of 100 students just listened and followed the lesson until the end. Skepticism, students who question new information that knewew and did not believe information blindly about everything that was said to him only reach 40%, so 60% of students did not want to get the information they just got, in other words they just accepted without criticizing andasking for details about the information about the lesson just described. This data showed that there was still a high sense of skepticism among science, business, sharia faculty students towards new information about les-sons. Humility, realizing that your opinions and ideas are wrong when faced with com-pelling new evidence. According to the facts, humility to accept the truth of other peoples opinions and realize that it was wrong only reaches 30% of students and 70% did not have ablity to accept the mistakes of their own opinions and it was difficult to accept the truth of other peoples opinions. All descriptions of the lack of Critical Thin-king diagram students can be seen in the following diagram.

The critical Thinking diagram of Students

According to the result From Interview, The res-earcher conducted interviews with lecturers who teach English to ensure answers by observation checklist that the researchers gave previously. The results of interviews that was conducted, researchers obtained data from 10 questions given to English lecturers based on 3 core critical thinking skills. The results of the interviews were similar to the answers given by observation checklist. The researcher conducted inter-views with English lecturers to obtain information about the application of critical thinking reflective exercises in class discussions.

The result from interview,curiosity, The lecturer who teaches English he said Critical thinking activities  were a bit less active because the COVID-19 pan-demic, students did a lot of learning activities from home. "So that students who had great curiosity, desire to learn more information and look for evidence and are open to new ideas only reach 45% of 100 students who study English and 55% only accept and remain silent without giving opinions and questions togiven material. Skepticism, based on an interview with a lecturer who teaches English he said “Questioning new information and not believing everything everyone says was one of the three cores critical thinking skills.Similar to curiosity, students skepticism was less than 66%, because not all students demanded evi-dence.”and only 34% of students who wanted to ask for new information and tried to believe the expla-nations and existing information. Humility, based on interviews by lecturers who taught English he said “In contrast to curiosity and skepticism, humility was practiced by all students in the class only reaching 33%, while humility is not still acknowledging that other peoples opinions and ideas are correct and when faced by new convincing evidence that states other-wise. Meanwhile, 67% of students are still not able to open themselves to accept opinions and ideas from others. The diagram depicting the percentage of inter-views conducted by lecturers.


Implementation of Student Reflective Exercises It was an English class activity, it is reflective practice carried out by students. Field notes were used to reveal similar activities for each meeting. Overall, every activity that was given, itis reflective as proposed by Gibbs (Boud et al., 1985). Meanwhile, did reflection exercises, students must involve a process called "reflection"? In this research, the general process of reflection was guided by (Boud et al., 1985, pp. 26-38). Meanwhile, the results of the research showed that students agreed with the practice of reflective techniques applied in class discussions. Ssequence of reflective exercises, which should be noted that students were guided to do three stages of reflection. In phase 1, students were informed to conduct class discussions. The main issue of some meetings was to discuss video documentaries by involving personal experiences. When engaged with experience, students manage to position their behaviors, ideas, and feelings. Furthermore in stage 2 students begun to practice reflection.This process involves three stages; returned to the experience, paid attention for feelings, and reevaluate the experience. In phase 3, see the reflection results. It generates conclu-sions and finds new perspectives on the topic of class discussion. The first stage, the lecturer opened the class by greeting the students. Then, he guides students to follow his instructions and explanations and uses reflective practice techniques. To remind again, so that students will look back / rethink what they experienced in the past, about what they saw from the activities they did. Then they developed the idea, write the con-cept. For example, if students have problems how to express their ideas in English with such words, stu-dents can ask their friends. Now, are you ready? (Field notes, February 15, 2021) From the statement above, the Lecturer began to inform that his activities would involve discussion and reflective practice. Students in this class learned and were familiar with the learning process. Implicitly, the lecturer asked students to express positive behaviors, ideas, and feelings while exploring their experiences. It aims to meet learning objectives taken from student experiences related to the topic of class activities.

