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The Effect of Music on People's Mental Health

Mehri Chogan1,2*

1Master's Degree in Ecology, Razi University of Kermanshah, Iran; and 2Bachelor of Iranian Composition, University of Culture and Arts, Lorestan, Iran. 

*Correspondence: (Mehri Chogan, Master's Degree in Ecology, Razi University of Kermanshah, Iran; and Bachelor of Iranian Composition, University of Culture and Arts, Lorestan, Iran).

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In the current study, music therapy as a way to reduce mental and physical annoying factors by listening to music has been investigated. For instance, it can reduce anxiety by increasing serotonin levels, and listening to music can also improve breathing so it can change drivers in individuals with mental disorders. Reducing the pain of giving birth via affecting factors such as stabilization of breathing and regularizing heartbeat, are some of the music effects on individuals’ bodies.

Keywords: Music therapy, Anxiety, Serotonin, Mental disorders, and Reducing pain of given birth.

Citation: Chogan M. (2023). The effect of music on people's mental health. Br. J. Arts Humanit., 6(3), 134-137.

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