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Application of Perturbation Method to Approximate the Solutions of Differential Equation

Salma Khatun1 and Md. Ashik Iqbal1*

1Department of Mathematics and Physics, Khulna Agricultural University, Khulna-9100, Bangladesh. 

*Correspondence: (Md. Ashik Iqbal, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Khulna Agricultural University, Khulna-9100, Bangladesh).

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We investigate the core features of the perturbation method with the help of some simple but sophisticated problems and demonstrate how much accurately it predicts the solutions of the problems. To fulfill the target, we use the method for getting the solution of differential equations with initial and boundary conditions. Then the results obtained are compared with the series solution and the exact/numerical solution by using Mathematica and Fortran Programming. The comparisons are shown graphically. Also, the perturbation series approximation and the exact or numerical solution are in good agreement. Our investigation shows that a certain number of terms of the perturbation series gives an excellent approximation than the same number of terms of the numerical solution.

Keywords: Perturbation method, Approximation, Houndary conditions, and Neumann boundary condition.

Citation: Khatun S., and Iqbal MA. (2024). Application of Perturbation method to approximate the solutions of differential equation, Int. J. Mat. Math. Sci., 6(3), 62-77.

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