In the second stage, the lecturer instructed the students to form groups and arrange the group positions. Each group consists of five students. Therefore, there were four groups. This activity lasts until the last minute of learning. After grouping, the lecturer instructed stu-dents to watch a documentary video about the dis-covery of shark fins that was prepared in advance and sent via Messengers group. The documentary video took about five minutes and contained explanatory text and vocabulary. Before watching, the lecturer again reminded the students about their activities would involve discussion and reflection exercises. Therefore, the lecturer asked them in order to pay attention and wrote down important information or questions. Lec-turers also reminded the students to consider the in-formation conveyed from videos, responses and reflec-tions of other students. After watching the video, the lecturer aimed to stimulate the students by asking their opinion about the video. It aimed to build a students reflective process, following the stages: returning to the experience, paying attention to feelings, and re-evaluating the experience (Boud et al., 1985). The lecturer asked, "What did you see from the video?" Then group 1 answered, “I thought that the purpose of this video was to inform us about the use of shark fins and what we could do or how to make things out of shark fins aandit also had many uses such as human food and cosmetic needs. I think so. (Field notes, February 15, 2021). There was no further response from the other groups. It seems they had to con-ceptualize what they wanted to say. It was time to reconsider what they wanted to inform. Therefore, the researcher gave them time to conceptualize their ideas by including personal experiences. During the process of thinking of ideas, some groups started using reflective exercises. Starting with the formation of reflection through communication between group members, or what is called "back to experience". With the guidance of researchers, the groups began to re-verse their understanding and experiences with sharks. They were seen discussing with group members. It seemed that each group was trying to remember what had happened and to keep past memories of shark fins in their thnkings. They told and reviewed their ex-periences that they saw, what information was related to the topic of discussion. The following was an illu-stration of the application of reflective practice in a class discussion situation. There was a discussion between the male students and the female students from group 1. The student said "Do you think that sharks dont have scales?". Male sstudents answered "no, skin" The discussion continued while students wrote the main points of their discussion in English. The student said, "Shark is the biggest fish, it eats other small fish". The other members immediately answered, “A: yes, right, B: right!”). Group 1 restated its opinion on sharks. He said, about sharks, I have watched it on television. I love learning about sharks because sharks have many benefits to humans, but some of them were very vicious. They can eat other animals. Do you know the movie about Finding Nemo? There are shark-like characters, but in this film its not too serious. Sharks can make friends with other animals. I really like this shark character. sharks could also be found in the ocean. Thats all. There was a statement from the second group, represented by the group leader. He said, “I thought the shark was an animal because it is so big. They are carnivores. I think thats all.” (Field notes, February, 15, 2021) This case arose when group 1 wanted to convey its statement to another group. This becomes a problem when the other person did not understand the statement. They felt that group 1 spoke English with difficult words and poor pronunciation. So, the lecturer reminded students to speak as simply and clearly as possible. With this experience, the members of group 1 immediately discussed their performance. It seemed that group 1 was suggested by the members to revise his statement and teach him to improve his pronunciation. This reflective exercise process is continued in groups at the same situation until it lasts approximately two hours of lessons. However, their concept continues to be deve-loped into the best form. They argued with each other, gave advice, and prepared to draw conclusions. Finally they arrived at the closing session where each group shared their experiences during the activity. As the final stage, the researcher provided explanations and additional information that related to thelearning material. When the class ends, the lecturer closes the class by saying goodbye and the class is dismissed. The findings above, they can be concluded that the general process of implementing reflective practice must involve reflection and discussion. Three phrases of   reflection concepts are represented by the above findings (Boud et al., 1985, 26-38). Meanwhile, class discussion provides the best medium for students did Gibbs reflection process (Boud et al., 1985, 92-93). That is, attending personal reflection through discus-sions that support them to learn critical thinking, because the findings of this research can be the key for suggestion that applied reflective practice is one of the right techniques to produce critical thinking.

