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The Impact of Seasonal Changes on the Composition of Cow Milk in Jalalabad City, Afghanistan

Shakirullah Niazi1*, Mir Hatem Niazi1, and Shahidullah Niazi2

1Department of Animal Science, Nangarhar University, Jalalabad 2601, Afghanistan; and 2Department of Horticulture, Laghman University, Mehterlam City, 2701, Afghanistan. 

*Correspondence:  (Shakirullah Niazi, Department of Animal Production, Kabul University, Kabul 1006, Afghanistan).

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The study investigated the impact of seasonal variations on the components of cow milk in Jalalabad City, Afghanistan. A total of 80 milk samples were collected from six different local points within the city from January to August 2023. The research spanned two distinct periods: winter (January-February-March) and summer (June-July-August). During the winter, cows were fed hay, while in the summer; they grazed on green grass in pastures. Analysis revealed significant differences in fat content and titratableacidity between the winter and summer periods, with both factors being significant at the p<0.05 level according to paired t-test results. The study concluded that seasonal variations significantly affected the protein content, total solids, fat, and titratableacidity, with significance levels of p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively.

Keywords: Seasonal variation, Cow milk composition, Cow milk, Hay, Green grass, and Pasture.

Citation:  Niazi S, Niazi MH, and Niazi S. (2024). The impact of seasonal changes on the composition of cow milk in Jalalabad City, Afghanistan. Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 6(4), 70-74.

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