Critical thninking for implementing reflective practice in class discussions has some reasons that includes verbal reasoning is one of the short taxonomies that lead to critical thinking skills. It includes the categories of essential skills needed to understand and defend against persuasive techniques embedded in everyday language. In its application, verbal reasoning can be seen in the form of giving statements, confirming statements, denying statements, and making con-clusions.Verbal reasoning in general is a general process that is used when critical thinking was done by students during this research. Students prefered to give statements rather than expression forms of reasoning. However, everything went well and some students were happy and wanted to try speaking English. Argu-ment is taxonomy of critical thinking skills. So this set of statements with at least one element of conclusion and one reason that supported the conclusion. In simple terms, this is a setting form of real life, a com-plex debated with experience, arguing with assump-tions, is a contradiction that provides its own chal-lenges. Another short taxonomy of critical thinking skills are decision making and problem solving. For some cases, all critical thinking skills are used to make decisions and solve problems, but this category is used to generate, select alternatives and judge between them. Creative thinking is classified in this category because it is important in generating alternatives and solving problems and having direction and purpose.In real life students express in the form of making deci-sions, identifying problems, providing solutions to problems. Students demonstrate their critical thinking process through making verbal statements, supporting statements with affirmations and denials. Short argu-ments can also test what other groups claim. Mean-while, decision making and thinking to solve problems showed how students learnt to conclude various ideas expressed during class discussions. They had demon-strated critical thinking and expressed it in speaking English with the main aim to participate in class discussions. The findings above prove that the reflec-tive practice in class discussions was very appropriate and useful to direct students for learning critical thinking.It is clear that reflection can trigger students to think more critically about what they were reflecting on. As previously explained, the reflection and class discussion is part of implementing reflective exercises to learn critical thinking. Rationally, these results of the research can be concluded that students expressed their ideas by means of critical thinking. As underlined (Choy, 2012) that critical thinking is social which requires reflection from the learner.


Reflective critical thinking for science, business, sharia faculty students is very necessary to be applied when learning English in class, this is proven by obser-vations, showing that students did not think critically by questioning all arguments and conclusions, students lack curiosity in class, lack curiosity found out more information from lecturers in class, information about questions that have just been received in class, just dont believe it all. New ideas that found in class were able to accept opinions and suggestions from others, but students were less able to provide solutions to others. According to the results of observations, it can be concluded that implemented  critical thinking reflective exercises in class, students were very inter-ested, because it involved personal experience, and questions all new ideas. We also knewew the many benefits of reflective practice. This could be a great and different way to teach English. So that students were very enthusiastic and interested in learning English. Critical thinking by questioning arguments and conclusions is mostly not done by students. The percentage also shows that most students did not have a greater curiosity because English lecturers were not able to control one by one the children who were studying. Looked for evidence and opened to new ideas were not done by many students because they only listened to the explanations that given by the subject lecturers. Only few students question infor-mation that had just been received in class and students did not simply believe all the new ideas discovered in class. Questioning the evidence and not believing all the new ideas found in class were not done by many students, because students only listened and followed the lesson until the end. Only few percent of students were willing to accept opinions and suggestions from others during learning hours. Humility admits when some students opinions and ideas are wrong. Pro-viding solutions to other people is not done by students during learning hours because students were less active in chat rooms. The results of this research, it is hoped that the active role of students and campus authorities will synergize in making special policies, especially to provide specific methods, techniques, and strategies to develop how to understand critical thinking, as well as the role of the government in order to pay more at-tention to intensify campus development, global nuances, able to master science and technology and build a strong nationalist character so as to produce the next generation that is able to compete in todays globalized world.


The authors would like to thank the support provided by Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu State Islamic Uni-versity and the authors would also like to thank the Faculty of Science, Business and Sharia for its support and participation. The authors were very grateful and gives sincere appreciation to all reviewers who have contributed their expertise and time to review our manuscript, to assess and evaluate articles submitted for consideration in the publication process; to be accepted in the journal publishing process. The authors would like to take this opportunity to thanks you for your efforts and expertise as a reviewer. We also really appreciate their dedication to helping me publish my research articles.


The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article. 

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Article Info:

Academic Editor 

Dr. Phelipe Magalhães Duarte, Professor, Department of Veterinary, Faculty of Biological and Health Sciences, University of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil.


February 20, 2022


March 22, 2022


March 30, 2022

Article DOI: 10.34104/ijavs.022.026038

Coresponding author

Md. Rasel Hossain*

Lecturer, Dept. of Statistics, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali, Bangladesh.

Cite this article

Susanto F, Hossain MR, Arefin MS, and Badiruzzaman M. (2022). Reflective critical thinking on education and teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 4(2), 26-38. https://doi.org/10.34104/ijavs.022.026038

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